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09-21 投稿


bella 发音

英:[ˈbelə]  美:[ˈbelə]

英:  美:

bella 中文意思翻译



bella 词性/词形变化,bella变形

动词过去式: belled |动词第三人称单数: bells |动词现在分词: belling |动词过去分词: belled |

bella 短语词组

1、BellaBella ─── [地名] 贝拉贝拉 ( 加 )

2、bounceonyou bella bounceonyou ─── 贝拉

3、candy bella ─── 坎迪·贝拉

4、christian bella ─── 克里斯蒂安·贝拉

5、bella fan ─── 贝拉·范

6、bella f ─── 贝拉f

7、andrew bella ─── 安德鲁·贝拉

8、bella figura ─── 美形主义;漂亮外表

9、bale bella ─── 贝尔 ─── 贝拉

10、bella fashion ─── 贝拉时尚

11、bella falcon ─── 贝拉猎鹰

12、bella fairy ─── 贝拉仙女

13、bella sombra ─── [网络] 贝拉sombra

14、angela bella ─── 安吉拉·贝拉

15、god with bella ─── 上帝与贝拉

16、baby bella ─── 婴儿贝拉

17、Rosa bella Rehd. et Wils. ─── [医] 山刺玫

18、Bella Coola n. ─── 贝拉库拉人(加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省北美印第安人部落的一分支); ─── 贝拉库拉语(属萨利希语族)

19、erica bella ─── 希瑟·贝拉

bella 相似词语短语

1、Bella ─── n.贝拉(女子名,等于Arabella,Isabella)

2、Della ─── n.黛拉(女子名,等于Delia)

3、Pella ─── n.斗篷;n.(Pella)人名;(法、德、意、罗)佩拉

4、bell ─── n.铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物;vt.装钟于,系铃于;vi.鸣钟;成钟状鼓起

5、bells ─── n.铃(bell的复数形式);排钟;喇叭裤;v.系铃于…;鸣钟(bell的第三人称单数形式)

6、Sella ─── n.萨拉(姓氏)

7、belga ─── n.贝尔加(比利时货币单位);n.(Belga)人名;(葡)贝尔加

8、belle ─── n.(尤指某活动或某场合的)美女;n.(Belle)(美、法)贝莱(人名)

9、-bella ─── n.贝拉(女子名,等于Arabella,Isabella)

bella 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Let go, Bella!" snarled Narcissa, and she drew a wand from beneath her cloak, holding it threateningly in the other's face. Bella merely laughed. ─── "放开我,贝拉!"纳西莎咆哮着从斗篷下抽出一根魔杖,威胁般地指着另一个人的脸。可贝拉只是笑了笑。

2、Ice and Fire irreconcilable contradiction, love and sacrifice in the scale, Bella found her dedication to not only the soul ... ─── 冰与火不可调和的矛盾,爱与牺牲的规模,贝拉发现她的奉献精神,不仅灵魂...

3、Bella: You are not a bad guy. ─── 如果我不是英雄?而是个坏蛋呢?

4、Oh mia patria s?bella e perduta! ─── 啊我的祖国是如此可爱和迷人!

5、Television cameras rolled as Cesar Chavez organized the migrant workers in California and as Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham linked arms to protest the lack of women’s rights. ─── 听听这些人名,我刚上网查了一下,不是杜撰的哦。我不知道这些人在美国的地位是跟鲁迅在中国一样还是咋地,小弟我是服了。

6、"Bella, turn around," he growled. ─── “贝拉,回头。”他吼道。

7、"The Dark Lord is...I believe... mistaken," Bella panted, and her eyes gleamed momentarily under her hood as she looked around to check that they were indeed alone. ─── "黑魔王......我相信......是犯了个错误,"贝拉喘着气,当她看到四周没有别人时,兜帽里下的眼睛闪了一下。"

8、"You need to smile, Bella," Edward murmured. ─── “你得笑,贝拉。”爱德华小声说。

9、"Oh, hiya, Bella! How are you?" ─── “哦,嗨呀,贝拉!你好吗?”

10、Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [Hands her the coat] Bella is with Edward. She's a part of this family, and we protect our family. ─── 卡莱尔:爱德华现在跟贝拉在一起,她是我们家庭的一员,我们必须保护我们的家人。

11、"Bella," he hesitated, scrutinizing my reaction to his next words. "Honey, you're not the first person to go through this kind of thing, you know." ─── “贝拉,”他犹豫了,细读我对他接下来的话的反应。“亲爱的,你不是第一个遭遇这种变故的人,知道吗。”

12、She had knocked on the door before Bella, cursing under her breath, had caught up. ─── 她敲了敲门,这时贝拉咒骂着从后面赶了上了。

13、Por los momentos dificilies, ya entendi que la flor mas bella, seria sienpre para mi. ─── 因着所有的挫折, 终于的明白, 那最美丽的花朵,是为自己而盛开的...

14、Por los momentos difciles yo entiendo que la flor mas bella sera siempre para mi. ─── (因着所有的挫折,终于我明白,那最美丽的花,是为自己而盛开的。

15、- Fans of replica watches motor sports will surely notice and appreciate the arrow-tipped logo of the corsa piu bella del mondo in red. ─── + LED显示屏之所以受到广泛重视而得到迅速发展,是与它本身所具有的优点分不开的。

16、(in Bella‘s livingroom)He put his hand under my chin and pulled my face up to his. ─── 当他向我靠近,把冰冷的嘴唇压在我的嘴唇上的时候,我已经开始晕头转向了。

17、Kenny Dykstra vs.R-Truth Maryse & Natalya vs.Maria & Michelle McCool Jeff Hardy vs.MVP Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs.Festus & Jesse Bri Bella vs.Victoria Shelton Benjamin vs. ─── Triple H你现在正在观看的"SD 20080829[中文]"来自[最新电视剧 ]如果你觉得本站不错,那么就就推荐给您的朋友!

18、"Oh, hey, Bella," Deputy Steve said affably. "I'll go get him." ─── “哦,嘿,贝拉,”史帝夫副局长殷勤地说道,“我马上找他过来。”

19、Rosa bella Rehd. et Wils. ─── [医] 山刺玫

20、"Bella?" Jess whispered. "What are you doing?" ─── “贝拉?”杰西小声叫道,“你在干什么?”

21、"Calm down, Bella," Edward whispered, listening to the acceleration of my heart. ─── “镇定,贝拉。”倾听我心脏加速跳动的声音,爱德华小声说。

22、"Nice save," Charlie noted."If they're doing something fun at the Cullens' tonight, Bella, you should take some pictures. ─── “救得漂亮,”查理高声说,“如果今晚库仑家有什么精彩的节目,贝拉,就把它拍下来。

23、"Whatever, Bella. " She glared out the windshield instead of looking at me. She seemed to be growing angrier rather than getting over it. ─── “无所谓了,贝拉。”她没看我,反倒是怒瞪挡风玻璃外的景物。看来她还没气消,倒是越来越生气了。

24、57. He laughed, and then began to hum that same, unfamiliar lullaby; the voice of an archangel, soft in my ear. (Bella ─── 他笑了,接着又哼起了那首陌生的催眠曲。他天使般的嗓音,有如天籁,声声入耳。

25、The king and queen loved Bella very much. ─── 国王和王后非常爱贝拉。

26、"Smile, Bella," Charlie reminded me again. ─── “笑一个,贝拉,”查理再次提醒我。

27、Un giorno Bella vide nello specchio magico che suo padre era malato. ─── 一天,美女看到魔镜,他的父亲去世了。

28、Por los mements dif ciles, ya entennd que la flor m s bella ser a siempre para mi. ─── 因著所有的挫折,我终于明白,那最美丽的花朵,是为自己而盛开的...

29、"Seriously, Bella, as soon as these two give up, I'm closing the place down," Mike murmured. ─── “说真的,贝拉,他们一放手,我就立刻关门。”迈克嘀咕道。

30、"Twilight" cover pair of pale, slender hands and Edward holding Bella represents such a mouth-watering red apple, as if, like treasure! ─── 《暮色》封面那双修长苍白的双手代表着爱德华捧着贝拉这样一颗令人垂涎欲滴的红苹果,仿佛珍宝一样!

31、But what will Edward and Bella do when a clan of new vampires -- James, Laurent and Victoria -- come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life? ─── 就在这时侯,吸血鬼詹姆斯、劳伦特和维多利亚也来到了这个小镇上,并对爱德华和贝拉的生活产生了莫大的威胁。面对这群新来的不速之客,他们应该怎样做呢?

32、From the street the glass facade of Bella frames a glamorous scene that transfixes passerbys and draws them in.The perfect choice for a memorable evening and for entertaining guests and clients. ─── 从街对面看,玻璃墙的Bella Italia迷人场景吸引着路人走进去,并提供顾客们一个难忘的晚上。

33、"Bella," he sighed, shaking his head. ─── “贝拉呀!”他摇头叹气道。

34、She was going to give Princess Bella a gift, too. ─── 她也打算送给贝拉公主一个礼物。

35、Bella moaned that her feet were cold. ─── 贝拉抱怨说她的脚冷。

36、Uncovering the relationship between workaholism and workplace destructive and constructive deviance: an exploratory study By: Galperin, Bella L.; Burke, Ronald J. ─── 工作狂与工作场所破坏性、建设性异常行为的关系。

37、Bella : Come on. Oh, my gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me? Sorry. ─── 不是吧。哦,我的天哪!太棒了。不是开玩笑的吧。不好意思。

38、Bella Davidovich ? ─── 居然没听过。

39、When Bella DePaulo, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of the book Singled Out (St. ─── 因为我们单身,渴望爱情,极端害怕孤独终老,所以有时候我甚至不能说服自己其实我在某些方面也算是获得了成功!

40、Mr. Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965. ─── 贝拉先生在1965年的一次政变中被罢免了。

41、They named her Bella. ─── 取名叫贝拉。

42、A. As many people have guessed, the word "boyfriend" seems sort of trite and schoolyard-ish in the light of how Bella feels about Edward. ─── 答:正如很多朋友认为,比照贝拉内心对爱德华的真正感觉,“男朋友”这个词似乎有点老土和过于学生气了。

43、They saw that Bella was sleeping soundly on the floor. ─── 他们看到贝拉很好的睡在了地板上。

44、She turned to Bella and said, ─── 她转向贝拉说,

45、"Just look at those scars," he says,pointing at raw marks across Bella's powerful shoulders. "No question this one's been in a scrap before." ─── “看那些伤痕,”他指着贝拉强有力的双肩上的新疤痕说。“没问题,这畜牧打过架。”

46、Holding Bella tight, burying his face in her hair, he gave thanks with such eloquence she started to weep all over again. ─── 他搂紧贝拉,将脸埋在她的秀发里,他用如此质朴而美丽的语言献上真挚的谢意,惹得她又开始落泪了。

47、But interestingly enough, Tchaikovsky became famous in America because of his ballets, because of Bella Sheen and all these great Russian 8)choregraphers: first they came to America. ─── 但有趣的是,柴可夫斯基是凭他的芭蕾舞曲在美国打响名声的。

48、Yet, Bella Abzug had enemies.Many people did not like her.They thought she was too loud, too aggressive, too independent, too liberal. ─── 尽管如此,贝拉.艾布扎格也有政敌,许多人不喜欢她,他们认为她太吵了,太好斗了,太独立了,太自由了。

49、Esme's heart-shaped face was ashamed. "I'm so sorry, Bella," she cried as she followed the others into the yard. ─── 埃斯美心形的脸蛋上充满愧疚。“真对不起,贝拉。”跟着其他人走出屋子。

50、Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. ─── 生物课上贝拉坐在爱德华·卡伦旁边,但是爱德华似乎对贝拉很反感,这让贝拉很是迷惑。

51、He found Princess Bella still asleep. ─── 他发现贝拉公主仍在睡觉。

52、Edge, Chris Jericho &Dolph Ziggler Cody Rhodes vs.Primo Randy Orton vs.Triple H Mickie James &The Bella Twins vs.Maryse, Beth Phoenix &Rosa Mendes Big Show vs. ─── 剧情由三味影院-快播伦理影院,伦理电影,快播,绍兴三味影院,免费在线电影提供:Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio &The Great Khali vs.

53、Affinity relationship of 5 species was analysed preliminarily to show that R bella was the one most similar to R rugosa among these 5 species. ─── 同时,分析了5个种之间的亲缘关系,发现其中的美蔷薇与玫瑰花最为接近。

54、She was known to all and sundry as Bella. ─── 她贝拉。

55、Bella: What if I step all over your feet? ─── 万一我踩到你的脚怎么办?

56、"Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes," Jacob explained inaccurately. ─── “贝拉和我准备把这些电单车修好,”雅革做出了错误的解释。

57、The writer is Citta Bella's Lifestyle Editor. ─── ·作者是《都会佳人》生活时尚编辑。

58、The guests gave different kinds of gifts to Bella. ─── 客人们给了贝拉各种各样不同的礼物。

59、un'isola bella e affascinante per la natura. ─── 一个美丽和迷人的自然岛屿。

60、The king and the queen showed Bella to their guests. ─── 国王和王后把他们的女儿给那些客人看。

61、Por los momentos dif ciles, ya entennd que la flor m s bella ser a siempre para mi. ─── 因著所有的挫折,终于我明白,那最美丽的花朵,是为自己而盛开的.....

62、the four good fairies saw Bella running to the tower. ─── 四个仙女看到了贝拉正朝着塔那边跑去。

63、Big Show Brie Bella vs.Katie Lea Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard) vs. ─── 上Q最常有的感觉是“无聊”,尽管在网络上花去了大把的时间 - Kofi Kingston vs.

64、That same year he married Bella Rosenfeld. It was to be a close and loving relationship that would continue for 30 years until her death. Chagall's love for Bella was to be an ongoing inspiration in his paintings. ─── 同年,他与贝娜·罗森菲尔德结婚,这种如胶似膝、恩爱情深的夫妻关系一直延续了30年之久,直到贝娜逝世为止。夏加尔对贝娜的爱情始终是他绘画作品中不断表现的灵感。

65、In nineteen seventy, Bella Abzug was elected to the House of Representatives as a Democrat from New York City. ─── 1970年,贝拉.艾布扎格作为纽约市的代表当选国会众议员,那年她五十岁。

66、"Well, Bella," Renee had said after I'd choked and stuttered out the impossible words: Mom, I'm marrying Edward. ─── “噢,贝拉,”在我吞吞吐吐、战战兢兢地说出那句令人不可置信的话:妈妈,我要嫁给爱德华了。

67、The king and the queen were very happy to have their first child, Bella. ─── 国王和王后非常开心因为他们有了小女儿贝拉。

68、Por los momentos dif ciles,ya entennd que la flor m s bella,ser a siempre para mi. ─── : 因著所有的挫折,我终于明白,那最美丽的花朵,是为自己而盛开的...

69、Soon the young handsome price and Princess Bella married. ─── 不久这个年轻英俊的是王子就和贝拉公主结婚了。

70、O mia patria si bella e perduta! ─── 啊,我那美丽但已不再的家乡!

71、11) Pray for Bella Lamb's health and treatment in Lethbridge hospital. ─── 为林优宝姊妹在医院观察治疗祷告。

72、When he stared painting again the figure of Bella featured regularly. ─── 将近一年之久,这位艺术家悲痛欲绝,他开始重新作画时,就经常大画特画贝娜形象。

73、Spero, Bella Devito, and Louis Theodore. ─── 书名 :Regulatory chemicals handbook /Jennifer M.

74、No matter what I was doing, I always loved you, Bella. ─── 不管我过去做了什么,我都永远爱你

75、There were a romantic part that I really liked in the book, which was Edward humming Bella her lullaby while putting her to sleep. ─── 书里面有一段是男主角爱德华在陪女主角贝拉睡觉时(吸血鬼是不需要睡觉的),为贝拉哼专属于她的摇篮曲。

76、But Bella believe she will find the exceptions and whys. ─── 但贝拉相信她会找出例外和原因的。

77、The blood boiling prefer to die Bella Edward together, but before they got married, Edward does not allow her to do so. ─── 热血沸腾的贝拉宁愿选择死亡以便与爱德华长相厮守,但是在他们结婚之前,爱德华不允许她这样做。

78、"Bella," censured her mother. ─── “蓓拉”,母亲责备她。

79、Kemp considered the title La Bella Milanese, but decided it sounded more like the name of an Italian gastronomic delight than a work of art. ─── Kemp曾考虑将其命名为《美丽的米兰姑娘》,但又觉得那听起来更像一种意大利美食的名字,而不是艺术作品。

80、"Bella, the last real birthday any of us had was Emmett in 1935. ─── “贝拉,我们家人过的最后一个生日是埃米特在1935年的生日。

81、She twisted in her seat to face me, eyeing me incredulously. "Are you talking to me, Bella?" ─── 她从座位上转过来,不可置信地看着我。“你在跟我说话吗,贝拉?”

82、The king and the queen named her Bella. ─── 国王和王后给她取名叫贝拉。

83、Pray for Bella Lamb to adapt the life in home care. ─── 为林优宝姊妹适应老人院生活祷告。

84、Pity that they had to skip that part and so many other parts.There actually were lots of interesting dialogues between Edward and Bella. ─── 可惜电影删掉了那一段,还有很多其他的也被删了,其实书里男女主角很多对话都还蛮有趣的。

85、The king and the queen decided to marry Bella to the handsome prince. ─── 国王和王后决定把贝拉嫁给这个英俊的王子。

86、The king held a big party to celebrate Bella's birthday. ─── 国王举办了一个大的宴会来庆祝贝拉的生日。

87、A handsome young prince heard the story about Princess Bella. ─── 一个英俊年轻的王子听说了关于贝拉公主的故事。

88、17. He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch. (Bella ─── 他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的明亮,比我以前看到的都要明亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。

89、She was known to all and sundry as Bella. ─── 人人都叫她贝拉。





这个歌曲的原唱是苏联歌手克莱曼诺夫(Viktor Klimenko),歌曲讲述了爱情与离别的故事



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