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09-21 投稿


manometric 发音


英:  美:

manometric 中文意思翻译



manometric 短语词组

1、Warburg manometric apparatus ─── [医]瓦氏测压器

2、manometric flame ─── [医] 感压火焰

3、manometric trap terminating ─── 测压陷阱终止

4、manometric cicatrix ─── [医] 压动性瘢痕(鼓膜)

5、manometric efficiency ─── [化] 测压效率

6、manometric method ─── [医] 测压法

7、manometric bomb ─── [化] 测压弹

8、manometric balance ─── 压力秤

9、manometric head ─── 液压计示压头

10、manometric spring ─── 测压弹簧

11、manometric respirometry ─── 压力呼吸测定法

12、manometric measurement ─── 测压 ─── 测量

13、manometric pressure ─── 计示压力

14、manometric fluid ─── 测压液

15、manometric tests ─── [医] 芒图氏试验(结核菌素皮内试验)

16、manometric meter ─── 测压仪

17、manometric thermometer ─── 压差温度计, ─── 压力表式温度计

manometric 相似词语短语

1、manometrical ─── 测压的

2、magnetometric ─── adj.磁力的;测磁的

3、craniometric ─── 测颅的;颅测量的

4、barometric ─── adj.气压的

5、planometric ─── 平面测量

6、gasometric ─── 气体定量的

7、manometry ─── n.测压法

8、tonometric ─── 张力测量的;压力测量的

9、monometric ─── adj.等轴的

manometric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abnormalities and Anorectal Manometric Methods in Chronic Constipation ─── 慢性便秘的肛门直肠测压方法及表现

2、Results: Using the abdominal cavity direct manometric method and the abdominal cavity indirect manometric method had the very high relevance when ACS occurs. ─── 结果:轻度ACS时用腹腔直接测压法与腹腔间接测压法有很高的相关性。

3、Keywords BOD_5;Sewage;Manometric method;Sewage plant; ─── 污水;测压法;污水处理厂;

4、manometric balance ─── 压力秤

5、manometric method of Van Slyke and Neil Van ─── Slyke和Neil压力分析法

6、manometric efficiency ─── 压缩[测压]效率

7、Objective:To study and introduce a new manometric method to determine the pressure during contraction and relaxation of isolated smooth muscle from trachea of guinea pig. ─── 目的:研究并介绍一种新的离体气管平滑肌舒缩性检测法-压力检测法。

8、manometric method ─── 测压法

9、Keywords high energy gas fracture;combustion gas;infrared spectrum;manometric bomb; ─── 高能气体压裂;燃气;红外光谱;密闭爆发器;

10、An internal airlift loop reactor(ALR) is built,with air-water two-phase mode as the object of study,a manometric method is used to determine the gas holdup in the riser and downcomer. ─── 建立了气升式内环流反应器的冷模实验装置,以空气-水两相系统为研究对象,采用压差法测定了反应器降流区的气含率和升流区气含率,采用体积膨胀法测定了反应器总体平均气含率。

11、manometric flame ─── 感压焰

12、manometric meter ─── 测压计

13、manometric fluid ─── 测压液

14、This Standard Reference Material is intended for use in the measurement of the oxygen gas transmission rate of thin polymeric films using manometric, volumetric, or coulometric methods. ─── (渗透量是以下待测值的函数:1.压力的升高率2.下腔体积3.有效气体透过面积4.进气储存器的压力5.绝对温度)

15、Abnormalities and Anorectal Manometric Methods in Chronic Constipation ─── 慢性便秘的肛门直肠测压方法及表现

16、The manometric method overcomes the defect of tedious operation used in dilution inoculation method and it has the advantage of direct and easy operation, etc.It has certain availability. ─── 测压法克服了稀释接种法操作繁琐等缺点,具有测定直接、操作简便等优点,有一定的可用性。

17、manometric measurement ─── 压力测定

18、manometric tube ─── 测压管

19、manometric cholangiography ─── 胆管测压造影[术]

20、capillary manometric method ─── 毛细管压力法

21、manometric head ─── 液压计示压头

22、Van Slyke manometric blood gas apparatus ─── 范斯菜克血清气体测定器

23、Dynamic ET endoscopy findings of 121 ears (of the total 124 ears studied) were correlated with middle ear manometric studies using Mc Nemar 2 test. ─── 这表明(内镜下共研究了124例耳)所发现的121例耳的咽鼓管动态与用McNemar2测试检测的中耳测压研究显著相关。

24、manometric bomb ─── 测压弹

25、Van Slyke's manometric blood gas apparatus ─── [医] 范斯莱克氏血液气体测定器

26、Manometric Studies ─── 测压研究

27、manometric spring ─── 感压弹簧

28、10.The NBS computer-controlled manometric permeation measuring facility was employed for the collection of the data. ─── (使用了国家标准局的计算机控制压差法渗透测试装置来获得测试数据。)

29、A manometric study of the ability of stool control in subjects with complete spinal cord injury ─── 完全性脊髓损伤患者大便控制能力的研究

30、manometric pressure ─── 计示压力

31、manometric thermometre ─── 压力式温度计

32、Warburg manometric apparatus ─── 瓦勃氏测压器

33、apparatus, Van Slyke's manometric blood gas ─── 范斯莱克(氏)血液气体测定器

34、manometric test ─── 测压试验

35、This article introduces the principle of manometric methed and carries on the test townrds the degree of accuracy and sophistication of manometric method. ─── 主要介绍了测压法配制混合气的原理、方法,并分析了配制过程中各项误差的控制。

36、Manometric studies through pyelostomy tube ─── 通过肾盂造口管测压研究

37、The manometric studies of esophageal motility were performed on 30 normal subjects. ─── 作者对30例正常人进行了食管运动的测压研究,用3头微型换能器进行测压。

38、Manometric studies through nephrostomy tube ─── 通过肾造口管测压研究

39、Gas analysis; preparation of calibration gas mixtures; manometric method ─── 气体分析.标定用混合气体的制备.测压法

40、The Manometric Study of Stomach and Esophagus in Preoperative and Postoperative Stage of the Patients of Congenital Upper G astrolntestinal Ohstruction 袁正伟,李正,王练英, ─── 子宫内膜增殖期、增生症、腺癌的超微结构及立体形态计量学研究隋丽,常文庆,王亚军,刘冬娟,徐彦平

41、Application of New Type Manometric Tube in the Operation of Portal Hypertension ─── 自制测压管在门静脉高压症手术中的应用

42、Warburg's manometric apparatus ─── 华伯(氏)呼吸器

43、Keywords BOD5;dilute solution;seed solution;manometric apparatus.; ─── 稀释水;接种液;差压式测定装置;

44、The manometric apparatus described in this section is the Hach Model 2171 ─── 本节所述测压仪为哈奈2171型。

45、manometric thermometer ─── 压差温度计压力表式温度计

46、manometric technique ─── 测压技术

47、manometric tests ─── [医] 芒图氏试验(结核菌素皮内试验)

48、Plastics - Determination of the gas transmission rate of films and thin sheets under atmospheric pressure - Manometric method. ─── 塑料.在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定.测压法

49、Manometric evaluation of the esophagus in a patient with achalasia. ─── 测压评价食管贲门失弛缓症病人,在1。

50、Manometric thermometer with electric contacts ─── 电接点压力温度计

51、manometric blood gas apparatus ─── 量压式血液气体测定器

52、Non-specific esophageal motility disorders: manometric abnormalities with unknown causes ─── 非特异性食管运动障碍——原因不明的食管测压异常

53、Manometric studies through ureterostomy ─── 通过输尿管造口术压力测量研究

54、Keywords BOD5;manometric method;dilution inoculation method; ─── 测压法;稀释接种法;

55、manometric cicatrix ─── [医] 压动性瘢痕(鼓膜)

56、Ambulatory 24-hour manometric and pH metric evidence of gastroesophageal reflux after operation of congenital choledochal cysts ─── 24小时食管pH及压力测定对胆总管囊肿术后胃食管反流的监测

57、A manometric study of the ability of stool control in subjects with complete spinal cord injury ─── 完全性脊髓损伤患者大便控制能力的研究

58、Evaluation of pre- and post-operational esophageal manometric findings with achalasia ─── 贲门失弛症患者手术前后食管功能分析

59、manometric capsule ─── 密封增压座舱

60、Abstract: Objective:To study and introduce a new manometric method to determine the pressure during contraction and relaxation of isolated smooth muscle from trachea of guinea pig. ─── 摘 要: 目的:研究并介绍一种新的离体气管平滑肌舒缩性检测法-压力检测法。

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