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09-21 投稿


knotting 发音

英:[ˈnɒtɪŋ]  美:[ˈnɑːtɪŋ]

英:  美:

knotting 中文意思翻译



knotting 词性/词形变化,knotting变形

现在分词:knotting 原型:knot

knotting 短语词组

1、knotting cards ─── 打结卡

2、knotting machine ─── 打结机,结网机

3、knotting class ─── 打结类别

knotting 相似词语短语

1、unknotting ─── vt.解开…结子

2、reknotting ─── 重新打结

3、-lotting ─── n.堆装费;安打标签;v.抽签;抽签做决定(lot的ing形式)

4、beknotting ─── 未知的

5、knitting ─── n.针织;编织物;[外科]骨愈合;v.编织;皱眉(knit的ing形式)

6、-knitting ─── n.针织;编织物;[外科]骨愈合;v.编织;皱眉(knit的ing形式)

7、-netting ─── n.网,网状物,网状材料;网鱼;结网;丝网,铁丝网;v.把……织成网;用网捕捉(net的现在分词)

8、-dotting ─── v.打点;打点杂交(dot的ing形式);n.(Dotting)人名;(西)多廷

9、-knotting ─── n.(编制的)打结,打结法;(地毯或其他饰物的)结形花边,花结;(油漆木板前的)节疤涂饰剂;v.打结;用结栓住,系住;缠绕;使(肌肉)痉挛,紧缩;(胃因紧张或压力)绷紧(knot的现在分词)

knotting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He found it very difficult to tie the knot. ─── 在系扣的时候他费了很大劲。

2、She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. ─── 她感到心窝一阵紧揪。

3、The little cat is knotting the thread into a ball. ─── 小猫把线弄成了一团儿。

4、For the knot there’s no untying! ─── 两颗心就叹息破碎!

5、His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot. ─── 他的手很笨拙,无法解开这个结。

6、She twisted her hair into a tight knot. ─── 她把头发紧紧地挽了个发髻。

7、Tie the knot as tight as you can. ─── 尽量把这个结打紧。

8、She tied a pretty knot at the end of her pigtails. ─── 她在辫子的末梢打了一个花结。

9、She showed me how to make a knot. ─── 她教我如何打结。

10、Can you help me tie a knot on the back of my dress? ─── 可以请你帮我在我背后衣服上系一个蝴蝶结吗?

11、Would you please undo this knot for me? ─── 你能不能帮我把这个结解开?

12、It is the best weapon for cutting the selfish knot of miserliness. ─── 彼亦为断除悭贪执著之最胜武器。

13、Well, I hear that you and John are going to tie the knot. ─── 喂,听说你要跟约翰结婚了。

14、By knotting the verse together, like the design on a Celtic cross, the rhyme scheme compels the poem forward from stanza to stanza. ─── 押韵格式像凯尔特十字架(Celticcross)的造型那样将诗文组织起来,使诗文一句一句推展下去。

15、She tied a knot in her handkerchief. ─── 她在她的手帕上绑一个结。

16、They're going to tie the knot. ─── 他们将结为连理。

17、He is now experimenting with drilling holes in the gems and knotting them together in varying configurations. ─── 他现在正尝试在宝石上钻孔,然后扣接成不同的造型。

18、He tied the two ropes together with a knot. ─── 他打个结把两根绳子系在一起。

19、This class introduces the art of Chinese Knotting and weaving techniques. ─── 介绍及研习传统编结艺术,进而实际手编新款编结式样。

20、Thus , DNA knotting interferes with genetic metabolism . ─── 因此, DNA的打结干扰遗传代谢。

21、Make a knot at the end of the string. ─── 在绳头上打个结。

22、When are you and Susan going to tie the knot? ─── 你跟苏珊什么时候结婚呀?

23、She tied a knot in her handkerchief to remind herself of the appointment. ─── 她在手帕上打一个结以便提醒自己那个约会。

24、Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday. ─── 丹妮和比尔昨天结婚了。

25、You should cut the knot by firing them all. ─── 你应该快刀斩乱麻,把他们统统解雇。

26、After dating for five years, they finally decided to tie the knot. ─── 年之后,他们终于决定结婚了。

27、The knot of muscles at the side of his jaw pulsed. ─── 他颚一侧的肌肉结在搏动。

28、They were all three standing in a knot in front of the altar. ─── 他们三个人围在一起站在圣坛前。

29、She tied a knot with flashing eyes, as if it throttled a foe. ─── 她的眼睛里冒着火,手上抽紧了一个结,好像掐死了一个敌人。

30、A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion. ─── 一群政客假造舆论。

31、How unlock affective heart knot? ─── 怎样解开情感的心结?

32、The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. ─── “节”是表示每小时航行1海里的一个速度单位。

33、Will you knot the rope round the post ? ─── 你把这根绳子拴在柱子上好吗?

34、She tied a knot in a piece of string . ─── 她在一根细线上打了一个结。

35、Brooks is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on his head. ─── 布鲁克斯穿上了西装,打好了领带,戴上帽子。

36、They've tied the knot twice already. ─── 他们已经结过两次婚了。

37、A crabbed knot must bhave a crabbed wedge. ─── 嘎吱作响的门能用的长久。

38、The only decoration is an elaborated pattern of knotting on the neckline of her dress. ─── 唯一的装饰是衣服领口上精心制作的打结流苏图案。

39、He is knotting his tie. ─── 他正在结领带。

40、You realize that there is no topological analogy between the two ways of knotting the rings of string I showed you. ─── 你体会到,并没有任何地形上的类比,在我教你们的这两种解开结的办法。

41、An ornamental looped braid or cord with a button or knot for fastening the front of a garment. ─── (纺锭物)饰扣一种用来系住衣服前襟的装饰性扣环或扣结

42、A knot of people stood talking outside the door. ─── 一群人站在门外聊天。

43、He began to worry at the knot in the cord. ─── 他开始解绳子上的结。

44、We'll tie the knot this July. We want a summer wedding. ─── 共结连理;结婚。

45、The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials. ─── 库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。

46、His daughter Jenna is tying the knot with fiance Henry Hager. ─── 他女儿吉安娜与未婚夫亨利海格尔喜结连理。

47、You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot . ─── 你需用快刀才能把结切断.

48、You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot. ─── 你需用快刀才能把结切断。

49、Slack the rope before trying to unite the knot. ─── 在试图打结之前请把这条绳子放松。

50、Production tests show that reasonable knotting, drying and fritting technology of rammed lining rises the furnace life significantly. ─── 生产试验表明:合理的捣筑炉衬打结工艺和烘烤烧结工艺,使炉龄大幅度延长。

51、Made up of 500 bamboo ladders tied together with traditional hand knotting technique, it resembles the solidity of a Chinese For tress. ─── 500个竹梯用传统的手工绑结方式连接在一起却稳固得像一座中式城堡。

52、She had her hair in a loose knot. ─── 她把头发打了个松松的髻。

53、She tied her hair in a knot at the back of her head. ─── 她把头发在脑后挽成个发髻。

54、Truelove knot, also named fastener knot. ─── 同心结--即纽扣结.

55、Anything what has been roped can be unroped, no knot is permanent. ─── 世上没有解不开的结。

56、He makes a knot in the end of the string. ─── 他在绳子末端打了个结。

57、She tied her belt with a knot. ─── 她把带子打了个结。

58、Our products are usually supplied as semi-finished goods. For knotting and clasp requirement, please kindly advise. ─── 本公司串珠均为半成品供应,如需打结与链扣,请说明。

59、The boy was tied up inside in a knot of apprehension. ─── 孩子的内心世界由于担忧而感到惴惴不安。

60、My heart had thousands knot of feeling! ─── 心有千千节!

61、The little cat is knotting the thread into a ball. ─── 小猫把线弄成了一团儿。

62、A knot of friends waved him good-bye. ─── 一群朋友向他挥手告别。

63、Will you untie the knot for me? ─── 帮我把这个结解开好吗?

64、Answer a:buy an anteater back not knot. ─── 回答一:买个食蚁兽回来不就结了。

65、When she took her finger away from the knot, it all came undone. ─── 她一从结上把手指移开,结就散了。

66、She fastened the thread off with a knot. ─── 她把缝线打了个结。

67、He tried to undo the knot by picking at it with his fingers. ─── 他用手指不停地扯,想把绳结解开。

68、He tied the knot for Diane and Bill yesterday. ─── 他昨天为丹妮和比尔证婚。

69、He tried to undo the knot by picking at it with ihs fingers. ─── 他用手指不停地扯,想把绳结解开。

70、He has tied a knot with his tongue that he cannot untie with his teeth. ─── 他已经结了婚。

71、The think of undergo a surgical operation tied me in knot. ─── 一想到要动手术,我就紧张起来。

72、He tied a knot with the two ropes to make one long rope. ─── 他把两根绳子打了个结连成一根长绳子。

73、He tied the two ropes in a knot . ─── 他把那两根绳子打成一个结。

74、A small knot of women listened to his sermon. ─── 一小群妇女听他的布道。

75、Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head. ─── 她把头发在头顶上挽成了一个髻。

76、He is at a loss how to cut the knot. ─── 他不知如何才能大刀阔斧地解决这一难题。

77、She felt her stomach knot with fear. ─── 她感到害怕,心都揪紧了。

78、Today, we have the chance to learn how to make a Chinese knot. ─── 同时,我们今天来交给我们中国结的编制方法。

79、Where the knot is loose, the string slips. ─── 在出版自由、人人都识字的地方,人人得解放。

80、Knot the end of the thread before you begin sewing . ─── 开始缝以前把线的头打个结。

81、His boat can travel only10 knot per hour. ─── 他的船速只能达到10节(时速10海里)。

82、Increase knot dint for stone with cement. ─── 强化防护效果,提高防护底面与水泥的粘结强度与水泥粘接力。

83、The knot which you thought a Gordian one will untie it before you. ─── 你认为很难解开的那个结,有人比你更早解开呢。

84、Often when we think we are knotting one thread, we are tying quite another. ─── 我们常常会在想接这一根线的时候,接上了另一根线。

85、What is the name of the knot below? Fisherman. ─── 以下的绳结叫什么名字?

86、He hadn't unravelled the knot in her heart. ─── 他没能解开她心中的疙瘩。

87、His clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot. ─── 他用笨拙的手指打了一个很糟糕的结。

88、Tie the two ropes together with a secure knot. ─── 将两条绳子打个结实的结系在一起。

89、Chinese knot is an ancient knotting art in China. ─── 中国结是一门古老的中国艺术。

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