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09-19 投稿


Liza 发音


英:  美:

Liza 中文意思翻译



Liza 短语词组

1、Mona Liza ─── 蒙娜丽莎

2、park liza ─── 叶子公园

3、liza koshy ─── 莉莎·科西

4、Mugil liza ─── [网络] 梭状鲻

5、liza minnelli ─── 莱莎·明奈利(著名女演员名)

Liza 相似词语短语

1、lira ─── n.里拉(意大利、土耳其货币单位);n.(俄、西、葡、罗)利拉(人名)

2、lila ─── n.淡紫色,紫色

3、Liza ─── n.莉莎(女子名)

4、riza ─── 丽扎(人名)

5、lipa ─── n.利帕(克罗地亚的货币);脂肪酶

6、Ibiza ─── n.伊比沙岛(位于地中海西部)

7、Iviza ─── 伊维扎

8、Eliza ─── n.伊莱扎(女子名,Elizabeth的昵称)

9、Giza ─── n.吉萨(地名);吉萨棉;吉萨金字塔

Liza 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Liza: With a knife, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:用刀吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

2、Two days later, a box arrived on Liza's doorstep. ─── 两天后,一个盒子就递到了莉莎的门口。

3、40 Liza Elliott-Ramirez OC/VO Expecting Models has second, third, and fourth time moms. ─── 40主持人:其中有第二次做母亲的,甚至也有第三第四次做母亲的。

4、Liza became Prom Queen by her fellow students casting votes and electing their queen. ─── Liza被她的同学们投票选为他们的舞会皇后。

5、Nevertheless, they are serious girl movies, ones you couldn't drag your boyfriend to even if he had a curious thing for Liza Minnelli. ─── 尽管如此,它们是严肃的女生电影,即便你男友对丽莎-明奈丽感兴趣,你也强拽自己的男友去看这些电影。

6、“And is it quite settled that you are going to the war, Andrey?” she said, sighing. Liza sighed too. ─── “安德烈,你坚决要去作战吗?”她叹息道。丽莎也叹了一口气。

7、"George," Mrs. Darling entreated him, "not so loud; the servants will hear you." Somehow they had got into the way of calling Liza the servants. ─── “乔治,”达林太太恳求他,“别那么大声,佣人们会听到的。”不知怎的,他们养成了一个习惯,管莉莎叫佣人们。

8、Judy Garland: Oh, for God sakes, Liza, can't you see Mama's busy? ─── 朱迪·兰:哦,天啊,莉莎,难道你没有看到妈妈很忙吗?

9、A week before Christmas Liza McCann visit her estranged father who strangely lives in a town decked out for the holidays and is full of Christmas spirit. ─── 圣诞节前一个星期,丽莎麦肯探望了她的父亲,老人住在一个陌生的小镇,小镇现在已经充满了节日的装扮。

10、"How is business?" Liza a sked. "Oh, not too bad, just ticking over." ─── “生意好吗?”莉莎问道。“哦,不算太糟,勉强过得去。”

11、And thus when Liza entered, holding Nana, the nursery seemed quite its old self, very dark, and you would have sworn you heard its three wicked inmates breathing angelically as they slept. ─── 所以,在莉莎牵着娜娜进来的时候,育儿室又恢复了原样,房里一片漆黑。你还能保证说,你听见三个淘气的小主人睡觉时发出的甜美的呼吸声。

12、Some PBI classmates of Liza became missionaries. ─── 原来同学中多是宣教士回加拿大述职期进修的。

13、The initial laser show only canperform laser bean, ray-intervened and the "liza" image. ─── 最初的激光演示仅能表演激光光束效果、光干涉效应和简单的激光“莉莎”图形。

14、Henry: With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza? ─── 亨利:我拿什么磨利它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

15、I know Liza would never cheat on me, but how do I tell her something she did in her past is affecting me every time we make love? ─── 我知道丽莎从没有欺骗过我,但是我怎么样才可以告诉她,每当我们做爱的时候,她的过去都会影响到我。

16、What he did not know was that the faithful Liza had found it, and put it back on his wash-stand. ─── 可他没想到,忠实的女仆莉莎找到了那只药瓶子,又把它放回梳洗台上。

17、Liza: With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:用水吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

18、Lovely dances followed, in which the only other servant, Liza, was sometimes allowed to join. ─── 随后就有可爱的舞会,唯一的另一个仆人,莉莎,有时也被允许加入。

19、Pavarotti performed with such diverse stars as Elton John, Cheryl Crow, Bono of the group U2, and Liza Minnelli. ─── 帕瓦罗蒂和不同等级的明星一起演出,比如埃尔顿约翰,谢丽尔克劳,U2组合的波诺以及丽斯卡拉明奈利。

20、Liza: In a bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 亨利:我拿什么盛水呢?亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎。

21、After the birth of our daughter Liza in 1998, we decided to leave the city and we bought a nice house in a small town. ─── 1998年我们的女儿丽莎出生后,我们决定搬出城,在一个小镇定居下来。

22、Liza: Well, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:那么把它磨利吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

23、Liza thought I looked too young to be governor in part because I was thin. ─── 莉莎觉得我之所以看上去太年轻不像个州长,在某种程度上是因为我太瘦了。

24、Liza, That means we are too old to understand youth culture. ─── 原来这不是创意,是一种谐音和文化联想,真有趣!

25、8. "How is business?" Liza a sked. "Oh, not too bad, just ticking over." ─── “生意好吗?”莉莎问道。“哦,不算太糟,勉强过得去。”收藏指正

26、Liza Lee (2005). Global Diplomacy and Music Exchange: A Taiwanese/American Perspective. Paper presented at the Fourth International Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference. Exeter, UK. ─── 李玲玉、詹乃颖、何函儒、郑如晶、苏秀娟(2005)。音乐治疗提升特殊儿童发展。婴幼儿发展与保育学术研讨会论文集,1-21页。朝阳科技大学。

27、Liza: Well, wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:那么把它弄湿吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

28、Minnelli Liza ─── 丽莎·明尼利

29、Liza: With a stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:用石头吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

30、Whenever you start to remember Liza kissing your friend, make a conscious decision to envision something more pleasing-perhaps substitute your face for his. ─── 一旦你想到丽莎吻你好友时,有意识的去想一些愉快的事--比如将他的脸换成你的。

31、Lovely dances followed, in which the only other servant, Liza, was sometimes allowed to join. ─── 他们唯一的另一位女仆莉莎,有时也被允许参加跳舞。

32、This, then, is the theme of Liza Mundy's book. ─── 于是,莉莎.曼迪在其书中将其当成了自己的主题。

33、Henry: With what shall I cut it, dear Liza, dear Liza? ─── 亨利:我拿什么来剪它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

34、This event is organized by Liza Milne. ─── 本活动是由丽莎-麦琳所负责的。

35、He met Liza in his park. ─── 他在园林里遇到了莉莎。

36、Highlights of the year included concerts by local pop stars Leslie Cheung,Alan Tam,Jacky Cheung,Kelly Chan,Cass Phang,Liza Wang,Emil Chau,Sammi Cheng,and Leon Lai TBC and by overseas artists including Air Supply,Bread and Boyzone. ─── 年内,曾在该馆举行演唱会的有本地流行歌星张国荣、谭咏麟、张学友、陈慧琳、彭羚、汪明荃、周华健、郑秀文和黎明,以及海外艺人Air Supply、Bread及Boyzone。

37、With what.shall I wet it, dear Liza, wet it? ─── 我拿什么弄湿它呢,亲爱的丽莎,弄湿它?

38、Occurrence and stay period of the juvenile Liza haematocheila in the surf zone of Yangtze Estuary ─── 鮻鱼稚鱼在沿岸碎波带的出现和滞留时间

39、“Good-night, Liza,” said Prince Andrey, getting up and kissing her hand courteously, as though she were a stranger. ─── 安德烈公爵说道,他站了起来,像在外人近旁那样恭恭敬敬地吻着她的手。

40、Nana knew that kind of breathing, and she tried to drag herself out of Liza's clutches. ─── 娜娜辨得出那种呼吸声,她想挣脱莉莎的手。

41、Liza haematocheila ─── 鮻鱼

42、08 Liza Elliott-Ramirez VO/OC One of the things I love about Chantal is she is just this rocking beauty. ─── 02主持人:关于香泰尔,我最欣赏的,就是她的美貌。

43、"Tony flew into Los Angeles last night after his game and surprised Eva at her home as she got off work," Longoria's spokeswoman, Liza Anderson said. ─── 朗格利娅的女发言人莉莎·安德森说:“托尼昨晚一打完比赛,就飞到了洛杉矶伊娃的住处,让刚下班的伊娃大吃一惊。

44、But Liza was dense. ─── 可是莉莎其顽不灵。

45、A Study on Industrialized Breeding Technique for Mullet, Liza haematocheila (Temminck et Schlegel) ─── 梭鱼Liza haematocheila(Temminck et Schlegel)工厂化人工育苗技术研究

46、Henry: The stone is too dry, dear Liza, dear Liza. ─── 亨利:石头太干了,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎。

47、“No, really, ma bonne amie, that dress isn't pretty,” said Liza, looking sideways at Princess Marya from a distance;“tell her to put on you your maroon velvet there.Yes, really! ─── “我的朋友,说实话,不行,这件连衣裙不美观,”丽莎说道,她从侧面远远地望着公爵小姐,“你那里有一件紫红色的连衣裙,吩咐人拿来!

48、Lovely dances followed, in which the only other servant, Liza, was sometimes allowed to join. ─── 他们唯一的另一位女仆莉莎,有时也被允许参加跳舞。

49、One new species of Saccocoelioides (Digenea: Haploporidae) from Liza carinatus in Taiwan Strait ─── 单孔科拟囊腔属吸虫一新种

50、When they passed by Regina, Liza invited them for dinner and fellowship. ─── 月甜的同学中有作宣教士的,当她们路过雷城时,必请她们来家中吃饭和交通。

51、I fell in love with Liza the first time I clapped eyes on her. ─── 我第一次见到莉莎时便爱上了她。

52、Liza hoematocheia ─── 梭鱼

53、There are two groups of vampires, one of them are wicked and obey Davo and the other group under the order of Liza, the adopted daughter of Dracula.Liza wants revenge for the death of her Master. ─── 有两群吸血鬼,一群是邪恶的,听从达夫的命令,另一群是听从丽沙的命令,丽沙是达可拉的养女,她要替父报仇。

54、07 Liza Elliott-Ramirez VO/OC Elea is such an amazing model. Once Anita and I met her we knew we had to sign her. ─── 07主持人:艾丽亚是一名出色的模特。阿妮塔和我一见到她,就知道必须把她签下来。

55、With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, sharpen it? ─── 我拿什么磨利它呢,亲爱的丽莎,磨利它?

56、The knife is too dull, dear Liza, too dull. ─── 刀子太钝了,亲爱的丽莎,太钝了。

57、When Liza walked in and met David at the altar they were obviously enchanted with each other. ─── 当丽莎进来走到祭坛上与大卫会合的时候,他们看起来都被对方深深吸引。

58、Morison, Liza G.Ovington, Kay Wilkie ;foreword by Christine J.Moffatt and Peter J. ─── 书名/作者 Chronic wound care : a problem-based learning approach / edited by Moya J.

59、Before joining Amway, Liza has been with British American Tobacco Co for 5 years and her position was Employee Services Manager. ─── 在加入安利公司前,张女士在英美烟草公司任员工服务经理五年。

60、“Liza,” said Prince Andrey drily, raising his voice to a pitch that showed his patience was exhausted. ─── “丽莎,”安德烈公爵冷漠地说道,抬高了声调,这足以表明,他的耐性到了尽头。

61、Liza Lee (2005). Music in the Global Classroom. Paper presented at Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University. North Carolina, USA. ─── 李玲玉、李永华(2005)。婴幼儿音乐教案设计、分析与实施。婴幼儿发展与保育学术研讨会,20-41页。朝阳科技大学。

62、Before she dated me, Liza dated one of my best friends.In fact, I once witnessed them making out at a party. ─── 在和我约会之前,莉莎是和我的一位好朋友约会的,实际上,我也曾在一次舞会上看到他们。

63、Liza is a very quiet self-effacing person. ─── 丽莎是一个与世无争的人。

64、LIZA Oh, they say when you marry in June, ─── 人说如果在六月结婚

65、Henry: The knife is too dull, dear Liza, dear Liza. ─── 亨利:刀子太钝了,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎,

66、10 Liza Elliott-Ramirez OC Chantal had, not just had one wedding, she had three weddings. ─── 49主持人:香泰尔不只拥有一场婚礼,她拥有三场婚礼。

67、LIZA The day a maiden marries is a day she carries through the years ─── 女孩出嫁的那天将会陪着她直到永远

68、Henry: The straw is too long, dear Liza, dear Liza. ─── 亨利:稻草太长了,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎,

69、With what shall I cut it, dear Liza, with what? ─── 我拿什么来剪它呢,亲爱的丽莎,拿什么?

70、I am 20 years old and engaged to the girl of my dreams. "Liza" is beautiful, smart and very loving. We have no problems in our relationship. ─── 我今年20岁,并且已经和我的梦中女孩莉莎订婚了,她不但漂亮、聪明而且很可爱。我们之间也没有任何问题。

71、Keywords Liza haematocheila;detritivorous;nutritional elements;energy;the Yangtze estuary;fisheries resources; ─── 鮻;腐屑食性;生源要素;能量;长江河口;渔业资源;

72、Liza: Well, fix it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:那么去补好那个小孔吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利。

73、Liza Chow is a trainee solicitor at King &Woods placeHong Kong office. ─── 周琳为金杜律师事务所香港分所见习律师。

74、Liza: Well, cut it, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:那么把它剪短吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

75、We hung our reproduction of “Mona Liza” above the fireplace. ─── 我们把蒙娜丽莎的复制品挂在壁炉之上。

76、Henry: With what shall I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza? ─── 亨利:我拿什么来补好它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

77、The first wisp of sunshine is mirrored in early morning, infatuated with it submitting to the rule of unwittingly just like Monma Liza's smile. ─── 当清晨第一缕阳光映入,一如蒙娜丽莎的微笑,不觉为之倾倒臣服。

78、Highlights of the year included concerts by local pop stars Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam, Jacky Cheung, Kelly Chan, Cass Phang, Liza Wang, Emil Chau, Sammi Cheng, and Leon Lai TBC and by overseas artists including Air Supply, Bread and Boyzone. ─── 年内,曾在该馆举行演唱会的有本地流行歌星张国荣、谭咏麟、张学友、陈慧琳、彭羚、汪明荃、周华

79、Henry: With what shall I wet it, dear Liza, dear Liza? ─── 亨利:我拿什么弄湿它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

80、“Liza, I beg you to be silent,” said Prince Andrey, still more expressively. ─── “丽莎,我请您住口。”安德烈公爵愈益富于表情地说道。

81、Liza was so frightened she couldn't make a sound. ─── 莉莎惊吓得发不出任何声音。

82、Liza haematocheila T. & S. ─── 鮻

83、I can't agree more than you said, Liza. ─── 有同感,怎么说中国人大多以含蓄著称.

84、'Angel, 'she asked presently, as they listened to the wind among the stones, 'if anything happens to me, will you take care of Liza-Lu? ' ─── “安吉尔,”后来,在他们倾听着石头之间的风声对她问道,“如果我有什么不测,你愿意照顾丽莎-露吗?”

85、03 Liza Elliott-Ramirez VO/OC Elea is such an amazing model. Once Anita and I met her we knew we had to sign her. ─── 03主持人:艾丽亚是一名出色的模特。阿妮塔和我一见到她,就知道必须把她签下来。

86、The Lord answered the Prayer of Liza who dedicated herself for mission work when she was at PBI. ─── 月甜也站起来,原来她在草原神学院读书时已奉献作宣教士。主听了她为约瑟能奉献作宣教士的祈祷。

87、Liza: With a straw, dear Henry, dear Henry. ─── 丽莎:用稻草吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

88、Before she dated me, Liza dated one of my best friends. ─── 在她和我约会之前,莉莎曾经和我最好的朋友约会过。

89、According to the interview of Ming Weekly, Liza Je will take a rest about half a year, to recuperate her body esp her knee.Everyday she need to take physiatrics...swimming and so on... ─── 从今期明周专访中,得知您要休息几个月,调理身体,医好脚伤-天天做物理治疗,又要游水真的希望您能彻底医好脚患,医好身体,开开心心,健康快乐!!

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