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latex 发音

英:['leɪteks]  美:['letɛks]

英:  美:

latex 中文意思翻译



latex 词性/词形变化,latex变形

名词复数: latices |

latex 短语词组

1、concentrated latex ─── [化] 浓缩胶乳

2、cream of latex ─── [建] 胶乳

3、coagulated latex ─── [化] 凝固胶乳

4、ammoniated latex ─── [化] 充氨胶乳

5、centrifuged latex ─── [化] 离心胶乳

6、compounded latex ─── [建] 复合胶乳

7、alkali latex ─── [化] 碱性胶乳

8、direct latex casting ─── [化] 胶乳直接铸型

9、creaming of latex ─── [建] 胶乳的澄清

10、acid latex ─── [化] 酸性胶乳; 阳电荷胶乳

11、creamed latex ─── [化] 膏化法(浓缩)胶乳

12、artificial latex ─── [化] 人造胶乳

13、butadiene-acrylonitrile latex ─── [化] 丁腈胶乳

14、evaporated latex ─── [化] 蒸发胶乳

15、butadiene-vinylpyridine latex ─── [化] 丁吡胶乳

16、ammoniacal latex ─── [化] 氨胶乳; 加氨保存胶乳

17、butadiene latex ─── [化] 丁二烯胶乳

18、ammonia-preserved latex ─── [化] 氨胶乳; 加氨保存胶乳

19、conserved latex ─── [建] 储备胶乳

latex 相似词语短语

1、later ─── adv.后来;稍后;随后;adj.更迟的;更后的;n.(Later)人名;(德)拉特

2、latens ─── v.使变晚,使晚生长(或晚制造)

3、lated ─── adj.迟到的;迟来的

4、latexes ─── n.乳胶;乳液

5、latent ─── adj.潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的

6、lately ─── adv.近来,不久前

7、late ─── adj.晚的;迟的;已故的;最近的;adv.晚;迟;最近;在晚期

8、laten ─── v.使变晚,使晚生长(或晚制造)

9、lateen ─── adj.大三角帆的;有大三帆的;n.大三角帆船

latex 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Oxgen index of the fire retarding back-coating latex exceed not over 70. ─── 其阻燃背衬胶乳氧指数可达70以上。

2、Chinese traditional style home is always like "four white ground", the latex paint has been loved by ordinary people. ─── 中国传统家居风格总是喜欢“四白落地”,所以乳胶漆一直为普通百姓所喜爱。

3、The effect of 40% acaricide latex 500x liquid is the best, that death rate reaches 96.2% after spraying 7 days. ─── 以 4 0%乳油螨净 5 0 0倍液效果最佳 ,7天后虫口死亡率达 96 .2%。

4、A plant duct containing latex. ─── 乳汁管一种含有树乳的植物导管

5、The latex is extremely toxic. ─── 乳汁是极为有毒的。

6、LaTeX Error: File `CJKfntef.sty' not found. ─── 我的问题是在这里!

7、This article introduces the use situation of guar gum in latex wall coatings. ─── 介绍了瓜尔胶在内、外墙乳胶涂料中的应用情况。

8、Glass microsphere was added to a acrylic latex coating in this study. ─── 以丙烯酸乳液为基料,空心玻珠为填料,研制得到一种保温涂料。

9、Natural latex is poured into a pillow shaped mold with perforations; and what emerges is a spongy pillow. ─── 天然乳胶枕是倾注了齿孔形状与塑造;什么是出现海绵枕头。

10、It can also be used as a programming editor and supports HTML and LaTeX tags out of the box. ─── 它还可用作编程编辑器,并配置为支持HTML和LaTeX标签。

11、A water - based latex paint made of arylicpolymer. ─── 一种用丙烯胶聚合物制造的,可以用水稀释的乳胶漆。

12、The invention relates to reinforcing filler used for a rubber latex product, a preparation method thereof and application thereof. ─── 本发明涉及用于橡胶胶乳制品的补强填充剂及其制备方法与用途。

13、Three days latex, the prisoner was found dead in his cell, and people Believe he did the Dutch act. ─── 三天以后,有人发现犯人死在他的单人牢房里,人们相信他是自杀的。

14、The utility model discloses a glove with finger nails used for the beautification, which consists of a latex glove body. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种美容用具,具体是美容用带甲手套。

15、Any allergy to latex? ─── 有乳胶过敏的人吗?

16、In this section, we ll see how to use third-party tools to generate GIF images from LaTeX input text. ─── 在本节中,我们将研究如何使用第三方工具从LaTeX输入文本中生成GIF图像。

17、One-off latex glove for industrial or common use. ─── 一次性乳胶手套,可用于工业、民用。

18、I must go and have a word with some people over By the door. So, will you excuse me a moment? See you latex, I hope. ─── 我得走了。.我想和门边的那几位客人说几句话。恕我少陪,希望以后再见。

19、Mattress cores - Latex pillows TALALAY - Manufacture of mattress-supports with removable covers -... ─── 分类标题:床、床绷和床垫床垫...

20、Admixtures such as water-reducing admixture, silica fume and polymer latex improve properties of PPC. ─── 减水剂、硅灰及聚合物乳液等外加剂可改善多孔透水混凝土的性能;

21、Suits with full latex socks are available by special order. ─── 有充分的橡胶短袜的衣服是透过特别订货单可提供。

22、Interior Latex Paint is a new type of environmental control health Chatham. ─── 多功能内墙乳胶漆是一种新型环境治理健康漆。

23、The recent rumour that the latex paint is harmful to the human health is not at all of any foundation. ─── 近来,一些说乳胶漆对人体健康有害的传闻是没有根据的。

24、If unaccustomed when making up, should use a few protect wet latex. ─── 假如不习惯化妆时,要使用一些保湿乳液。

25、Since 2001,shanghai latex factory is merged into CHINA UNITED RUBBER (GROUP) CORP. ─── 2001年,上海乳胶厂并入中联橡胶(集团)总公司。

26、The sizes of the latex particles are investigated by TEM. ─── 利用TEM观察了乳胶粒子大小及规则程度。

27、If not, it proceeds to generate a new formula image and store the new LaTeX text image pair in the cache. ─── 如果没发现,则继续生成一个新的公式图像并将新的LaTeX文本图像对存储在高速缓存中。

28、Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. ─── 天然橡胶取自橡胶树,是一种叫“乳胶”的白色乳状液体。

29、People get natural rubber from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid, which is called latex. ─── 人们通过橡树获取天然橡胶--一种叫“乳胶”的白色乳状液体。

30、Special silicon latex can stick to each hair to make the hair smooth and elegant. ─── *特种有机硅乳液,能吸附在每根头发上,令头发丝质顺滑,临风飘逸。

31、"LaTeX Error: File `xcolor.sty' not found. ─── " ------ 你需要安装 xcolor 宏包。

32、A water ? based latex paint made of arylicpolymer. ─── 一种用丙烯胶聚合物制造的,可以用水稀释的乳胶漆。

33、A rug with latex backing will age faster if placed on a floor with heating. ─── 带有胶乳底面的地毯如果铺在可供暖的地板面上时,产品会更快地老化。

34、Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of mechanical stability. ─── 天然橡胶胶乳浓缩物。机械稳定性测定。

35、Our company main products: environmentally-friendly high boiling point solvent NME, Wood, Latex. ─── 本公司主要产品:环保型高沸点溶剂NME、木器漆、乳胶漆。

36、MBS latex coagulation thesis and factors to affect the coagulation are reviewed. ─── 摘要介绍了MBS树脂的凝聚原理和影响凝聚的因素。

37、In using macerate technology to join latex chipboard, can make chipboard has afore-mentioned character. ─── 利用浸渍技术将胶乳加入纸板中,可以使纸板具有上述特性。

38、If do not feel close to stretch tight, elliptically elite fluid, latex, cream also just as well. ─── 假如不觉得紧绷,省略精华液、乳液、面霜也无妨。

39、The latex has been reported to be emetic, cathartic, and expectorant and is used for treating dropsy. ─── 对于药栽培的。乳汁已经被报告是催吐,导泻,和祛痰药并且用于治疗水肿。

40、Uses latex or protect Shi Shuang to should not contain biology active part. ─── 所使用的乳液或保湿霜不应含有生物活性成分。

41、Lianas woody, with milky latex. ─── 木的藤本植物,有乳的橡胶。

42、NO.3011GR Green Textured Latex Exam Gloves With Aloe have been granted US invention patent,pantent nos:6,274,154. ─── 3011GR绿色芦荟麻面乳胶检查手套已获得美国发明专利,专利申请号分别为:6,274,154.

43、Conducting composites from waterborne polyurethane (WPU) and carbon black (CB) were prepared by latex blending. ─── 摘要采用乳液共混法制得了炭黑/水溶性聚氨酯(CB/WPU)气敏导电复合材料。

44、Lianas woody, without tendrils and latex. ─── 木质藤本植物,没有卷须和乳汁。

45、All Web browsers support GIF images, so we need to convert the LaTeX formula images into GIF format. ─── 所有Web浏览器都支持GIF图像,因此我们需要将LaTeX公式图像转换成GIF格式。

46、Convert figures to PGF files that can be included in LaTeX documents. ─── (译):转换数字前列腺文件中可以包含版文件。

47、Butadiene vinyl pyridine rubber latex. ─── 丁二烯、乙烯基吡啶经乳液共聚制得的胶乳。

48、Latex facilitates air circulation in the mattress and helps moisture to evaporate. ─── 乳胶有利于床垫中的空气流通,而且,有助于水分蒸发。

49、Does there have special work clothing and latex gloves? ─── 在实验室内是否使用专门的工作服?

50、Latex Error: Option Clash for package color? ─── 如何解决这个选项冲突呢?

51、The latex is poisonous. The plant is used for stupefying fish in India. ─── 乳汁是有毒的。植株在印度用于使鱼糊涂。

52、Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of transmission of STDs. ─── 安全套使用时,她一贯正确,可减少传染的危险性病。

53、Silicones and urethanes are by far the leading sealant products followed by latex and butyl rubber. ─── 到目前为止密封剂产品主要是硅树脂和聚氨酯橡胶,其次是乳胶和丁基橡胶。

54、But it had to be a securely encased, one-piece rear end, shaped by your latex panty girdle. ─── 但这必须是安全地被装箱的,单件尾端,由您的乳汁短裤腰带塑造。

55、Lianas woody, with white latex. ─── 木的藤本植物,有白色的橡胶。

56、The microstructures of INP latex films were characterized by IR and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). ─── 以红外光谱、透射电子显微镜表征互穿共聚物乳胶膜的微观结构。

57、Durex Extra Sensitive Lubricated Latex was found to be the most durable. ─── 其中德雷克斯具有敏感度好,润滑效果强的特点,而且使用寿命周期长。

58、The particle size and distribution of latex was influenced by functional monomer. ─── 功能单体对胶乳粒子大小及分布有较大影响;

59、"Legible" means to do it in LATEX or( if handwritten) in ink and double-spaced. ─── “清晰”是指作业要用latex编辑打印或者(果手写的话)墨水笔书写并留下双倍行间距。

60、Both hands is stuck equably take a latex, rub is kneaded tepid. ─── 双手均匀粘取乳液,搓揉到温热。

61、Latex pillows provide firm support for your neck, yet are soft enough to relieve pressure on your head. ─── 乳胶枕头提供有力支持你颈部,但都不够软缓你的头。

62、Fine bubble latex mattresses, thickness of not less than 140 mm. ─── 好的泡沫乳胶床垫,厚度不应小于140毫米。

63、Black light weight latex industry gloves,with orange lined,size;s.m.l.xl.:weight:80g,90g,100g ,110g,... ─── 我司生产和销售各种乳胶类手套,产品有:黑色工业乳胶手套(无里,橙色里)(防滑、起皱)

64、The female condom is a soft, thin lubricated sheath of polyurethane plastic with flexible latex rings at both ends. ─── 女用安全套是一种柔软、菲薄、已润滑的聚亚安酯塑胶护套,其两端均有柔软的乳胶环;

65、But this was just a little bit of latex here and there, a little bit of skin-scrunching. ─── 不过这只不过是在这里或那里贴一点点乳胶,作出一点皮肤褶皱的效果。

66、Use of latex condoms or vaginal barriers decreases but does not eliminate risk. ─── 使用乳胶避孕套或子宫帽可降低但不能消除这种危险。

67、Guilin HBM manufactures latex condoms, latex surgical gloves and latex examination gloves. ─── 公司拥有国内一流的生产设备、检验设备及质量保证体系。

68、The projectiles are submicron latex, aluminum, and iron spheres. ─── 弹丸是亚微米的乳胶、铝和铁质球。

69、Objective To evaluate the effect of silicon and latex urinary catheters on urinary mucosa. ─── 摘要目的探讨不同材料导尿管留置导尿对尿道黏膜的影响,以其指导临床合理选择导尿管。

70、This is generally true, and there is a rise in surface tension of the latex at this point. ─── 一般说来这是真实的,在这一点胶乳的表面张力变大。

71、LaTeX is a basic innoxious of the matozoa, peripherin-powder is also non-toxic, but not the entrance. ─── 乳胶是一栽根基无毒的胶体,感光粉也是无毒物,但不克不及不入口。

72、In Guangdong Province, there is RongYi Leather Trading Company, and an Agent of German Dunlop Group for latex products. ─── 1999年公司荣获河北省“重合同守信用”单位称号。

73、Nurse Alert: Wrong probe can cause burns. Check for latex allergies/sensitivity. ─── 将探测夹贴住所选部位,确保光敏元件感测器两侧对齐。

74、Commercial rubber comes from the latex of the rubber plants Ficus elastica and Hevea brasiliensis. ─── 商业橡胶来自橡皮树和三叶橡胶树。

75、The alkali resistance, plays the seal role, avoids the wall basic plane alkalinity matter to the surface layer latex paint destruction. ─── 抗碱性,起到封闭作用,避免墙体基面碱性物质对面层乳胶漆的破坏。

76、Influence of several aids on viscosity and precipitation value of EVA latex paint is discussed. ─── 探讨了几种助剂对EVA乳胶漆的粘度和沉降值的影响。

77、Latex pillows are great pillows for back and side sleepers. ─── 乳胶枕头大枕头和后勤方面熟睡。

78、If do not feel close to stretch tight, elliptically elite fluid, latex, cream also just as well. ─── 假如不觉得紧绷,省略精华液、乳液、面霜也无妨。

79、Kit includes CPRotector, two latex gloves and one antiseptic towelette in a convenient carrying pouch. ─── 工具包括CPRotector,两副橡胶手套和一条杀菌的湿纸巾,是一个方便的携带的小袋。

80、Oil-based lubricants decrease the protection provided by latex condoms because they dissolve them. ─── 因为润滑油会溶解乳胶,所以,也会降低避孕套的保护作用。

81、Natural latex rubber is another option. ─── 天然乳胶是另一中选择。

82、Final smear latex, the latex also should be moist degree of tall milk frostlike powder. ─── 最后擦上乳液,乳液也应是滋润度高的乳霜。

83、We could store the pairs of LaTeX text and image names in an SQL database for long-term persistence and fast search. ─── 可以将一对对的LaTeX文本和图像名称存储在SQL数据库以便长久保存和快速搜索。

84、The incorporation of functionalized groups into latex is a focus in the field of material chemistry. ─── 将功能性基团引入乳胶粒内一直是材料科学的研究热点。

85、Methods:22 latex perfused cadaver hands and 34 artery cast specimens were dissected and measured. ─── 方法:使用22只经血管灌注乳胶的手标本和34只手动脉铸型标本,对第2指蹼动脉分支分布及与手掌侧和背侧动脉的连接形式等进行解剖观测。

86、Appear after this kind of circumstance, latex of skin of a few embellish should be brushed after bath of ferial Li Mu. ─── 出现这种情况之后,平日里沐浴后就应该擦一些润肤乳液。

87、Chewing gum is a type of confection traditionally made of chicle, a natural latex product, or synthetic rubber. ─── 口香糖,或称香口胶,是一种用来咀嚼而不是吞咽的糖果。传统上,是由糖胶树胶,一种天然乳胶来制造。

88、Two cerebrospinal fluid specimens have tested positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup by latex test. ─── 通过乳胶测试,两个脑脊液标本对脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群呈阳性反应。

89、The formatting of latex really depends on the sty files you used, some already has the the definition. ─── 偶是老幺,有情况麻烦找我老大,有事麻烦找小二,有问题麻烦找老三,还有阿,找幺姐够不够?



LATEXSLEEPING的发音: 英 [ˈsliːpɪŋ] 美 [ˈsliːpɪŋ]。LATEXSLEEPING是形容词,意思是:睡着的;同住宿有关的,睡觉的。LATEXSLEEPING是sleep的现在分词。


latex sleeping


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