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09-21 投稿


syringin 中文意思翻译



syringin 相似词语短语

1、syringe ─── n.(皮下)注射器;吸管;(园艺或烹饪中的)喷射器;v.用注射器清洗(耳朵);用喷射器(在植物上)喷洒(液体)

2、syringing ─── n.叶面喷洒

3、-stringing ─── n.串接,捆接;接下油套管;v.用带系上(string的现在分词)

4、stringing ─── n.串接,捆接;接下油套管;v.用带系上(string的现在分词)

5、springing ─── n.船体纵向二阶波振;弹簧现象;弹性装置;v.弹起(spring的ing形式)

6、syringes ─── n.耳咽管;鸣管

7、syringa ─── n.山梅花属植物;紫丁香属植物

8、syringed ─── v.用注射器冲洗;用喷射器(在植物上)喷洒(syringe的过去式和过去分词形式)

9、syringas ─── n.山梅花属植物;紫丁香属植物

syringin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、RESULTS Compared with the botanical drug, the content of syringin in cells was improved 20.96 times by liquid culture and 55.50 times by solid culture. ─── 结果与天山雪莲原药材相比,细胞培养物中紫丁香苷的含量在液体培养和固体培养方式下,分别提高了20.96和55.50倍。

2、CONCLUSION It has a good prospect to acquire syringin by plant cell culture. ─── 结论利用细胞培养方式生产紫丁香苷具有良好的开发前景。

3、Keywords Bushen Zhuanggu capsule;syringin;HPLC;diode array detector; ─── 补肾壮骨胶囊;紫丁香苷;高效液相色谱;二极管阵列检测器;

4、Keywords Syringin Purification Characteriz ation; ─── 紫丁香甙;提纯;表征;

5、Syringin so many flowers, there is a one position, looks like a beautiful painting. ─── 这么多的紫丁香花,一朵有一朵的姿势,看起来像一幅很美的画。

6、Keywords acanthopanax senticosus harms;syringin;HPLC; ─── 刺五加;紫丁香苷;高液液相色谱法;

7、All this results provided a basis for further studies on application of cell suspension cultures of S. involucrata for large-scale production of bioactive compound syringin. ─── 这些研究为通过天山雪莲细胞悬浮培养大规模生产活性成分紫丁香苷奠定了基础。

8、Determination of syringin in Bushen Zhuanggu capsule by HPLC-DAD ─── HPLC-DAD法测定补肾壮骨胶囊中紫丁香苷的质量比

9、Keywords Debregeasia orientalis;catechin;quercetin;ursane;syringin; ─── 水麻;儿茶素;槲皮素;乌苏烷;紫丁香苷;

10、Objective: By studying the concentration of syringin in different growing periods and different offiicinal positions of Acanthopanax Senticosus(Rupr. ─── 目的:对不同生长年限、不同药用部位的刺五加中刺五加苷B进行了含量测定,为合理开发、利用这一药用植物资源提供了理论依据。

11、Keywords seeds of Fraxinus Americana;quercetin;syringin;pigment; ─── 大叶白蜡树种子;槲皮素;丁香苷;色素;

12、column and gradient elution of acetonitrile acetic acid solution as mobile phase were employed to determine the content of syringin and rutin in 11 species of Saussurea by RP_HPLC. ─── 液相色谱法测定凤毛菊属植物雪莲花中的紫丁香甙和芦丁。

13、A quantitative analytical method for the content of syringin in cultures of S. involucrata was established with RP-HPLC.The method is convenient, accurate and reliable. ─── 同时采用高效液相色谱法建立了天山雪莲组织细胞培养物中紫丁香苷的含量测定方法,该方法简便,精密度、重现性良好,结果准确可靠。

14、Keywords Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim);HPCE;syringin;chlorogenic acid; ─── 刺五加;胶束电动毛细管电泳;紫丁香苷;绿原酸;

15、abstract: Objective To establish an HPLC method for determination of syringin in Xinnaotai Dropping Pills. IVIethods HPLC method was used. ─── 目的建立高效液相色谱法测定心脑泰滴丸中紫丁香苷的方法。

16、Keywords Compound Ciwujia Syrup;Syringin;HPLC; ─── 复方刺五加糖浆;紫丁香苷;HPLC;

17、Keywords eleutherosides;syringin;grading methods;orthogonal design; ─── 刺五加总苷;丁香苷;综合评分法;正交试验法;

18、The compound of syringin is benzenepropanol glycosides.It exists in more than 110 kinds of plants of more than 60 genuses. ─── 丁香苷为苯丙醇苷类化合物,广泛分布于23个科60多个属110多种植物中。

19、Keywords Acanthopanax senticosus;syringin;total flavonoid;HPLC;habitats; ─── 刺五加;丁香苷;总黄酮;高效液相;生境;

20、Keywords Xuelian injection;rutin;syringin;chologenic acid;RP-HPLC; ─── 雪莲注射液;芦丁;紫丁香苷;绿原酸;反相高效液相色谱法;

21、Keywords Hemistepta lyrata;chemical constituents;syringin;salicin;allantion;chlorogenic acid; ─── 泥胡菜;化学成分;紫丁香苷;水杨苷;尿囊素;绿原酸;

22、However, the syringin content of underground parts does not show a distinct seasonal dynamics. ─── 地下部分根和根茎中丁香苷含量的季节变化不明显。

23、Keywords Kangerlin Granule;Syringin;HPLC; ─── 康儿灵颗粒剂;紫丁香苷;HPLC;

24、Keywords high performance liquid chromatography;Saussurea;syringin;rutin; ─── 高效液相色谱法;雪莲花;紫丁香甙;芦丁;

25、Objective To study determination method of Syringin in CompoundCiwujiaSyrup by HPLC. ─── 目的建立复方刺五加糖浆的含量测定方法。

26、Keywords Qianglinaoqingsu tablets;Galla chinensis;Cornu cervi pantotrichum;Syringin;Glycerol sodium;Quality standard; ─── 关键词强力脑清素片;五味子;鹿茸;紫丁香苷;甘油磷酸钠;质量标准;

27、Keywords syringin;Zhuangyuan Jianshen Capsules;HPLC; ─── 紫丁香苷;壮元健肾胶囊;HPLC;

28、Keywords Aidi freezing dried powered injection;syringin;HPLC;content determination; ─── 注射用艾迪(冻干);紫丁香苷;高效液相色谱法;含量测定;

29、Syringin mainly exists in branches, stems, rhizomes and roots, but in branches, the average content is 2.94%, which is the highest in all parts of A. secticosus. ─── 结果表明, 丁香苷主要存在于茎干系统, 其中在枝中的含量最高, 平均含量可达2.94%。

30、The syringin content of the aboveground parts shows a distinct seasonal dynamics.It is higher in the spring and autumn but lower in the growth season (summer). ─── 从季节动态来看, 刺五加地上部分枝和茎中丁香苷的含量呈明显的季节变化, 即春秋季含量较高, 夏季含量较低;

31、Keywords Mie aoling tablet;HPLC;syringin;determination; ─── 灭澳灵片;HPLC;紫丁香苷;含量测定;

32、Zorbax ODS column and gradient elution of acetonitrile acetic acid solution as mobile phase were employed to determine the content of syringin and rutin in 11 species of Saussurea by RP_HPLC. ─── 采用高效液相色谱法测定凤毛菊属植物雪莲花中的紫丁香甙和芦丁。

33、Results Four compounds were isolated and identified as syringin (1),salicin (2),allantoin (3) and chlorogenic acid (4). ─── 结论4个化合物均为首次从本属植物中分离得到。

34、Keywords HPLC;Qianglining Tablets;syringin;betaine;determination; ─── 强力宁片;紫丁香苷;甜菜碱;含量测定;

35、OBJECTIVE To compare the syringin content in cell cultures with that in botanical drug of Saussurea involucrata. ─── 目的比较天山雪莲细胞培养物与原药材中紫丁香苷含量的差异。

36、The reasons for the seasonal dynamics of the syringin and total flavonoid of A. senticosus are discussed. ─── 本文对丁香苷和总黄酮季节变化的原因进行了分析。

37、HPLC method with the finished Syringin, determine the content of ginsenoside Rbl. ─── 用高效液相色谱法对成品中紫丁香苷进行含量测定。

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