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09-20 投稿


ladylike 发音

英:[ˈleɪdilaɪk]  美:[ˈleɪdilaɪk]

英:  美:

ladylike 中文意思翻译



ladylike 词性/词形变化,ladylike变形

名词: ladylike-ness |

ladylike 相似词语短语

1、claylike ─── adj.粘土状的

2、bladelike ─── 刀剑形的

3、gladelike ─── 剑兰状

4、fadlike ─── 时尚的

5、jadelike ─── 贾德里克

6、unladylike ─── adj.不像淑女的

7、ladylove ─── n.情妇,情人

8、lacelike ─── adj.花边状的;带子般的

9、easylike ─── adj.容易的;舒适的(easy的变形)

ladylike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was more like her father than her younger sisters, for Carreen, who had been born Caroline Irene, was delicate and dreamy, and Suellen, christened Susan Elinor, prided herself on her elegance and ladylike deportment. ─── 她比几个妹妹更像父亲,因为卡琳生来体格纤弱,多愁善感,而苏伦又自命不凡,总觉得自己文雅,有贵妇人派头。

2、ladylike manners. ─── 优雅的举止。

3、She is both poised and uptight,both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike(Edward Klein) ─── 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人(爱德华·克莱因)

4、Well, I can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like Tamsin caring to be married in such a mean way ─── 我不明白塔姆荪那样一个安静,温雅的姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这样马马虎虎地办了。

5、ladylike behaviour ─── 文静娴雅的举止

6、She drank her wine with small ladylike sips ─── 她文雅地一小口一小口喝着葡萄酒

7、I like him and his wife; he is so ladylike, and she's such a perfect gentleman. ─── 我喜欢他与他的太太; 他是如此像个大家闺秀,而她又这么十足一位上流绅士。

8、But the exciting feeling persisted. When he came to call, his complete masculinity made Aunt Pitty's well-bred and ladylike house seem small, pale and a trifle fusty. ─── 可是那种兴奋的感觉依然存在,他每一次来看她们,他那全副的男性刚强之气总要使得皮蒂姑妈的这个富有教养的上等人家显得既狭小又暗淡,而且还有点迂腐味儿。

9、1. I like him and his wife; he is so ladylike, and she's such a perfect gentleman. ─── 我喜欢他与他的太太;他是如此像个大家闺秀,而她又这么十足一位上流绅士。

10、It [the role] does not have to be a gentle or ladylike role - that would not be as fun. ─── 她希望演比较豪气的角色,“不一定那么轻轻柔柔的,没那么好玩。”

11、She is both poised and uptight, both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike(Edward Klein) ─── 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人(爱德华 克莱因)

12、And never had Hester Prynne appeared more ladylike, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from the prison. ─── 即使以当年的概念而吉,海丝特·白兰也从来没有象步出监狱的此时此刻这样更象贵妇。

13、"She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;

14、She crossed the room with quick, ladylike steps. ─── 她迈着淑女步快速穿过房间。

15、In the 1930s there was a return to a more genteel, ladylike appearance. ─── 进入三十年代后,女性回归到更优雅,更有女人味的时装中。

16、Ladylike behaviour, speech ─── 淑女般高雅的举止、谈吐

17、No, winking isn't ladylike. ─── “不行,眨眼睛可没淑女的样子。

18、Well, I can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like Tamsin caring to be married in such a mean way. ─── 我不明白塔姆荪那样一个安静,温雅的姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这样马马虎虎地办了。

19、At least in subconscious, they feel reading a book in tea shop means they are ladylike or gentler. ─── 至少下意识里,他们感觉在茶坊读一本书意味着她们淑女或绅士。

20、She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;

21、She could scarcely read, though she was learning from the village school children three characters every day.She spit on the floor in no ladylike fashion. ─── 她没识几个字,她正在每天向村里的小学生学三个字。

22、"She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; characterised by a certain state and dignity, rather than by the delicate, evanescent, and indescribable grace, which is now recognised as its indication." ─── 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;她自有一种端庄的风韵,并不同子如今人们心目中的那种纤巧、轻盈和不可言喻的优雅。

23、I hate to be blunt, Frankie, but she just didn't strike me as being very ladylike. ─── 我直言,弗朗基,但她给我的感觉不是非常端庄。

24、Actually she was neither, but she could pretend to be. It made her feel more respectable and ladylike . ─── 实际上她既不震惊也不愤怒,不过她可以装成那样,那会使她显得可敬一些,更像个上等人家的闺秀。

25、ladylike manners ─── 淑女仪态

26、And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren't ladylike. ─── 我就给嬷嬷买块红府绸,让她做一条漂亮裙子吧。"“她不会接受你的礼物的。

27、She had learned to be ladylike and correct, with exquisite manners. ─── 她学会了女士的样子,有着优雅得体的举止。

28、Llamas look haughty and have a reputation for shirtiness, they come on all ladylike but they can quickly turn to spitting. Biting and showing you their bottoms. ─── 羊驼显得很傲慢,因脾气暴躁而著名,它们一开始很温文尔雅,但是它们随时会翻脸,吐口水、咬人、屁股对人。

29、Scarlett, who had hoped for a freer rein when she escaped Mammy's supervision, discovered to her sorrow that Uncle Peter's standards of ladylike conduct, especially for Mist' Charles' widow, were even stricter than Mammy's. ─── 思嘉原先为了逃避嬷嬷的监督而希望有个比较宽容的掌权人物,可如今发现彼得大叔给小姐太太定下的标准甚至比嬷嬷的还要严格,便有点怏怏不乐了。

30、"And never had Hester Prynne appeared more ladylike, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from the prison." ─── 即使以当年的概念而吉,海丝特·白兰也从来没有象步出监狱的此时此刻这样更象贵妇。

31、Some women never act very ladylike。 ─── 有些女人的举止从来不像女人。

32、"She is both poised and uptight, both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike" (Edward Klein) ─── “她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人”(爱德华·克莱因)

33、I've always acted so prissy and ladylike and touch-me-not around him he probably thinks I don't care a thing about him except as a friend. ─── 我在他面前经常装得那么拘谨,那么庄重,一副'别碰我'的神气,所以他也许认为我一点不把他放在心上,只当作普通朋友而已。

34、And never had Hester Prynne appeared more ladylike, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from the prison. ─── 如果从淑女这个词的古义看,海斯特.白兰从没有像她现在走出监狱这一刻更像个淑女。

35、The ex-pop star has earned a fair share of admiration in the industry for her structured ladylike dresses. ─── 这位曾经的流行乐明星依靠她那结构化的贵妇裙装在时尚界获得了相当一部分人的赞赏。

36、Her language was not very ladylike. ─── 她的语言不怎么文雅。

37、2) Some women never act very ladylike. ─── 有些女人的举止从来不像一个女人。

38、She doesn't care about being ladylike ─── 她不在乎淑女仪态

39、Wear subtle patterns for a ladylike look; fishnets for a funky statement or bold graphics for a mod feel. ─── 有贵妇气质的人可以穿图案精致的连裤袜;网袜则适合那些有摇滚或爵士风格的人;那些看上去感觉时尚的人可以穿图案醒目的连裤袜。

40、He told reporters, Cross-stitch embroidery because the method is simple and also easy to carry, so for a number of "ladylike" likes. ─── 他告诉记者,十字绣因为绣法简单、携带也方便,所以为许多“大家闺秀”所喜欢。

41、But in later age women tend to become funnier because they feel freer to not be seen as ladylike. ─── 但是随着年龄增长女孩子也逐渐变得幽默,因为她们发现这会让她们从淑女的束缚中解放出来。

42、Ladies, today, we're gonna go over the guidelines for a graceful, ladylike entree into society. ─── 法语词,读音特别,意思是“初次进入社会,社交,成人世界等”

43、The toughest part was during the parade - getting rid of the basij who wanted all women to sit down on chairs in a ladylike fashion instead of charging about. ─── 最艰苦的部分其实是在游行过程中要避开武装力量动员队,因为这些人要求所有女性都优雅的坐在椅子上,而不是冲锋陷阵。

44、I want something more ladylike. ─── 我想要一些比较秀气的。

45、While the dominant guys are busy courting the subordinate, ladylike fish, the latter are able to "sneak copulations with females," as Bailey and Zuk write. ─── 正如拜雷和祖克提到的那样:正当那些雄性忙着和他们的“女朋友”亲热时,“女朋友”们已经偷偷地和真正的雌鱼完成了传宗接代的大事。

46、How much simpler than all the ladylike maneuverings she had been taught. ─── 这比人们所教育她的全部闺门诀窍要简单多了!

47、Well, I can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like Tamsin caring to be married in such a mean way. ─── 我不明白塔姆荪那样一个安静,温雅的姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这样马马虎虎地办了。

48、And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren't ladylike . ─── 想吃什么,就吃什么,也没有人指责你缺乏大家闺秀的风度,真是痛快。

49、With a feminine fruitless gene, male flies adopt more ladylike tactics, mostly the head butt and some shoing. ─── 携带雌性“无子”基因的雄性会采用更多的雌性技巧,主要为头部触碰和推挤;

50、Her style strikes me as classic and ladylike, but she’s also shown an edgy, youthful side and a willingness to stand out,' says Myers. ─── 中央企业应当加强安全队伍建设,提高人员素质,鼓励和支持安全生产监督管理人员取得注册建造师资质。

51、Of course, she would do it all in a ladylike way. ─── 白天经历的部分失望和对明天的恐惧立刻消失了,留下来的一种希望的感觉。

52、This was obviously easier for riding, but not very ladylike. ─── 这种姿势显然骑起来更为舒适,但却有损于淑女形象.

53、She drank her wine with small ladylike sips. ─── 她文雅地一小口一小口喝着酒。

54、At 16, though her parents wished she would do something ladylike, such as learning French, she was touring professionally round the bullrings of Latin America. ─── 尽管她的父母希望16岁的她能做一些女孩子们常做的的事情,像学法语,而她却以职业斗牛士的身份走遍了拉美的各个斗牛场。

55、I like him and his wife; he is so ladylike, and she's such a perfect.gentleman. ─── 我喜欢他与他的太太;他是如此像个大家闺秀,而她又这么十足一位上流绅士。

56、She is both poised and uptight, both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike. ─── 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人。

57、And now that she was almost grown up, she paid him back in quieter, more ladylike ways. ─── 而她既然已经几乎长大成人,她就用更文静、更像淑女的方式报答他。

58、The 'beer is not a ladylike drink' mentality is rare in the German-settled American Midwest. ─── “啤酒不是女性所喜欢的饮料”的意识在德国人居住的美国中西部地区十分罕见。

act like a lady think like a man什么意思?



maccha是日本知名服装公司MARK STYLER旗下女装品牌,创立于2011年,主打美式休闲风、搭配自由风格的Fashion,分为Classy、Casual、LadyLike三个系列,主要面对80、90后的女性消费群。maccha推崇的是舒服的休闲风,提倡用自由的搭配体现一个不寻常的你,让每一个女孩都可以穿自己想穿的衣服,做一个自由自在的女性,感受生活的舒心。

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