lawmaker 发音
英:['lɔːmeɪkə] 美:['lɔmekɚ]
英: 美:
lawmaker 中文意思翻译
lawmaker 词性/词形变化,lawmaker变形
名词: lawmaking |
lawmaker 相似词语短语
1、playmaker ─── n.(集体运动项目中的)负责组织和控制进攻的球员,为队友创造进攻机会的选手
2、hatmaker ─── 制帽人
3、warmaker ─── 加热器
4、haymaker ─── n.干草机;制作干草的人;强力一击;n.(Haymaker)人名;(英)海梅克
5、lacemaker ─── 鞋带匠
6、mapmaker ─── n.制图师;地图制作者
7、carmaker ─── n.汽车制造商
8、capmaker ─── 帽匠
9、lawmakers ─── 立法者(lawmaker的复数)
lawmaker 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、EU lawmaker Francis Wurtz of France says the rate of voter abstention showed lack of confidence in the European Union. ─── 在意大利、英国和荷兰等国家,极右的政党提出反移民主张以及欧盟怀疑论的平台在选举中获得收益,如同法国绿党一样。
2、Noting that the former lawmaker entered a substance abuse and mental health facility, he said Foley accepts responsibility, but unequivocally states that he never had or attempted to have sexual contact with a minor. ─── 戴维·斯还提到,这位前立法委员进入了药物滥用及心理卫生机构接受治疗,并愿意承担责任,但佛利也明确表示他从来没有也未曾试图与未成年人进行性接触。
3、Silvio Berlusconi shown with Mara Carfagna, a lawmaker, in May. His wife wants a public apology for his behavior with her and other women. ─── “鉴于迄今为止我没有收到任何私下道歉,我因此要求我丈夫,那个公众人物,向我公开道歉。”
4、The party's most flamboyant lawmaker is a transvestite actor and singer. ─── 该党最著名的议员是一个异装癖的演员兼歌手。
5、Among the detainees is Mustafizur Rahman, a former lawmaker and central committee member of the party, he said. ─── 在被拘留者中有穆斯塔菲兹·拉赫曼,前立法委员和党中央委员会委员,他说。
6、Term limits involve restricting the number of years an officeholder or lawmaker may serve in a particular office.There is a term limit for the U. ─── 任期限制包括限制官员或立法者在某一特定办公室担任职务的年限。
7、A top Russian lawmaker ─── 一名俄罗斯高级议员
8、AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas lawmaker is aiming to allow the blind to hunt. ─── 据路透社报道,得克萨斯一位立法者近日在制定一项允许盲人打猎的议案。
9、The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the “big league”, according to Michael Oxley, the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker. ─── 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔奥克斯利(Michael Oxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。
10、The Republican Party's likely presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, praised Kennedy as a "legendary lawmaker". ─── 奥巴马争取总统提名的竞选对手希拉里.克林顿,也祝愿肯尼迪早日恢复健康。
11、Lawmaker Bassem al-Sharif, who is from Wasit, plans to go to the field soon to investigate allegations by local officials that farmers looted property of the oil company. ─── 来自瓦西特省的伊拉克国会议员计划不久前往那处油田,对当地官员指控农夫们抢劫石油公司财产一事展开调查。
12、"His comments are racist. People around the world are running their own countries. Why can't Chinese do the same?" another Hong Kong lawmaker, Albert Ho, told the AP. ─── “他侮辱中国人民,中国人民不是宠物,”民主派别的香港立法委员梁国雄在一个电话采访中对美联社说道。“中国社会需要一个民主系统去保护人权和法治。”
13、Police took an underworld figure into custody in Taichung County for allegedly shooting at the gate of lawmaker Hsu Shu-po's office in Yunlin. ─── 台中县警方收押一名疑涉在云林立委许舒博服务处门口开枪的黑道份子。
14、Professor Madehuai thought sent up an uniform administrative procedure law should become the next important task of lawmaker. ─── 马怀德认为,制定一部统一的行政程序法典,应成为立法者下一步的重任。
15、The quick adoption of the scheme may have indicated less about the state lawmaker's respect for working people than about a fear of risking their anger. ─── 采纳这个方案可能更大程度上表明了国家法律制定者害怕激起工人阶级的愤怒,并非体现了对工人阶级的尊重。
16、Two fathers' rights demonstrators scaled the roof of a senior lawmaker's home in London to stage a protest. ─── 两名父亲权益示威者爬到一名资深国会议员的伦敦住家屋顶,以发动抗议。
17、Athenian lawmaker (7th century) whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offense. ─── 雅典立法者(7世纪),他的法律条文对每一项犯罪都处以死刑。
18、According to “Central News Agency” report, Liu Zhaoxuan, in finding Kuomintang “lawmaker” Cao Zhong inquired when Chen Yun comes to Taiwan Vian the work, makes the above expression. ─── 据“中央社”报道,刘兆玄在答询国民党“立委”曹尔忠询问陈云来台维安工作时,做上述表示。
19、Foley's attorneys have said the former lawmaker never had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor. ─── 福利的律师团称这位前立法者从未和未成年人有过不对的性接触。
20、The president says America may never see his like again: a veteran lawmaker who left a lasting imprint on all aspects of life in the United States, from health care to civil rights to education. ─── 奥巴马说,美国可能再也不能见到像肯尼迪这样一个伟大的人:一个退役军人出身的国会议员,他给美国人生活的方方面面都留下了永久的印记,从医疗到民权到教育。
21、The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the big league, according to Michael Oxley, the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker. ─── 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个大联盟的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。
22、The party's most flamboyant lawmaker is a transvestite actor and singer. ─── 该党最著名的议员是一个异装癖的演员兼歌手。
23、The president went on to give a statement of support to House Speaker Hastert, saying he is sure the Republican lawmaker wants all the facts to come out. ─── 布什声明支持议会发言人H,他说,共和党立法者希望将此次丑闻的所有事实会水落石出。
24、Northern Ireland's hardline Protestant cleric and lawmaker Ian Paisley praised Blair for his role in brokering peace in Northern Ireland. ─── 北爱尔兰强硬派的新教教士和议员佩斯利称赞布莱尔在调解北爱尔兰和平问题上发挥的作用。
25、" Palin faces an experienced Washington hand in Senator Biden, but the Delaware lawmaker is prone to verbal gaffes (mistakes). ─── 佩林将迎战经验丰富的华盛顿老手拜登参议员,不过这位来自德拉瓦州的参议员也经常口误失言。
26、Fellow Democrats and Republicans have united this week to pay tribute to the effective lawmaker. ─── 他在国会的民主党和共和党同僚这个星期一致哀悼这位有成效的参议员。
27、Michigan Lawmaker Defends Workers'Right to Smoke Off the Job ─── 密歇根立法者保护工人非工作时间吸烟的权利
28、The group, led by radical lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, tried to burn an effigy of what they said was the "butcherous" Chinese leadership, and police doused them all with fire extinguishers. ─── 由激进立法委员梁国雄领导的这些群众,试图焚烧被他们称之为“屠夫”的中国高层领导的肖像,警察用灭火器扑灭了燃烧的肖像。
29、CNN didn’t identify the lawmaker who was speaking. ─── CNN没有披露正在发言的那位议员的名字。
30、A lawmaker said the incident posed a threat to road users and he called for tighter security at bus depots. ─── 有立法会议员表示,事件对道路使用者构成威胁,要求加强巴士站保安工作。
31、The Arizona lawmaker today accused Obama of saying one thing and doing another to win support. ─── 这位亚利桑那州参议员星期二指称奥巴马为了赢得支援而言行不一。
32、CNN didn't identify the lawmaker who was speaking.He had a bit of a Southern drawl. ─── CNN没有指出发言的人是谁,他有一点南方拉长的口音。
33、Lawmaker Threatens to Hold White House Officials in Contempt ─── 美律师威胁将指控白宫官员为蔑视罪
34、My sister would have been a lawmaker already if she had not been married. ─── 当年要是我姊没结婚的话,她早就是立法委员了。
35、05 DAB lawmaker, Choy So-yuk, criticized the Chief Executive, Tung Chee-hwa, for failing to improve on his shortcomings. ─── 民建联立法会议员蔡素玉,批评行政长官董建华未能改善不足之处。
36、He is the first LDP lawmaker to declare his candidacy after the LDP's election defeat last month. ─── 这是自民党上月在国会众议院大选中惨败后首次有人表示竞选党总裁。
37、South Korea was set for its first woman prime minister after President Roh Moo-hyun named a lawmaker and former jailed democracy activist to succeed a veteran legislator who quit over a golfing gaffe. ─── 韩国即将出现首位女总理。总统卢武铉提名一位曾经入狱的民主派活动份子兼女议员接任一位因为高尔夫丑闻而辞职的资深议员。
38、legislator [lawmaker] ─── 立法委员
39、These “lawmaker” in the reappointment or announce candidacy Nanbu County, under mayor's consideration, to the basic religious doctrine stem for stem. ─── 这些“立委”在连任或参选南部县、市长的考虑下,会向基本教义靠拢。
40、Yeh was also found guilty of leaking secrets to a lawmaker in a separate case. ─── 叶盛茂也在另一件案子里泄密给一位立委,判决有罪。
41、This provoked a new round of attacks led by Nationalist lawmaker Chiu Yi, who spent eight months in prison for leading violent protests against Chen's narrow re-election victory in 2004. ─── 这激怒了国民党的立法委员邱毅,展开新一轮的攻击。他因为带领激烈的抗议行为,抗议陈以极小的差距在2004再次当选,而吃牢饭八个月。
42、I strongly support the call by former Finance Minister and Barisan Nasional lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh, demanding fresh elections in the state of Perak to effectively end the political impasse. ─── 反对党在三场补选中以二比一击败国阵,对新任首相纳吉来说是一大打击。虽然补选的胜利没有改变双方均衡的实力,却是对纳吉支持率的非正式公投。
43、A young man or woman must be nominated to the academy, usually by a federal or state lawmaker. ─── 年轻男性或女性必须要有人向学校提名,通常是由联邦或州立法者来提名。
44、Gonzales's seemingly conflicting accounts of his role in the firings prompted a GOP lawmaker to call Saturday for his resignation. ─── 冈萨雷斯受到攻击的、不一致的身份使得共和党议员们呼吁他本周六辞职。
45、Two fathers' rights demonstrators scaled the roof of a senior lawmaker's home in London to stage a protest. ─── 两名父亲权益示威者爬到一名资深国会议员的伦敦住家屋顶,以发动抗议。
46、Guards today (Tuesday) stopped German lawmaker Helga Trupel at the gates of the compound where Zeng Jinyan lives under virtual house arrest with her infant daughter. ─── 警卫人员今天(星期二)把德国议员图鲁蓓拦在曾金燕所住大院的门外,曾金燕与幼小的女儿实际上是被软禁。
47、Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces. ─── 立法会议员刘慧卿的办公室也被纵火和泼粪。
48、German lawmaker ─── 德国议员
49、To See the Value Trend of the Lawmaker from the Revision of Criminal Procedure Law--On the Division of the Title of the Criminal Prosecuted Person ─── 从刑事诉讼法的修订看立法者的价值取向--简论受刑事追诉者称谓的划分
50、Democratic Senator Charles Schumer is urging the president to take action to avoid what the lawmaker says could be the economy tumbling into recession. ─── 民主党参议员舒默敦促布什总统采取措施,避免美国经济陷入衰退。
51、Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly complimented his wife on her "very good left hook" . ─── 另一名立法人士随后打趣地称赞他的妻子“左勾拳很精彩”。而他一直是默多克最严厉的批评者之一。
52、incumbent lawmaker ─── 现职议员; 现职立委
53、But a top Russian lawmaker is hinting at a possibility of resolving the dispute. ─── 但是,俄罗斯一位高级别议员暗示,这一争端可能会获得解决。
54、Though our lawmaker is tired after the campaign, he will have little rest ─── 虽说我们的立法者在竞选之后已经累了,但他几乎得不到休息。
55、A prominent Iraqi lawmaker condemns UK efforts to sign a cooperation agreement with Iraq, saying there is no justification for such a deal. ─── 一个著名的伊拉克立法委员谴责英国为签与伊拉克的一项合作协议所作的努力,说没有如此一项协议的道理.
56、Secretary for Transport Nicholas Ng Wing-fui was under fire last night for allegedly preventing a lawmaker from voting. ─── 运输局局长吴荣奎涉嫌阻挠立法会议员投票,昨晚遭议员炮轰。
57、Noting that the former lawmaker entered a substance abuse and mental health facility, he said Foley accept s responsibility, but unequivocally states that he never had or attempted to ha ve sexually contact with a min or. ─── 提到这位前立法者陷入过量服药和心理治疗,他表示,福利愿意承担责任,但是他也明确表示他从未做过或者试图做过在性方面接触未成年人。
58、South Korean lawmaker, Won Hye-young, tells reporters the disclosure was made today (Wednesday) at a closed door session with officials from the National Intelligence Service. ─── 南韩议员“元惠英”对记者说,星期三在与南韩国家情报机构进行的闭门会议上透露了这一资讯。
59、Runaway brides - and grooms - in Mexico City could get stuck paying for the limo and flowers under a bill proposed by a local lawmaker. ─── (美国)墨西哥城一位立法人士日前提出一项法案,该市临阵“逃婚”的新娘或新郎须承担豪华婚车和鲜花等筹办婚礼所需的各项费用。
60、Philippine lawmaker frustrated by rampant electoral fraud has proposed legislation to get the names of the dead off voter rolls. ─── 因对持续猖獗的选举舞弊现象深恶痛绝,菲律宾一位立吉普赛人读心术法人士提议通过立法除去选民名单中亡故人员的名字。
61、through Paris," said Communist Party lawmaker Andre Gerin. ─── 最后出来说好话的还是法共人士。
62、Staying married is better for the planet because divorce leads the newly single to live more wasteful lifestyles, an Australian lawmaker said Tuesday. ─── 维持婚姻对地球较好,因为离婚会导致刚单身者过著更浪费的生活方式,一名澳洲国会议员周二说。
63、more, it's clear the lawmaker lied about his personal misconduct, blatantly and repeatedly. ─── 更重要的是,这位国会议员很明显对自己的不当行为采取的应对方式是公然、反复的撒谎。
64、Metropolitan Manila police chief Geary Barias said a lawmaker's driver was killed, while ABS-CBN TV network said a number of cars were damaged and at least three lawmakers were among those injured. ─── 马尼拉市警长GearyBarias说一名立法委员的司机死亡,然而ABS-CBN电视网说有一些车子损毁,在受伤的人当中至少有三名立法委员。
65、A former lawmaker from the district, Wilberforce Kisiero criticized the operation. ─── 来自埃尔冈山地区的前议员基西罗批评了政府采取的军事行动。
66、Should the process fail, the president may entrust the task to a second lawmaker, who then has 28 days to finish the mission. ─── 如果他失败了,总统将把这项任务委托给第二个立法者,不过特他只有28天完成任务。
67、It is really suspicious that any time a killing of this nature happens, the police have a ready answer," Ababu Namwamba, a lawyer and ODM lawmaker. ─── 他说:“他们怎么获得讯息来支持他们所说的案情?非常可疑的是,每次发生这类案子时,警方都有事先准备好的说词。
68、Yesterday, Mrs. Chan repeated that charge in her new capacity as a lawmaker, saying Mr. Tsangs report lacked a firm commitment on how to proceed with changes. ─── 周三,陈方安生又以新任立法会议员的身份重申这一指责,称曾荫权的报告没有就如何进行改革提出强有力的承诺。
69、"Around 30 percent of the marriages in the past year in Shekhawati region of Rajasthan were fixed on this swap system," local lawmaker Rajendra Chauhan said. ─── 与此相反,新郎家倒是需要为新娘家准备一个姑娘去“陪嫁”给新娘家。
70、King of the West Saxons(871-899), scholar, and lawmaker who repelled the Danes and helped consolidate England into a unified kingdom. ─── 阿尔弗烈德英格兰韦塞克斯王国国王(871-899年)、学者及立法者,曾击败了丹麦人的侵略并使英格兰成为统一的王国
71、There is a law and a lawmaker that rules across the whole continent ─── 法是有的,还有着一位立法者统治着世界。
72、Domestic issues also topped the agenda in countries like Britain where the already unpopular Labor Party is railing (reeling) over scandal of (over) lawmaker's perks. ─── 一些国内问题同样在英国等国家被提上首要日程,已失去人心的工党议员正受到补贴丑闻的困扰。
73、The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the “big league”, according to Michael Oxley, the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker. ─── 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。
74、King of the West Saxons(871-899),scholar,and lawmaker who repelled the Danes and helped consolidate England into a unified kingdom. ─── 韦塞克斯王国国王(871-899年)、学者及立法者,曾击败了丹麦人的侵略并使英格兰成为统一的王国
75、The veteran Arizona lawmaker highlighted his record of working with Democrats, and pledged to continue bipartisanship as president and to end "constant partisan rancor" in Washington. ─── 来自亚历桑那州的资深参议员麦凯恩在演讲中强调他与民主党人合作的记录,并誓言在当选总统后继续秉持超越党派的精神,结束华盛顿“一贯的党派怨恨”。
76、Exactness is the soul of legislative language and one of legislative principles pursued by the lawmaker. ─── 摘要为使法律具有权威性,排斥多义与歧义,准确历来是立法语言的灵魂,也是立法者尽力追求的主要立法原则之一。
77、At a recent press conference, E.U. lawmaker Sarah Ludford from Britain said now is the time for Europe to act. ─── 欧洲议会议员英国人鲁德福德在最近一次记者会上说,现在是欧洲行动的时候了。
78、Noting that the former lawmaker entered a substance abuse and mental health facility. ─── 这位前立法委员曾在药物滥用与心理健康机构接受治疗。
79、It is hard to negotiate with a fellow lawmaker if the next minute you walk out on the steps and call [him] a weasel. ─── 如果你刚一走出楼梯就称他为黄鼠狼(双关语:狡猾的人),那你很难跟立法者同事进行谈判。
80、The result of poicy caused the lawmaker's disagreement. ─── 政策的结果导致立法委员意见不合。
81、After the hearing, a lawmaker and a staffer both approached Soros and asked him to autograph their copies of his book. ─── 听证会后,一位议员和一名工作人员来到索罗斯跟前,请他在他的书上签名。
82、The statement was issued in response to the inquiry raised by an opposition lawmaker who asked the government to expound its position on the tribunal's findings related with the comfort women issue. ─── 这封声明主要是回应一位反对派议员的质询。该议员曾要求政府详细说明其对军事法庭关于慰安妇问题裁决的立场。
83、At least one South Carolina lawmaker could bring up impeaching the Governor during a special session about employment benefits today. ─── 今天在南卡罗莱州的一场关于职工利益的特殊会议中,至少有一个立法者提出弹劾州长。
84、"He won't understand the real concerns of people by going to such places," said Susumu Yanase, a lawmaker from Japan's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan. ─── 而这位以爱抽雪茄和爱穿高级剪裁西装而著称的首相先生则反驳说,如果去便宜的地方,会给安保带来不少麻烦。
85、A young man or woman must be nominated to the academy usually by a federal or state lawmaker. ─── 年轻人要入读该校,必须要经过推荐,一般是由联邦或者州立法者来推荐的。
86、Runaway brides-and grooms-in Mexico City could get stuck paying for the limo and flowers under a bill proposed by a local lawmaker. ─── 在墨西哥市,临时落跑的新娘与新郎可能必须负担婚礼礼车与鲜花的费用,根据一名当地议员所提出的法案规定。
87、South Korea lawmaker Won Hye-young told the repoters that the information was revealed in a close-door meeting with the National Intelligence Agency of South Korea. ─── 韩国议员元惠英对记者说,星期三在与韩国国家情报机构进行的闭门会议上透露了这一信息。
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