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09-21 投稿


mephitis 发音

英:[məˈfaɪtɪs]  美:[məˈfaɪtɪs]

英:  美:

mephitis 中文意思翻译



mephitis 短语词组

1、Mephitis mephitis ─── [网络] 臭鼬;学名;加拿大臭鼬

2、Mephitis macroura ─── [网络] 冠臭鼬;臭鼬属;大尾臭鼬

3、genus Mephitis ─── [网络] Mephitis

4、Mephitis (genus) ─── 积水(属)

mephitis 词性/词形变化,mephitis变形

副词: mephitically |异体字: mephitical |

mephitis 相似词语短语

1、psephites ─── n.[岩]砾质岩;碎砾岩

2、mephitic ─── adj.有毒气的;恶臭的(等于mephitical)

3、nephritis ─── n.[泌尿]肾炎

4、metritis ─── n.[妇产]子宫炎

5、mephitical ─── adj.恶臭的;毒气的

6、hepatitis ─── n.肝炎

7、mephitism ─── 梅毒

8、psephitic ─── adj.砾状的

9、cephalitis ─── n.[内科]脑炎;大脑炎

mephitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is mephitis, I also have, 1 year, had not retreated, irrespective! ─── 身上长的小血点是什么东东啊?

2、Of, relating to, or resembling mephitis; poisonous or foul-smelling. ─── 恶臭的恶臭的、与恶臭有关的或似恶臭的;

3、Keywords fecal sewage;aerobic contact oxidation process;the elimination of mephitis through biology; ─── 粪便污水;好氧接触氧化;生物除臭;

4、The old person tells us, this tree cries in local jargon " Kumajia " , also a few big mammal are in to death under its mephitis before, nevertheless, most animal can rely on natural escape it. ─── 老人告诉我们,这棵树在当地土语中叫“库马加”,以前也有一些大的哺乳动物死在它的毒气之下,不过,大多数动物都能依靠本能避开它。

5、dysodia mephitis ─── 臭气

6、Mephitis macroura ─── n. 大尾臭鼬

7、Of, relating to, or resembling mephitis; poisonous or foul-smelling. ─── 恶臭的恶臭的、与恶臭有关的或似恶臭的;有毒的或恶臭的

8、Of, relating to, or resembling mephitis;poisonous or foul-smelling. ─── 恶臭的恶臭的、与恶臭有关的或似恶臭的;

9、It is the harm in a few big mephitis that decorate generation is the greatest. ─── 它是装修产生的几大毒气中危害最大的。

10、Of,relating to,or resembling mephitis;poisonous or foul - smelling. ─── 恶臭的恶臭的、与恶臭有关的或似恶臭的;有毒的或恶臭的

11、Keywords Spent Caustic;Wet Air Oxidation;Cavitation Air Flotation;Mephitis Treatment; ─── 碱渣;湿式氧化;涡凹气浮;恶臭治理;

12、It is the harm in a few big mephitis that decorate generation is the greatest. ─── 它是装修产生的几大毒气中危害最大的。

13、The patient is average the illness is lighter, marrow of very few to the marrow, empty a key to do sth mixes mephitis splanchnic. ─── 患者一般病情较轻,毒气很少入骨髓、空窍和内脏。

14、Activated Carbon Filter Mesh Purpose: prefiltration in the air conditioning program to eliminate mephitis. ─── 用途:空调系统预过滤,祛除有害有味气体。

15、Mephitis mephitis ─── 条纹臭鼷

16、Dispelling the Pollution of Mephitis to Realize Non-Pollution Production in Pigfarm ─── 消除规模猪场有害气体,实现养猪清洁生产

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