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09-21 投稿


workroom 发音

英:[ˈwɜːrkruːmˌˈwɜːrkrʊm]  美:[ˈwɜːkruːm; ˈwɜːkrʊm]

英:  美:

workroom 中文意思翻译



workroom 网络释义

n. 工作室;工场间

workroom 短语词组

1、artist's workroom ─── [网络] 艺术家的工作室

2、digital workroom ltd ─── 数字工作室有限公司

workroom 词性/词形变化,workroom变形


workroom 相似词语短语

1、cloakroom ─── n.衣帽间;寄物处;(英)盥洗室

2、workbooks ─── n.练习簿,作业本;工作手册;(计算机)工作簿文件

3、workrooms ─── n.工作室;工场间

4、cookroom ─── n.厨房

5、darkrooms ─── n.暗房;[摄]暗室

6、workbook ─── n.练习簿,作业本;工作手册;(计算机)工作簿文件

7、darkroom ─── n.暗房;[摄]暗室

8、workgroup ─── n.工作组

9、stockroom ─── n.仓库;商品储藏室

workroom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Recreation room ; playroom; (/recreational) hall; workroom ─── 活动室

2、Eg. I couldn't imagine her having the kind of hole and corner affair that had to be conducted in a dusty workroom. ─── 我真难想像她会干出那种只有在满是灰尘的工作室才做得出的偷偷摸摸的事。

3、My duties were to arrange the goods, keep them clean, help out in the workroom and, above all, run errands. ─── 我的责任是整理商品,保持商品的清洁,在工作室给人做个帮手,而最重要的是在外面跑腿。

4、Scenic Courseware Workroom ─── 情景课件制作室

5、An exclusive photo workroom with spacious workstations, lockers, transmission connection, INFO 2008, CATV, pigeonholes as well as logistics services will be available for photographers. ─── 为摄影记者专用的摄影工作间提供宽敞的工作台、储物柜、数据传输连接、北京2008年奥运会信息系统、有线电视、成绩公告柜,以及后勤保障服务。

6、Do anything, we are always squair and fair and never conduct in a dusty workroom. ─── 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。

7、Nanjing Toyou Machinery Designation Workroom ─── 南京特优机械设计工作室

8、Oil refining enterprise is one lf continuous automatic production and its operating personnel work regularly in the workroom keeping watch over the instrument control equipment? ─── 目前的炼油工艺都是连续性自动化生产,其操作人员的正常工作主要是在值班室通过监视仪表来控制装置。

9、She wrote often, and this was noticed. It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. ─── 她时常寄信。这就引起旁人的注意。在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

10、An all-purpose workroom ─── 通用工作室.

11、The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop. ─── 珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。

12、Absence of relevant laws, private funds are half legitimate, in China mainly operating in the form of workroom, entrusted financing, contracted or corporate private funds and etc. ─── 由于没有具体的法律的规范,我国私募基金的表现形态介于合法与非法之间,主要有工作室、委托理财、契约式或公司式私募基金等形式,且运作机制也呈现不同的特点。

13、Realization about the Method of UPS Accumulator Plate-activated in the Cable Television Workroom ─── 浅谈有线电视机房UPS蓄电池极板活化方法与实现

14、Analysis of exposure to lead among the workers in a gold-jetted workroom ─── 某喷金车间工人铅接触情况调查分析

15、Potter, Potter, Had an early breakfast and went to the pool for my morning routine. The Professor is in the workroom; please do not disturb him. ─── 我提前用了早餐,和往常一样去了游泳池。教授在工作间;请勿打扰。

16、The QingSong Calligraphy Workroom provides the high quality calligraphy work and full professional calligraphy service. ─── 从事礼仪知识传播, 庆典活动, 开业典礼, 展览服务, 大型活动策划与组织的上海公关礼仪 服务公司.

17、In the picture,a Romanian model is showing a wedding dress with a iong train in a workroom. ─── 图片中,一名罗马尼亚模特正在工作室中展示一套带有长长的裙裾的婚纱。

18、workroom handpiece ─── 技工室用机头

19、Computer's Workroom ─── 机房管理系统

20、Air-conditioned,an-istatic and dustfree autopainting workroom with flow air circula-tion system is an ide-al spacefor spray pai-nting. ─── 自动喷油车间,设计为一万至十万级无尘空调车间、防静电地板、鲜风供应系统,为生产创造出一个理想的环境。

21、assistant workroom ─── 辅助车间

22、The famous Shanghai marriage yarn film workroom all be that several! ─── 上海出名的婚纱摄影工作室都是那几家啊!

23、We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels.My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ‘This is the Receiving Section. ─── 他立刻用生平最大的力气和最快的速度逃开,但是老虎紧追不舍,他一直跑一直跑一直跑,最后被老虎逼入了断崖边上。

24、So the beautiful,young wife of the artist sat patiently for hours in his workroom,not complaining. ─── 所以,他漂亮的妻子耐心的坐在画室之中,很久很久,毫无抱怨。

25、Madeleine was in the habit of almost never entering the women's workroom. ─── 按照马德兰先生的习惯,他几乎从来不去女车间。

26、Had an early breakfast and went to the pool for my morning routine. The Professor is in the workroom; please do not disturb him. ─── 我提前用了早餐,和往常一样去了游泳池。教授在工作间;请勿打扰。

27、Oil refining enterprise is one of continuous automatic production and its ope rating personnel work regularly in the workroom keeping watch over the instrument control equip-ment. ─── 炼油是连续性自动化生产,其操作人员的正常工作主要是在值班室通过监视仪表来控制装置。

28、I had my workroom fitted out with new lighting and eldcetrical wirting. ─── 我在我的工作室安装了新的照明设备和供电线路。

29、The Press Workroom is where journalists can compile and transmit their coverage directly from competition venues. ─── 在媒体工作间,记者们可以编辑整理稿件,并从比赛场馆内直接发送报道。

30、Discussion and realization about the activation method of battery plate for the net workroom UPS application ─── 网络机房UPS蓄电池极板活化方法研究与实现

31、workroom man-lock ─── 工作室

32、The best possible technical support at main photo positions, photo editor tribune and photo workroom will be offered.Key photo positions will be provided with internet access, data connection and power outlets. ─── 在主要摄像位置、图片编辑坐席和摄影工作间为摄影记者提供最好的技术支持。在一些关键位置上还将配备上网接口、数据线和电源。

33、Abstract: A paint vapour treatment by means of blowing and drawing ventilation in an airtight workroom is suggested in the article. ─── 文摘:提出在密闭喷漆作业间,采用吹吸式通风法对作业间的漆雾进行治理的方案。

34、Large-scale Separate Workroom Pocket Duster ─── 大型分室布袋除尘器

35、Body and cover form up the workroom of impeller. On inlet and outlet flange there are bolt holes to mount vacuum gauge and pressure gauge. ─── 泵体与泵盖构成叶轮的工作室。在进出水法兰上,制有安装真空表和压力表的管螺孔。进出水法兰的下部,制有放水的管螺孔。

36、tweezers for the workroom ─── 技工镊

37、A paint vapour treatment by means of blowing and drawing ventilation in an airtight workroom is suggested in the article. ─── 提出在密闭喷漆作业间,采用吹吸式通风法对作业间的漆雾进行治理的方案。

38、Fifth chapter concluding remarks: The research to artist workroom makes a summary , expects to build pattern exceeding to the nowadays. ─── 第五章结语:对艺术家工作室的研究作总结,期待对当今建筑模式的超越。

39、Services areas: Press Workroom, Press Tribune, Press Conference Room, Mixed Zone, Media Lounge. ─── 服务区包括:记者工作间、看台记者席、新闻发布厅、混合厅、媒体餐馆休息区。

40、Tell the truth I will not trust any a single person or a workroom that may take any task or project. ─── 说实话,我不相信任何“个人”或者“工作室”来承担所发布的任务。

41、In his workroom, he talked about the things he had learned and showed me his sketches. ─── 女性也需要信念来支持自己克服陈旧观念,完成从普通管理者到领导者角色的转变。

42、My duties were to arrange the goods, keep them clean, help out in the workroom and, above all, run errands. ─── 我的责任是整理商品,保持商品的清洁,在工作室给人做个帮手,而最重要的是在外面跑腿。

43、The doll maker Jae-won, who's helped by a wheel chair doesn't come out of her workroom. ─── 拍摄开始不久怪事接二连三的发生,先是英霞上吊,接著是善英在如厕时的离奇死亡,而正基也被掐死了。

44、The workroom is main manage handwork Tao Yi , Tao Yi clay sculpture , Tao Yi culture the wall , Chinese painting and calligraphy wait. All walks of life friend presence be welcomed! ─── 东莞无极堂陶艺文化有限公司主要经营手工陶艺,陶艺泥塑,陶艺文化墙,电视墙,仿古砖,中国书画等。欢迎各界朋友光临!

45、After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp. Then she swaggered into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling ragtime. ─── 医生走后,苏走进工作室里,把一条日本餐巾哭成一团湿。后来她手里拿着画板,装做精神抖擞的样子走进琼西的屋子,嘴里吹着爵士音乐调子。

46、On Consideration and Practice in Construction of Scenic Courseware Workroom ─── 情景课件制作室建设的思考与实践

47、There have thousands of organizations which can trust with but, buyers give projects and tasks to a single person or a workroom unluckily, is it because they may charge lower bid price? ─── 那里有成千上万家正规公司能够提供相应的服务,但是买家偏偏非得把任务交给“个人”或者“工作室”来承担并且祈祷能够按时按量的完成,是不是仅仅因为他们出价更低?


49、You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company. ─── 你将学会探讨问题,对与你意见相左的人——朋友或办公室和公司的同事更有耐心。

50、Moreover also the renowned painter has established the workroom in the artistic city for the province inside and outside, and non-periodical foreign opening. ─── 另外还在艺术城内为省内外著名画家建立了工作室,并不定期对观众开放。

51、all because of a pack of rascally women, who gossip in the workroom. ─── 您想想吧,沙威先生,他听了那厂里一些胡说八道的娼妇的话,把我撵了出来。

52、Mrs. Lin's workroom's main product is "Cheongsam Lin", the Chinese cheongsam of Lin surname and the series of Chinese Costumes. ─── 本工作室的主打产品是“旗袍林”林氏中华旗袍、唐装系列。

53、After the doctor had gone, Sue went into the workroom to cry. Then she walked into Johnsy's room. She carried some of her painting materials, and she was singing. ─── 医生离去后,苏走进工作室哭了。然后她进入琼西的房间。她带了一些画具,并唱起歌来了。

54、Next, we would like to invite Mr. Zhang to introduce the growth of our maths workroom. ─── 接下来,就让张老师为我们介绍一下我们数学工作室的成长历程。

55、Feature:Number-showing controller, water- sealing used in coping to prevent salt fog from overflowing,temperature-increasing quickly of the workroom. ─── 特点:数显控制器、顶盖采用水密封式防止盐雾外溢,夹套风道加热,工作室升温快,温度分布均匀。

56、Socialization and Reorganization of People's Mediation: A Case Study of Yang Boshou's Workroom in Shanghai ─── 人民调解的社会化与再组织对上海市杨伯寿工作室的个案分析

57、Ladies and gentlemen, our maths workroom is like a big warm family. May I have the honor to introduce the members of our workroom? ─── 我们的数学工作室就像一个温暖的大家庭,下面就让我为大家介绍一下我们工作室的几位成员.

58、In fact, before the game started, the ultimate Left Coast moment occurred in the media workroom. ─── 事实上,在比赛开始之前,在媒体工作室发生了这样一件事。

59、Because of this I have not been going to the museum and because of that they have come to see your workroom. ─── 因为这个原因我没有去博物馆,而他们因为那个原因才去你的工作室。

60、So he's driven you out of your workroom and you came for your morning swim instead. ─── 所以他把你赶出了你自己的工作间,然后你就来做晨泳了。

61、workroom of a painter, sculptor, ─── 画家,雕塑家,摄影师的)工作室.

62、This paper introduces developing idea of an Environment Temperature and Humidity Measure and Control circuit which is fit for archaian calligraphy and painting mounting workroom. ─── 本文详细介绍了一种适用于古代字画装裱工作室的温湿度实时测控电路的研制思路。

63、" After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried. ─── 大夫走后,苏去工作室哭了一场。

64、He said he arrived in the workroom an hour earlier than other performers and also bought books and CDs to better understand the character. ─── 他说,他比其他演员早一个小时来到工作室,还买了书和光盘,以便更好地理解这个角色。

65、After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp. ─── 医生走后,苏走进工作室里,把一条日本餐巾哭成一团湿。

66、"It's dead, Clock, " Moth told him when he at last emerged from his workroom. ─── “它死了,时钟,”莫丝对他说,他终于从他的工作室里冒出来了。

67、A Study of the Work Efficiency in Fashion Workroom ─── 影响制衣业劳动效率因素的调研分析

68、And because of that,they had come to look at your workroom. ─── 正是由于那个原因,他们来看你的工作室。

69、The workroom is main manage handwork Tao Yi , Tao Yi clay sculpture , Tao Yi culture the wall , Chinese painting and calligraphy wait. ─── 东莞无极堂陶艺文化有限公司主要经营手工陶艺,陶艺泥塑,陶艺文化墙,电视墙,仿古砖,中国书画等。

70、The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop. ─── 珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。

71、Movable(/mobile; prefabricated)house; trailer/sports training room/recreation room; playroom; rec(/recreational)hall; workroom ─── 活动房

72、All the parameters of incubator are agreement, just the different volume of the workroom about the model. ─── 培养箱的各项性能参数均一致,型号只是工作室容积大小的区别。

73、His living room is like an exhibition hall of carved roots and the balcony serves as his workroom; even his footstools are made of roots. ─── 史天柱家的客厅像是一个根艺的陈列馆,阳台是他的操作间,连坐的小凳子都是用树根做成的。

74、The clothing designed by Mrs. Lin's workroom wins the second prize in the clothing model competition in the Middle and South Five provinces in 1994. ─── 由本设计室设计的服装参加1994年中南五省服装模特大赛荣获第二名。

75、This is the workroom in all its splendor. ─── 漪欤盛哉,这是工作室的盛况。

76、Second chapters are summed up: Notable case studying under the internationalization background .building with the anastomosing and artist between art the workroom , the artist from building ahouse. ─── 第二章综述:研究在国际化的背景下,建筑与艺术之间的融合以及艺术家工作室、艺术家自建房的显著个案。

77、Jos Aanraad likes to paint, the same way as it has been done in the 17th century. The composition should be like the one in his workroom. ─── 如同十七世纪一样,安拉德喜欢绘画,伴随画家进入他的工作室,你会了解一个画家的真实世界.

78、They passed through the metal detector at the door to their workroom (they pass through it going in and coming out) and walked downstairs to the racks where they had left their bikes. ─── 她们走过设在车间门口的金属检测器(她们出入车间都要被检测),然后再走到楼下她们放自行车的地方。

79、almost never entering the women's workroom. ─── 他几乎从来不去女车间。

80、A well-equipped Photo Workroom is to be provided next to the Kodak Image Center in MPC.There are Photo Workrooms in the VMCs with necessary facilities. ─── 主新闻中心(MPC)内配备齐全的摄影记者工作间,紧邻柯达影像中心。在各比赛场馆的媒体中心(VMC)同样设有设施完善的摄影记者工作间。

81、Whoever her companion was,he wasn't her hushand but I couldn't imagine her having the kind of hole and corner affair that had to be conducted in a dusty workroom. ─── 不管她的同伴是谁,他都不是她的丈夫。不过,我真难想像她会干出那种只有在满是灰尘的工作室才做得出的偷偷摸摸的事。

82、Webs Introduction: The LeoXu workroom is the workroom planning to build the station since October of 2003. ─── 网站简介:我行我素工作室从2003年10月开始策划建站。

83、Our pet clothes workroom can make wearing of different seasons for different kinds and bodily forms of dogs. ─── 网上所发布的款式都是我们自己所设计与制作.我们以承接外销订单为主,不备现货.按客户订单生产。

84、Our company's new built workroom is being completed and may be put into use after May Day. ─── 公司扩建的厂房也基本要封顶了,可能五一后很快就能使用了。

85、It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. " ─── 在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

86、The factory takes up 16327 square meter, workroom 5000 square meter, bleachery10000 square meter, storeroom 1400 square meter. ─── 工厂占地16327平方米,生产车间5000平方米,晾晒场地10000平方米,仓库1400平方米。

87、Chapters on vase arrangements, leaf tricks, topiaries, wedding designs and more make this volume an indispensable addition to every florist's workroom. ─── 书中章节有玻璃瓶插、叶材应用、园艺修剪、婚礼设计等等更多内容,使之成为一本从业人员必不可少的图书。

88、"If you were working with these people in fifth year, you should own a workroom or recording studio in fourth year, and you should work with them in third year. ─── “如果,你的第五年已经在与这些人一起工作,那么你的第四年照道理应该有你自己的一个工作室或录音室。那么你的第三年,可能是先跟这个圈子里的人在一起工作。

89、workroom pliers ─── 技工钳

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