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09-20 投稿


monogyny 发音


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monogyny 中文意思翻译



monogyny 词性/词形变化,monogyny变形

名词: monogynist |形容词: monogynous |

monogyny 相似词语短语

1、monogony ─── n.[遗]无性生殖;[生物]单性生殖

2、monogynian ─── 一夫一妻制

3、hologyny ─── 妇产科

4、monogynic ─── 雌雄同体

5、monotony ─── n.单调;千篇一律

6、monogamy ─── n.一夫一妻制;[动]单配偶,[动]单配性

7、misogyny ─── n.厌恶女人;[医]厌女症

8、monogynist ─── n.一妻制(monogyny的变形)

9、monogeny ─── 单亲生殖

monogyny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The wolf is the monogyny, cannot a husband two wife. ─── 狼是一夫一妻制的,绝不会一夫两妻。

2、The wolf is the monogyny, cannot a husband two wife. ─── 狼是一夫一妻制的,绝不会一夫两妻。

3、The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society. ─── 重婚,是婚姻中的违法行为,与一夫一妻制的现代文明婚姻制度水火不容。

4、The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society. ─── 重婚,是婚姻中的违法行为,与一夫一妻制的现代文明婚姻制度水火不容。

5、The first part takes the historical document and the predecessor"s research results as the basis, and mainly discusses on two aspects from the monogyny to the primitive marital shape. ─── 第一部分以历史文献和前人研究成果为依据,从以多妾为补充的一夫一妻制和原始婚姻形态遗存两方面对周代婚姻形态进行概述。

6、Chapter 17 of the Penal Code stipulates the penalty of hindrance to marriage and family, including crimes related to the violation of monogyny, the chaste duty, and the family supervisory authority. ─── 翻开刑法典,第十七章妨害婚姻及家庭罪之规定,正牵涉到一夫一妻制、夫妻间之贞洁义务、家庭监督权等家庭秩序的基本议题;

7、In the future, under the communist system, if the monogyny family doesn’t satisfy the society’s needs, what qualities the later ones have will be seen obviously. ─── 社会主义制度下,家庭以爱情为基础的两性平等家庭迅速发展。

8、The modem family takes the monogyny as the main structure. It is a rational choice of the human evolution, is also symbol of the civilized society. ─── 现代家庭以一夫一妻制为结构主体,乃是人类进化的理性选择,也是人类社会文明的标志。

9、The crime of bigamy in our criminal law had taken a certain positive role in maintaining the monogyny. ─── 我国刑法规定的重婚罪对于维护一夫一妻制的婚姻家庭制度,也曾起到一定的积极作用。

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