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09-21 投稿


Golconda 发音

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英:  美:

Golconda 中文意思翻译



Golconda 相似词语短语

1、waconda ─── 秒

2、colcothar ─── n.铁丹

3、Gioconda ─── n.(艺术)蒙娜丽莎的肖像画

4、gold bonds ─── [金融]黄金债券;金券

5、goonda ─── n.流氓;打手

6、wahconda ─── 瓦赫孔达

7、Golconda ─── n.宝山;无限富源

8、anacondas ─── n.水蟒(anaconda的复数)

9、anaconda ─── n.水蟒;蟒蛇

Golconda 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、at Golconda on the last just a small apartment Huxing others, there are many houses in the intermediary shop listing. ─── 位于宝山路上的一处小户型公寓去年刚刚交房,目前有不少房源在中介门店挂牌。

2、journalists live interviews found, Gonghuxinlu 5288, a total of at the Haomeijia Jiang shop in Golconda area, the shop is a total Jiang Carrefour supermarket shop. ─── 记者现场采访时发现,位于共和新路5288号的好美家共江店地处宝山区内,门店正对家乐福超市共江店。

3、Mangshan eas seemed as Golconda by the ancient emperor and gentry,the tumuluses are very denseness,there have been excavated out Countless ancient cultural relics. ─── 俗话说“邙山上无卧牛之地”,即指这里遍地古墓,而在这些带着历史气息的文物中,陶器占了绝大部分。

4、In the city center area real pressure and enlarged dual pressure Dahua remain the first choice for many ordinary property buyers throughout the Golconda area now takes center. ─── 在市中心房价压力和面积放大的双重压力下,大华仍然成为众多普通购房者的首选,在整个宝山地区独领风骚。

5、GolcondaGolconda political, economic, cultural, business center, Shanghai is an important node northern landscape ax is. ─── 宝山新城是宝山政治、经济、文化、商务中心,是上海北部景观轴线上的重要节点。

6、And the Northeast region (Zhabei, Yangpu, Baoshan), the slow development of the property market in particular, Golconda area, prices are relatively low. ─── 而东北地区(闸北、杨浦、宝山)、尤其宝山地区楼市发展缓慢,房价也比较低。

7、Golconda area, Link, Line, Jiang Yang Road North and a number of municipal Times elevated road building, bringing vitality to the property market. ─── 宝山区内的外环线、明珠线、江杨北路和逸仙高架一批市政道路的建设,为房产市场带来活力。”

8、Golconda West plate, as a result of high territory adjacent city rail transportation, Times elevated road, traffic facilities, Listing new site received attention. ─── 宝山西区的板块中,高境因紧邻江湾镇轨道交通、逸仙路高架,交通便利,上市新盘颇受关注。

9、White, in his new capacity, was anxious to exploit his grievance against golconda ─── 怀特有了新的职权,急于发泄他对戈尔康达的不满。

10、Major city construction input and will greatly improve the Golconda area traffic, and enhance the value of properties in the region play an important role. ─── 重大市政建设投入,将极大改善目前宝山地区的交通,并且对该地区房产价值提升起到重要的作用。

11、taste this, and the mines of Peru, Guzerat, and Golconda are opened to you. ─── 尝尝这个吧,秘鲁,古齐拉,戈尔康达的金矿都会打开在你眼前的。

12、Golconda division will build reasonable, functional and beautiful modern Village City. ─── 宝山将建成分工合理、功能齐全、环境优美的现代化滨江城区。

13、taste this, and the mines of Peru, Guzerat, and golconda are opened to you ─── 尝尝这个吧,秘鲁,古齐拉,戈尔康达的金矿都会打开在你眼前的。

14、Historically, Golconda was famous for its diamonds, mined in the nearby hills. ─── 历史上附近丘陵的砾岩中曾以产金刚石著称。

15、Golconda area of housing has now sold more than 400 sets, which dated to the beach area about 50% of the total, China and Songnan area in a series of houses sold, mostly large Huxing the sale. ─── 宝山地区现在售的房源有400余套,其中月浦地区约占到总量的一半,华和淞南一带也有一系列的在售房源,大多为大户型的楼盘。

16、GolcondaGolconda political, economic, cultural, business center, Shanghai is an important node northern landscape axis. ─── 宝山新城是宝山政治、经济、文化、商务中心,是上海北部景观轴线上的重要节点。

17、at Golconda on the last just a small apartment Hux ing others, there are many houses in the intermediary shop listing. ─── 位于宝山路上的一处小户型公寓去年刚刚交房,目前有不少房源在中介门店挂牌。

18、Golconda area, Link, Line, Jiang Yang road North and a number of municipal Times elevated road building, bringing vitality to the property market. ─── 宝山区内的外环线、明珠线、江杨北路和逸仙高架一批市政道路的建设,为房产市场带来活力。

19、So the famous diamond beds of Golconda were discovered. ─── 于是著名的库尔康达钻石矿床就这样被发现了。

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