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Punjab 发音

[pʌn'dʒɑ:b; 'pʌndʒɑ:b]

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Punjab 中文意思翻译



Punjab 网络释义

n. 旁遮普(印度西北部的一地方)

Punjab 短语词组

1、punjab university ─── 旁遮普大学

2、West Punjab ─── 西旁遮普(南亚次大陆旁遮普地区的 ─── 西半部, 构成巴基斯坦的旁遮普省)

3、East Punjab ─── 东旁遮普(曾为印度旁遮普邦, 1966分为哈里亚纳邦和旁遮普邦)

4、punjab pakistan ─── 旁遮普巴基斯坦

5、Punjab Native Infantry ─── 旁遮普原住民步兵团

6、Punjab Razorbelly Minnow ─── 巴基斯坦鲑口波鱼

Punjab 相似词语短语

1、pungas ─── 蓬加斯

2、punas ─── n.[内科]高山病(呼吸困难);n.(Puna)人名;(葡)普纳

3、punka ─── n.蒲葵扇;布屏风扇,悬吊大风扇

4、Punjabi ─── n.旁遮普省;旁遮普人;旁遮普语;adj.旁遮普的;旁遮普人的;旁遮普语的

5、punga ─── 袋子

6、punkas ─── n.蒲葵扇;布屏风扇,悬吊大风扇

7、punkah ─── n.(印度等地的)蒲葵扇;(悬于天花板上的)布屏风扇

8、Punjab ─── n.旁遮普(印度西北部的一地方)

9、punji ─── 旁遮普语

Punjab 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sikhs are a group of people who live in Indian Punjab mainly.However, a large number of Sikhs constantly resettle outside, and gradually formed a huge offshore Sikhs group. ─── 摘要锡克人是主要生活在印度旁遮普邦的一个群体,然而大批的锡克人不断移居境外,逐渐形成了一个庞大的境外锡克人群体。

2、Punjab wool ─── 旁遮普羊毛

3、A third of the textile factories in Punjab are said to have been shut down. ─── 旁遮普省三分之一的纺织厂据说已被关闭。

4、In such an arrangement, the PPP and PML(Q) would share power in Punjab;and Mr Musharraf would keep his job. ─── 在这种安排之下,巴基斯坦人民党与PML-Q将会在旁遮普共享国家权力,而穆沙拉夫也会继任其职。

5、Many of the worshippers were from the neighboring state of Punjab. ─── 很多朝圣者来自临近的旁遮普邦。

6、The court also turfed his younger brother, Shahbaz Sharif, out of Punjab's provincial parliament and his post as its chief minister. ─── 法院还把他的弟弟沙赫巴兹谢里夫驱逐出旁遮普省议会,罢免了他在旁遮普省首席部长职位。

7、According to a senior official in Punjab, some of JUD's facilities may be left in the same Islamist hands. ─── 另据来自旁遮普邦的一位高官的消息,一部分JUD的设施还会掌握在同一批伊斯兰人手里。

8、the northern state of Punjab ─── 北部旁遮普邦

9、A river, about ,08' km ('75 mi) long, of northern India and eastern Pakistan. It is one of the five rivers of the Punjab. ─── 杰纳布河:位于印度北部及巴基斯坦东部的河流,流程约08'公里('75英里)。它是旁遮普五条河流之一

10、The Khushab reactors are situated on the border of Punjab and North-West Frontier province, the scene of heavy fighting between Taliban and government forces. ─── 库沙布反应堆位于旁遮普的边界和西北的边境省份,成为塔利班和政府武装力量激烈斗争的实况场地。

11、Ahmed Ejaz, an expert on Asian security at the University of Punjab, believes that for China, the stakes are far too great for it to turn its back on Pakistan. ─── 旁遮普大学的亚洲安全问题专家艾哈迈德-艾贾兹认为,对于中国来说,背弃巴基斯坦的代价极为巨大。

12、In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad. ─── 在典型的年份,降雨从东部地区开始,在旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔和费萨拉巴德市附近。

13、Mr Qureshi said China had agreed to build two new nuclear power reactors in Pakistan's Punjab province. ─── 库雷希表示,中国已同意在巴基斯坦旁遮普省建设两座新的核反应堆。

14、Ghazni Khan, spokesman of the Election Commission, said, "The documents nominating Shahbaz Sharif to take part in the election of Punjab Province have been accepted after careful examination." ─── 巴选举委员会的发言人加兹尼汗说:“沙赫巴兹·谢里夫参加旁遮普省选举的提名文件经过详细审查后已经被接受。”

15、the Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in NW India ─── 印度西北的大部分旁遮普人所说的印地语

16、There was no obvious source in the Punjab that could account for such high levels of contamination. ─── 在旁遮普邦并没有明显的来源能造成如此高浓度的铀污染。

17、Pakistani former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, center, delivers his speech during an election campaign rally in Punjab, Pakistan on Monday Dec. 17, 2007. ─── 12月17日,巴基斯坦前总理谢里夫(中)在旁遮普省举行的竞选集会上讲话。巴基斯坦选举委员会17日宣布,7335名候选人将在明年1月8日举行的巴国民议会和省议会选举中竞选议员。

18、42 cases with abnormal hemoglobins were found in 17020 subjects. The analyzed chemical structures in abnormal hemoglobins of 11 cases are belong to the Hb G coushatta,Hb G Taipei, Hb D punjab,Hb J lome and Hb Hikari respectively. ─── 在17020人中,共发现42例异常血红蛋白完成11例异常血红蛋白的结构分析研究,分别属于5种异常血红蛋白变异型:Hb G Coushatta、Hb G Taipei、Hb D Punjab、Hb J Lome,Hb.

19、Tired of being invaded by annoying rhesus macaques, officials in Punjab, India, have decided to build a "rehabilitation center" with ultra-modern facilities to tame the pesky monkeys. ─── 由于印度旁遮普邦的居民常受顽皮的弥猴的骚扰,当地政府决定建立一个设施先进的"改造中心"来驯化调皮捣蛋的猴子们。

20、This trend is evident in Punjab. ─── 这一趋势在旁遮普邦较为明显。

21、The court also turfed his younger brother, Shahbaz Sharif, out of Punjab's provincial parliament and his post as its chief minister. ─── 法院还把他的弟弟沙赫巴兹谢里夫驱逐出旁遮普省议会,罢免了他在旁遮普省首席部长职位。

22、, following Alexander's conquest of Punjab, Greek merchants were active in the maritime trade along the Malabar coast where, perhaps during the 2nd century, B. ─── 南宋时期东非沿海城邦是伊斯兰商埠地区,受阿拉伯文化影响,当时阿拉伯商人控制海上贸易。

23、Angry Sikh protesters have clashed with police in several places in Punjab, following the attack in Vienna on Sunday. ─── 自周日维也纳袭击事件发生后,愤怒的锡克教抗议者在旁遮普邦多处与警方发生冲突。

24、Of late Mr Zardari has been playing the “Sindh card” by whipping up sub-nationalist sentiment against the “anti-PPP conspiracies” hatched in the dominant province, Punjab. ─── 之后,扎尔达里一而再再而三地打出这张“信德牌”:煽动地方民族主义者反抗在旁遮普省萌发的“反人民党阴谋”。

25、Currently, the yield of late sown wheat, in Punjab, particularly following cotton crop seldom exceeds 2.5 t/ha. ─── 目前在旁遮普地区,晚播的小麦特别是接棉花茬口的产量很少超过2.5吨/公顷。

26、Six years earlier Mrs Gandhi had used the politics of religion to benefit her Congress party in Punjab. ─── 早在六年前,甘地夫人就利用宗教,加强她所在的国会党在旁遮普邦中的地位。

27、After entering Canada on a false passport in 2003, Laibar Singh applied for asylum, claiming that he would be tortured if returned to his native Punjab, where he was "falsely" accused of being a Sikh militant. ─── 在2003年用假护照进入加拿大后,黎巴星格便开始申请庇护,声称他被误控为印度锡克激进分子,如果回到家乡旁遮普就会面临严刑折磨。

28、Even if they fared somewhat better this time, they would still, in the most populous provinces, Sindh and Punjab, be trounced by the mainstream parties. ─── 就算他们今年有所改善,在人口最多的省,信德省和旁遮普省,他们还是会输给主流党派,而且输得很惨。

29、Then followed the Punjab horrors beginning with the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh and culminating in crawling orders, public floggings and other indescribable humiliations. ─── 然后就发生了旁遮普惨案,从佳连娃拉巴的屠杀开始,接着又是罚爬、鞭挞示众和各种难以形容的侮辱。

30、In due time, the sea dried up and created the salt mines in the west of Punjab. ─── 在适当时候,海干涸,并创造了盐矿在西部旁遮普邦。

31、Two cases of hemoglobin D Punjab in Mongolian ─── 蒙古族中发现的两例 Hb D Punjab

32、Police in the northern Indian state of Punjab say four children found dead on Tuesday were strangled. ─── 印度警方在北部旁遮普说四个孩子被发现死在星期二勒死。

33、A continuation of these rocks is believed to run deep below the thick alluvial deposits that form the plains of Punjab. ─── 这些岩石的延伸段据估计深入到旁遮普平原深厚的冲积层之下。

34、Most of the refugee Sikhs were resettled in East Punjab; in many districts bordering on Pakistan the Sikhs came to form a majority of the population. ─── 大量的锡克教难民都居住在东旁遮普;大量的锡克教徒从与巴基斯坦接壤的很多地区而来。

35、Perhaps born in the Punjab, he was the head of a monastery in that province of India and claimed leadership of seven hundred sannyasis. ─── 很可能是出生于旁遮普邦的关系,他是这个邦的僧侣领袖,声称领导七百名桑雅生。

36、Punjab, University of the ─── 旁遮普大学

37、British relinquishment of power in India was accompanied by the partition of the country; the western part of the Punjab became Pakistani territory, the eastern part Indian. ─── 英国对在印度的权力进行让渡是随着该国家的分割而来;旁遮普的西部成为了巴基斯坦的领土,而东部则属于印度人。

38、The spotted owlet Athene brama is the most common but the least studied bird of prey inhabiting the agroecosystems of central Punjab,Pakistan. ─── 横斑腹小?(Athene brama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。

39、Effects of oxidants on soybean growth and yield in the Pakistan Punjab ─── 氧化剂对大豆生长和产量的影响

40、of or relating to the Punjab or the Punjabi language ─── 属于或有关旁遮普(印度西北部的一个地方)或其语言的

41、Pakistani police said that Poland from an oil company engineers on the same day in Pakistan's Punjab province in the northern region Atak oil field investigation, was attacked by unidentified gunmen. ─── 巴基斯坦警方说,这名来自波兰一家石油公司的工程师当天在巴旁遮普省北部的阿塔克地区勘察油田时,遭到不明身份武装分子袭击。

42、And though Punjab, where 60% of Pakistanis live, is LET's heartland, it is more orderly than several big Indian states, and richer. ─── 同时,虽然60%巴基斯坦人生活的旁遮普是虔诚军的心脏地带,然而这里却比许多印度省份更有秩序,而且也更加富裕。

43、A native or inhabitant of the Punjab. ─── 旁遮普人旁遮普本地人或居民

44、Punjab Native Infantry ─── 旁遮普土著步兵团

45、My unbiased examination of the Punjab Martial Law cases has led me to believe that at least ninety-five per cent of convictions were wholly bad. ─── 我不带偏见地对旁遮普戒严法进行过研究,我相信,被定罪的人中,至少95%以上是冤枉的。

46、Punjab silk ─── 旁遮普生丝

47、The Tribune of Chandigarh newspaper reports Sulochna was admitted to a hospital in the Punjab city of Ludhiana after she complained of acute abdominal pain. ─── 当地报纸报道,这名女子在感到腹部剧烈的疼痛后被送到印度西北部的一家医院。接受超声波和X放射光线检查,医生发现她肚里有一团头发后,决定马上动手术。

48、There was no obvious source in the Punjab that could account for such high levels of contamination. ─── 而且在旁遮普邦也没有任何明显的来源能造成这么高浓度的铀污染。

49、For example, people from the state of Punjab, who speak the Punjabi language are called Punjabi's, while those from the state of West Bengal, who speak the Bengali language are called Bengali's. ─── 例如,来自旁遮普邦,说旁遮普语的人被称为旁遮普人,而来自西孟加拉邦,说孟加拉语的人被称为孟加拉人。

50、The lion's share of potato production comes from the Punjab, where spring and autumn crops account for 85 percent of the national harvest. ─── 大部分马铃薯产量来自旁遮普,那里的春季和秋季作物占全国总收成的85%。

51、There are thousands in Punjab. ─── 在旁遮普邦有成千上万个。

52、Food habits of the spotted owlet Athene brama in central Punjab, Pakistan ─── 巴基斯坦旁遮普中部横斑腹小鸮的食性

53、"They can't just detoxify these kids, they have to detoxify the whole Punjab. ─── “他们不可能只给这些孩子解毒,他们必须消除整个旁遮普邦的污染。

54、In Punjab, 33 out of 35 district mayors are PML(Q) supporters. ─── 在旁遮普省,35位行政区市长中,33位都是PML-Q的支持者。

55、In India's punjab, thousands of irrigation wells were dug between 1967 and 1972 ─── 在印度的旁遮普邦,1967-1972年之间打了成千上万口灌溉用井。

56、1.Most of the refugee Sikhs were resettled in East Punjab; ─── 大量的锡克教难民都居住在东旁遮普;

57、3.The Sikhs left in Pakistan (about 2,500,000) moved to India and in turn ejected Muslims living in East Punjab. ─── 生活在巴基斯坦的锡克教徒(大约2,500,000人)迁移到了印度,依次地逐出居住在东旁遮普的穆斯林。

58、The Punjab crime was white-washed and most culprits went not only unpunished but remained in service and some continued to draw pensions from the Indian revenue, and in some cases were even rewarded. ─── 在旁遮普犯下的罪行被掩盖了,大部分罪人不光不受惩治,相反还留在原处服务,有的还继续从印度的财政收入中领取退休金,有的甚至受到褒奖。

59、It was reported that in a prison in the Punjab Province's capital lahore, 41 Pakistanis were released after they wrote a "pledge letter" ─── 据悉,旁遮普省首府拉合尔的一个监狱里,已有41名巴基斯坦人在写下“保证书”后获释。

60、Seasonal variation in the diet of the barn owl Tyto alba stertens in central Punjab, Pakistan ─── 巴基斯坦旁遮普中部仓鸮食性的季节性变化

61、He is as adept at capturing the considered musings of a judge in his Pakistani home town as the blunt instructions of a landlord's sidekick in rural Punjab. ─── 他善于捕捉巴基斯坦家乡中法官的思维,也善于模仿旁遮普乡村中地主死党的生硬指令。

62、Punjab cotton ─── 旁遮普产美种棉

63、He reached the Punjab, and had set his sights on the Ganges, when his troops mutinied and forced his return. ─── 他达到了旁遮普邦,并确定了他的目光瞄准了恒河,当他的部队哗变,被迫回国。

64、An Indic language spoken in the Punjab. ─── 旁遮普地区使用的印度语

65、Gunmen in Lahore, in Pakistan's Punjab province, attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team to an international match. ─── 在巴基斯坦旁遮普省的拉合尔地区,一群持枪歹徒袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡国家板球队队员的巴士车,当时该客车正驶往一个国际赛场。

66、They had taken him hostage in Attock, a district of Punjab only 80km from Islamabad. ─── 他们在距离伊斯兰堡仅80公里的旁遮普省阿塔克地区绑架了他。

67、Their success emboldened some Sikhs to seek autonomy within the greater Indian federation and even to agitate for the creation of a separate Sikh nation in the Punjab. ─── 他们的成功使得一些锡克教徒更为勇敢,一些在印度联盟的市区和郊区里的锡克教徒在寻求自治,甚至鼓励从旁遮普地区分离出一个锡克教国家。

68、The latest figure applied to the northwestern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and central Punjab provinces. ─── 最新的数据适用于西北部的开伯尔——普赫图赫瓦省和中部的旁遮普省。

69、With fat development budgets at their disposal, Punjab's mayors illegally disbursed millions of dollars in election patronage. ─── 旁遮普省的市长们由于自己的提议被采纳而获得大把的开发预算,他们也就在选举赞助中非法动用了数百万的美元。

70、Shahbaz Sharif will run for member of the National Assembly and member of Punjab Provincial Assembly. ─── 沙赫巴兹·谢里夫将竞选国民议会议员和旁遮普省议员。

71、And Mr Sharif, the wily champion of Punjab, is a more formidable regional leader than Mr Zardari, who is a Sindhi landowner widely suspected of corruption. ─── 而且,与到处受人怀疑腐败的信德大地主扎尔达利相比,旁遮普的这位老谋深算的赢家谢里夫更是一位令人生畏的区域领导人。

72、Of or relating to the Punjab or the Punjabi language. ─── 旁遮普的属于或有关旁遮普或其语言的

73、Perhaps born in the Punjab, he was the head of a monastery in that province of India and claimed leadership of seven hundred sannyasis . ─── 很可能是出生于旁遮普邦的关系,他是这个邦的僧侣领袖,声称领导七百名桑雅生。

74、Workers in India's fertile Punjab pull an overstuffed load of rice stalks to a farm where they will be used as animal feed. ─── 印度旁遮普省的工人正在把一捆沉重的水稻秸杆拖往农场作为动物饲料。

75、Prevalence of Snails in the Endemic Areas of Punjab (India) and their Role in Disease Transmission in Lambs ─── 在旁遮普(印度)地方病发生区蜗牛的流行及其在疾病传播中的作用

76、With control of Punjab, Mr Sharif would be well-placed to rebuild his party with an eye to the next election. ─── 谢里夫先生控制了旁遮普省,他将拥有绝好优势来重建自己的政党,并重点关注下一届的选举。

77、The Industrial City In Punjab Is The Hub For Business Transactions. The Hotel Is An Ideal Venue For Conferences, Marriages And Other Functions. ─── 经典务虚酒店优惠预订,如果您需要在卢迪亚纳,印度住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

78、Although the prevailing monsoon winds blow either from the north-east or the south-west, there are times when a depression originating in the Mediterranean can result in rainfall in Punjab. ─── 尽管盛行的季风来自东北和西南两个方向,但经常会有源自地中海的低气压在旁遮普形成降水。

79、In the northern Indian state of Punjab, authorities ordered schools to begin an hour late to prevent children from venturing out and gazing at the sun. ─── 在印度北部旁遮普邦,当局下令学校开始推迟一小时,以防止儿童走出去,并望着太阳。

80、With around 20 indirectly elected seats, and support from independents, the PML(N) will hope to scrape a majority in the Punjab assembly. ─── 此外,PML-N政党拥有近20个非直接选举产生的席位以及一些非党派人士的支持,那它也就会希望自己能在旁遮普省的议会获得多数票。

81、One of them was Hanuman Singh and the other a Mussalman from the Punjab. ─── 他们中的其中一人是哈奴曼辛格,另一人是从旁遮普邦而来的穆斯林。

82、the Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in NW India. ─── 印度西北的大部分旁遮普人所说的印地语。

83、Ghazi is to be buried in his ancestral village in Punjab province. ─── 加齐将被葬在旁遮普省他的老家。

84、Food habits of the spotted owlet Athene brama in central Punjab,Pakistan ─── 巴基斯坦旁遮普中部横斑腹小?的食性(英文)

85、Rival Sikh groups have clashed in the Indian state of Punjab after a fight at a temple in the Austrian capital Vienna left at least 16 people wounded. ─── 在奥地利首都维也纳的一所寺庙发生冲突后,竞争对手锡克教团体在印度旁遮普发动攻击,造成至少16人受伤。

86、October 10, the Punjab farmers rally to protest the low price of cotton, 100 people were arrested. ─── 10月10日,旁遮普农民集会,抗议棉花价格过低,有近百人被抓。

87、Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab, India. ─── 摄于锡克教圣城阿姆利则。

88、Students at Punjab University, the country's biggest and traditional nursery for politicians, are disillusioned with politics and many say they will not be voting in next week's election. ─── 旁遮普大学是巴基斯坦培养政治家的传统大本营,但是该校的学生对政治已经幻想破灭,很多人表示他们不会在下周的选举投票。

89、For example in 14 districts across the northern states of Haryana and Punjab, there are een fewer than 800 girls per 1,000 boys. ─── 例如国家北部的Haryana和Punjab的14个地区,那里的女孩比男孩的比例甚至低到了800比1,000。

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