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09-19 投稿


misconstruction 发音

英:[ˌmɪskənˈstrʌkʃn]  美:[ˌmɪskənˈstrʌkʃn]

英:  美:

misconstruction 中文意思翻译



misconstruction 反义词


misconstruction 词性/词形变化,misconstruction变形

动词第三人称单数: misconducts |动词过去分词: misconducted |动词现在分词: misconducting |动词过去式: misconducted |

misconstruction 同义词

misreading | misjudgment | misinterpretation | false impression | distortion | fallacy | misunderstanding |error

misconstruction 相似词语短语

1、misconstruct ─── vt.误会

2、deconstruction ─── n.解构;拆析

3、misconstructing ─── 误解

4、Reconstruction ─── n.再建,重建;改造;复兴

5、misconstructions ─── n.误解;曲解;错误结构

6、construction ─── n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句

7、mill construction ─── 工厂建筑;厂房结构

8、misinstruction ─── 曲解

9、microinstruction ─── n.[计]微指令

misconstruction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、be open to misconstruction ─── 容易引起误会, 容易被误解

2、9. Solve while meeting ever to have the person of misconstruction with you pure misconstruction, because you probably only this time the opportunity explain know. ─── 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时,要解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚.

3、avoid cross-cultural social intercourse as far as possible in appear because of the translation of misconstruction . ─── 尽量避免跨文化交际中因翻译出现的误会。

4、Discussed the misconstruction that the choice and application of analytical instruments matched for the production of air separation.Mainly discussed the foreign analytical instruments. ─── 主要就空分生产配套用分析仪器选用方面的一些认识误区加以分析讨论。侧重于国外分析仪器领域。

5、I think this to certainly have in the center what misconstruction. ─── 我想这中间一定有什么误会。

6、A law must be stated in the clearest language, so that it is not open to misconstruction. ─── 法律条文必须用最清楚的语言来写,这样才不会遭到曲解。

7、A Research in Misconstruction About Quality Education and the Countermeasures ─── 关于素质教育误区与对策的探讨

8、Meet to have ever had the person of the misconstruction with you ─── 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时

9、Because the cultural background is different, hold the person of dissimilarity language at confabulation, even the language be without any error accurate, will also produce misconstruction. ─── 由于文化背景不同,操不同语言的人在交谈时,即使语言准确无误,也会产生误会。

10、Met to ever want to take advantage o with - for you to had the person of misconstruction to solve pure misconstruction now, because you probably only this time the opportunity explain know; ─── 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时-要趁现在解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚;

11、The Misconstruction of The Choice And Application of Analytical Instruments Applied for Air Separation Production ─── 空分生产用气体分析仪器选购及应用误区

12、Meet to have ever had the person of the misconstruction with you ─── 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时

13、I'm sorry!I didn't mean (to do) it.Very small misconstruction, forget it. ─── (对不起!我不是故意的。小小的误会,忘了它吧。)

14、open to misconstruction ─── 容易被曲解

15、It is possible to place/put a misconstruction on these words, ie assume them to mean what they do not. ─── 这些词语有可能引起误解.

16、To take advantage o to solve pure misconstruction now because you are probably only this opportunity explain to know. ─── 要趁现在解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚。

17、What you say is open to misconstruction, ie could easily bemisunderstood. ─── 你的话易遭曲解.

18、To attack Royalism is a misconstruction of liberalism. ─── 攻击保王主义,这是和自由主义背道而驰的。

19、The Misconstruction of The Choice And Application of Analytical Instruments Applied for Air Separation Production ─── 空分生产用气体分析仪器选购及应用误区

20、Meaning circumstances that tend to give rise to suspicion and misconstruction. ─── 比喻易于引起嫌疑和误会。

21、On the Misconstruction in Marking Compositions ─── 谈作文评分的误区

22、No loophole for a possible misconstruction must be left open. ─── 千万不要留下容易造成误解的漏洞。

23、9.Solve while meeting ever to have the person of misconstruction with you pure misconstruction, because you probably only this time the opportunity explain know. ─── 9. 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时,要解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚.

24、Keywords gas analytical instruments;choice;application;misconstruction; ─── 气体分析仪器;选购;应用;误区;

25、To take advantage o to solve pure misconstruction now because you are probably only this opportunity explain to know. ─── 要趁现在解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚。

26、(four)avoid cross-cultural social intercourse as far as possible in appear because of the translation of misconstruction. ─── (四) 尽量避免跨文化交际中因翻译出现的误会.

27、The misconstruction of advertisement originating ─── 广告创意的误区

28、How do private enterprises avoid misconstruction of recruitment ─── 民营企业如何避免走入招聘误区

29、1.misunderstanding; misconstruction 2.to misconstrue; to misinterpret; to misapprehend; to misconceive; to misunderstand ─── 误解

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