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09-19 投稿


leeched 发音

英:[liːtʃt]  美:[liːtʃt]

英:  美:

leeched 中文意思翻译



leeched 词性/词形变化,leeched变形

动词现在分词: leeching |动词过去分词: leeched |动词过去式: leeched |动词第三人称单数: leeches |

leeched 短语词组

1、leeched line ─── [计] 副线

leeched 相似词语短语

1、fleeched ─── 哄骗

2、leched ─── n.肉欲;好色的人;vi.好色;纵欲;adj.好色的;n.(Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

3、bleached ─── adj.变白的;漂白了的;vt.使脱色;将…漂白;将…晒得褪色(bleach的过去分词);vi.脱色(bleach的过去分词);变白

4、breeched ─── n.臀部;后膛;vt.给…穿上裤子;给…装上炮尾;n.(Breech)人名;(英)布里奇

5、letched ─── 懒散的

6、reeched ─── 拉赫德

7、leached ─── v.漂洗,过滤(尤指土壤)(leach的过去式和过去分词)

8、leeches ─── n.蛭类(leech的复数);v.用水蛭吸…的血(leech的三单形式)

9、blenched ─── v.(因惊吓而)退缩;(受惊吓)脸色发白;(使)变白

leeched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Main Topsail Yard: Shows the blocks that are stropped over the topsail yard, tie blocks, quarter blocks, leech line blocks, boom irons, and the lift blocks. ─── 主上桅帆桁:显示了环绕在上桅帆桁上的滑轮、系滑轮、转角滑轮、帆端上拉索滑轮、吊杆、,和升降滑轮。

2、Leech handed in his resignation in protest against the Cabinet's European policy. ─── 利奇递交辞呈以抗议内阁的欧洲政策。

3、Keywords spectrophotometry;chromogenic substrate;thrombin;inhibitor of Yanyuan leech;inhibitory activity; ─── 分光光度法;发色底物;凝血酶;盐源山蛭素;抑制活性;

4、Having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech,living off another. ─── 具有寄生虫、水蛭一样的特性或者习惯,依靠其他事物生活。

5、Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell's affects while in flight. ─── 伤害和生命吸取效果总是影响飞行中的玩家,即使他们在飞行中对法术效果。


7、After him, many other scholars alsoprobe into this fie1d, such as HyInes, Lyons, Firth and Leech, etc. ─── 其后,许多学者如弗斯、莱昂斯、海姆斯和利奇等都对语境进行过探讨和研究。

8、Ryan Leech doing a performance!!! ─── 单车高手做一个表演!!!!!

9、The main products are: leech biological "power peptides" functional foods; ─── 主要产品有:水蛭生物“肽动力”功能食品;

10、He was the only person whom she could leech on to. ─── 他是她惟一可依赖的人。

11、Experimental Studies on Protective Effect of the Rhubarb and Leech etc.Remedy to The Rats with Kidney Subtotal Excision ─── 含大黄、水蛭等中药复方对肾大部切除大鼠肾脏保护作用的研究

12、Comparing ReSearch of the Amino Acid between Bloodsucking and Non- bloodsucking leech ─── 吸血蛭与非吸血蛭间的氨基酸比较研究

13、They will be able to leech 2 torrents. ─── 在这期间只能同时下载2个种子。

14、Essential components: American ginseng, Bezoar, Astragalus root, Leech, Earthworm, Antelope horn, Whole worm, Centipede, Corneol, Notoginseng, Pseudo-ginseng and so on. ─── 主要成份:西洋参、牛黄、黄芪、水蛭、地龙、羚羊角、全虫、蜈蚣、冰片、天麻、三七等。

15、Keywords Human retinal pigment epithelium cells;Leech percolate;Thrombin;Flow Cytometer;Cell division cycle; ─── 人视网膜色素上皮细胞;水蛭渗滤液;凝血酶;流式细胞仪;细胞周期;

16、Keywords acute myocardial infarction;solving thrombus therapy;leech injection;reflowing rate of coronary artery; ─── 心肌梗死;急性;溶栓治疗;水蛭注射液;冠脉再通率;

17、You may choose not to untap Mana Leech during your untap phase. ─── 在你的重置阶段中,你可以选择不重置魔法力蚂蟥。

18、and leeched Chroma City of all its beauty and interest. ─── 和榨取色度该城所有的美丽和兴趣。

19、My son has a new puppy and it clings to him like a leech wherever he goes. ─── 我儿子又有了一条小狗,他走到哪儿,狗就跑到哪儿。

20、You will only get this error when you're trying to seed or leech from multiple locations. We allow up to 2 connections when seeding torrents and only 1 connection for leeching. ─── 同一个账号,在不同的机器上下载上传,会显示“被拒绝”错误,因为他们只允许两个连接做种,一个连接下载

21、It is both the single most seeded and leeched file of the group right now. ─── 这份文件时目前种子数最多,也是下载人数最多的单一解密文件。

22、Unlike the blue or green Tiberium, the veins do not seem to leech the soil of nutrients but cover it completely. ─── 它看起来不会吸收土壤的养分但是却能补充它。一般来说,脉洞由一个中心位置开始向四周延伸扩散。

23、Actually, the politeness model proposed by Brown and Levinson and Leech's Politeness Principle can be extended to the interpretation of the politeness phenomena and the manifestations of politeness strategies in written discourse. ─── 实际上布朗和列文森提出的礼貌模式以及利奇的礼貌原则可以用来解释书面文本中的礼貌现象和礼貌策略应用。

24、Propose a BD algorithm for the Leech lattice using the decoder of the Hexacode,which is a good trade-off between the performance and the complexity. ─── 对Leech格利用Hexacode的BD算法得到一个BD算法,在已有的算法中取

25、Her relatives leeched her for her money like parasites. ─── 她的亲戚像寄生虫似地榨取她的钱财。

26、Their 30 years-old son is just a leech, yet they continue to support him. ─── 他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活。

27、They have also made a logic element out of a pair of leech neurons (nerve cells from blood-sucking worms) placed on a microchip. ─── 他们还用一对放在微芯片上的水蛭神经元(而神经细胞来自血吸虫)组成了一个逻辑元。

28、His five - year old son stuck to him like a leech. ─── 他那五岁的儿子总缠着他。

29、Which kind of leech (leech) can be a bloodletting treat. ─── 哪种水蛭(蚂蝗)可以作为放血治疗.

30、Effect of compound preparation of earth-worm and leech on cerebral ischemic tolerance and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rats ─── 地龙和水蛭复方制剂干预后大鼠脑缺血耐受和基质金属蛋白酶9的表达

31、He leeched his father for his fortune. ─── 他榨取父亲的财富。

32、Keywords leech;retinal pigment epithelium;RPE;thrombin; ─── 关键词水蛭;视网膜色素上皮细胞;凝血酶;

33、Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings: (1) leech, (2) suspended thing, and (3) Blood clot. ─── 从字面上来看,阿拉伯文的血块有三种意思:(1)水蛭,(2)悬浮物以及(3)凝血。

34、we went into the poisonous giant tubers, like the yam and the taro, which also had to be leeched, ground up and cooked before we could eat them. ─── 我们也寻找到了那些带有毒性的、个头颇大的块茎,像山药、芋头,这些在食用之前得经过榨取、提炼和烹饪。

35、The liquid byproducts that leeched from meat preserved in this way were commonly used as liquid seasonings for other foods. ─── 这种夺走肉类鲜味的液体的副产品被广泛用作其他食物的调味料。

36、Her relatives leeched her for her money like parasites. ─── 她的亲戚像寄生虫似地榨取她的钱财。

37、Keywords senile cataract;Chinese medicine;leech;zinc;vitamin C;eye drops;prevention;treatment;lens opacities classification system; ─── 关键词老年性白内障;中药;水蛭滴眼液;锌;临床研究;维生素C;晶体混浊分类;

38、I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech. ─── 我拒绝任何用户都是一个揩油者或者占他人便宜者这种看法。

39、A puppeteer resembles a 4-inch-long, dark brown leech with no definable anatomy or sense organs. ─── 傀儡虫看上去像是4英寸长的深褐色水蛭,它没有解剖学意义上的器官,也没有感觉器官。

40、One of several small ropes attached to the leech of a sail for drawing the sail in or up. ─── 卷帆索系在帆的垂缘上以将帆张开或收下的一些小绳的一条

41、A group of silly young girls leeched onto the popular singer. ─── 一群傻姑娘死缠着那个流行歌手。

42、Research on the Arrangement of SMA and Spring Matching in the Micro Robot of a Medicinal Leech ─── 仿医蛭微机器人中SMA的布局及与偏置弹簧匹配的研究

43、Her relatives leeched her for her money. ─── 她的亲戚榨取她的钱财。

44、"The great taste of Miller Lite gets even better when it's enjoyed from our new aluminum pint," said Grant Leech, vice president of marketing for Miller Lite. ─── “伟大的味道建兴米勒得到更好时,享有由我们新的铝壶,说: ”格兰特水蛭,负责营销的副总裁米勒建兴。

45、Ryan Leech doing a performance! ─── 单车高手做一个表演!

46、Australian Police in Tasmania have used a blood sample from a leech to identify a criminal, in what is believed to be a world forensic first. ─── 塔斯马尼亚岛的澳大利亚警察利用从水蛭身上提取的血样来确定罪犯,这被认为是世界上第一例此类法庭证据。

47、Young Leech poured out the tea. ─── 年轻的里奇倒了茶。

48、He leeched his father for his fortune. ─── 他榨取父亲的财富。

49、a rope attached to the weather leech of a square sail to hold the leech forward when sailing close-hauled ─── 帆角索,单套结,当船迎风行驶时套在帆船的风帆缘上以使风帆缘保持朝前的绳索

50、Leech's Grasp II - This ability forms a dissonant bond with your opponent, draining endurance over time and transferring it to you. ─── 和目标建立印记,不断吸取其耐力。

51、If you don't get enough calcium from your diet, your body will leech what it needs from bone, which ultimately leads to thinning ─── 如果我们不能从饮食中补充足够的钙质,身体将从骨骼中强取钙,这最终将导致骨骼变细变薄。

52、Leech seemed to play on the aspirations, ambitions, and weaknesses of his interlocutors by instinct ─── 利奇善于玩弄对手的欲望,野心和弱点,这似乎是他的本能。

53、Leech gives you complete control over your downloads. ─── 可让您完全掌控您的下载。

54、One-side love like a greedy leech absorbed my time and my mirth. ─── 单相思如同一只贪婪的蚂蟥,吸走了我的时间和欢笑。

55、Review the history of the party, we can see a basic rule: Cut a word into parts to bake paper of Ke of leech cheek Qiang muchs the guiding principle of be practical and realistic of Pan cangue? ─── 回顾党的历史,我们会看到一个基本的规律:什么时候我们坚持解放思想,实事求是的方针,我们的事业就发展,就兴旺;

56、an animal,such as a leech,that sucks blood ─── 吸血的动物,例如蚂蟥

57、Leech,G.& J.Svartvik.1975.A Communicative Grammar Of English[M].London:Longman. ─── 张道真.1995.实用英语语法[M].北京:商务印书馆.

58、What we are going to introduce briefly is the predication analysis proposed by the linguist G Leech. ─── 我们现在要介绍的是英国语言学家G里奇提出的述谓结构分析法。

59、Health leech effects no longer give you health while you are a ghost. ─── 吸血的效果在灵魂状态下将不能吸收到.

60、As long as Mana Leech remains tapped, that land does not untap during its controller's untap phase. ─── 只要魔法力蚂蟥持续被横置,该地便不可在其操控者的重置阶段中重置。

61、Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance Between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. ─── 图1:说明水蛭与人类胚胎在血块阶段相似之处的图组。(

62、"Their 30 years-old son is just a leech, yet they continue to support him." ─── "他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活。"

63、The leech stops sucking you dry after you're dead. ─── 你死后吸血鬼停止吸你的血。

64、To attach oneself to another in the manner of a leech. ─── 以寄生的方式依附并榨取他人

65、Cross-Jack Yard Blocks: Shows the cross-jack yard and the blocks that are stropped over the yard, the slings, topsail sheet block, leech line block, and the lift blocks. ─── 后桅下桁滑轮:显示了后桅下桁和环绕在桁上的滑轮、吊索、上桅帆滑轮、帆端上拉索滑轮和升降滑轮。

66、If our spells counteracted one another and I leeched your life energy only to be crippled by your lightning bolt, then we could both be killed. ─── 如果我们的魔法互相抵消,我夺走了你的生命力,却又被你的闪电魔法力打成重伤,我们两个可能都会死掉。

67、Leech proposed the Politeness Principle and divides it into six maxims. ─── 分析了礼貌表达在汉语和英语中之所以存在差异的深层文化原因;

68、Also one must forgive parts of self that have leeched in this lifetime or in other lifetimes within your ancestry, as one has done it all so to speak in one's lengthy inheritance. ─── 你也必须宽恕自己在此生或在你祖先内另一生的榨取者角色,因为在你漫长的遗传中,你已做过所有的一切。

69、What are you? A healer or a leech? ─── “你到底是干嘛的?医生,还是吸血鬼?”

70、If you don't get enough calcium from your diet, your body will leech what it needs from bone, which ultimately leads to thinning. ─── 如 果 我 们 不 能 从 饮 食 中 补 充 足 够 的 钙 质 , 身 体 将 从 骨 骼 中 强 取 钙 , 这 最 终 将 导 致 骨 骼 变 细 变 薄 。

71、The infraction experiment of larvae Dinobdella to rabbit,albino rat,pigeon and bullfrog shows that neither aves nor amphibian is the host of the nasal leech. ─── 实验室内用鼻蛭幼体分别对家兔、大白鼠、家鸽、牛蛙进行感染实验,结果表明:鸟类、两栖类不是鼻蛭的寄主,即使人为地进行感染,鼻蛭也不能正常生长;

72、Their 30 year-old son is just a leech,yet they continue to support him. ─── 他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活。

73、A group of silly young girls leeched onto the popular singer. ─── 一群傻姑娘死缠着那个流行歌手。

74、Devourer's Might:5点,强化A Soul for Our Feast 以及 Leech Life 的伤害。 ─── 2点,技能,单一目标缓速。(持续六秒15%速度-2点降低冷却时间

75、Much like a parasite, they leech a creation until it has been destroyed and becomes extinct, and there are 8 billion creations that have been destroyed in this manner that are Earth's predecessors. ─── 就像一种寄生物,它们榨取一个造物直到它被破坏和灭绝,有8亿造物已被用这种方式给破坏,而它们都是地球的前辈。

76、Jimmy Leech, no one could run like you in school races. ─── 吉米?利查,在校田径赛中没有人跑得像你一样快。

77、He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech ─── 他挣扎着想拔出来,但淤泥就像一个巨大的水蛭一样,紧紧地吸住了他的脚。

78、He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech . ─── 他挣扎着想拔出来,但淤泥就象一个巨大的水蛭一样,紧紧地吸住了他的脚。

79、A group of silly young girls leeched onto the famous film star. ─── 一群年轻的姑娘傻乎乎地纠缠着这个明星不放。

80、They are concerned with how politeness how to relate sense to force Leech distinguishes relative politeness from absolute politeness. ─── 他们和如何有关有礼该如何和感觉有关联强迫水蛭区别来自绝对的有礼的比较的有礼。

81、On the lower yard it shows the leech line blocks on top, and the clue garnet and topsail sheet blocks on the bottom of the yard. ─── 在下桁上,显示了桅楼上的帆端上拉索滑轮,cluegarnet,及桁下部的上桅帆滑轮。

82、So, now you can block calls with Leech Killer 1.6, so long as you’ve rooted your Android and grant Leech Killer superuser permission. ─── 在滤除杀1.6中,我们采用了一些诡秘的方法“勉强”实现了来电拦截功能。

83、Their 30 year - old son be just a leech , yet they continue to support him ─── 他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活

84、An animal, such as a leech, that sucks blood ─── 吸血动物吸血的动物,例如蚂蟥

85、The leech has two daughters; "Give, give," they cry. Three things are never satisfied; four never say, "Enough" ─── 15水蛭有两个女儿,都名叫“给我”。不知足的有三,连从不说“够了”的有四,就是:

86、Research on a New Kind of Micro Peristaltic Robot in Pipeline Simulating a Medicinal Leech ─── 一种可越过凸凹障碍的仿医蛭管内微型机器人

87、A rope attached to the weather leech of a square sail to hold the leech forward when sailing close - hauled. ─── 帆角索,单套结当船迎风行驶时套在帆船的风帆缘上以使风帆缘保持朝前的绳索

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