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09-21 投稿


lusting 发音

英:[ˈlʌstɪŋ]  美:[ˈlʌstɪŋ]

英:  美:

lusting 中文意思翻译





lusting 词性/词形变化,lusting变形

动词过去式: lusted |动词现在分词: lusting |动词第三人称单数: lusts |动词过去分词: lusted |

lusting 常用词组

lust for ─── 贪求

lusting 相似词语短语

1、dusting ─── v.除去……上的灰尘;(把粉等)撒在……上;把(粉状物)撒于;(非正式)痛打,杀死;(使)布满灰尘;击败(dust的现在分词);n.打扫;少量;击打;薄层

2、listing ─── n.列表,清单;v.列表(list的现在分词);n.(Listing)人名;(德)利斯廷

3、lustring ─── n.上光整理;光亮绸(等于lustrine,lutestring);v.给…增光(lustre的ing形式)

4、lusking ─── 勒斯金

5、lushing ─── adj.丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的;vi.喝酒;n.酒;酒鬼;vt.饮;n.(Lush)人名;(英)勒什

6、fusting ─── 熔合

7、gusting ─── v.(狂风)一阵阵劲吹(gust的现在分词)

8、lasting ─── adj.持久的;永恒的;n.[纺]厚实斜纹织物;v.持续;维持(last的ing形式)

9、busting ─── 垄耕;沟耕

lusting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mercenary men lust for wealth. ─── 唯利是图的人贪求财富。

2、But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. ─── 但各人被试探、乃是被自己的私欲牵引诱惑的。

3、All of them are with us here to whisper songs of lust and wrath. ─── 和我们在这里一起轻声唱着欲望和愤怒的歌。

4、SM is like marriage. A union of lust with love, pain with joy! ─── SM就像婚姻一样,是肉体与精神,痛苦与快乐的结合!

5、Haetten Sie Lust ... heute Abend mit mir auszugehen? ─── 你愿意今晚跟我出去玩吗?

6、But soon enough, the thrill fades and you are lusting after something else. ─── 但很快,这种感觉很快就会逐渐减弱,然后又开始追求别的东西。

7、Seymour, we learn, is already reading several languages and lusting after Mrs. Happy, the young wife of the camp owner. ─── 我们从信中可以知道,西摩已经在读好几种语言的书籍,并且还爱上了夏令营主人年轻的妻子,“高兴夫人”。

8、Big: "I do believe in lust in the first sight? ─── “大”先生:“我非常相信一见钟性?”

9、Lust och fägring stor All Things Fair Lærerinden..... ─── (Denmark) Love Lessons 国家/地区 丹麦/瑞典 对白语言 英语/葡萄牙语/西班牙语/瑞典语 ...

10、In partm his decisions stem from his traumatic childhood, and his impatient lust for power. ─── 从部分来说,阿纳金的决定源自他不幸的童年,他对力量急切的渴望。

11、True, the first bite was delicious, but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing. neither toffee nor lust. ─── 不言而喻,它乍咬一下可口无比,但一旦吃完便一无所有,欲望亦随太妃糖化为乌有。

12、Stepping onto the red carpet of “Lust, Caution” world premiere in Venice. ─── 在威尼斯,步入色戒全球首映会的红地毯的时候。

13、Lusting for money and wealth, these foreign businessmen couldn't wait to do trade with the Chinese. ─── 他们都贪图同中国商人通商,以夺取中国的金银财富。

14、But it gave an impression of two young people lusting after extreme thrills. ─── 这给人们的印象是这两个青年热衷于寻求极端刺激。

15、Homosexual behavior (including lust in the mind and acts in the body) is a violation of God's order. ─── 同性恋行为(包括在思想上帝和行动上的)违背了神在人类中所设立的秩序。

16、The lust for money and power drives quite a number of people to commit crimes. ─── 对金钱和权利的欲望使相当一些人走上犯罪的道路。

17、After summoning the courage, you finally land a date with the hot chick you've been lusting for. ─── 终于,你鼓起万般勇气,敲定要和你心仪已久的热门对象约会。

18、Oooh but what is love without lust? ─── 呜...可什么是没有情欲的爱情?

19、The lust of men must not be overdone. ─── 人们的欲望不应过分。

20、He used her just to sate his lust. ─── 他只不过用她来泄欲。

21、He snorted and pranced and pawed at the floor in salivating lust and groveling need. ─── 他叽叽咕咕,摇头晃脑,两脚还在地上乱跺乱蹬,一副垂涎欲滴,苦苦哀告的样子。

22、He was obssessed by lust for money. ─── 他让金钱迷住了心窍。

23、From this, it can be seen that lust and money always go hand in hand. ─── 从这可以看出贪婪和金钱总是形影不离的(心手相连的?).

24、Ich habe zu Hause meinen Computer und kann Deutsch lernen, wenn ich Zeit und Lust habe. ─── 只要家里有台电脑,有学习的时间和爱好,我就可以在家里学习德语了。

25、Is almost choked by unresisted lust. ─── 审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。

26、Ray: He's making it sound like Biko is lusting for vengeance. ─── 雷:他说得像是比克星的人民都在渴望复仇。

27、The pride of peacock, the lust of the goat and the wrath of the lion are the glory and wisdom of God. ─── 孔雀的骄傲,山羊的好色,狮子的狂怒,全是上帝的荣誉和智慧。

28、Yet, when we get what we hanker after, we quickly become dissatisfied and soon we"re lusting after something else. ─── 可是,一旦得到了梦寐以求的东西,我们的不满之心很快就又会被其他的物质欲望撩拨得蠢蠢欲动,随后便开始新一轮的物质追逐。

29、In his jealousy and lust, the bull attacks and the matador triumphs in the end with the shedding of blood. ─── 在嫉妒与欲望的驱使下,公牛发起进攻,但斗牛士在鲜血四溅中以获胜告终。

30、What kind of circumstances would arouse my lust? ─── 在哪些情况下我会挑起我的私欲?

31、His lust for power will never be satisfied. ─── 他的权力欲永不能得到满足。

32、Have you ever wondered why we first began lusting after diamonds? ─── 你是否想知道我们最初贪恋钻石是出于什么原因?

33、He was blinded by the lust of lucre . ─── 利欲使他不辨是非。

34、The moment I swallow the drink, I realized, I'm just lusting over that short moment of coolness. ─── 吞进喉里的那一刻,我突然发现,原来我只贪图那么一下子的凉快。

35、So das wa das we.Morgen wieder schule.Hab kaum lust drauf! ─── Naja jetz ers ma bissn vorm Tv chillen 心情: 悠闲 昨天。

36、Ich habe keine Lust dazu. Schade! ─── 对此我没有兴趣。可惜。

37、Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. ─── 你心中不要恋慕他的美色,也不要被他的眼皮勾引。

38、The centaur have run them all down in their unceasing lust for conquest. ─── 半人马们对征服不可抑制的欲望毁灭了其他的文明。

39、You can be very single-minded in a state of lust. ─── 你可以在一种渴望的状态下保持单向的意识。

40、Her virginal passion matched his nuptial lust and often it was dawn when they fell into an exhausted slumber. ─── 夜间,这对新婚夫妇就过几小时狂热的性生活。

41、He wants no members in his political party who are lust along for the ride. ─── 他不想让投机取巧者在他的政党里。

42、Are you infected with the same disease of lust, gluttony and greed? ─── 你也被这种欲望、爆食与贪婪所感染?

43、"He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self-glorification" (Charles Kingsley). ─── “出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲” (查尔斯·金斯利)。

44、Seven Deadly Sins: pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, and sloth. ─── 七宗罪:傲慢、愤怒、嫉妒、好色、暴食、贪婪和懒惰。

45、He is always possessed by a lust for gain. ─── 他利欲熏心。

46、Bloodlust and power raged within Zeus, his desire to ruler over mortals was intolerable to lust. ─── 于是泰坦族与奥林匹斯族之间的斗争在凡人间点燃了。

47、They provoke the enervating lust that brings life into being. ─── 它们激起了正在削弱的活力,使生命形成。

48、Yet this same lust for tyrannical conquest is also their greatest weakness. ─── 同时,对于残忍征服的渴望也是他们的最大弱点。

49、Oscar best director Ang Lee has cast him in his upcoming spy thriller,” Lust, Caution. ─── 奥斯卡最佳导演李安邀请他在他即将开拍的侦探惊悚片《色戒》中担任演员。

50、If we do not know ourselves to be full of pride, ambition, lust, weakness, misery, and injustice, we are indeed blind. ─── 如果我们没有认识自己充满着高傲、野心欲念、脆弱、可悲和不义,那么我们的确是瞎子。

51、Lust of light slips through my fingers. ─── 光的欲望在我指间滑落。

52、The lust to kill had suddenly descended on her. ─── 她突然起了杀生之念。

53、Lured by the lust of gold, the pioneers pushed forward. ─── 开拓者在黄金欲的诱惑下, 继续奋力向前。

54、Argument: Yet commensality would hove and lust at all. ─── 去在他们之间搭上任何的关系。

55、People mostly denounced his lust for reputation, but seldom treated this issue from the perspective of gender roles. ─── 人们多指责其“贪名”,而少有人以男女性别角色的观点看待这一问题。

56、Some critics have looked to evolutionary explanations for the lust for gold. ─── 一些评论人士已从进化论的角度解释了女人渴望金发的原因。

57、you lusting after me? How disgusting! ─── 你是在追求我吗?多么恶心!

58、The sudden change in the family didn't make him lose his lust for life. ─── 家庭的灾变并没有使他丧失生活的勇气。

59、A bloody, demonical lust so unnatural you knew they were damned forever. ─── 你们知道,他们俩已经永远给打入地狱了。

60、He looked at her, his eyes becoming hazy with lust. ─── 他色迷迷地看着她。

61、Is it wrong for a man in his 40s to lust after a teenage girl? ─── 安吉拉是他女儿的高中同学,也是他幻想的天使。

62、All his talk is of humanity, justice, and morality, while in his heart there is nothing but greed and lust. ─── 他满嘴仁义道德,满肚子男盗女娼。

63、You should try to lust after her. ─── 你应该努力追求她

64、The world of professional surfing has been lusting for a surfer like Bobby Martinez. ─── 职业冲浪界一直渴望出现一位像BobbyMartinez这样的冲浪好手。

65、A2B electric bike induces green techno lust! ─── a2b电动自行车,诱使绿色技术的欲望!

66、She is like a child lusting for toys. ─── 她像一个渴望玩具的小孩。

67、She felt no lust whatsoever for him. ─── 她对他没有丝毫欲望。

68、Lured by the lust of gold,the pioneers pushed forward. ─── 开拓者在黄金欲的诱惑下,继续奋力向前。

69、He was filled with lust for power. ─── 他内心充满了对权力的渴望。

70、You've got your blu-ray, HDTV and iPhone--but soon you'll be lusting after these amazing new gadgets. ─── 虽然你已经拥有了蓝光DVD、高清数字电视和iPhone手机,但用不了多久你就会疯狂地想拥有下面这些奇异的新式产品了。

71、Yet there are elements that must exist within a relationship,juch as desire and lust. ─── 但是其他的因素,如欲望永远都是存在的。

72、But what a woman says to her lusting lover it is best to write in wind and swift-flowing water. ─── 一个女子对热恋中的情人说的话,最好记在清风流水之中。

73、Don't lust for fame and gain. ─── 别贪求名利。

74、Lust, for example, is aroused more easily in men by visual stimuli than is the case for women. ─── 例如,与女性相比,男性的欲望更容易被视觉刺激唤醒。

75、More, if all he wants is satisfaction of the flesh, he could have destroyed my heart with his lust. ─── 倘若他只限于肉感的满足,那末他倒可以用他的色来摧残我的心;

76、He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self - glorification(Charles Kingsley. ─── 出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲(查尔斯 金斯利)。

77、But a year after you make your purchase, the thrill will likely be gone, and you will be lusting after something else. ─── 但到手一年后,兴奋的感觉很可能就消逝了,你又会渴望别的什么东西。

78、And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust. ─── 他们心中试探神,随自己所欲的求食物。

79、He is satisfied with the pleasant lust of arrogance. ─── 他已经满足于骄傲自满的快活欲望。

80、He was obsessed by lust for money, so he made a mistake. ─── 他被金钱所迷眼,所以才会犯这样的错误。

81、They expect fun, lust, and happiness. ─── 他们期待快乐、性、幸福。

82、And one man's lust these many lives confounds. ─── 一个人痴迷好色,害得多少人遭殃!

83、He is blinded by lust for gain because of his success. ─── 他因一时成功而利令智昏。

84、King Arthur's quest for peace was thwarted by lust, greed, and jealousy. ─── 亚瑟王谋求和平被欲望,贪婪和嫉妒给挫败了。

85、Is your husband lusting after the au pair? ─── 你的丈夫是否正对来家打工的留学女生暗送秋波?

86、Therefore, to subdue lust and observe celibacy by discarding sexuality ultimately proves beneficial to the human soul. ─── 因此,制伏欲望并丢弃肉体欢愉遵守禁欲可以证明对人的灵魂有益。

87、Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood? ─── 你是否终于饱食了你嗜血的欲望?

88、RAOUL:. At the level of your eyes. CHRISTINE: Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood? ─── 你是否终于饱食了你嗜血的欲望?

89、She has a real lust for life(= she really enjoys life). ─── 她真懂得享受生活。

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