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09-20 投稿


unimaginative 发音

英:[ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv]  美:[ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv]

英:  美:

unimaginative 中文意思翻译



unimaginative 网络释义

adj. 缺乏想象力的;无趣的

unimaginative 相似词语短语

1、eliminative ─── 删去的;消除的

2、imaginatively ─── adv.想象上地

3、unimaginatively ─── 缺乏想象力地

4、imaginative ─── adj.富于想象的;有创造力的

5、overimaginative ─── 想象力过剩

6、unimaginable ─── adj.不可思议的;难以想像的

7、criminative ─── adj.控告的;使负罪的;责难的

8、unimaginativeness ─── 缺乏想象力

9、imagination ─── n.[心理]想象力;空想;幻想物

unimaginative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But rigid labour agreements, hungry competitors and decades of short-term, unimaginative leadership took their toll. ─── 然而,僵硬的劳工协议、饥渴的竞争对手以及数十年短视、缺乏想象力的领导,终于酿成了恶果。

2、a colorless and unimaginative person; ─── 一个没有个性,缺乏想象力的人;

3、We have seen the addition of audio and video to these media, but in very prosaic, unimaginative ways. ─── 我们看到过把声音和影像与这些媒体结合起来,但是其形式却是非常的松散单调。

4、Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative . ─── 连贯性,是没有想象力的人的最后的籍口。

5、I'm just an ad man . . . . . . but it strikes me as a slightly unimaginative way of improving a train journey merely to make it shorter. ─── 我只是个广告人…但依我看,作为改善火车之旅的方法,这不免有些缺乏想象力如果仅仅是缩短行程的话。

6、a colorless and unimaginative person ─── 无趣的、没有想象力的人

7、English is a colorful language, but chronic cursers repeatedly use the same, unimaginative words that have been around for centuries. ─── 英语是一种多姿多彩的语言,但是谩骂者也使用着同样的语言,他们使用那些无趣的词语已经长达几个世纪。

8、2.a colorless and unimaginative person; a colorless description of the parade. ─── 无趣的、没有想象力的人;对游行的无趣的描写。

9、Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. Luckily his wife has perfect taste. ─── 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。

10、Characteristic or suggestive of an institution especially in being uniform or dull or unimaginative. ─── 具有制度的特点或者令人想起制度,特别是具有正式、沉闷或者没有想象力的特点。

11、This goes to show what a stolid and unimaginative fish China Man can be. ─── 这说明中国男性是多么的感觉迟钝缺乏想象力的呆头鱼。

12、Unimaginative, crude, direct, his fancy nevertheless placed her before him. ─── 虽然他想象力不够丰富,性格单纯,直截了当,他眼前还是浮起了她的影子。

13、A stupid or unimaginative person dupe n. ─── 傻瓜,易受骗的人。

14、It is unimaginative, flat, dry and likely to consist of mere wind. ─── 这样的开头没有想像力,枯燥,单调,可能只由风组成。

15、But to the eye of the ordinary, unimaginative traveler, they are invisible. ─── 但在普通的,无想象力的游客眼里,它们是看不见的。

16、Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. ─── 逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。

17、' I think that is wrong, unimaginative and short sighted. ─── '我认为是错误,缺乏想象力和短视的想法。"

18、Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. ─── 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。

19、Unabashed by his rejection, Mr. Collins proposes again, But finally concedes defeat. Immediately after, he becomes engaged to a friend of Elizabeth's, the placid, unimaginative Charlotte Lucas. ─── 遭拒绝后,柯林斯先生并不感到羞愧,再次求婚,但最终不得不自认失败。紧接着他就和伊丽莎白的女友夏绿蒂·卢卡斯订了婚,她性情温和而头脑缺乏想象力。

20、Professor Hilton paused and glared at him, unsympathetic and unimaginative as one of his own test-tubes ─── 希尔顿老师停了停,瞪着地,缺乏同情和想像力,跟他的试管一样。

21、Very unimaginative interface design and spacial architecture seems to be the way people want to go.There is little concern for artistic expression and functional experimentation. ─── 很多人的设计没有想象力,设计的作品仅仅是存在于空间中,没有太多的艺术表现力和功能。

22、DON'T laugh at visiting fans who sing unimaginative unfunny songs about car crime singing-on or rooting through bins for dead cats. ─── (不要取笑作客的球迷唱着些没有创意、毫不有趣的歌。)

23、Scholars have expressed amazement that the rather unimaginative Fragonnard could indulge in such an innovative approach. ─── 学者对于开创力相对贫乏的弗拉戈那尔居然能够开展如此新奇的路数,不免啧啧惊奇。

24、Twenty-nine years of Hosni Mubarak's stolid, unimaginative rule have brought his country its longest stretch of peace for a century. ─── 胡斯尼•穆巴拉克在埃及29年不事声张的刻板统治,给他的国家带来了一个世纪内最长的一段和平时期。

25、You can always tell you're dealing with an unimaginative soul when he or she can't figure out, good glavin, why does this guy look like a pig? ─── 你总是能说你正在处理一个你无法理解的一个缺乏想象力的灵魂,为什么这个家伙看起来像只猪?

26、Her second husband was a steady, unimaginative, corporate lawyer. ─── 她的第二任丈夫是一个沉稳,没什么想象力的公司律师。

27、The production was plodding and unimaginative. ─── 这部作品艰涩滞重,缺乏想像力。

28、Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative ─── 谈论天气是无趣谈话最后的避难所

29、Most items in exclusive shops are unimaginative. ─── 游客要求看一看城里最高级的商店。

30、Policemen are generally held to be courteous, patient, slow-moving, unimaginative, respectful to the upper classes, reasonably sympathetic, incorruptible, rather rigid in their attitudes. ─── 一般人认为警察讲礼貌、有耐心、动作迟缓、没有想象力、尊敬上层阶级、较有同情心、廉洁奉公、态度颇为死板。

31、Unimaginative as it may be, I will now turn to violence to solve my problems with you. ─── 你我之间的问题只能用武力解决了,虽然这种方法有点缺乏想象力。

32、Unimaginative as it may be, I will now turn to violence to solve my problems with you. ─── 你我之间的问题只能用武力解决了,虽然这种方法有点缺乏想象力。

33、stereotyped phrases of condolence; even his profanity was unimaginative. ─── 吊唁的老套措辞;甚至连他的咒骂都是没有想象力的。

34、Choosing to live in narrow spaces can lead to a form of mental agoraphobia, and that brings its own terrors.I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters.They are often more afraid. ─── 生活不可能没有一点失败,除非你这么谨慎,您可能过着一点也没有失败的生活-在这种情况下,预设你是失败的。

35、unimaginative "a. ─── 缺乏想象力的,无趣的"

36、Unimaginative, and the people want to behave better not come over! ─── 希望自己平淡无奇和循规蹈矩的人最好不要过来!

37、unimaginative development of a musical theme; uninspired writing. ─── 对音乐主题的平庸无味的展开;平凡无趣的作品。

38、local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones; a prosaic and unimaginative essay. ─── 当地导游以一种平淡无味的语气描述各个地方的历史;平淡的缺乏想象力的散文。

39、I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters. ─── 我觉得,执拗于画地自限的人,反而看到更多妖魔鬼怪;

40、Immediately after, he becomes engaged to a friend of Elizabeth's, the placid, unimaginative Charlotte Lucas ─── 紧接着他就和伊丽莎白的女友夏绿蒂·卢卡斯订了婚,她性情温和而头脑缺乏想象力。

41、an unimaginative story ─── 缺乏想像力的故事

42、Little Boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. ─── 爱逃学的小家伙是不用脑子想问题的。

43、" A year later, echoing the sentiment of the times, Reeves wrote a book arguing that "Ford is slow.He is also unimaginative and not very articulate. ─── 过了一年,作为那个时代的一种回声,芮福斯又写了一本书,书中写道:“福特不但愚笨,而且缺乏想象力,说话结结巴巴。”

44、Consistency is the last resort of the unimaginative. ─── 一致性是缺乏想象力的人们的最后乐园。

45、54 Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. ─── 保持一致(缺乏变化)是缺乏想象力者最后的挡箭牌。

46、so unrealistic, and, I would say, so unimaginative? ─── 对这些乏味的故事总是津津乐道?

47、I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters.They are often more afraid. ─── 我认为这些缺乏想象力的人看到的怪物更多,他们通常更担心害怕。

48、Rigid, unimaginative convention. ─── 成规死板的、无想象力的准则

49、excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull. ─── 过分的传统、缺乏想象力因而沉闷无趣。

50、told him that I thought they were rather bland and unimaginative. Functional, like a penis. No, I didn't say that. ─── 我告诉他,我觉得它们没什么意思,很无趣。跟支笔没什么两样。不,我没有那么说。

51、It is possible that these mountains may have been seen in a vision by the writer of guide books, but to the eye of the ordinary and unimaginative traveller they are invisible. ─── 也许旅游指南的作者认为这些山峰曾出现在自己的视野中,但对于缺乏想象力的普通旅游者来说,他们的眼睛是无法看见这些山峰的。

52、When a subordinate finishes a first assignment quickly, the unimaginative manager often is at a loss for a next assignment. ─── 当一个下属很迅速的完成了领导安排的任务,一个缺乏想象力的德主管会不知所措,不知道接下来应该安排什么任务给你。

53、local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones; a prosaic and unimaginative essay ─── 当地导游以一种平淡无味的语气描述各个地方的历史;平淡的缺乏想象力的散文

54、I think the willfully unimaginative see more monsters. ─── 我认为,缺乏想象力的人会看到更多的恶魔。

55、It is religion and the religious that are unimaginative and fearful, hiding behind the ideas of The Divine rather than actively searching for answers and drawing their own conclusions. ─── 殊不知真正缺乏想象力和胆小怯懦的恰恰是宗教,它们隐藏在神学观点背后而拒绝去积极的探求真正的答案并获得自身的结论。

56、DON'T laugh at visiting fans who sing unimaginative, unfunny songs about car crime, singing-on or rooting through bins for dead cats. ─── (不要取笑作客的球迷唱著些没有创意、毫不有趣的歌。)

57、Her critics call this cautious and unimaginative. ─── 她的批评者称之为谨慎和缺乏想象力。

58、It's lazy, unimaginative, and completely false. ─── 但这是懒惰,无趣并且完全错误的。

59、Indifferent scholars who, under discipline, scrape through college or university and become unimaginative teachers, mediocre doctors, and incompetent lawyers would possibly be good mechanics or excellent bricklayers or first-rate policemen. ─── 那些缺乏热情的学生,在纪律的压制下,勉强熬出大学以后不过是缺乏想象力的教师,中流的医生,不称职的律师,却有可能成为极好的机修工、优秀的泥水工或一流的警察。

60、He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book. ─── 他是个一切照章办事,缺乏想象力的人。

61、an unimaginative solution to a problem ─── 毫无创意的解决方法

62、The second problem is that large numbers of aspiring science majors, perhaps as many as half, are turned off by unimaginative teaching and migrate to other disciplines before graduating. ─── 其次,热忠科学的群体中,大部分(差不多有一半)都在大学毕业前就转到了其它学科,这要归咎于枯燥无趣的教育方法。

63、unimaginative and conformist. ─── 缺乏想象力、墨守成规。

64、the unimaginative carpenter got ideas from the reative one. ─── 思维呆板的木匠向有创造性的学习。

65、stereotyped phrases of condolence; even his profanity was unimaginative ─── 吊唁的老套措辞;甚至连他的咒骂都是没有想象力的

66、We will see unimaginative governments and dying corporations make disastrous decisions. ─── 我们将看到缺乏想象力的政府和垂死的企业做出灾难性的决定。

67、He is an unimaginative person who does everything by the book. ─── 他是个缺乏想像力、一切照章办事的人。

68、To do things in an unimaginative or inefficient way ─── 把瓮灌圃

69、Prefabrication is by no means a new idea, but in the past, unimaginative uniformity in design, together with limited materials, led to a natural distaste for this form of construction. ─── 预制结构并非新构想,但是在过去,由于在设计上严重缺乏统一规格,再加上材料有限,自然就使得这种施工方式不受欢迎。

70、a boring unimaginative man ─── 一个乏味、没有想像力的男人

71、The food was adequate but unimaginative. ─── 食物尚可但乏善可陈。

72、Only a few decades ago the prevailing worry was that television, the reigning medium at the time, was creating a generation of unimaginative couch potatoes, if not intellectual vegetables. ─── 仅仅数十年前,人们普遍忧虑的是电视机,它是当时具统治地位的媒体,造就了一代缺乏想象力的懒散之人,要不就是木讷呆板之士。

73、Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. ─── 一致性是无想象力的借口。

74、Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. Luckily his wife has perfect taste. ─── 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。

75、His profanity was unimaginative. ─── 他的咒骂都是没有想象力的。

76、He is an unimaginative teacher. ─── 他是个缺乏想像力的老师。

77、" A response like that, while unlikely to get you into any trouble, is also unimaginative and often perceived as not really answering the question. ─── 这样的回答固然不会出什么问题,但创意不够,也容易被人看作是答非所问。

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