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09-20 投稿


preposterous 发音

英:[prɪ'pɒst(ə)rəs]  美:[prɪ'pɑstərəs]

英:  美:

preposterous 中文意思翻译



preposterous 词性/词形变化,preposterous变形

副词: preposterously |名词: preposterousness |

preposterous 短语词组

1、absolutely preposterous ─── 大谬不然

2、preposterous allegations ─── 荒谬的指控

preposterous 相似词语短语

1、plecopterous ─── 公鸡的

2、impostorous ─── 冒充的

3、preposterously ─── adv.荒谬地;不合理地

4、preposterousness ─── 荒谬

5、plectopterous ─── 多翅的

6、preposterous plot ─── 荒谬的情节

7、prepostors ─── 前置子

8、prosperous ─── adj.繁荣的;兴旺的

9、pesterous ─── adj.烦人的;纠缠不休的

preposterous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the following paragraph, which should have inaugurated the narrative, is too wildly extravagant and preposterous to be flaunted in the face of the reader without preparation. ─── 在接下来本该展开叙述的段落里,因为太过放肆和荒谬,不能毫无准备就面对读者炫耀。

2、If this preposterous story was true, ─── 如果这荒谬的故事是真的

3、Milton explains the preposterous idea that he has ever visited a prostitute. ─── 弥尔顿解释了他曾拜访过妓女这一荒谬想法。

4、it was simply preposterous, ─── 真会让人笑掉大牙,

5、preposterous patterns ─── 含空结构

6、7. He hopes that his preposterous reasons may be understood. ─── 他希望自己语无伦次的理由能被人理解。

7、his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis. ─── 他的身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针与金属板,而且有人说他本该因肺部纤维症而死在自己的床上,这听起来实在荒谬。

8、Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous. ─── 任何对抽烟不管怎样是有益的假设都是完全荒谬的。

9、Overpriced preposterous foolish illogical unconscionable frivolous senseless extortionate exorbitant ─── 愚蠢的,不讲理的,过分的

10、In the entire history of mankind, there has not been a more preposterous spectacle than this. ─── 在整个人类的历史上,再也没有比这个更加荒唐的奇观了。

11、They had all inherited their father's preposterous quickness and elegance ─── 他们全都继承了父亲那种不同寻常的敏捷和高雅。

12、If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions ; ─── 假如在我们的生活天平上,没有一盘的理智和那一盘的欲念维持均衡,那么人欲横流,必要引我们到颠覆的结局;

13、At this point I agreed with you that it was preposterous, and was glad to find that all my deductions had been correct. ─── 在这一点上,我同意你的看法,它的确非常荒谬,我很高兴知道,我的所有推论都是正确的。

14、These claims are absolutely preposterous! ─── 这些要求简直荒谬绝伦!

15、There's no toothpaste, no soap powder, not the basic necessities of life. It was preposterous and embarrassing to work in such a government. ─── 没有牙膏,没有肥皂、洗衣粉,生活必需品得不到满足,在这样的一个政府里工作是荒谬和尴尬的。

16、But with the extravagant prices and preposterous prices in the market is not going to help to achieve your goals. ─── 但是,随著价格和荒谬奢侈的价格在市场上是不会来帮助实现自己的目标。

17、that is ludicrous or preposterous ─── 真好笑;真荒唐.

18、What a preposterous idea ! ─── 多么荒谬的想法!

19、According to the portrayal by artist himself, this kind of portrait takes the preposterous, dissociate and drifting reality as content. ─── 按照艺术家本人的描绘,这种画像以荒诞、游离、漂移的现实为内容。

20、What could be more preposterous? ─── 事之可怪,宁有逾此?

21、a preposterous old woman ─── 一位可笑的老妇人

22、However, Epiphyllum, although only one is now, it is preposterous to glory over the world up. ─── 但是,昙花虽只一现,它却毕竟光彩绝伦的于世界上来过。

23、What a preposterous suggestion! ─── 多么可笑的建议!

24、Match of the Penguins is a preposterous preponderance of penguin puffery.What are the big, bedecked birds doing on the beach? ─── 找找看海滩上的企鹅有哪些装扮相同呢?

25、Yet his mistakes and follies notwithstanding, Russia’s claim that it was “enforcing peace” is preposterous. ─── 尽管由于他的愚蠢铸成大错,但俄国“维持和平”的要求仍是荒谬的。

26、I resisted floating a monkey asaleofficialt, bewhale it Mounts so preposterous, customs it's luckly much palace comfloatinghang. ─── 我对此抗拒了很长光阴,由于那样看上去很傻,可其实却很舒适。

27、The way the workers are getting out of hand just lately is simply preposterous! ─── 工人的嚣张,简直不成话!

28、The preposterous ways of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four undermined the Party's leadership in literature and art and destroyed their vitality. ─── 林彪、“四人帮”那一套荒谬做法,破坏了党对文艺工作的领导,扼杀了文艺的生机。

29、"I think the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic (let alone as terrorists) in certain sectors is preposterous," Blitt told the Huffington Post website. ─── 作者:规范化风格时间:2008-7-1605:42标题:看完楼主的帖子,我的心情竟是久久不能平静。

30、Transport experts said the law was preposterous and the government should focus on providing facilities such as level footpaths and wheelchair ramps rather than requiring people to wear signs. ─── 交通专家称,这种法规相当荒谬,政府应着力为残疾人修建平坦的人行道和轮椅坡道,而不是要求他们佩戴标记。

31、Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look ─── 尽管他的领带和衣领是十足的可笑,可是从他的眼光中我却看到了一种尊严。

32、The information that satellites may provide fuelling stations for manned rockets no longer strikes us preposterous. ─── 他们只好运用他们的想象力来制造更大更好的宇宙飞船了。

33、The Preposterous Phenomena on Subjective Ideology in the Female Essay ─── 女性散文主体意识的悖谬现象

34、We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill ─── 我们斥责战争贩子丘吉尔的狂妄声明。

35、At this I burst out laughing. This sounds preposterous to me, I can't help it. ─── 听到这儿我大笑起来,我觉得这话很荒谬,忍不住要笑。

36、His expression was truly comical and at that moment I did not know whether he was a preposterous old man pulling my leg or whether he was really a simpleton. ─── 他的表情实在很滑稽。我不知他是一个扯我后腿的老人;还是一个道地的笨蛋。

37、Here's something that sounds preposterous but as it turns out, it's actually true. ─── 有些事听起来不可理喻,最后却发现它是真事。

38、He rushed about doing preposterous things in an extraordinary manner. ─── 他奔来奔去,离奇古怪地干下了种种荒谬的事情。

39、preposterous statement; cock-and-bull story ─── 不经之谈

40、It would be preposterous to take so grave a step on the advice of an enemy(J.A.Froude. ─── 听从敌人的意见采取这一重要步骤太愚蠢了(J.A.弗鲁德)。

41、The excuse he gave for his lateness was so preposterous that everyone laughed. ─── 他为自己的迟到所编造的藉口是如此荒谬,以至大家都感到好笑。

42、"Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. ─── 任何批评家对一部小说表达的愤怒和讨厌都是荒谬的。

43、I resisted for a long time, because it looks so preposterous, but it's really much more comfortable. ─── 我耐了很长时间那么做,因为它看上去样子很傻,可是其实却很令人舒适。

44、10. He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness. ─── 他自己虽常常很荒谬,然而他以他表现出来的冷漠和无情赢得了一定的尊重。

45、It is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions ─── 仅仅以外部环境解释一切是不合理的。

46、They are either preposterous, or perfect. ─── 它们不是不自然就是有点过分。

47、It might sound preposterous but the only way out of this logjam is to pull back the manufacturing base out of China. ─── 现在的办法也许是荒谬可笑的,但现在解决僵局的唯一办法就是将制造业移出中国。

48、The remaining 96% believe that the stereotype is rather preposterous and inconsistent with reality. ─── 剩下的96%的人认为,“老婆像妈”这种要求在现实中显得很荒谬,也不太可能实现。

49、To the fair-minded, such claims are preposterous. ─── 公正的说,这样的观点是荒谬的。

50、I never had dreamed of any such preposterous results as the thing that had happened. ─── 我做梦也没有想到,事情的结果竟是如此之荒唐透顶。

51、This paper inspects the preposterous semantic structure of Chinese from the corner of cognitive. ─── 悖谬性结构词语,其语义认知基础是词的“不可能特征”,具有合语法而悖于认知原型的语义结构特点。

52、It's such a preposterous setup that I was always aware of the plot chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense. ─── 如此荒谬的铺垫,总是让我觉得这个故事已经熄火了。还有追捕过程中的供给问题,完全不合常理。

53、From Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure and Preposterous Words. ─── 从杜伯恩的字典寻常,模糊和荒谬的话。

54、I find that preposterous, not to mention distasteful, given that some of these people have lost their life savings. ─── 有些投资者在这场骗局中损失了毕生的积蓄,在这种情况下,我觉得上面这类说法不仅荒谬,而且让人反感。

55、The children have built something out of an orange crate, something preposterous and ascendant ─── 孩子们用橘子箩里的橘子砌成一个物体,一个荒诞可笑但充满朝气的东西。

56、His schoolboy earnestness seemed preposterous in a man this famous, sophisticated and well connected, but it was the preposterousness that made him likable rather than insufferable. ─── 他是一个著名的人,历经沧桑,认识许多头面人物,但有一副小男生的热心肠,看起来似乎很不可思议,但正是这些不可思议使他更具亲和力,而没有让他高高在上。

57、The conceit seems too preposterous to be thought of as a serious opinion. ─── 现在把这种观念作为严肃的意见来对待,似乎太可笑了。

58、She didn' t know what to say to such a preposterous idea. ─── 她不知该怎样回答这个荒谬无比的想法。

59、There are just too many such illogical and preposterous premises and morals in the story that I just can't agree.I don't like this book, even though everybody else says it is a masterpiece. ─── 喜爱本书与否, 要视乎您对同性恋的看法. 如果您是根本否定同性恋, 本书不适合您啊. 试试换个角度, 尝试了解他们吧, 那您会享受阅读本书, 或有一番新体会呢.

60、The third passage must have sounded equally preposterous when Jeremiah wrote it. God would do away with the mighty nations that persecuted Israel, but little Israel would outlive them all. ─── 在耶利米的时代,第3段预言一定显得非常荒谬。神将来要消灭那些迫害以色列的国家,小小的以色列却要比这些国家生存得更久。

61、It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon. ─── 用茶匙铲煤是荒谬的。

62、It's such a preposterous setup that I was always aware of the plot chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense. ─── 如此荒谬的铺垫,总是让我觉得这个故事已经熄火了。还有追捕过程中的供给问题,完全不合常理。

63、"It would be preposterous to take so grave a step on the advice of an enemy" (J.A. Froude). ─── “听从敌人的意见采取这一重要步骤太愚蠢了” (J.A.弗鲁德)。

64、When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. ─── “强国强市,没有强大的国力作保障,没有雄厚的经济作支撑,任何金融投资和投机行为都只能是镜中花水中月,大清牛市的昙花一现就证明了这一点。”

65、Zhou Jinhua is the artist of Chongqing, Shenzhen and Beijing.His works, more like a bizarre and preposterous, Kafka-style fairy tale or fable, embody a game spirit of cartoonizm. ─── 周金华是重庆、深圳、北京三地的艺术家,他的作品则更象一个诡异的、荒诞不经的、卡夫卡式的童话和寓言,体现了一种卡通主义的游戏精神。

66、They are asking a preposterous price for the work. ─── 他们为该作品漫天要价。

67、For me to think of such a voyage, was the most preposterous thing that ever man in such circumstances could be guilty of. ─── 处于我现在这种境况的人,再想去进行这次航行,那简直就太荒唐了。

68、It is preposterous! ─── 岂有此理!

69、So a sum that seemed preposterous only a few months ago has won overwhelming approval from politicians. ─── 几个月前这似乎还是空前之巨的金额,现已从各方政客那里取得势不可挡的赞同。

70、168. Any presumption those smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous . ─── 任何对抽烟不管怎样样是有益的假设都是完全荒谬的。

71、In the final analysis the problem lies on the preposterous tour system and the environment of the two cities.Namely, they charm tourists with low price and earn backhander by deceiving us of shopping. ─── 归根到底是现在港澳旅游制度和环境的不合理(用低价吸引游客,欺骗游客消费提成)。

72、Its Royal Pavilion, a preposterous temple of fun completed by George IV, has modern equivalents in the form of a booming club scene, catering to hedonists from all over the region. ─── 由乔治四世修建的用以玩乐的荒唐之寺--它的皇家展览馆与蓬勃发展的俱乐部具有相同形式,迎合了来自所有地区的享乐者。

73、Preposterous ass, that never read so far To know the cause why music was ordained! ─── 可笑的笨蛋,因为你所学不多,所以不知道音乐的用处!

74、The idea that by 1975 more than 60 percent of American families would own two or more sets was preposterous. ─── 因此,认为到了1975年就会有百分之六十以上的美国家庭拥有两台或两台以上电视机的想法是荒谬的。

75、“It would be preposterous to take so grave a step on the advice of an enemy” (J.A. Froude). ─── “听从敌人的意见采取这一重要步骤太愚蠢了”(J.A.弗鲁德)。

76、It will be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon. ─── 用茶匙铲煤是荒缪可笑的。

77、The sting of the word "chance" seems to lie in the assumption that it means something positive, and that if anything happens by chance, it must needs be something of an intrinsically irrational and preposterous sort. ─── “偶然”一词的棘手之处看来在于它表示某种正面的东西这一假设; 如果任何事件偶然出现,它必然是某种本质上非理性的、荒谬的东西。

78、So for me, it was preposterous to believe that everybody's individual identity can be determined by four blood types. ─── 所以对我来说,相信所有人的个性可以由四种血型来决定是荒诞不经的。

79、With their silly titles and preposterous claims to fame, the ghouls are violent, strong, and perfectly daft. ─── 和他们愚蠢的名字和对名利荒谬的追求一样,食尸鬼凶暴、强壮,而且愚蠢透顶。

80、His technique is admirable as storytelling and now and then preposterous as historical inquiry. ─── 从说故事的角度来看,他的手法高明,从调查史实的角度来看则不时显得荒谬。

81、Flamboyant, sexually blatant, frequently preposterous, it is redeemed in part by Mailer 's energy and curiosity. ─── 或许正是由于这一失败,梅勒暂时放弃了小说创作。

82、a preposterous statement ─── 悠悠之谈

83、Therefore for someone to say that through prayer I am able to know 80 or 90% of God's hidden or unrevealed will is really preposterous. ─── 因此,如果有人说“我已经通过祷告知道了神 80-90% 的意志”,这样的说法是非常荒谬的。

84、The most preposterous example was BBC' s report on China' s success in winning her bid for holding the 2008 Games. ─── 最荒谬的例子莫过于英国广播公司电视台对中国申办2008年奥运会成功的报道。

85、Nobody on earth would reason that way. or How preposterous! ─── 天底下哪有这种道理!

86、If this information is true, then it is the most preposterous thing in the world. ─── 如果这条消息是真的,那简直就是滑天下之大稽了。

87、it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheaves of Scriptural wisdom on his premises -- a dozen would strain his capacity, without a doubt. ─── 汤姆内心可能从来没有真正渴望过获得这种奖品,不过,毫无疑问,许多天以来他的全部身心都在渴望得到随着这种奖励而来的光彩和荣誉。

88、Indeed, in this world nothing could be more vague and preposterous than the notion of China or Chinese. ─── 没有人会隐瞒去嘲笑象中国人一类的可怜现像所得到的快感。

89、The whole idea was preposterous. ─── 整个想法都是荒谬的。

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