labellum 发音
英:[lə'beləm] 美:[lə'bɛləm]
英: 美:
labellum 中文意思翻译
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n. (兰花的)[植][昆] 唇瓣
labellum 词性/词形变化,labellum变形
形容词: labellate |名词复数: labella |
labellum 相似词语短语
1、flagellum ─── n.[昆]鞭毛;鞭子;鞭状匍匐枝
2、labelled ─── adj.贴上标签的;被描述或定义为……的;v.贴标签于;把……称为或列为;(生、化)使(分子等)示踪以便研究(label的过去式和过去分词)
3、labella ─── 唇瓣;副舌;n.(Labella)人名;(西)拉韦利亚;(意)拉贝拉
4、castellum ─── 卡斯特罗姆
5、sacellum ─── 古罗马的露天庙宇
6、flabellum ─── n.扇形器官;团扇
7、glabellum ─── n.眉间;印堂(等于glabella)
8、labeller ─── n.贴标签机;贴标机
9、flagellums ─── n.[昆]鞭毛;鞭子;鞭状匍匐枝
labellum 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Labellum with a thickened, central portion and thinner, lateral lobes overlapping with lateral staminodes. ─── 唇瓣具加厚的,中心的部分和更薄,侧的裂片与侧生退化雄蕊重叠。
2、The discussing of labellum cosmetology in taxis of single cleft lip ─── 单侧唇裂整复术中红唇的美容修复探讨
3、Labellum reflexed, broadly cuneate, apex emarginate to 2-cleft. ─── 唇瓣反折,宽楔形,先端微缺到2的半裂。
4、Bracts ca. 1.5 cm. Corolla lobes, lateral staminodes, and labellum to 1.5 cm. Fl. Dec. ─── 苞片约1.5厘米。花冠裂片,侧生退化雄蕊,和唇瓣达1.5厘米。花期12月。
5、It is likely that C. lancifolium attracted the bee by the purplish chestnut spots on the labellum (false nectar guides) exploiting the foraging preference of bees. ─── 在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂背部。
6、Labellum obovate, large, margin incurved. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,弯曲的边缘。
7、Calyx and leaf are similar, labellum 3 crack, base the ministry surrounds staminal lower part, in lobation extend and remarkable. ─── 花萼与花瓣相似,唇瓣3裂,基部包围雄蕊下方,中裂片伸展而显著。
8、Lateral staminodes reduced to small teeth at base of labellum or absent. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊退化至小的齿在唇瓣基部或无。
9、inner whorl with a reflexed staminode (labellum), narrower than outer staminodes, and a fertile stamen; ─── 内轮具有一个反折的退化雄蕊(唇瓣),比外轮的退化雄蕊狭窄,和一个能育的雄蕊;
10、Labellum white, rarely purple, with a central, yellow blotch, apex emarginate or shortly 2-lobed. ─── 唇瓣白色,很少紫色的,具一中心,黄斑点,先端微缺或短2裂的。
11、Lateral staminodes and labellum yellow. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊和唇瓣黄。
12、Labellum erect, narrowly spatulate, base adnate to filament or not, apex 2-cleft or -lobed.Filament exserted from corolla, distally grooved. ─── 唇瓣直立,狭匙形,基部贴生于花丝与否,先端2半裂或-浅裂花丝从花冠外露,上部具凹槽。
13、Luxuriant a white, top and base the ministry is pink, shape of calyx close bell, sepal is ivory, top is pink, labellum spoon shape, wide egg form, yellow and have amaranth streak. ─── 苞片白色,顶端及基部粉红色,花萼近钟状,萼片乳白色,顶端粉红,唇瓣匙状,宽卵形,****而有紫红色条纹。
14、Labellum pink, trumpet-shaped, 5--5.5 cm in diam., margin crisped. ─── 粉红色的唇瓣,喇叭状,5-5.5厘米直径,边缘皱波状。
15、Keywords Taxis of single cleft lip;Labellum cosmetology;Muscle inlay; ─── 单侧唇裂整复;红唇的美容修复;肌肉嵌入法;
16、Labellum cosmetology ─── 红唇的美容修复
17、middle petal enlarged to form a labellum; ─── 中间花瓣扩大形成唇瓣;
18、Labellum oblong-obovate or oblong, 0.8--1.6 cm, margin crisped, apex 2-lobed or 2-cleft. ─── 唇瓣长圆状倒卵形或长圆形,0.8-1.6厘米,皱波状的边缘,先端2裂或2半裂。
19、Labellum usually white or lilac, sometimes marked with different color near base, showy, apically 2-lobed to 2-cleft to base. ─── 唇瓣通常白色或紫丁香色,有时具不同颜色斑点近基部,艳丽的,顶部2裂到2半裂至基部。
20、Labellum deep red with yellow margin. ─── 唇瓣深红色具黄的边缘。
21、Peduncular smoke from the false bulb top at maturity, leaf and calyx valve are long and narrow, labellum submits horn form, flower can amount to 12 centimeter to fluctuate. ─── 花梗抽自于成熟的假球茎顶端,花瓣及萼瓣狭长,唇瓣呈喇叭状,花朵可达十二公分上下。
22、Labellum ca. 2.5 cm, margin crisped, apex 2-cleft. ─── 约的唇瓣2.5厘米,边缘使卷曲,先端2半裂。
23、Ovary 3-loculed, placentation axile; anther short; labellum free from filament. ─── 子房3室,中轴胎座;花药短;唇瓣离生的花丝。(11
24、Labellum reflexed or not, cuneate, large, apex emarginate to 2-lobed. ─── 唇瓣反折的与否,楔形,大,先端微缺到2裂。
25、8. Objective: Study the morphology, structure, distribution and classification of the sensilla on the antenna and labellum of Aedes albopictusa and the structure of antennal lobe. ─── 目的:研究白纹伊蚊触角感受器,唇瓣感受器的形态、结构、分布和分类及触角神经叶的形态和结构,理论上是研究白纹伊蚊感觉机理的基础;收藏指正
26、Lateral staminodes petaloid, basally adnate to filament and labellum. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊瓣状,基部贴生于花丝和唇瓣。
27、Corolla lobes yellowish; labellum white with yellowish margin, narrowly elliptic. ─── 花冠裂片淡黄;唇瓣白色的具淡黄边缘,狭椭圆形。
28、Corolla lobes 3--5 cm; lateral staminodes very small or 4--5 mm; labellum yellow at margin, yellow-red toward center. ─── 花冠裂片3--5厘米;侧生退化雄蕊很小或4--5毫米;唇瓣黄的在边缘,向中心黄红色。(13
29、Labellum reflexed, adnate to filament to form a slender tube above lateral staminodes and corolla lobes. ─── 唇瓣反折,贴生于花丝到在侧生退化雄蕊和花冠裂片上形成一纤细筒。
30、Leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate; inflorescences 5--6 cm; labellum ovate or rhomboidal-ovate. ─── 叶片椭圆状披针形;花序5--6厘米;唇瓣卵形的或斜方形卵形。(51
31、Labellum purple with white dots, base white; ─── 唇瓣紫色的具白色的小圆点,基部白色;
32、8.Objective: Study the morphology, structure, distribution and classification of the sensilla on the antenna and labellum of Aedes albopictusa and the structure of antennal lobe. ─── 目的:研究白纹伊蚊触角感受器,唇瓣感受器的形态、结构、分布和分类及触角神经叶的形态和结构,理论上是研究白纹伊蚊感觉机理的基础;
33、Labellum oblong, flat, apex 2-lobed or entire. ─── 唇瓣长圆形,平,先端2裂的或全缘。
34、Lateral staminodes small or absent, subulate or toothlike, adnate to base of labellum. ─── 侧退化雄蕊小的或无,钻形或,贴生至基部的唇瓣。
35、Labellum reflexed, adnate to filament to form a slender tube above lateral staminodes and corolla lobes. ─── 唇瓣反折,贴生于花丝到在侧生退化雄蕊和花冠裂片上形成一纤细筒。
36、Labellum equaling corolla lobes, narrow, concave, and fleshy, triangular, ovate, or hastate when flattened, base auriculate, apex oblong-rounded. ─── 唇瓣等长花冠裂片,狭窄,凹,和肉质,三角形,卵形,或戟形当扁平时,基部耳形,先端长圆形圆形的。
37、Lateral 2 staminodes of outer whorl petaloid, or forming small teeth at base of labellum, or adnate to labellum, or absent. ─── 外轮的侧面的2个退化雄蕊花瓣状,或者在唇瓣基部形成小齿,或者与唇瓣贴生,或者无。
38、Lateral staminodes adnate to labellum, forming a 3-lobed labellum; ─── 侧生退化雄蕊贴生于唇瓣,形成一3浅裂的唇瓣;
39、Labellum subrhombic, ca. 2.4 cm; ─── 唇瓣近菱形,约2.4厘米;
40、Pseudostems 60--130 cm; labellum yellow with purple stripes, broadly to narrowly ovate. ─── 假茎60--130厘米;唇瓣黄的具紫色的条纹,宽到狭卵形。(15
41、Labellum obovate, large, apical margin undulate. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,顶端的边缘波状。
42、Labellum white with reddish base and yellow middle, orbicular, ca. 1.7 cm in diam., concave, base shortly clawed, apex entire. ─── 唇瓣白色具带红色基部和黄中间,圆形,1.7厘米直径的约,凹,基部具短爪,先端全缘。
43、Labellum erect, creamy yellow with an orange patch at base, obcordate, longer than wide, apex 2-lobed. ─── 唇瓣直立,米黄色具一个橙小块在基部,倒心形,长于宽,先端2裂。
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