samara 发音
英:[səˈmɑːrə] 美:['sæmərə, sə'mɑ:rə]
英: 美:
samara 中文意思翻译
samara 网络释义
n. [植] 翼果,[植] 翅果n. (Samara)人名;(葡、罗、阿尔巴)萨马拉
samara 相似词语短语
1、Damaras ─── n.(住在纳米比亚达马拉兰的)达马拉人;达马拉语(Damara的变形)
2、satara ─── 萨塔拉(印度地名)
3、Damara ─── n.(住在纳米比亚达马拉兰的)达马拉人;达马拉语
4、Samara ─── n.[植]翼果,[植]翅果;n.(Samara)人名;(葡、罗、阿尔巴)萨马拉
5、Marmara ─── n.(希腊)马尔马拉
6、samaras ─── n.(Samaras)人名;(希)萨马拉斯
7、Bambara ─── n.班巴拉人所用之曼丁哥语;班巴拉族(复数Bambara)
8、Tamara ─── n.塔玛拉(女子名)
9、samsara ─── n.轮回
samara 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Again he said nice things about Samara. ─── 他再次赞美了萨马拉。
2、Fruit usually a samara, with 1 seed; ─── 果通常为翅果,种子1枚;
4、On the basis of “six ways of samara” theory, on one hand Buddhist translate Sutras in a large amount;on the other hand they utilize the novel to strengthen the propaganda of “samara” thought. ─── 在“六道轮回”理论的基础上,佛教徒们一方面大量翻译佛经,另一方面也利用小说加强对“轮回”思想的宣传,既起到威慑的作用,又达到吸收信徒的目的。
5、Fruit a samara with apically elongated wing. ─── 2半裂果一翅果具顶部拉长翅。
6、Samara 3-winged, chartaceous. ─── 翅果3有翼,纸质。
7、Samara flat, orbicular, obovate, oblong, elliptic, or rarely shuttle-shaped, wings membranous, apex with notch and persistent stigmas. ─── 翅果平,球状,倒卵形,长方形,椭圆,或很少梭形,翅膜质,先端具凹缺和宿存柱头。
8、Building a power plant on the Volga river and erecting a bay in Samara are just a few examples. ─── 伏尔加河上建起的电站,萨马拉河岸筑起的港湾,在众多的工程建设项目里也只是冰山一角。
9、The wing of the vehicle is similar in size to a natural samara wing. ─── 的翅膀从形状上与天然翅果的翅膀相似。
10、Samara bay is the most beautiful construction in Russia. Below are pictures taken in 1959-1963. ─── 马拉湾是俄罗斯最美丽的建设工程,下面这些照片拍摄于1959年至1963年之间。
11、Fruit a drupe, berry, capsule, or samara. ─── 果一核果,浆果,蒴果,或。
12、For this reason, the samara has no stationary frame of reference, unlike a two-winged helicopter, and appears to fall in a complex way. ─── 因此,翅果没有稳定的参考结构,不像双翼直升机,并且它在降落中呈现出复杂的方式。
13、Dynamic of Gutta-percha Formation and Accumulation in Samara of Eucommia ulmoides ─── 杜仲果实内杜仲胶形成积累规律的研究
14、A city of western Kazakhstan southeast of Samara, Russia. Founded in 1869, it is a metallurgical center. Population, 234,400 ─── 阿克托比:哈萨克西部城市,位于俄罗斯萨玛拉东南。建于1869年,是冶金业中心。人口234,400
15、Samara A nut or achene whose pericarp is extended to form a wing for wind dispersal, e.g. ash (Fraxinus excelsior). ─── 翅果:指坚果或瘦果中果皮延伸成翼状,以利于风媒传播的果实类型。如白蜡树的果实(欧洲白蜡树)。
16、"I look at him in surprise." explained Death, "because I did not expect to find him here.You see, I have an appointment with him this evening--- in Samara. ─── “我感到奇怪是因为我没有料到会在这见到他,”死神解释说,“恩,我今晚是和他有个约定,可是那是在萨马拉 。”
17、Samara reddish purple when immature; ─── 翅果紫色的带红色当未发育完全时;
18、Play as Samara and help her solve the mysteries. ─── 你要帮助她揭开这神密的面纱。
19、double samara ─── 双翅果
20、The first and the last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa fly to Samara during presidential campaign in 1996. ─── 1996年,首任及末任苏联总统米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫与妻子赖莎(Raisa)乘飞机飞往萨马拉市参加总统竞选活动。
21、Fruit a 1-seeded, indehiscent samara, 1/3-1/2 of base surrounded by persistent calyx tube, apex with longitudinally elongating oblong wing, with relict styles; ─── 果一1种子,不裂的翅果,宿存的萼筒包围的基部中的1/3-1/2,先端具纵向拉长长圆形翅,具孑遗的花柱;
22、It took us three days to go from Melikess to the town of Kinel, near Samara. ─── 我们花了三天从Melikess到了萨马拉附近的基涅利。
23、Fruit a capsule, berry, or samara. ─── 果为蒴果,浆果或者翅果。
24、He said he was always coming to Samara with special feelings in his heart. ─── 他说他总是带着特别的心情来到萨马拉。
25、Fruit samara, drupes, or winged nutlets, apically usually with persistent stigmas. ─── 翅果,核果,或者具翅小坚果,顶端通常有柱头。
26、After testing the mechanical samara, the researchers then built a variety of remote-controlled robotic samaras with onboard power sources. ─── 在测试过机械翼果之后,研究者们又造出了自带动力源,远程控制的机器翅果。
27、samara of Eucommia ulmoides ─── 杜仲果实
28、Holiday Inn Samara: Official Site. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
29、4(3) Samara wings spreading at acute to obtuse angle, never inflexed. ─── 翅果的翅张开成锐角到钝角,从未内折。
30、Fruit is a capsule, drupe, samara or berry. ─── 果实多为蒴果,少有核果、翅果及浆果。
31、And it just worked out," said Samara Cummins, a vice president with the Black Family Channel. ─── 我们进行了谈判,终于大功告成。
32、The results showed that there were significant positive correlations among vegetative traits, and obvious positive correlation between weight and other traits of fruitage (samara). ─── 结果表明,元宝枫营养生长性状之间呈极显著的正相关;果实千粒重与果实其它性状间呈显著正相关;
33、Authorities are looking at pilot error and bad weather as possible causes of Saturday's plane crash in Samara, which killed seven people. ─── 上星期六萨马拉发生空难,造成7人丧生.俄罗斯有关当局正在调查,看事故起因是飞行员的过失还是由于恶劣的天气。
34、Samara glabrous; leaf blade surfaces smooth and glabrous with tufted hairs on veins, base oblique, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate. ─── 翅果无毛叶片表面平滑和无毛的具丛生的毛在脉上,基部偏斜,先端渐尖到狭渐尖。
35、In Samara, Dags control everything too. Officers go crazy trying to understand what to do about it. ─── 在萨马拉,达吉斯坦人也掌控着一切。政府官员焦头烂额地想要知道应该怎么处理他们。
36、Leaf base rounded, abaxially pale white, margin entire or undulate; samara green when young. ─── 叶基部圆形,背面浅白色,边缘全缘或波状;幼时的翅果绿色。
37、7(6) Leaf blade subleathery, margin crenate, abaxially densely yellowish pilose; infructescence 7-9 cm; samara wing including nutlet 4-4.5 cm, yellowish pilose. ─── 叶片近革质,边缘具圆齿,背面浓密淡黄;果序7-9厘米;翅果的翅包括小坚果4-4.5厘米,淡黄具柔毛。
38、Samara milky white, suborbicular, 1-1.2 cm in diam. ─── 翅果乳白色,近圆形,直径1-1.2厘米,膜质。
39、Samara oblong or suborbicular, 2-2.5 cm, apex retuse, abaxial wing ca. 3 mm wide. ─── 翅果长圆形或近圆形,2-2.5厘米,先端微凹,背翅宽约3毫米。
40、While in Samara, Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels. ─── 在萨马拉时,列宁继续学习马恩著作。
41、Different types of achenes include the CARYOPSIS, CYPSELA, NUT, and SAMARA. ─── 不同类型的瘦果还包括颖果,连萼瘦果,坚果,翼果等。
42、Wish you have a fruitful (momiji samara) and enjoyful (red and yellow maple leaves) trip. ─── 祝福你有个丰富(枫树)及愉快(红色和黄色枫叶)的旅行.
43、The rich man lent the servant his horse, and he duly set off for Samara at a great rate of knots. ─── 富人把他的马借给了仆人,于是仆人就以极快的速度按时出发了。
44、Seeds cylindric, located at center of samara. ─── 种子圆筒状,位于翅果的中心。
45、Leaf blade ovate, slightly 3-lobed. Samara wings inflexed. ─── 叶片卵形,有点3裂。翅果的翅内折。
46、Lend me your fastest horse that I may ride to Samara, which I can reach before night-fall, and so escape him. ─── 把您最快的马借给我吧,这样,我就能在天黑之前赶到萨马拉以逃脱它的魔爪。”
47、Variations of Gutta-Percha Content in Samara from Different Eucommia ulmoides Forms ─── 不同变异类型杜仲果实含胶量变异研究
48、Samara wing including nutlet 5-6 cm, wings 1.5-2 cm wide. ─── 翅果的翅包括小坚果5-6厘米,翅膀1.5-2厘米宽。
49、The rich man lent the servant his horse, and he duly set off for Samara at a great rate of knots. ─── 富人把他的马借给了仆人,于是仆人就以极快的速度按时出发了。
50、In Samara it was like this too. ─── 在萨马拉同样如此。
51、1 Samara pubescent; leaf blade abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate. ─── 翅果具短柔毛正面,叶片背面疏生短柔毛凸的具粗毛或具痕,基部渐狭到圆形,先端短尾状。
52、The Olympic hymn was composed by Spirous Samara, the words were added by Costis Plalmas in 1896, Greece. ─── 奥运圣歌由斯彼卢斯-萨马拉作曲,歌词由希腊的科斯蒂斯-帕拉马斯在1896年创作。
53、samara is a monocopter, meaning it has a single wing. ─── 翅果是一个单翼飞行器,意味着它只有单独的一个翅膀。
54、21(20) Young branchlets, leaves abaxially, nutlets, and pedicels glabrous; samara wing including nutlet 2.5-2.8 cm, wings spreading horizontally. ─── 幼枝,叶背面,小坚果和花梗无毛;翅果的翅包括小坚果2.5-2.8厘米,翅张开水平。
55、Leaf blade leathery, margin undulate or crenate, abaxially glabrous; infructescence ca. 12 cm; samara wing including nutlet 6-6.5 cm, glabrous. ─── 叶片革质,边缘波状或具圆齿,背面无毛;大约12厘米的果序;翅果的翅包括小坚果6-6.5厘米,无毛。
56、1 Samara glabrous except stigmatic surface pubescent in notch. ─── 除在槽口里青春期的消象散的表面之外的翅果无毛。
57、The Research on Samara Characteristics of Maple Germplasm Resources ─── 槭树种质资源的翅果数量性状研究
58、Keywords Samara oil;vitamin E;sea Buckthron oil;lipid peroxidation;antioxidation; ─── 关键词翅果油;维生素E;沙棘油;脂质过氧化作用;抗氧化作用;
59、He could stay in Samara for the night and not be in a hurry since his next concert was in Toliatti, it's a town in our Samara Region to the north from Samara, just a one-hour journey by car. ─── 他可以在萨马拉休息一晚,而不用着急赶往下个地点托里亚迪,那是属于萨马拉区的一个城镇,就在萨马拉以北,一小时车程就到的。
60、Maybe Samara is really a special place for him. ─── 或许萨马拉对于他来说确实是个很特别的城市。
61、Samara Oil Trees and Their Economic Value ─── 翅果油树及其经济价值
62、Besides, the travel from Saratov to Samara wasn't very long and tiresome. ─── 另外,从萨拉托夫到萨马拉的旅行并不需要很长的时间,也不是很累人。
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