judiciary 发音
英:[dʒʊ'dɪʃ(ə)rɪ] 美:[dʒu'dɪʃɪɛri]
英: 美:
judiciary 中文意思翻译
judiciary 网络释义
n. 司法部;法官;司法制度adj. 司法的;法官的;法院的
judiciary 短语词组
1、judiciary court ─── [法]刑事法院
2、judiciary committee ─── [法] 司法委员会
3、Federal Judiciary ─── 联邦司法机关
4、court of judiciary ─── [法] 司法院
5、judiciary psychology ─── 司法心理学
6、Judiciary Area Defense Counsel ─── 司法机构区域辩护律师
7、Judiciary of New York ─── 纽约司法机构
8、Judiciary of the United Kingdom ─── 联合王国司法机构
9、judiciary proceedings ─── [法] 审判程序
10、the judiciary ─── 司法
judiciary 词性/词形变化,judiciary变形
名词复数: judiciaries |
judiciary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The House Judiciary Committee voted that President Nixon should be impeached. ─── 众议院司法委员会赞成弹劾尼克松总统。
2、A prerequisite of legal reform is separation of the government and the judiciary. ─── 中国为入世在司法领域的改革也在紧锣密鼓中进行。
3、He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. ─── 他拒绝批准确立司法权力的法律,从而阻碍司法行政管理工作。
4、The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department. ─── 司法委员会要求他就白宫是否不正当的干涉了司法部门的工作这件事作证。
5、"Mabury v Madison,1803",which gave a birth to Constitutional Judicature, established a precedence that judiciary investigate to decide whether a law is unconstitutional or not. ─── 1803年美国的“马伯里诉麦迪逊案”开创了宪法诉讼的先河,由此确立了由司法机关审查法律违宪与否的先例。
6、The Chinese judiciary is endeavoring to deepen the reform of its judicial system. ─── 中国司法部门积极推进司法体制改革。
7、Appeal may first be to a higher level in the customs administration, but the importer shall have the right in the final instance to appeal to the judiciary. ─── 上诉可首先向上一级海关提出,但进口商最后有权向司法机关起诉。
8、But neither India's complacent judiciary nor its often-craven journalists shows much interest in reinvestigating his case. ─── 但是印度自鸣得意的法官以及胆小如鼠的记者似乎都没有重新调查这个案件的兴趣。
9、The judiciary must think very hard before jailing nonviolent offenders. ─── 司法部在把非暴力罪犯投入监狱之前一定要慎重考虑。
10、It will have its own administrative and legislative powers,an independent judiciary and the right of adjudication on the island. ─── 它拥有在台湾的行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。
11、As a corollary, democracy is held to require the establishment of an independent judiciary and courts. ─── 作为一种必然的结果需要建立一个独立司法系统和法院来保持民主。
12、With the connivance of the supreme leader, they simply used their executive power and a compliant judiciary to override the wishes of the legislature and the voters. ─── 在国家最高领袖的纵容之下,他们仅仅使用了其执行权力与顺从的司法部就完成了宣告立法机构与投票者的意愿无效。
13、However, this does not mean that the judiciary must stop this trade. ─── 但这并不意味着司法部门要阻止这起交易。
14、Generally, law-making power is assigned to the legislature, law-enforcing power to the executive, and law-deciding power to the judiciary. ─── 一般说来,立法权分归立法机关执法权属于行政机关,而裁决法律权则给予了司法机关。
15、But two years later, finally, the judiciary has restored my wife's reputation. ─── 但是两年之后,司法部门恢复我夫人的名誉。
16、Thirdly, the WTO also requires“ transparency” in areas like government administration and the judiciary. ─── 三、贸组织的规则要求行政和司法等各领域要具有”透明度”,有助于”公开性“的原则被接受。
17、In the current judiciary reform to build up judicial fairness and democracy, the importance of Jury System attracts people's attention once more. ─── 在当今以维护司法公平和民主为主题的司法改革中,陪审制度的意义再一次受到了人们的重视。
18、The key of the environment protection through judiciary means is to establish the mechanism which is convenient for the two groups. ─── 司法保护环境公益的关键是建立健全两类环境公益主体通过司法手段维护环境公益的途径。
19、Under the order, existing members of the superior judiciary are effectively suspended until they take a new oath to uphold the PCO. ─── 在此法令下,现行高级法院的人员被有效终止权限直到他们宣誓支持PCO。
20、As a member of the judiciary who desires to improve relations among counsel and between the Bench and the Bar, I pledge as follows. ─── 作为法官队伍中的一名希望改善律师之间的关系以及法官与律师之间的关系的成员,本文作出如下保证:
21、The two sides postponed a deal, this shows that the judiciary felt the need to conduct a serious review. ─── 双方推迟达成交易,这表明司法部门感到有必要对此进行认真的审查。
22、After years of conflict between the judiciary and Mr Zardari's party, the courts seem determined to unseat the president. ─── 在过去几年里,司法部和扎尔达里领导的党派矛盾不断,看来最高法院决心罢免总统。
23、It also means that the Wong Kwong Yu, "the incident" is the first investigation by the judiciary. ─── 中英文对照:这也意味着,黄光裕此次“事发”,是由司法部门率先调查的。
24、But critics say he wants to curb the power of the judiciary. ─── 但批评人士指出,他是希望能以此抑制司法部门的权利。
25、Judicial power and judiciary authority can not be separated;loss of judiciary authority is deviating from its nature and value. ─── 司法权具有多义性,从广义上可分为审判权和检察权,而司法权威是司法机关应享有的威信和公信力。
26、Obviously, the judiciary here was too lenient toward those in power.It could be expected that they would abuse power even more brazenly in the future. ─── 司法对掌权者显然宽待,日后执政者的滥权必将更为明目张胆。
27、Dozens of newspapers opened during the Khatami period, only for many to be shut down on one pretext or another by the judiciary. ─── 在哈塔米总统的任期内,许多的新闻报纸企业建成,但是国家司法部门却借助于一个又一个的托词迫使这之中很多企业就此关门。
28、The Basic Law guarantees that Hong Kong will keep the Common Law system and an independent judiciary with the power of final adjudication in Hong Kong. ─── 《基本法》保证,香港会维持普通法制度和独立的司法制度,并拥有终审权。
29、The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department. ─── 众议院法律委员会让他对于白宫是否干涉司法部一事作证。
30、The Basic Law guarantees the independence of our judiciary and, apart from foreign affairs and defence, it gives us full responsibility to manage our own affairs. ─── 《基本法》确保香港司法机构独立运作,并让我们全权处理外交和国防以外的一切内部事务。
31、Yet their instinctive understanding of how to sway the Chinese judiciary may serve Mrs Wang's son well. ─── 但是他们的对于如何动摇中国司法体系的本能理解可能有益于王氏儿子的案件。
32、The changes to the judiciary mean that antediluvian judges and prosecutors no longer stand in his way. ─── 对司法部的改动意味着旧式的法官和检察官不在站在他这一边。
33、The spokesman said, "The Basic Law also preserves our common law tradition and ensures the independence of the judiciary. ─── 《基本法》保留我们的普通法传统,并且确保司法独立。
34、It is about education, tolerance and building independent institutions such as a judiciary and a free press. ─── 它包括教育、宽容、以及创立独立的机构,比如司法系统和自由的新闻媒体。
35、A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases. ─── 地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员
36、But I believe that our judiciary branch will prove that we are innocent, and history will clear my name. ─── 但我坚信我们的司法机构将证明我们是清白的,历史将为我正名。
37、The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate. ─── 政府、行政和司法应该彼此分立。
38、Books have been written about the so-called imperial presidency, the imperial Congress and the imperial judiciary. ─── 关于所谓总统、国会和法院拥有至高无上权力的内容,许多人早已著过书。
39、In China, the powers-that-be must be persuaded that a more empowered, independent judiciary will be both a market and a crowd-pleaser, as well as good politics. ─── 在中国,执政者必须意识到,一个更强大更独立的司法系统将不仅能使市场获益,更能带动政治。
40、A local member of the judiciary has limited jurisdiction,especially in criminal cases. ─── 地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中。
41、The attempt by the judiciary through PILs to enter the area of policy-making and policy implementation has caused concern in political circles. ─── 司法企图透过公益诉讼干涉政策决行,引起政界的关注。
42、Institutional Reform and the Judiciary? Which Way Forward? ─── 司法改革:路向何方?
43、Thus, each house has committees on foreign relations, appropriations, revenues, armed services, agriculture, judiciary, commerce , and labor. ─── 因此,两院都有外交关系、拨款、财政、军事、农业、司法、贸易与劳工等委员会的设置。
44、AFTER years of frustration over its rotten security forces and judiciary, Guatemala's government decided in 2006 to call for outside help. ─── 经过了数年对抗其腐败的安全力量和司法制度后,危地马拉政府在2006年决定寻求外界的援助。
45、But due to political conceptions,political systems and judiciary status,the judiciary isn't able to review all the actions of public power. ─── 但受各国政治理念、政治体制、司法机关地位等因素的制约,司法机关并不一定能够对所有的公权力行为进行司法审查。
46、A law court or system of law courts; a judiciary. ─── 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度; 司法系统,司法部
47、But neither India's complacent judiciary nor its often-craven journalists shows much interest in reinvestigating his case.Mr Guru remains on death row. ─── 她对去年夏季克什米尔的示威者可能要求与巴基斯坦联盟、脱离印度的断言就很能是错的,因为他们似乎想要被两个国家击毙。
48、A law court or system of law courts;a judiciary. ─── 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度;司法系统,司法部
49、The ideology of the judiciary independence has experienced a difficult development from acceptance and animadverts to advocacy. ─── 司法独立的思想在我国从认可到批判到再提倡,经过艰难曲折的历史发展。
50、The judiciary was not independent, and the lack of due process remained a serious problem. ─── 司法系统并不独立并且不执行法定诉讼程序仍是一个严重的问题。
51、It is a significant issue for judiciary personnel to appropriately app... ─── 如何把握罪刑法定,避免有罪类推,是摆在司法人员面前的重大课题。
52、This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. ─── 这是第5天,也可能是最后一天在参议院司法委员会面前作证。
53、He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. ─── 他拒绝批准建立司法权力的法律,以阻挠司法的执行。
54、The judiciary has become a symbol for Egypt's reform movement. ─── 司法已成为埃及改革运动的象征。
55、A more mundane spectre, Bangladesh's intensely politicised judiciary, is now a bigger threat to the country's fragile democracy. ─── 世俗更可怕的是孟加拉国激烈的司法泛政治化目前对国家脆弱的民主是更大的威胁。
56、China has an independent judiciary system. ─── 中国有独立的司法制度。
57、The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction. ─── 司法机构在促进调解方面的工作,亦得到讼费罚则的辅助。
58、Even if an ordinary common people tells a prime minister, the judiciary also must be inside 3 days can accept. ─── 哪怕一个普通老百姓告一个总理,司法机关也得在三天内就能受理。
59、He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent of laws for establishing judiciary powers. ─── 他拒绝批准建立司法权利的法律,以阻挠司法的执行。
60、The need for a transparent and fair legal system will compel China to quicken the reform of its judiciary. ─── 加入世贸组织,要求中国建立透明公正的法律体系。
61、It allows us complete financial autonomy, it establishes Hong Kong as a separate customs territory. The Basic Law guarantees the independence of our judiciary. ─── 《基本法》让我们享有全面的财政自主权,维持香港特别行政区独立关税区的地位,并确保香港司法机构独立运作。
62、The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution. ─── 司法制度是对我们在宪法下取得自由和财产的保障。
63、Hence, an independent, competent and incorruptible judiciary with judges ready to perform their duties without fear or favour is of the utmost importance. ─── 因此,最重要的是拥有独立,具管辖权和廉洁的司法机构,而当中的法官必须本著不惧不偏的精神履行职责。
64、The rot in the judiciary predates Abdullah. ─── 大马印裔有权要求赔偿。
65、The company keeps the right to put Yong Wang under the prosecution of judiciary department. ─── 五公司保留移交司法机关的权利,同时公司正在进一步核查,看其交待的问题是否与进一步核查结果相符。
66、The judiciary has itself recognized and articulated these concerns periodically. ─── 司法机关(本身)经常承认与表示这些关切。
67、Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi says the proceedings of the appeal will be open to experts from the Iranian bar association. ─── 发言人贾姆什迪说,伊朗律师协会的有关专家将可以到庭观看上诉的审理过程。
68、His supporters say that Mr Musharraf wants the judiciary headed by a lawyer whom he can more easily manipulate. ─── 他的支持者们说穆沙拉夫先生想司法部由一位更轻易受自己摆布的律师领导司法部。
69、The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will be crucially important in preventing jurists with a radically-right wing judicial philosophy from making it to the bench. ─── 参议院司法委员会的听审在阻止持极右翼司法哲学的法学家被任命为最高法院法官方面起到非常重大的作用。
70、But Iran's judiciary chief, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, said the Iraqi Cabinet acted "very well" in approving the pact. ─── 但是伊朗司法部长沙赫鲁迪说,伊拉克内阁在批准这项协议的问题上采取了“很好”的行动。
71、It will have its own administrative and legislative powers, an independent judiciary and the right of adjudication on the island. ─── 它拥有在台湾的行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权;
72、Nevertheless, if American judiciary maintains cereal song Yahoo to trade,restricted market competition, still can overrule this to trade. ─── 不过,假如美国司法部认定谷歌雅虎交易限制了市场竞争,仍然可以否决这一交易。
73、A man found guilty of adultery has been stoned to death in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, judiciary spokesman said Tuesday. ─── 伊朗司法部发言人5日称,在该国北部城市雷什特,一男子因犯通奸罪,已被乱石砸死。
74、She has claimed that she never met Teng and urged the Hunan judiciary to rectify the case and declare his trial a miscarriage of justice. ─── 她已宣称自己从未见过滕兴善,并吁请湖南司法当局平反本案,并宣布滕的审判是一桩误审。
75、A closed session of the judiciary committee. ─── 审判委员会的秘密会议
76、Thirdly, the WTO also requires "transparency" in areas like government administration and the judiciary. ─── 三、世贸组织的规则要求行政和司法等各领域要具有”透明度”,有助于”公开性“的原则被接受。
77、The judiciary is stronger and more independent now than in the past. ─── 司法比过去更强大和更独立。
78、At the early period of the founding of GaoGouli, the ministers who were both laird and officials of the central government had powers such as administration, military, judiciary. ─── 在高句丽建国之初 ,五部的部长拥有行政、军事、司法等方面的权力 ,既是领主 ,也是中央官。
79、In response to the changing needs of court users, the Judiciary has introduced its first Technology Court to facilitate the conduct of court proceedings. ─── 为了配合法庭使用者不断转变的需求,以及促使诉讼程序更顺利地进行,司法机构已设立了首个科技法庭。
80、Some courts of limited jurisdiction are called special inferior trial courts or minor judiciary courts. ─── 一些有限管辖权的法院被称为特殊低级法院或者是次级法院。
81、Worryingly, given his feud with the judiciary, judges nominated by him will form a majority in the Constitutional Court by next year. ─── 令人担忧的是,他与司法部素来不和,而他提名的法官到明年将在宪法法院中占据多数席位。
82、The Judiciary joins me in extending our most sincere condolences to his wife and family on their bereavement. ─── 本人及司法机构仝人谨向他的夫人及家人致以最深切的慰问。
83、Te 64th clause also stipulates the French president as the independent guarantor of the judiciary. ─── 宪法第64条也规定,法国总统为司法机关独立之保证人;
84、We must believe in our judiciary. ─── 也一定要信任我们的司法。
85、In 1996, he disbanded parliament, which had been seeking to impeach him, and also strengthened his control over the judiciary. ─── 1996年,他解散了试图弹劾他的议会,同时加强了对司法的控制。
86、The failure of the Taiwan Judiciary to conduct a fair, impartial and independent trial of Mr.Chen is evidenced by a litany of prosecutorial misdeeds. ─── 台湾司法未能公平、公正与独立审理陈前总统案件从检察官一连串失职行为可证。
87、The judiciary is composed mainly of the judges of the higher courts , who determine the common law and interpret Acts of parliament . ─── 司法部门主要包括高级法院的法官,这些法官决定着普通法,并且对议会的立法进行解释。
88、Lastly, the need for a transparent and fair legal system will compel China to quicken the reform of its judiciary. ─── 五、加入世贸组织,要求中国建立透明公正的法律体系。
89、A closed sessionof the judiciary committee. ─── 审判委员会的秘密会议。
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