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09-21 投稿


kilowatt 发音

英:['kɪləwɒt]  美:['kɪlə'wɑt]

英:  美:

kilowatt 中文意思翻译



kilowatt 词性/词形变化,kilowatt变形


kilowatt 短语词组

1、kilowatt hour ─── [化] 千瓦小时; 千瓦特小时; 度

2、kilowatt hours ─── 度;千瓦(特)小时

3、absolute kilowatt ─── [机] 绝对千瓦

4、Decibels Referred to One Kilowatt ─── 指1千瓦

5、kilowatt-hour meter ─── [电] 千瓦小时计

6、kilowatt-hours (kilowatt-hour ─── 的复数) n. 千瓦小时 [医] 千瓦[特小]时

7、kilowatt hour meter ─── 电度表

8、kilowatt-hour n. ─── 千瓦小时 [医] ─── 千瓦[特小]时

kilowatt 相似词语短语

1、kilobars ─── n.[计量]千巴(气压单位)

2、gigawatt ─── n.千兆瓦;十亿瓦特

3、kilobase ─── n.千碱基

4、kilobit ─── n.[计]千位;千比特

5、microwatt ─── n.微瓦特

6、kilobar ─── n.[计量]千巴(气压单位)

7、milliwatt ─── n.毫瓦特

8、kilowatts ─── n.[电]千瓦(功率单位)

9、kilobaud ─── n.千波德

kilowatt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Suntech said Aldar Properties selected it to supply more than 1,120 panels for a 292 kilowatt systems for the Shams Tower. ─── 尚德公司称,阿尔达房地产公司选择它为沙姆士塔的292千瓦系统供应1,120多块电池板。

2、The price of wind power has fallen from $2 per kilowatt hour in the 1970s to 5-8 cents now, compared with 2-4 cents for coal-fired power. ─── 风能电的价格也从1970年代的每瓦特2美元降至如今的5-8美分,而煤电也不过2-4美分。

3、Electrical production more than doubled to 621 million kilowatt hours. ─── 电力生产增加了一倍多,达到6.21亿千瓦小时。

4、Electric Power Construction in China Has Taken A Leap into A New Phase of Million Kilowatt ─── 我国电力建设跃进到百万千瓦级新阶段

5、Technical and Economical Analysis of the 300,000 Kilowatt Generating Set Built by China and the 350,000 Kilowatt Mitsubishi Generating Set ─── 国产30万千瓦机组与三菱35万千瓦机组技术经济分析

6、The cost per kilowatt hour of producing electricity; it includes the cost of capital, debt service, operation and maintenance, and fuel. which does not include transmission and distribution costs. ─── 即发电成本价,不含线损和配电损失。以前报导的美国核电成本价为1.82美分,即是这个价。

7、"China power grid security and ability to supply rising in recent years, with a total installed capacity has exceeded 700,000,000 kilowatt. ─── “中国电网安全水平和供电能力近年来不断提高,总装机容量已突破7亿千瓦。

8、In 1924 with a 735 kilowatt diesel submarines, made a power transmission diesel vehicles. ─── 1924年苏联用一台735千瓦潜水艇柴油机,制成一辆电力传动的柴油机车。

9、it's not as simple as using less salt or sugar as though you were cutting down on your kilowatt hours. ─── 但是健康饮食和电费单不同,这不仅仅是像减少千瓦时用电一样食用更少的盐或糖那么简单。

10、decibels above kilowatt ─── 千瓦分贝

11、Most produce electricity at a cost of between 10-20 pence (18-36 cents)per kilowatt hour (kWh), whereas electricity produced from natural gascosts around 4p/kWh. ─── 利用海浪发电的成本大多介于10至20便士(折合18至36美分)每千瓦时(KWh),而天然气发电的成本大约是4便士每千瓦时(4p/KWh)。

12、If taking the current average price for industrial electric power as 0. 76 Yuan RMB per kilowatt hour for the calculation, then the subscribed price is 0.795 Yuan RMB per kilowatt hour. ─── 以现在工业用电的平均价格0.76元计算,认购价后是0.795元每度。

13、Kilowatt hour meter assembly line Single-phase program control kolowatt hour meter calibrater ─── 电能表装配流水线程控电能表校验装置

14、"The gasoline engine for automobiles weighs about 6.17 kilograms per kilowatt, and gasoline engines for airplanes may weigh as little as 0. 77 kilograms per kilowatt." ─── 汽车用汽油发动机比质量为6.17公斤每千瓦,而飞机用汽油发动机的比质量小到0.77公斤每千瓦。

15、kilowatt - hour inward resistance ─── 电表内阻

16、single tariff kilowatt hour meter ─── 单费制电度表

17、kilowatt meter ─── n. 电力千瓦计

18、a kilowatt hour ─── 一度电

19、Only a few CSPV plants are in operation, including a 500-kilowatt test plant from the company SolFocus in Spain, but more are on the way. ─── 只有几个CSPV电厂在运营,包括西班牙索福克斯公司建造的一个500千瓦的试验电厂,但更多电厂正在建设当中。

20、takes just 1.5 kilowatt-hours (5.4 M J) energy to rotate the Wheel -roughly the same as boiling eight small domestic kettles of water. ─── 转动轮子只需要1.5千瓦时(5.4兆焦耳)的能量,这与使用8壶家用小水壶的能量大致相同。

21、Operating cost per incremental kilowatt of water power sation ─── 水电站增加千瓦运转费

22、Heat may be measured in terms of any unit that can be used to measure energy, such as the joule or the kilowatt-hour . ─── 热可以采用任何可以测定能量的单位,例如焦耳或千瓦小时。

23、3.3 Construction contents and scaleNew installed capacity of 6,000 kilowatt hydropower station. ─── 3、项目建设内容及规模:新建装机容量6000千瓦水电站。

24、FIT carrying Mitsubishi 2.0 displacement of 4 G94 engine, with 89 kilowatt / 5500 transfer and 168 Newton ?m / 4500 transfer of power output and torque output. ─── 飞腾搭载了三菱2.0排量的4G94发动机,拥有89千瓦/5500转及168牛顿?米/4500转的功率输出和扭矩输出。

25、Or, they could see a reduction in their electric bill by shifting some work to off-peak hours, when energy companies charge less per kilowatt. ─── 或者,他们可以看到他们减少电费,把一些工作繁忙时间,当能源公司收取每千瓦时少。

26、S.Department of Energy average of 11 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity.After that, I estimated my own household's average device usage. ─── 节约的每一度电都是来自于发电厂然后转化成少量的气候变化的二氧化碳从烟囱里飞了出去。

27、It also produces about 4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, enough to serve 1. 3 million people. ─── 同时,它也以每年40亿千瓦时的供电量惠及了130万美国老百姓。

28、kwh | kilowatt hour ─── 千瓦时| 千瓦特小时

29、In 1960, China's commercial sector consumed 302 million tonnes of coal equivalent (1 tce corresponds to 7,500 kilowatt hours).By 1980, this figure had doubled.By 2000, it had reached 1.3 billion tce. ─── 中国蓬勃发展的工业及其相应的能源消费的爆增和迅速的城市化,以及该国通过烧煤生产出本国大多数能源这一事实,极大程度上造成了其快速增长的温室气体排放。

30、Wuyuan is one of the first county groups with electrification in rural area.The total quantity of electricity from the small hydroelectric stations is 3.46 thousand kilowatt. ─── 婺源还是全国首批农村初级电气化县,小水电装机总量达到3,46万千瓦。

31、RF Excited Diffusively Cooled Packed Slab Waveguide Kilowatt CO_2 Laser ─── 射频激励扩散型冷却层叠式板条波导千瓦CO_2激光器

32、cost per kilowatt ─── 单位千瓦造价

33、Fuel-pump and fuel-mileage testers can be used to check the pump action and the kilometers per kilowatt that the engine is delivering. ─── 油量计和里程油耗计可用来检查油泵的运转情况和检测每公斤燃油所行驶的公里数。

34、A kilowatt is 1000 watt. ─── 一千瓦等于一千瓦特。

35、Through adjusting bear, managing with report, unified attemper and unite the overhaul, disentomb again latent capacity 260 thousand kilowatt. ─── 通过调整负荷、节约用电、统一调度和统一检修,又发掘潜力26万千瓦。

36、absolute kilowatt ─── [机] 绝对千瓦

37、" In the same year, PepsiCo conserved nearly 500 million kilowatt hours of energy worldwide as compared to 2006. ─── “在同一年,百事可乐保守近500 200万千瓦时的能源相比,全世界到2006年。

38、kilowatt hour ─── n. 千瓦小时

39、Motor-driven cargoboat is average carring capacity ton it is 395 tons, barge is average carring capacity ton it is 357 tons, push (procrastinate) average power is the boat 1000 kilowatt. ─── 机动货船平均载重吨为395吨,驳船平均载重吨为357吨,推(拖)船平均功率为1000千瓦。

40、An Electronical Advance Payment Kilowatt -hour Meter Which Remote Controlled By Infrared ─── 全电子式红外遥控预付费电度表

41、The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt. ─── 汽油机最重要的优点是每千瓦的质量较轻。

42、Total annual production of electrical energy used for light, power, heat and air-conditioning is over 2, 292,800 million kilowatt hours ─── 美国的发电量每年约达22928亿度,供电灯、动力、电热及空气调节等用途。

43、Where the watt is too small a unit, we many use the kilowatt. ─── 在用瓦作单位嫌太小的情况下,我们用千瓦。

44、kilowatt output ─── 输出千瓦

45、Kilowatt hour meter voltage-withstand tester Kilowatt hour meter going-number tester ─── 电能表耐压台电能表走字台

46、The many teeth difference cycloid gear drive now is widely used in the low transmission ratio and big power in kilowatt specifically. ─── 多齿差摆线针齿行星传动近几年来在小速比减速机上,特别是在大功率速比小范畴的使用过程中得到广泛的应用。

47、Decibels Referred to One Kilowatt ─── 一千瓦分贝

48、kilowatt loss ─── 千瓦损耗

49、decibel with reference to one kilowatt ─── 分贝计

50、This paper mainly describes the feasibility experiment, design and main functionof the two-hundred kilowatt power salt bath furnace. ─── 本文主要描述了对200千瓦盐浴铝钎焊盐浴炉的方案试验、设计及主要使用性能。

51、At last, The trial of mine sweeping by using kilowatt class fiber laser was presented. ─── 最后介绍了利用所研制的千瓦级大功率光纤激光器进行扫雷的试验。

52、Design of AC Motor for Dynamic Balancing Machine in Overspeed Room of Million Kilowatt Unit ─── 百万机组超速间动平衡机之拖动直流电动机设计

53、Available Resource of Global Wind Energy Estimated 72 Trillion Kilowatt ─── 全球风能资源评估计算可利用资源为72万亿千瓦

54、wattless kilowatt ─── 无功千伏安

55、In 1960, China's commercial sector consumed 302 million tonnes of coal equivalent (1 tce corresponds to 7,500 kilowatt hours). ─── 1960年,中国工商业部门的能源消耗相当于3.02亿吨标煤(一亿吨标煤相当于7500千瓦时)。

56、Re-sults show that the per kilowatt yield is high when rapeseed extruded by more percent... ─── 相反,小模孔、低转速、低温、低含水率的参数组合导致度电产量低。

57、Serial E~2PROM X25045 and Its Application in an IC Card Collecting Bill System of Kilowatt Hour Meter ─── E~2PROM芯片X25045在IC卡电度表中的应用

58、Enresa obtains fund from inside the surtax of every kilowatt hour of electrovalency. ─── Enresa从电价的每千瓦时附加税中获得资金。

59、Kilowatt per Annum ─── 千瓦/年

60、One kilowatt, two, then three. ─── 一千瓦,两千瓦,然后是三千瓦。

61、Horse-power and kilowatt conversion tables ─── GB/T4115-1983马力与千瓦的相互换算表

62、Kilowatt Fiber Lasers and Beyond Origin. ─── 标签:光纤激光器。

63、A unit of electric power equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour ─── 千瓦-小时电功率的单位,等于在一千瓦功率下一小时内消耗的功

64、kilowatt hour metre ─── 电度表

65、"With the electric car it's about 20 to 25 kilowatt hours to go in and back," he said. ─── 他说:“而开电动汽车,上下班往返一共耗电20至25千瓦小时。

66、A common misconception is that there is something inherently electrical about a watt or kilowatt ─── 通常有一个错误的认识,以为瓦和千瓦是专门用在电上的。

67、Yet it packs a hefty 288 horsepower (215 kilowatt) punch. ─── 但是它输出强劲的288马力(215千瓦)。

68、These are powered by a 1200 Kilowatt generator system and include 13 external communication systems operating through 50 antennas. ─── 这些设备由一个1200千瓦的发电机系统供电,包括13个外部通信系统,通过50副天线来进行工作。

69、And the energy used is predicted to exceed 100 billion kilowatt hours by 2011, with an annual cost of $7.4 billion dollars, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. ─── 据美国环境保护局的统计,能源使用预计到2011年将超过1000亿千瓦,每年的费用是740亿美元。

70、DBK decibels referred to one kilowatt ─── 千瓦分贝

71、They pay thirty fen per kilowatt hour. ─── 他们每度电付三角钱。

72、BTU function can convert BTU value to Kilowatt Hours for electric radiators and gas fires. ─── 仟卡功能可以转换瓦价值千瓦小时的电暖气和煤气火灾。Also calculates BTUs required to heat an entered volume. 还计算BTUs需要热量的输入量。

73、Since pursueing green illume project 1996, report of section of national accumulative total amounts to 45 billion kilowatt hour, be equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide to discharge 13 million tons. ─── 自1996年推行绿色照明工程以来,国家累计节电达450亿千瓦时,相当于减少二氧化碳排放1300万吨。

74、Kilowatt Isotope Power System ─── 千瓦同位素动力系统


76、kilowatt carbon dioxide laser ─── 千瓦级二氧化碳激光器

77、The farmer buys those who be used at agricultural production is big, medium-sized procrastinate machine (18 kilowatt above) overall 3 bag period are 1 year; Small-sized tractor is overall 3 bag period are 9 months. ─── 农民购买的用于农业生产的大、中型拖机(18千瓦以上)整机三包期为1年;小型拖拉机整机三包期为9个月。

78、integrating kilowatt hour meter ─── 积算电度表

79、You remember the last time gas topped $4-gallon and you want to do your part to save the world, one kilowatt at a time. ─── 你还记得最后一次天然气超过400加仑和你想做的事你要拯救世界,一千瓦一次。

80、The SOFC systems at the kilowatt stage have been adopted experimentally in army.The commercial progress of SOFC united by many countries are developed rapidly. ─── 千瓦量级的SOFC发电系统将在军方首先试用,多国联合的SOFC商业化进程正在加速实施。

81、At high noon on a cloudless day at the equator, the power of the Sun is about 1 kilowatt per square meter at the Earth's surface (Komp). ─── 在赤道,无云的天空中,正午时分地表能获得的太阳能大约为每平方米1千瓦(Komp)。

82、Diesel generators: capacity from 10 kilowatt (kWt) approximate volume of purchase - about 100 000 USD on regular basis. Siberian company is looking for reliable supplier of diesel generators. ... ─── 查看“机械及工业制品-锅炉及动力设备-发电机”:公司信息商品信息供应信息

83、The energy-efficient bulbs will help save billions of kilowatt hours of electricity and cut carbon dioxide emissions by millions of tons. ─── 这些节能灯泡将有助于节省亿万千瓦小时的电量并能帮助减少上百万吨的二氧化碳排放物。

84、Cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS ─── 度电成本

85、Tip: If you live for a year without a refrigerator, you'll save around $200 and 1, 200 or more kilowatt-hours of energy. ─── 小贴士:如果一年不用电冰箱,你会节省200美元左右,节省1200千瓦或更多的能量。

86、kilowatt of eletctric energy (KWE) ─── 千瓦电能








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