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systematized 发音

英:[ˈsɪstəmətaɪzd]  美:[ˈsɪstəmətaɪzd]

英:  美:

systematized 中文意思翻译




systematized 短语词组

1、systematized delusion ─── [医] 系统化妄想

2、systematized sales management ─── [经] 系统化的销货管理

systematized 词性/词形变化,systematized变形

动词过去式: systematized |动词过去分词: systematized |动词第三人称单数: systematizes |动词现在分词: systematizing |名词: systematization |

systematized 相似词语短语

1、unsystematized ─── 非系统化

2、systematizes ─── vt.使系统化;使组织化;将…分类

3、resystematized ─── 重新系统化

4、systematises ─── v.使系统化,使有秩序,使成体系(等于systematize)

5、systematize ─── vt.使系统化;使组织化;将…分类

6、systematizer ─── n.分类者;组织者;使体系化的人

7、systematised ─── v.使系统化,使有条理(systematise的过去式和过去分词,等于systematized)

8、systematiser ─── 系统化者

9、systematise ─── v.使系统化,使有秩序,使成体系(等于systematize)

systematized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords organic reaction;acid and base;electrade potential;generalized oxidation and reduction;systematized; ─── 有机反应;酸和碱;电极电势;广义氧化还原;系统化;

2、systematized innovative thinking method ─── 系统化创新思维方法

3、To determine type information of existing instances and type names of the ABAP type systemat runtime. ─── 要在运行时通过已存在的实例与类型名来检测的类型信息。

4、Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine(SNOMED) ─── 医学系统命名法

5、proliferating systematized angioendotheliomatosis ─── 增生性列序性血管内皮瘤病

6、When meeting the question, I will collect the information correlated with question first, and understand through systematized analysis the course solves the problem. ─── 当遇到问题时,会先蒐集与问题相关的资讯,透过系统化的分析理解过程解决问题。

7、Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematized and methodical. ─── 不知何故,这种早期对生命挥霍无度的迷恋,对潮湿、黏糊糊或令人毛骨悚然的东西的迷恋,变得系统化和有条理了。

8、systematized techniques ─── 技术体系

9、The study on new consumers has made a record of domestic systematized study of new consumers. ─── 本文对新消费者的研究,填补了国内新消费者系统化研究的空白;

10、A systematized way of analysis should be applied where cases of an object falling from a building are concerned. ─── 摘要对建筑物抛掷物致害应该采用侵权案例的体系化分析方法。

11、American life is, of course, unevenly mechanized and systematized, ─── 美国的生活当然是机械化制度化的不平均,

12、Natural science is a body of systematized knowledge which is accumulating at an almost surprising rate. ─── 自然科学是一种系统的知识体系,这种知识体系正在以几乎惊人的速度积累起来。

13、The Systematized Structure against Corruptions of Singaporean Government ─── 新加坡反贪污的制度化架构

14、The visual psychology has become more systematized and more perfect because of its theory being practiced by the modernism drawing. ─── 视觉心理学因为有了现代主义绘画对其理论的实践过程使其理论体系更加系统化、完善化。

15、The promotion of officers should also be systematized. ─── 军官的晋升也要制度化。

16、But there is difference between spontaneous and simple world Outlook,theorized and systematized world outlook. ─── 但有自发、朴素的世界观与理论化、系统化的世界观的区别。

17、The Exploring and Philosophic Thinking on Method of Systematized Bacterial Identification ─── 系统化细菌鉴定方法的探索及其启示

18、The youth voluntary service in foreign developed countries has gradually marched into an organized, standardized, and systematized track. ─── 国外发达国家青年志愿服务工作已逐渐步入组织化、规范化和系统化的轨道。

19、"Philosophy of development" is a branch of learning concerning development,a view of development that has been theorized and systematized. ─── “发展哲学”是关于发展的学问,是理论化、系统化了的发展观。

20、Objective To study systematized treatment of intrahepatic bile duct stone. ─── 目的探讨肝内胆管结石的系统化治疗。

21、Quantum Equation of the Extremely Relativity Under the Ideally Systematized Conditions of High Temperature ─── 理想体系高温条件下极端相对论量子态方程

22、Systematized research scheme and its significance ─── 系列化科研项目的制定及其意义

23、systematized design ─── 系统化设计

24、Quality embodies our dignity,transcendent quality refrses the average,conscientuiyskt and meticulously,standardized management system and systematized quality guarantee system. ─── 品质体现我们的尊严,出类拔萃的品质拒绝平庸,一丝不苟,千锤百炼,标准化的管理体系和系统化的品质保证体系。

25、Keywords Pingyangmycin;Hemang ioma;Vascular Malformations;Head and Neck;Oral and Maxillofacial Region;Systemat ic Review; ─── 关键词平阳霉素;血管瘤;血管畸形;口腔颌面部;头颈部;系统评价;

26、East Relievo has now already built up a complete and systematized commercial network in more than 30 provinces in China as well as Vietnam, Singapore, U.S, Russia and so on. ─── 国内销往30个省市,出口越南、新加坡、韩国、美国、俄罗斯等十几个国家。

27、She has systematized her end of the business, too. ─── 她把她那一端的业务也制度化。 。

28、systematized management ─── 系统化管理

29、Because so systematized procedure, makes me get good achievement in the classroom report. ─── 也由于这样系统化过程,使得我在课堂报告上获得不错的成绩。

30、The system in our country hasn"t systematized yet, according to the , there is only a outer party dissidence system, which is also immature. ─── 因此,建立一部完整的执行救济体系并完善现行的案外人异议制度势在必行。

31、On the Systematized Identification of File Material Evidence ─── 文件物证的系统鉴定

32、Keywords Intrahepatic stone;Surgical operation;Systematized treatment; ─── 肝内胆管结石;外科手术;系统化治疗;

33、Both theories are unified and thus come into a systematized entity. ─── 楹联的语言美主要表现为新、象、婉、隐四要素的有机统一。

34、Forward position theories of CRM, DSS, Management and Marketing were in defect of development at the blended aspect; the relevant operation analyses lack deepen systematized study, etc. ─── CRM、决策支持技术和管理学营销学的前沿理论缺少相互融合的发展,与客户管理相关的业务分析也缺少深入系统地研究。

35、VOCSCUM (Vocational Competency Systematized Curriculum) ─── VOCSCUM课程开发方法

36、Social accounts The systematized treatment of social indicators which represent quality of life conditions in a country, region or other geographical unit. ─── 社会核算对代表一个国家、地区或其它地理单位的生活条件质量社会指标的系统化处理。

37、We strictly pursue our policy of systematized management, sustained improvement, prompt consignment, customers satisfaction, sincerely offering good service to our customers. ─── 公司秉承“系统管理、持续改善、交货快捷、客户满意”人理念,竭诚为客户服务。

38、Systematized Integration of Gas Drainage Technology and Complete Equipment for Medium and Small Mines ─── 中小型矿井抽放瓦斯技术与成套装备的系统化集成

39、Systematized Nomenclature for Dermatology ─── 皮肤病学系统术语集

40、Self-restraint originates by taking a very sensible view of things in a systematized form based on the power of discrimination. ─── 人们能够通过对事物清醒地、系统地认识来实现自律。

41、Open Government in the Villages and Towns Should also be Systematized and Legalized ─── 乡镇政务公开也要纳入制度化和法制化的轨道

42、systematized delusion ─── 系统化妄想系统性妄想

43、Systematized Nomenclature of Human and Veterinary, Systematized Nomenclature of Human and Veterinary Medicine ─── 以前称为:人类与兽类医学系统术语

44、The action from that freedom cannot be predicted, systematized, or put into the framework of social morality. ─── 从那自由中产生的行动无法预知、系统化,也无法放入社会道德的框架中。

45、Concurrent engineering is the systematized work mode which is used to design products and the correlated process which including design,manufacture and process of support. ─── 并行工程是对产品及其相关过程(包括设计、制造和支持过程)进行并行的一体化设计的一种系统化的工作模式。

46、Distribution platform for the whole service delivery system to achieve timely, varieties supply complete, fully systematized. ─── 整个服务配送平台体系做到配送及时,品种供应齐全,全面系统化。

47、First, origin, , basis, character, significance on blood stasis causing wind syndrome is systematized by packing up past dynasty literature. ─── 本文首先通过整理历代文献,对瘀血生风的理论源流、立论依据、特点以及临床意义作了系统总结。

48、"premeditated and systematized terrorizing of the civil populations" (Edith Wharton). ─── “有计划、有组织地控制国内人口” (伊迪丝·沃顿)。

49、However, the developmental course of bacterial identification leads us to explore a new way what is called systematized bacterial identification. ─── 细菌鉴定技术的发展历程,引发我们探索系统化细菌鉴定的新方法,并带给我们对认识事物、看待问题、进行科学思维、继承与创新等方面的哲学思考。

50、Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Reference Terminology, ─── 医学文献术语系统化命名法

51、Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology(SNOP) ─── 病理学系统命名法

52、Implementation of systematized management and ISO/TS16949; customized design and production. ─── 公司管理体系化、制度化、ISO/TS16949品质系统化落实,配合客户需求设计及制造。

53、She has systematized her end of the business, too. ─── 她把她那一端的业务也制度化。

54、I was also responsible for maintaining after sales service, for which I set up and systematized a customer inquiry database to assist in providing a more targeted after-sales service. ─── 本人亦负责维持售后服务,为此本人建立了客户询问资料库,并将之系统化以提供更加目标化的售后服务。

55、systematized model ─── 系统化模型

56、Both the translation history and translation methods achieve such great successes that systematic theory is produced, which can be systematized further in order to be raised to a discipline. ─── 翻译方法和翻译史丰富、发展到一定程度,导致系统化的理论产生。理论再次系统化,可上升为学科。

57、Systematized freight agent service, packing service and logistics information service, FITOS provide the most professional International Freight service. ─── 作为中国货运代理协会会员,佛山快图仕立足于国际空运、快递业务的风口浪尖。

58、Stories abound about forced child labor during the cotton harvest and brutal, systematized torture of Karimov's opponents. ─── 棉花收获期间强迫童工干活、对卡里莫夫的对手实施残暴、系统之酷刑的故事比比皆是。

59、Evaluate of the effect of systematized healthy education in the rehabilitation therapy with dysphagia after cerebral apoplexy ─── 系统化健康教育在脑卒中吞咽困难康复中的效果评价

60、systematized human resources ─── 系统化人力资源

61、systematized elastorrhexis ─── 系统性弹力纤维断裂, 系统性假黄瘤

62、systematized nomenclature of medicine ─── 医学分类命名法

63、5. These results could be used as the foundation of the related department to build a new Evaluation Mechanism,stimulating CEPE to be standardized, scientized and systematized. ─── 品质体现我们的尊严,出类拔萃的品质拒绝平庸,一丝不苟,千锤百炼,标准化的管理体系和系统化的品质保证体系。收藏指正

64、A big bureaucracy like GE needed something as systematized as Work-Out to break the ice and get people to open up. ─── 像GE这么大的机构需要系统化的集体讨论来打破冰点,让人们开口。

65、It becomes more and more systematized and normalized on its management. ─── 建所以来,业务不断发展,管理日趋制度化、规范化。

66、systematized linear epidermal nevus ─── 序列性线状表皮痣

67、In his opinion, maths is systematized general knowledge.It not only comes from real life but also is used in it. ─── 在弗赖登塔尔看来,数学就是系统化了的常识,数学源于现实,应用于现实。

68、This paper refers to the distinction between systematized holistic nurs ing and primary nursing through its e ssence and connotation. ─── 从本质和内涵正确看待系统化整体护理和责任制护理的区别。

69、Had achieved from the enterprise internal management to exterior market development the systematized service, becomes the decoration profession person with newly acquired wealth. ─── 从企业内部管理到外部市场的拓展均已达到了系统化服务,成为装饰行业的新贵。

70、systematized structure ─── 建制结构

71、systematized coal unloading ─── 卸煤系列化

72、Systematized Nomenclature for Dermatology(SNODERM) ─── 系统皮肤病学命名法

73、The operation of differentiation was first systematized by Newton(1642-1727)and Leibnitz ─── 微分的计算最早是由牛顿(1642-1727)和莱布尼兹加以系统化的。

74、systematized nomenclature of pathology ─── 病理学分类命名法

75、of differentiation was first systematized by Newton(1642-1727)and Leibnitz. ─── 微分的计算最早是由牛顿(1642-1727)和莱布尼兹加以系统化的。

76、Moreover organic chemical reactions in solutions are systematized. ─── 有机化学反应得到进一步系统化。

77、We can say, till now, there is no systematized study on financial relationships in the theory circle, and only sporadically appear in the argumentation of other fields. ─── 可以说,到现在为止,理论界尚无成体系的对财务关系的研究,而只是散见于其他领域的论述之中。

78、ulcerative systematized porokeratosis ─── 溃疡性系统性汗孔角化病

79、That is a huge violation to the geek ethic, where you're supposed to be transparent and knowable and systematized. ─── 而对怪咖们来说事情本应是透明的可知的系统化的,这就对怪咖们的行为准则造成了巨大侵犯。

80、In the past decades, my research achievements were systematized in the form of monographs on the study of Lu Xun at the beginning. ─── 摘要回顾几十年来学术研究的道路,开始把鲁迅研究以专著形式系列化。

81、In the past decades, my research achievements were systematized in the form of monographs on the study of Lu Xun at the beginning. ─── 回顾几十年来学术研究的道路,开始把鲁迅研究以专著形式系列化。

82、Abstract At present ecology has developed into an independent subject with its own systematized theory, and its distinct idea makes extensive and deep influences in many scientific fields. ─── 摘 要 目前,生态学已经发展成为一门初具理论体系的独立学科,其独特的思想和观点在许多领域逐渐产生了广泛而深刻的影响。

83、With a macroscopic angle and an abstract method, this thesis carries out an unprecedented systematized study on reiteration. ─── 本文从宏观角度出发,运用抽象手段,对重复现象展开全新的、系统的研究。

84、systematized sales management ─── 系统化售货管理

85、A Study of the Implementation of the New Curriculum from the Perspective of Systematized Education ─── 制度化教育视域下的新课程实施

86、premeditated and systematized terrorizing of the civil populations(Edith Wharton. ─── 有计划、有组织地控制国内人口(伊迪丝·沃顿)。

87、systematized protective development ─── 系统化保护性开发

88、Ideally, principles of translation should be systematized in such a way that can be expressed as a flow-chart that indicates the procedure for determining the method of translation for each term. ─── 最好是将翻译原则系统化,并作成可以指导决定每个名词翻译方法的流程图。

89、Criminal typology should be followed the standards of classification principles like systematized, exhausted, uniformity and certainty . ─── 犯罪类型学应当遵循体系性、穷尽性、排他性和明确性的分类原则。

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