terrae 发音
英: 美:
terrae 中文意思翻译
terrae 词性/词形变化,terrae变形
名词复数: terrae |
terrae 短语词组
1、terrae filius ─── [拉]出身低贱的人
2、servus terrae ─── [法] 土地奴隶, 土著农民
terrae 相似词语短语
1、ternate ─── adj.有三片叶的;n.(Ternate)(美)台尔纳特(人名)
2、terraced ─── adj.阶地的;有平台的;沿斜坡建造的;v.使成阶地;使成梯田(terrace的过去式和过去分词)
3、serrae ─── n.锯齿状器官(serra的变形)
4、terra ─── n.地;地球;土地
5、terrane ─── n.岩层
6、terranes ─── n.岩层
7、terrace ─── n.平台;梯田;阳台;vt.使成梯田,使成阶地;使有平台屋顶;vi.成阶地;成梯田;筑成坛;adj.(女服)叠层式的;n.(Terrace)人名;(英)特勒斯
8、terebrae ─── 特雷布雷
9、terraces ─── n.[地质]阶地;[农]梯田;[建]露台(terrace的复数);v.成阶地;成梯田;筑成坛(terrace的第三人称单数)
terrae 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Himalayan topography captured by Reflection Radiometer ASTER, which flies on NASA's Terra . ─── 喜马拉雅山脉的地形被反射辐射计紫菀,这苍蝇在美国航天局的Terra卫星。
2、A flying squirrel munches a meal on terra firma. ─── 一只鼯鼠在地上贪婪的咀嚼着它的食物。
3、Alas, the pine nuts attuned the Grand Masters to a Sirian dream and not a dream of Terra. ─── 唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个地球梦想。
4、A 15-second long promo video appeared after Toward the Terra on June 2. Any response from the public? ─── 一个15秒长的预告录象之后会在6月2号播出,有没有人负责这次的发布?
5、What a relief to step out on terra firma again! ─── 又踏上了陆地,是何等的安慰啊!
6、Lively reds, terra cottas, yellows, blues, and greens are popular choices among Mediterranean homeowners. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。
7、I re della terra si son fatti avanti, e i principi si son raunati assieme contro al Signore, e contro al suo Unto. ─── 地上的君王都起来,首领聚在一起,敌对主和他的受膏者。’
8、At this time, we are restraining our intergalactic connections only to those creations that are returning to this Great Central Sun from which Earth or Terra existed long ago. ─── 在此时,我们将银河系间的联系仅限于那些回归本大中枢太阳的造物之内,本大中枢太阳是地球或说Terra很久前身处其中的。
9、After two days at sea, it was good to be back on terra firma again. ─── 在海上度过两天之后,又回到使人觉得坚实的陆地,真是惬意。
10、Lips: Use classic Artistry Lip Colour Terra Cotta and soften overall with Sheer Dew Lip Colour. ─── 唇:先涂上豆沙红妍美滋润口红(8217),再涂上全新的金橘(0248)色彩润唇膏。
11、Though “take or pay” is the terra firma for LNG dealings, now the contracts are manifesting their features of shorter valid period and more flexible alter mode. ─── “照付不议”合同是LNG项目成功运作的坚实制度框架,目前呈现出合同年限缩短、变更方式趋于灵活的趋势。
12、Excursion to Terra Cotta Warriors, transfer to airport for flight back to Beijing. ─── 参观兵马俑,午餐后送往机场,乘机飞回北京。接机至酒店。
13、Chi sta guidandolo, ai fireworks della terra sconosciuta. ─── 啊,是谁在指引我,那异地的烟火。
14、Yes, I did. But I liked visiting Xi'an best. Those terra cotta figures were amazing. ─── 喜欢。但是我最喜欢西安。那里的兵马俑真是令人惊奇。
15、The judge heard how the defendants and witnesses had met in a bar near the court hours before the hearing, Terra Noticias Populares reports. ─── 但法官不接受辩解,并将案件延后一周再审。
16、Essi compiron fra loro i miracoli da lui ordinati, fecero dei prodigi nella terra di Cham. ─── 他们在敌人中间施行他的神迹,在含地显明他的奇事。
17、We had a happy talk on our visit to the Terra Cotta Warriors. ─── 你们去看兵马俑,在路上我们说的很开心。
18、Our factory mainly produces embossed terra cotta pots of European style, various kinds of glazed pots, slip casting pots and all kinds of small-embossed animal articles etc. ─── 主要生产欧典浮雕式,红土陶花盆,各色彩釉盆,浮雕浇注盆,各种浮雕动物摆件等。
19、While in the No.3 pit terra cotta warriors line the route and guard the headquarters, which commands the army found in the preceding two pits. ─── 三号坑的陶佣作仪卫式的夹道排列,是统帅一、二号坑军队的指挥部(古称军墓)。
20、I giusti erederanno la terra e l’abiteranno in perpetuo. ─── 义人必承受地土,永远居住在自己的地上。
21、Brett: Oh, you know that new girl, Terra? ─── 哦,妳认得那个新来叫泰拉的女孩吗?
22、Tu mandi il tuo spirito, essi sono creati, e tu rinnovi la faccia della terra. ─── 你也使地面更换一新。
23、He often referred to Terra as a paradise, and his physique adapted to the diurnal cycles so unusual to his home planet. ─── 他常常将地球比喻成一个天堂,而他也改造自己的身体以适应与家乡不同的地球。
24、Such tones cannot forgive here upon Terra as they are from the wrong creation. ─── 因为这些音调来自于错误的造物,它们不能在地球上实行原谅。
25、Ascoltate, o monti, la causa dell’Eterno, e voi, saldi fondamenti della terra! ─── 大山啊!你们要听耶和华的争辩。大地永久的根基啊!
26、Endowed with terra firma grandeur, China is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civilization in the world. ─── 中国是一个幅员广阔,具有辉煌灿烂的文明史的独立主权国家。
27、E ancora: Tu, Signore, nel principio, fondasti la terra, e i cieli son opera delle tue mani. ─── 又说:“主啊!你起初立了地的根基,天也是你手的工作。
28、Permanent Terra Incognita removed and replaced with impassable regions. ─── “国家重心”系统?专注某个区域的发展?
29、Non buttare per terra i mozziconi delle sigarette! ─── 不要把烟头扔在地上!
30、Witnessing Re Leone and Zorro hand in hand, in perfect complices commiting the most perfect hold up in terra juventina and running towards # 16! Unforgettable!!! ─── “狮子王”维阿与“佐罗”博班珠联璧合,相得益彰,他们帮助球队客场完胜尤文图斯,为夺取第十六个联赛冠军奠定了基础!令人难以忘怀!!!
31、"I have told Chelsea supporters that Mineiro reminds me very much Claude Makelele," he told Terra Brazil. ─── “我对切尔西的支持者说,米内罗就是另一个马克莱莱。”
32、Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. ─── 你的光荣充满天地。
33、International TV progamming is the great terra incognita for American viewers. ─── 国际电视节目对美国观众而言是全然陌生的领域。
34、In turn, humans on Terra inflated the light in the inside or core of earth, known as the Inner Earth, and inflated dark on the surface of the earth. ─── 依次地,地球上的人类在地球内部,也被知晓为地心,膨胀了光明而将黑暗膨胀到地球表面。
35、Oriental Hope Baotou Terrae Rare Aluminum Co. , Ltd ─── 东方希望包头稀土铝业有限责任公司
36、Illa igitur non requiescere possunt ad exitium in terra gerent. ─── 于是,那些无法安息的存在,都将一直在地面上行走,直至毁灭。
37、The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius. ─── 南极洲的大部分地方不属于任何国家。
38、A small terra - cotta or plastic wind instrument with finger holes,a mouthpiece,and an elongated ovoid shape. ─── 奥卡利那笛,洋埙一种小的赤陶制成或塑料乐器,有手孔和吹口,加长的椭形
39、E il giorno dopo, gli Asdodei alzatisi di buon’ora trovarono Dagon caduto con la faccia a terra, davanti all’arca dell’Eterno. ─── mapa 第二天清早,亚实突人起来,看见大衮神像仆倒在地,俯伏在耶和华的约柜面前。
40、Daqui a sete dias farei chover sobre a terra quarente dias e quarenta noites,e farei desaparecer da face da terra todos os seres vivos que fiz. ─── 因为再过七天,我要降雨在地上四十昼夜把我所造的所有活物都从世上灭除。”
41、Terra is a key bearer or truth bearer. ─── 地球是钥匙肩负者或真相肩负者。
42、The Fischerinsel (Fisherman’s Island) is the terra incognita of the fast-changing urban fabric of downtown Berlin. ─── 不论是自己向往,还是因为其他的原因来到国外,从到了异国他乡的第一步,我们就有了一个共同的名字,外国人。
43、The finding is : there exist two serious problems on water resource use, therefore, the protection of drink water terra and sustainable exploitation of water resource make an importance in Tanjiang River Basin planning. ─── 在潭江流域水资源调查中发现,目前潭江流域面临着流域发展对资源需求增加与水质下降双重问题,流域饮用水源地优先保护与水资源持续利用已成为潭江流域开发研究的重要内容。
44、Tu hai rinnegato il patto stretto col tuo servitore, hai profanato la sua corona gettandola a terra. ─── 你舍弃了和你仆人所立的约,把他的冠冕玷污在地。
45、Terra has recalled how to blend light and dark in a manner that emulates the new dream and return into its fold. ─── 她已经回忆起如何仿效新梦想来混合光明与黑暗。
46、Jim, you saw Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Warriors last week, did not you? ─── 吉姆,上周你参观了秦始皇兵马俑,对吧?
47、Se vedi l’asino di colui che t’odia steso a terra sotto il carico, guardati bene dall’abbandonarlo, ma aiuta il suo padrone a scaricarlo. ─── 如果你看见恨你的人的驴伏在重担之下,不可走开不理它,你应该与驴主一同卸下重担。
48、The vaults containing the terra cotta warriors and horses that were not discovered until 1974 when local peasants were sinking wells in the neighbourhood have further established the Qin mausoleum as a world- class wonder. ─── 1974年,农民因打井而发现的“秦始皇兵马俑坑”,更使它成为世界奇观。
49、Terra and these three stars have formed a multidimensional consensus for ascension that is an interlinking energy flow held by the mineral kingdoms within each creation. ─── Terra已跟这3个恒星建立了一个提升的多维度一致实相,它是一个由每个造物中的矿石王国支撑起来的、彼此连接的能量流。
50、S’apra la terra, e sia ferace di salvezza, e faccia germogliar la giustizia al tempo stesso. ─── 你们要从上滴下公义,让云层降下公义。
51、Terra Umbra Hotel : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
52、The two ships, Terra Nova and Fram, arrived in Antarctica, in January 1911, at the end of summer. ─── 两艘船,特若.诺瓦号与弗雷门号都抵达南极洲,时间是1911年1月,夏末。
53、The issue came to a head when the 291st synod prioris of terra debated the use of the Repressor by the Order of Sacred Rose. ─── 关于圣血玫瑰对镇压者的使用的争论最早出现于在地球举行的第291次宗教会议上。
54、And so for a time you could say that the Anu became accident prone due to the nature of variant language within their biology and upon Terra. ─── 你将注意到在当代许多西方国家是怎么与肥胖抗争的,这是由于从全球性的正挨饿或生病的人类那里接收了太多身体层面的梦想。
55、In this parched and sunburnt country, a place where the smouldering sky is so big it bumps up against the ancient ochre terra firma, the Wild West has yet to be won. ─── 在这个被太阳炙烤的炎热国度,闷热的广袤天空烘烤着这片古老的赭色大地,狂野的西部还未被(人类)征服。
56、Terra Cotta Worries are beautiful and tired ,but they won't die quickly . ─── 兵马俑既美也累,他们不会很快死亡。
57、Venite, mirate le opere dell’Eterno, il quale compie sulla terra cose stupende. ─── 你们都来,看耶和华的作为,看他怎样使地荒凉。
58、At one point they were out of sight of land for almost two months.But the terra australis incognita, the unknown "south land," didn't exist, just as Cook suspected. ─── 他们一度近两个月看不见陆地,但是未知的南大陆并不存在,正如库克所怀疑的。
59、Come quando si ara e si rompe la terra, le nostre ossa sono sparse all’ingresso del soggiorno dei morti. ─── 他们说:“我们的骨头被抛散在墓旁,好像人犁田锄地时掘起的土块。”
60、Do you have the imitation terra cotta warriors of the Qin Dynasty? ─── 你们有秦朝的陶俑仿制品吗?
61、Terrae dragons are primarily herbivores who prefer to eat from the tops of trees. ─── 苍郁龙是食草性的牠们喜欢吃顶部的树叶。
62、So far three vaults have been excavated in which terra cotta figures were found, located some 1500 metres to the east of the First Emperor's mausoleum. ─── 兵马俑坑,在秦始皇陵墓乐侧1500米处,已试掘3个坑。
63、Sent to a desolate planet, Terra 219, to arrest possible traitors to the Alliance, Strider must survive with only a government issued experimental suit as protection. ─── 他除了穿著政府配给实验用的防护服之外,再没有其他任何装备,但他必须在这颗星球上求生。
64、GC - MS Analysis of Organophosphorous Pesticide Remains in Guangxi Traditional Herb Picria fel-terrae Lour . ─── 气相色谱-质谱联用法测定广西传统用药苦玄参中有机磷农药残留。
65、Sanctus,Sanctus,Sanctus:Dominus Deus Sabaoth.Pleni sunt caeli et terra gioria tua.Hosanna in excelsis. ─── 圣哉,圣哉,圣哉!上帝,全权全能的主。天和地都充盈着你崇高的形象。天上的和萨那。
66、China's terra cotta warriors coming to Houston. ─── 中国兵马俑将在美国休斯顿展出。
67、With advanced antisepsis equipment and a contigent of qualified workers,the company can conduct production as well as construction.It once carried out the construction of terra grounds and grids in Thailand and india. ─── 公司集生产施工为一体,拥有先进的生产设备和一支高素质的施工队伍,并具有建设部颁发的防腐资质三级施工企业。
68、Upon other dimensions of life humans traveled in space craft to mine and deforest Terra for the gain upon their planet of origin. ─── 在其它维度时的生命中,各种人类为了获得对自身母星的好处而驾飞船前来Terra采矿并砍伐森林。
69、Armies of Terra Cotta Soldiers are hint to the warrior heritage of this country. ─── 兵马俑是这个国家崇武精神的体现。
70、A terra cotta army bears silent witness to an emperor's greatness. ─── 一列兵马俑军队静静地见证了一代帝王的伟大。
71、The vault begins with a row of five ramps or inclined approaches in the eastern end that lead down first to three rows of terra cotta warriors in the front, 210 pieces altogether, that stand facing east. This supposedly is the vanguard. ─── 坑东有五个斜坡门道。 坑道前部,排列着面向东方的三列横队武士俑,共210个,这是军阵的前锋部队。
72、Questi sono i due ulivi e i due candelabri che stanno nel cospetto del Signor della terra. ─── 他们就是站在全地之主面前的两棵橄榄树和两个灯台。
73、At this time, there is vast conflict between the pyramidal energy flow in the human dream and Terra's ascending flow. ─── 在此时,人类梦想中的金字塔能量流及地球的提升能量流之间,有着巨大的冲突。
74、The red soil “terra rossa” of Coonawarra is Australia’s most famous soil, and some of the most expensive viticultural land in Australia. ─── 冠纳娃纳区特有的土壤是澳洲最著名的红土壤,也是澳洲最贵的葡萄栽培地之一。
75、Perhaps if they had discovered pine nuts from trees indigenous unto earth, all would have been well and they would have attuned to the dream of Terra in lieu of Sirius. ─── 如果他们当初发现了地球本土的松树和松仁,也许一切都会太平无事的,他们也就可以调谐到地球梦想以取代天狼星梦想。
76、Labbra ardenti e un cuor malvagio son come schiuma d’argento spalmata sopra un vaso di terra. ─── 好争竞的人,煽动争端,就像余烬上加炭,火上加柴一样。
77、To and from the Terra Cotta Warriors, we pass the Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang. ─── 在去看兵马俑和回来的路上,我们都要经过秦始皇陵墓。
78、E conoscano che tu, il cui nome e l’Eterno, sei il solo Altissimo sopra tutta la terra. ─── 使他们知道只有你的名是耶和华,唯有你是掌管全地的至高者。
79、The children of Terra approach! ─── 地球的子孙们来了!
80、Whether his celestial laundry-folding technique is any better on terra firma wasn't clear. ─── 不知道他在太空叠衣服的技艺是否比在陆地上更好。
81、Mangerete carne di prodi e berrete sangue di principi della terra: montoni, agnelli, capri, giovenchi, tutti quanti ingrassati in Basan. ─── 你们要吃勇士的肉,喝那地众领袖的血,就如吃公绵羊、羊羔、公山羊和公牛,全部都是巴珊的肥畜。
82、Upstart companies like Vibram, Feelmax and Terra Plana have come out with thin-sole designs meant to combine the benefits of going barefoot with a layer of protection. ─── Vibram、Feelmax和TerraPlana等突然窜起的公司已推出薄鞋底设计,把赤脚跑步的好处和保护层结合起来。
83、Amphora was the unit of measurement that determined the amount held by the large terra cotta jars that were used to ship grain, spices and wine. ─── amphora是古代商人在运输中用来装载酒、香料和谷物的一种双耳长颈瓶。
我住的地方有个花店,有一天路过的时候忽然看到了她的名字 Le Temps du Rose,翻译起来是玫瑰时间的意思,听上去虽然貌似俗气,但是想想看还是挺喜欢的,进去转了转还~
如果您想要名字炫一些,也可以说Le Temps Rosé,e上有个二声一样的符号,这样看上去比较像法语哈~就变成了“粉红时光”,或者说,“玫瑰一样的时光”
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