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09-19 投稿


lithium 发音

英:[ˈlɪθiəm]  美:[ˈlɪθiəm]

英:  美:

lithium 中文意思翻译



lithium 网络释义

n. 锂(符号Li)

lithium 常用词组

lithium battery ─── 锂电池;锂蓄电池

lithium ion battery ─── 锂离子电池

lithium bromide ─── [化]溴化锂

lithium 词性/词形变化,lithium变形

简写符号: Li |

lithium 短语词组

1、effervescent lithium citrate ─── [医] 泡腾枸橼酸锂

2、lithium acetylsalicylate ─── [化] 乙酰水杨酸锂

3、lithium aluminum hydride ─── [化] 氢化铝锂

4、lithium aluminium hydride ─── [化] 氢化铝锂

5、lithium aluminium hydride reduction ─── [化] 氢化铝锂还原(用LiAlH-4还原)

6、lithium aluminate ─── [化] 铝酸锂

7、lithium agarcinate ─── [化] 松蕈酸锂; 松蕈三酸锂

8、aryl lithium ─── [化] 芳基锂

9、antimony lithium thiomalate ─── [医] 硫代苹果酸锑锂(抗血吸虫病药)

10、lithium alkylide ─── [化] 烷基锂

11、lithium ammonium sulfate ─── [化] 硫酸锂铵

12、ichthyol lithium ─── [医] 鱼石脂锂

13、lithium arsenide ─── [化] 砷化锂

14、lithium (poly)butadiene rubber ─── [化] 丁锂橡胶

15、lithium amide ─── [化] 氨基化锂

16、lithium alkoxide ─── [化] 醇锂; 烃氧基锂

17、hydroxy-acid lithium soap ─── [化] 羟基酸锂皂(润滑脂)

18、lithium 12-hydroxy stearate ─── [建] 十二羟基硬脂酸锂

19、lithium acetate ─── [化] 乙酸锂; 醋酸锂

lithium 相似词语短语

1、pythiums ─── 腐霉

2、lithify ─── 岩化

3、cyathium ─── n.杯状聚伞花序

4、lithoing ─── 锂

5、lithite ─── 钙结核

6、lithites ─── 钙结核

7、pythium ─── n.腐霉属

8、lithia ─── n.[无化]氧化锂;锂氧

9、lithic ─── adj.石的;膀胱结石的;锂的

lithium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Treatment response is possible in a short period of time (1 week), but recovery after lithium addition may also take a few weeks. ─── 治疗反应是有可能在很短的时间内(1周),但恢复后,锂此外还可能需要几个星期。

2、It was pointed out that sodium acetate and lithium acetate have obvious inhibition effect on DEG generation in PET. ─── 提出醋酸钠或醋酸锂对聚酯中的DEG生成具有明显的抑制作用;

3、Measurements of Proton Response of two Lithium Fluoride Detectors with Different thicknesses. ─── 对两种厚度氟化锂探测器质子响应特性的测量。

4、Boron lithium oxide;Lithium borate;Dilithium tetraborate;boron lithium oxide (b4li2o7);lithium tetraborate; ... ─── 四硼酸二锂;硼酸锂;四硼酸锂;焦硼酸锂;四硼酸锂香港

5、The chemistry and electrochemistry of lithium electrolyte salts are introduced. ─── 介绍了锂离子电池电解质锂盐的化学和电化学。

6、This paper researched on high rate discharge performance in lithium ion battery. ─── 对锂离子电池高倍率放电性能进行了研究。

7、The new kids on the block are disposable lithium batteries. ─── 市面上电池的新品种是可丢弃式锂电池。

8、The lithium salt-containing carbon anode is with better wettability and higher critical current density than the ordinary carbon anode. ─── 含有锂盐的碳阳极的可湿性和发生阳极效应的临界电流密度值明显提高,可以防范阳极效应的发生,文中讨论了锂盐的作用机理。

9、Instead, it simply barred troops from taking older drugs, including "lithium, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics. ─── 仅仅是禁止给士兵们使用古老的“锂制剂、抗惊厥药和镇静剂”。

10、Please check your luggage in case of any lithium batteries, or your schedule might be postponed. ─── 请各位乘客,在托运前做好检查,保证在托运行李中没有锂电池,以免耽误行程。

11、But they must be protected from short-circuiting and they cannot exceed 100 watt-hours of lithium content. ─── 但必须作好防短路保护,且电池容量不超过100瓦/小时。

12、This paper investigates the principle of desiccant air conditioning and the properties of adsorbate (water vapor)/adsorbent(Lithium Chloride). ─── 本文介绍了吸附式空调制冷系统的原理,研究了吸附剂(氯化锂)、吸附质(水汽)的性质;

13、Analyses the source of non-condensable gas and its bad impact on Lithium Bromide absorption chillers. ─── 分析了机组不凝性气体的来源,并阐述其对机组的不利影响。

14、The application of these electrodes in lithium(ion)batteries is analyzed and discussed. ─── 对于这些电极材料在锂(离子)电池中的应用作了分析和讨论。

15、In the multi-cycle operations with HCl as the eluent, the lithium adsorption amount was decreased with increasing the number of cycle. ─── 在循环操作中,以盐酸作洗提剂时,发现锂之吸附量会随次数增加而降低,且伴随锰离子溶出量亦增大。

16、Using magnesium hydride as a destabilizer for lithium borohydride, for instance, lowers the release temperature from 400 to 275 degrees C. ─── 举例来说,以氢化镁当做硼氢化锂的去稳定剂,可以将释放气体所需的温度从400℃降到275℃。

17、A kind of charging protection chip based on the depletion process for single lithium battery was designed. ─── 提出了一种基于耗尽型工艺的单节锂离子电池充电保护芯片设计。

18、Lithium is, obviously, a primary component of the lithium ion batteries powering the first generation of electric cars. ─── 很显然锂是驱动第一代电动车的锂电池中的主要成分。

19、This is the lithium nucleus plus electron. ─── 这是锂原子核加上一个电子。

20、It’s clearly happening,” said Ceder, who added that a couple of companies are already interested in licensing the new lithium battery technology. ─── 希德说。他补充道已经有几家公司开始对获得这种新型锂电池技术的生产许可感兴趣。

21、Lithium hexafluorophosphate is applied as an ionogen component of electrolytes in chemical current sources with Lithium anode. ─── 六氟磷酸锂用作锂离子电池电解质。

22、When lithium-ion batteries were invented, mobile phones became small enough to be slipped into a pocket. ─── 当锂离子电池发明后,移动电话就可以小到能够塞进口袋里。

23、A white or gray mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate; a source of lithium. ─── 一种白色或灰色的矿石,含锂、铝、磷酸盐,是锂的重要来源。

24、By increasing solution potential, lithium can be desorbed from MnO2. ─── 吸附的锂宜采用提高溶液电势的方法进行氧化性解吸。

25、It was dissolved from lithium cobaltate. ─── 它是从钴酸锂中溶解出来的。

26、However, the capacity of spinel manganic acid lithium fades rapidly in the charge-discharge cycle process. ─── 但在充放电循环过程中,由于锰的溶解、电解液分解以及 Jahn-Teller 效应等原因,尖晶石型锰酸锂的比容量衰减较快。

27、A supercell including 16 lithium atoms in hcp lattice is constructed with a hydrogen atom doped in. ─── 在没有外界压力作用情况下,金属锂的相对弹性常数与过渡族金属具有相同的特点。掺氢体系的初始结构为16个金属锂原子构成的六角密堆结构周期单元,应用周期性边界条件。

28、We use the HHGLF and CFHHGLF method to directly solve the Schrodinger equation for 4S states of lithium atom, respectively. ─── 应用HHGLF和CFHHGLF方法直接求解Li原子~4S态的Schrodinger方程.

29、Analysis of sputtering yield of flowing liquid lithium curtain surface for blanket in the deuterium saturated state, has been performed. ─── 摘要分析了氘饱和状态下液态锂作为包层流动液帘表面的溅射问题,得到了氘饱和状态下和固态的溅射产额。

30、CITIC Guoan base in Qinghai Salt Lake has begun production of lithium carbonate products. ─── 中信国安在青海的盐湖基地已开始生产碳酸锂产品。

31、If so, the grains would contain a wide variety of isotopes from elements heavier than lithium. ─── 假如如此,尘烬里就会包含诸多种类的比锂重的元素的同位素。

32、A new method is given for separating K, Rb, Cs from mother liquor after extracting lithium from lepidolite. ─── 提出了一种从锂云母提锂母液中分离钾铷铯的新方法,研究了分离的最佳工艺条件。

33、Cosmic ray spallation produces some light elements such as lithium and boron.This process was discovered somewhat by accident during the 1970s. ─── 宇宙射线散裂制造出轻的元素,像是锂和硼,这个过程是在1970年代偶然发现的。

34、The values for lithium, though, are not. ─── 但是数据却显示锂的含量超乎寻常。

35、Theoretical Analysis of Terahertz Radiation Generated in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate[J]. ─── 引用该论文 薛挺,华勇,杨德伟,赵青春,吴锜,丁洪,季晓芳.

36、Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a Japanese study suggests. ─── 一项日本调查显示,喝含有锂元素的水可能降低自杀的风险。

37、The developing status of lithium ion battery for HEV was introduced. ─── 最后介绍了电动车用锂离子电池的研究开发情况。

38、Answer to be maintained for a long time with lithium salt to all having the person that break out every year, can use delay right now commentate agent. ─── 对于每年均有发作者应长期用锂盐维持,此时可用缓释剂。

39、The same is the world's largest iodine, molybdenum and lithium producers. ─── 其同样是全球最大的碘、锂和钼生产国之一。

40、High-Power Temperature-Tunable Periodically-Poled Lithium Niobate Optical Parametric Oscillator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Yang Jian,Li Xiaoqin,Yao Jianquan,Bing Pibin.

41、the cathodes , which were made of above - mentioned three composites , and gel polymer electrolytes were used for lithium batteries. ─── 并分别把以上三大类复合材料做成正极与液态电解质或凝胶态电解质组装成金属锂电池。

42、Electrical-Poling Technology of Lithium Tantalate for Quasi-Velocity-Matching Phase Modulator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吕航,陈险峰,陈理军,张军锋,陈玉萍,夏宇兴.

43、With the experimental results,analyzes the lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system more comprehensibly. ─── 与实验结果分析相结合,使得对吸收式制冷系统的分析更加全面。

44、Used for mobile phone quick charger without damage of lithium battery. ─── 可作手机电池的快速充电器,不损锂电池。

45、It is accepted that LiNi0.8Co0.O2 cathode material is a promising candidate to replace the commercialized LiCoO2 for the lithium ion batteries. ─── LiNi0.8Co0.2O2是锂离子电池界公认的最有希望取代商业化正极材料LiCoO2的新型正极材料之一.

46、Do not have mercuric alkaline manganese 2 times batteries, nickel hydrogen batteries, lithium battery. ─── 无汞碱锰二次电池,镍氢电池、锂电池。

47、Keywords: lithium-ion secondary batteries, lithium cobalt oxide, lithium nickel oxide, lithium manganese oxide, and nanotechnology. ─── 关键词:锂离子二次电池、锂钴氧化物、锂镍氧化物、锂锰氧化物、奈米科技。

48、The conception of experiments is resolving the irreversible phenomena in the DPG lithium secondary battery. ─── 本实验主要针对解决DPG人工石墨应用于锂离子二次电池时所产生的不可逆现象。

49、The development of lithium ion batteries is related to that of negative materials, positive materials and electrolytes. ─── 摘要锂离子电池的发展与其负极材料、正极材料和电解质材料的发展相关。

50、Lithium batteries found during the screening process may be removed by the TSA. ─── 如果锂电池直接安装在电子设备内,则允许其进行托运。

51、Up to date,the doped lithium niobate crystal is the most ideal three dimensional storage materi. ─── 搀杂铌酸锂晶体是目前最理想的三维光折变存储材料。

52、Continuously Tunable Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on Multi-Grating Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张百钢,姚建铨,丁欣,徐德刚,张浩,禹国俊,魏权夫,王鹏.

53、A comparison is made of the performances between N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and commonly-used organic solutions in lithium batteries. ─── 对比了N甲基2吡咯烷酮与常用锂电池有机溶剂的性能。

54、Trace amounts of moisture in lithium hexafluorophosphate was determined by coulometric titration based on the reaction with Karl-Fisher reagent. ─── 基于与卡尔-菲休试剂的反应用库仑滴定法测定了六氟磷酸锂中的微量水分。

55、Establishes the mathematical model of the absorption process in the absorber of the lithium bromide absorption chiller and solves it by computer. ─── 建立了溴化锂吸收式制冷机吸收器内溶液吸收过程的数学模型,并用计算机进行了求解。

56、The surface, however, is made of a glassy (ie, non-crystalline) form of lithium phosphate. ─── 球体表面则是由玻璃状(离子交换,非晶质)的锂磷酸盐组成。

57、Lithium hexafluoroarsenate is applied as an ionogen component of electrolytes in chemical current sources with Lithium anode. ─── 六氟砷酸锂用作锂离子电池的电解质。

58、The use of toxic ceramic materials in the potters studio, such as lithium carbonate, barium carbonate and lead frits is still widespread. ─── 使用有毒陶瓷材料,在陶艺家工作室,如碳酸锂,碳酸钡和铅釉仍然很普遍。

59、The reserves of tungsten, tin, stibium, zinc, titanium, lithium and so on are on top the world. ─── 中国的有色金属储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。其中钨、锡、锑、锌、钛、锂等金属的储量居世界首位。

60、Optical Damage of Lithium Niobate Channel Waveguide[J]. ─── 引用该论文 赵薇,王葵如,余国贤.

61、Any surplus energy is used to charge a built-in lithium ion rechargeable battery pack for use later. ─── 所有剩余电能,都用于向一个内置的锂离子电池组充电,以备未来使用。


63、The relationship between surface microstructure of lithium matte glaze and optic characteristic is analysed. ─── 分析了锂质无光釉表面显微结构与釉面光学特征的关系。

64、However,lithium propoxide had little effect on microstructure of PB. ─── 但对聚丁二烯的微观结构影响很小。

65、High discharge current performance of lithium ion bettery is introduced. ─── 摘要研究了锂离子电池大电流放电性能。

66、The network will run for several weeks on AA-size lithium batteries. ─── 如果采用三号锂电池,网络可运作数周之久。

67、The application and the problems faced electrolyte of lithium battery were briefly reviewed. ─── 摘要叙述了锂电池电解质存在的问题,以及氟烷基膦酸锂的性质与特点。

68、Packaging and Shipping: Lithium hydroxide monohydrate is packaged and shipped in polyethylene-lined fiber bag including double plastic containing 25kg. ─── 包装及运输:采用内衬双层塑料袋,外套编织袋,每袋净重25公斤。

69、The application of cyclohexyl benzene(CHB)as the overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries was analyzed. ─── 有研究[2-9]表明,添加电聚合物是一种有效的过充保护方法。

70、Other Alkali Metals include Hydrogen (technically not a metal), Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium. ─── 其它碱金属包括氢(技术上说不是种金属),锂,钠,钾,铷,铯。

71、Customizing service of innovated lithium battery products. ─── 新型智能锂电产品的定制化服务。

72、It has developed lithium-ion batteries that are unusually cheap and easy to make. ─── 它研发的锂离子电池(注),不但非常便宜而且易于生产;

73、Built-in rechargeable lithium batteries, when battery power is low,it will have a warning tone. ─── 内置充电锂电池,电池电量不足时低能提示。

74、The train has a diesel engine, two electric motors under each car and lithium ion batteries on the roof. ─── 列车柴油机,两个电动马达根据每辆汽车的锂离子电池屋顶。

75、This power adapter recharges the lithium polymer battery while the system is off, on, or in sleep mode. ─── 当系统关机、开机或在休眠模式时,电源转接器会充电至锂电池。

76、Primary batteries. Part 4: safety standard for lithium batteries. ─── 原电池。第4部分:锂电池的安全标准。

77、Dell, and later Apple computer, recalled millions of lithium iron batteries that could overheat and create a risk of fire. ─── 戴尔和随后苹果电脑,收回百万铁锂电池可能会过热,造成火灾的危险。

78、The energy is produced by a process of cold fusion, when a Lithium and Deuterium rich solution permiates the seeds and their environs. ─── 当锂和氘的富液浸透种子及其周围,这种能量便生成于一低温聚变过程。

79、MOY EP extrme pressure greases based on lithium fatty acid soap and fortified with new types of EP additives. ─── “美利”EP润滑脂是由脂肪酸锂皂稠化矿物油及配入多款极压添加剂的极压润滑脂,表现出绝佳的极压性及抗磨性。

80、Lithium is a test case. ─── 锂的开采正是一次考验。

81、Abstract: Recent studies on anode materials for lithium ion secondary battery are reviewed. ─── 文摘:综述了最近几年来锂离子二次电池负极材料的研究。

82、Industrial batteries in the rapid development of business, the amorphous silicon thin film lithium battery and solar cell project has already started. ─── 工业电池业务处于快速发展之中,锂电池和非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池项目已经启动。

83、The research progress of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film in lithium ion batteries is reviewed. ─── 摘要本文综述了锂离子电池中固体电解质界面膜(SEI膜)的研究进展。

84、Both lithium cell and AA batteryare accepted as power supplier in the same slot. ─── 既可采用锂电池,也可采用普通5号电池,使用同一个电池槽。

85、Concomitant administration of furosemide and lithium may lead to toxic blood concentrations of lithium. ─── 伴随政府速尿和锂可能导致有毒的血药浓度的锂。

86、The origin of optically induced refractive index in doped lithium niobate is presented. ─── 提出了其光致折射率变化的机制主要是由光生伏特效应决定。

87、The order of lithium organocuprates deriving from different copper salts is CuSCN>CuI>CuBr>CuCl. ─── 不同铜盐来源的有机铜锂的热稳定性顺序为:CuSCN>CuI>CuBr>CuCl。

88、Study on the properties of welding line near line section aluminium lithium alloy 1420 by Russia scholar is introduced. ─── 主要介绍了俄罗斯学者关于铝锂合金1420焊缝近缝区性能的研究点滴。

89、All cam followers are supplied as standard filled with a high-quality lithium complex base grease of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale. ─── 所有标准凸轮随动轴承都充填高质量锂基润滑脂,达到NLGI的2级稠度。

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