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09-20 投稿


jeopardized 发音

英:[ˈdʒepədaɪzd]  美:[ˈdʒepərdaɪzd]

英:  美:

jeopardized 中文意思翻译



jeopardized 反义词


jeopardized 同义词

danger | endangerment | threat | risk | trouble | difficulty | hazard | exposure | peril

jeopardized 词性/词形变化,jeopardized变形

动词现在分词: jeopardizing |动词过去式: jeopardized |动词第三人称单数: jeopardizes |动词过去分词: jeopardized |

jeopardized 相似词语短语

1、jeoparded ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize)

2、jeopardises ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

3、jeoparder ─── 危险人物

4、jeopardizing ─── 危害

5、jeopardised ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

6、jeopardizes ─── v.危害(jeopardize的第三人称单数)

7、jeopardies ─── n.危险;(被告处于被判罪或受处罚的)危险境地

8、jeopardise ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

9、jeopardize ─── vt.危害;使陷危地;使受危困

jeopardized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One was Churchill, whose career was instantly jeopardized by a discovery that he had referred in writing to some victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks as "little Eichmanns." ─── 其中一件就是丘齐尔的案子,他因为曾在文章中把部分911事件受害人比做纳粹大屠杀的策划人,因此受到校方压力,教授职位几乎不保。

2、Enrage: "I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power! ─── 激怒:“我不可能就此止步!没有阻力可以干扰我规划好的未来!现在,你将感受真正的力量!

3、To avoid a disagreement that might have jeopardized the adoption of CISG, these questions were left for settlement by domestic law. ─── 为了避免这些分歧可能危害公约的通过,就将这些问题交给国内法解决。

4、In 1942, flood, draught, storm, hail, frost and locust jeopardized the land and wheat harvest throughout the province. ─── 民国三十一年,水、旱、风、雹、霜、蝗等灾交相为害,麦种歉收遍及全省;

5、Disbanded by law because it has violated Chinese laws and regulations or jeopardized social and public interests; ─── 违反中国法律、法规、危害社会公共利益被依法撤销;

6、The soldier jeopardized his life to save his comrade. ─── 这个士兵冒生命的危险救他的同志。

7、Thus the economy is severely jeopardized,and environment cruelly deteriorated,in the long run. ─── "左"的指导方针不仅给经济发展带来了严重危害,也恶化了生态环境。

8、The latest product recall has jeopardized our relationship with some of our long-term customers. What are we going to do about it? ─── 这次的新产品回收已危及我们和部分长期客户间的关系。我们该怎麽处理呢?

9、All these efforts would be jeopardized if the impression grew that our government was on the run and its discipline was disintegrating. ─── 如果其他国家感到我国政府是在疲于应付局面,政府的组织纪律日益涣散,那么所有这些努力都将遭受挫折。

10、jeopardized myocardium ─── 心肌处于危险状态, 遭危害的心肌

11、3 Where the conduct of Party B has jeopardized the reputation of the ROC Government or Party A. ─── 3乙方有损及中华民国政府或甲方之名誉之行为者。

12、He has jeopardized his future career. ─── 他损害了他的前程。

13、But there is a clear side-effect: the illicit distribution of multimedia data and very easy to copy, but the quality is not jeopardized. ─── 但有一个显明的副作用:多媒体数据的非法传布和拷贝非常等闲,而且质量不受损害。

14、Have you jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, or even risked your marriage because of your online gaming habit? ─── 你是否因为在线游戏危害或者失去了重要的社会关系,或甚至危害你的婚姻?

15、Maybe I've jeopardized the rest of us, but it was a risk I was willing to take. ─── 也许我已经破坏了我们其他人,但这是一个风险,我愿意承担。

16、But when she brought about the death of Frank and Tommy and jeopardized the lives of a dozen other men, their dislike flamed into public condemnation. ─── 他打算干什么?他要是再不停下来,她就要头晕了。他要是停下来就好了----他要是永远不停下来就好了。

17、The excellent political and economic situation we have already created,a situation rarely equalled since the founding of the People's Republic would be jeopardized. ─── 我们现在已经形成的开国以来少有的很好的政治形势和经济形势,就又会受到挫折。

18、He jeopardized his life to save the drowning child. ─── 他冒着生命危险挽救那个快要淹死的孩子。

19、In fact, even today the public is still jeopardized by fake commodities that flood almost each developing country. ─── 具体地讲,语汇、语型、句法和章法结构多个方面在深度和准确程度上有差异。

20、Phew! For a minute, I thought that we had jeopardized our going concern status . Duh! Dare I say so? ? ─── 咳!有一段时间,我还以为我们的持续经营状态收到了威胁了。天!我敢说么?

21、Long-term prospects are also being jeopardized by the drastic decrease in investment in human resources. ─── 人力资源投资的大幅减少使长期前景也受到损害。

22、After the court believes that consumers enjoy personal safety services would not be jeopardized. ─── 法院审理后认为,消费者在接受服务时享有人身安全不受损害的权利。

23、The private coffer has jeopardized development of our economic and political system. ─── “小金库”对我国经济和政治的发展都产生了巨大的危害。

24、The number of youngster obesity is more and more with the standard of living's improvement.It is the hidden trouble to jeopard the youngster's health. ─── 随着生活水平的提高,我国青少年人群中肥胖人数越来越多,已成为危及青少年健康的隐患。

25、Interferences by government plans should be appropriately carried out onthe premise that the market mechanism be not jeopardized. ─── 要在不破坏市场机制的前提下,进行适当的政府计划干预。

26、In their rush, these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China: the people part.The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run. ─── 这些公司在一拥而入之中忽略了在中国经营最艰巨的问题,即人的问题,结果许多公司严重损害了他们的长远经营业绩。

27、If they tell thire headquarters about us, our mission will be jeopardized. ─── 如果他们把我们告诉我们的thire总部,我们的任务将会被危害。

28、He warned that the improvement in bilateral relations might be "jeopardized" by a continuation of the war. ─── 他警告说,如果继续下去,双边关系的改善有可能要受到“危害”。

29、During the land reallocation in rural area of China, continuous conflict has jeopardized the social stability and economic development. ─── 我国农村土地再分配过程中的冲突不断,已经危害到社会经济的稳定发展。

30、The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person. ─── 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了。

31、the offense substantially jeopardized the safety and soundness of a financial institution, increase by 4 levels. ─── 罪行实质性危害金融机构的安全和稳定,则增加4级。

32、Freedom of passage through strategic straits was jeopardized. ─── 在战略性海峡通过的自由地遭到了破坏。

33、The status of the jeopardized reputation right: to impede and ruin the person's reputation right one deserves to get; ─── 摘要荣誉权被侵害的样态:妨碍、破坏应当获得荣誉称号的人获得荣誉称号的行为;

34、This had jeopardized Monday’s impressive price gains and the well anticipate, big “200-day moving average” test. ─── 这抵消了周一价格强劲上扬的正面影响,并危及到众所期待且意义重大的对 200日线的测试。

35、Access to safe water can be jeopardized by a natural disaster. ─── 安全洁净的水源,可能会因为一场自然灾害而被破坏。

36、jeopardized receiving ability ─── 危险状态接收能力

37、82- There are two buildings in the region of Guararapes ?PE jeopardized in the works and may fall victimizing many people. (with problem in the structure and the material used). ─── 地震将击中中国,并且也许到达百万的死亡(如果它不在中国发生,它也许是大约东海在日本和发生许多死亡);

38、The occasional failed project or neglected opportunity does not jeopardized overall progress. ─── 偶然失败的项目或失误的机会并没有影响总的进展。

39、receiving ability jeopardized ─── 危及接收能力

40、Have you jeopardized a job, educational, or career opportunity because of your online gaming habit? ─── 你是否因为在线游戏的习惯危害了你的工作,教育,或者事业机会?

41、This incident had a great impact on the system's development and nearly jeopardized the existence of the whole project. ─── 这一个事件在系统的发展方面造成很大冲击和几乎危害了整个的计划存在。

42、It was so elliptical that existing relationships on both sides were not jeopardized ─── 如此圆润周到,以致双方现存的关系都没有受到妨碍。

43、The excellent political and economic situation we have already created -- a situation rarely equalled since the founding of the People's Republic -- would be jeopardized. ─── 我们现在已经形成的开国以来少有的很好的政治形势和经济形势,就又会受到挫折;

44、Sadat's death further jeopardized hopes of a lasting Mideast peace that has been stalemated for more than two years ─── 萨达特的遇刺使僵持了两年多的中东持久和平更加希望渺茫。

45、8Have you jeopardized a job, educational, or career opportunity because of your online gaming habit? ─── 你是否因为你喜欢上网玩游戏的嗜好而失去了重要的朋友关系,或你的婚姻。

46、The result is reduction in energy (cost savings), the downside maybe the relationship with the tenant is jeopardized! ─── 结果可能会是能耗降低了(节约了费用),但却伤害了与租户关系!

47、People have jeopardized their health and worked excessively long hours without pay because of their loyalty to their task and/or the organization. ─── 因为对于他们的工作任务或是组织的忠诚,人们已经危及他们的健康和过份长时数的无薪工作。

48、12.1.3 Where the conduct of Party B has jeopardized the reputation of the R.O.C. Government or Party A. ─── 3乙方有损及中华民国政府或甲方之名誉之行为者.

49、In recent years,some enterprises jeopardized the rights and interests of their employees,which brought about unstable factors in the society. ─── 近几年来,某些企业损害职工利益,给社会带来不安定因素,这是值得引起重视的重要问题。

50、Japanese encephalitis virus,which is of Flaviridae,is a critical arbovirus jeopardized to people and animals. ─── 日本脑炎病毒是一种严重威胁人畜健康的虫媒病毒。

51、The president-elect says the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, is especially important when so many families' homes have been jeopardized in the subprime mortgage crisis. ─── 当选总统奥巴马表示,在目前这么多家庭的住房因次级房贷危机而陷入危境的情况下,联邦住房和城市发展部(即HUD)显得尤为重要。

52、Enrage: "I have not 53e this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power!" ─── 激怒:“我不可能就此止步!没有阻力可以干扰我规划好的未来!现在,你将感受真正的力量!”

53、Phew! For a minute, I thought that we had jeopardized our going concern status. Duh! Dare I say so?? ─── 咳!有一段时间,我还以为我们的持续经营状态收到了威胁了那。靠!我敢说么?

54、And, on the other hand, there are time who feel that if birth control is imposed on the population, the future of mankind would be seriously jeopardized. ─── 但是另一些人则认为如果采取人口控制政策会给人类的将来带来严重的危险。

55、His failure to do so has jeopardized GM and should end his role as its CEO. ─── 他的失误使通用汽车陷入危机,也许这会结束他在通用汽车扮演首席执行官的角色,.

56、He jeopardized his life to save the drowning child. ─── 他冒着生命危险挽救那个快要淹死的孩子。

57、Moreover,these lawyers say that the constitutional right of every criminal defendant to a lawyer is jeopardized if the Government can freeze allegedly tainted assets. ─── 再者,这些律师说:如果政府可以冻结所谓的不义之财,则宪法所保障每名刑事被告都有使用律师的权利就会受到威胁。

58、In the installation of air-conditioning equipment, the weight-bearing structure of the building shall not be altered without authorization and the safety of the building shall not be jeopardized. ─── 安装空调设备不得擅自改变房屋承重结构,影响房屋安全。

59、And he warned that the improvement in bilateral relations might be "jeopardized" by a continuation of the war. ─── 他还警告说,如果战争继续进行下去,双边关系的改善有可能受到"危害".

60、The turmoil has not only jeopardized the economic situation of the entire region, but has also brought formidable challenges to the economy of Hong Kong. ─── 这场风暴对亚洲的整体经济危害甚大,给香港经济亦带来了很严峻的挑战。

61、3 Where the conduct of Party B has jeopardized the reputation of the R.O.C. Government or Party A. ─── 3乙方有损及中华民国政府或甲方名誉之行为者.

62、I rejected the formulation, saying that it jeopardized the entire relationship because American public opinion would never stand for it. ─── 我拒绝了这个方案,我说这会破坏整个关系,因为美国的公众舆论决不会答应的。

63、It occasionally occurs that judicial interpretation deviates from the basic values,thus the litigants interest is jeopardized,and the legal religion is on crisis. ─── 在我国,司法解释背离法的基本价值的现象时有发生,不但损害了诉讼当事人的权益,也造成法律信仰的危机。

64、But these services do not appear to have ever been jeopardized. ─── 但这些服务似乎没有以往任何时候都受到威胁。

65、I rejected the formulation, saying that it jeopardized the entire relationship because American public opinion would never stand for it. ─── 我拒绝了这个方案,我说这会破坏整个关系,因为美国的公众舆论决不会答应的。

66、There are numerous examples of companies whose success has been jeopardized by a lack of, or deficiencies in, internal controls. ─── 有很多例子表明不少原先成功的公司因为缺乏内控或内控的缺陷而使自己濒临危险之中。

67、Again, her milk production is jeopardized. ─── 同样的,她的泌乳受到影响。

68、On Status and Relief of Jeopardized Reputation ─── 论荣誉权被侵害的样态与救济

69、The gang of scoundrels severely jeopardized public security. ─── 这帮歹徒严重危害着社会安定。

70、" In the future, if Taiwan is getting more reliant on China politically and economically, Taiwan's sovereignty will be seriously jeopardized. ─── 未来如果台湾逐渐演变成对中政经依赖之局,届时台湾的国家地位将岌岌可危。

71、Such work is too important to be jeopardized in any way. ─── 这项任务太重要了,无论如何不能砸锅。

72、But a month later investors' confidence took a giddying turn as the weakening American housing market jeopardized the banks' capital. ─── 但一个月之后又发现美国房地产市场的恶化已经威胁到了银行资本,于是投资者对市场一下子失去了信心。

73、Was it because her family is definitely NOT rich, which may jeopardized the "Indonesian Chinese FILTHY-RICH" image painted by so many journalists reporting from Indonesia, for the World Media? ─── 还是因为她的家庭并不富有,危害到众多新闻机构渲染的所谓"印尼华人不正当富人"的说法?

74、First, many vendors are small to medium-size businesses and if one large client stops paying, the vendor's financial health could be jeopardized. ─── 首先,许多厂商都是中小型企业,如果一个大客户停止支付,供应商的财务状况可能会受到损害。

75、The power supply supply in Sabah is in a very critical stage.If any further breaks down of the power generators, the power supply in Sabah will further jeopardized. ─── 爱德华慕吉说,他感到非常遗憾州政府不能提供具体的解决方案,给沙巴人稳定的电供需求,而只有知道指责沙巴民主行动党,以掩饰自己的过失。

76、For a minute, I thought that we had jeopardized our going concern status. ─── 一分钟,我认为我们已经危及我们的经营状况。杜!我敢说这样?

77、Some claim that the simplified form has seriously jeopardized the originality of ancient literatures and put traditional Chinese culture at stake. ─── 有声称,简化形式,严重危害了独创性的古代文献,并把中华传统文化置于危险境地。

78、In order to assure the function of network and protect network from being jeopardized by inside and outside of network. ─── 摘要为了保障网络正常运行和防范攻击,一定要根据所要求的安全等级来针对网络环境进行管理配置。

79、China's state security would be jeopardized; ─── (二)危及中国国家安全的;

80、George jeopardized his fortune by making bad investments. ─── 乔治因投资不当而使自己的财产受到损害。

81、Her marriage to John is jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency for Tom. ─── 她暗中对汤姆坚定强烈的感情动摇了她和约翰的婚姻。

82、The evidence is very clear on unsafe abortion, and on many other topics relating to maternal mortality and to other areas of gynecology and obstetrics where women's health is seriously jeopardized. ─── 关于不安全流产、孕产妇死亡、女性健康受到严重威胁、以及许多妇产科领域的问题的证据是确凿的。

83、Trade ministers from over 35 countries have agreed to resume high level negotiations later this month to break a deadlock that has jeopardized efforts to clinch a global trade pact. ─── 来自35个国家的贸易部长们星期五决定在本月重新启动高层谈判,打破僵局,争取签署一份全球性贸易协议。

84、Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet? ─── 是否曾经因为上网而危害重要人际关系,减损任务、教育或事业机会?

85、I wish for utmost confidentiality in handlingthis transaction as my job and The future of my family would be jeopardized if it werebreached. ─── 我祝愿在处理的最大机密 如果它是,这种交易作为我的工作和未来我家将被危害破坏。

86、Their corruptive practice has severely violated the interests of the people, defiled the image of the government, and jeopardized the social stability. ─── 但国家药监局至今没有给媒体和人民一个明了的说法!作为国家药品监督的最高权力机构,理应在第一时间作出说明!

87、Because it's their interests that are being jeopardized. ─── 因为他们的利益受到危害。

88、2)He jeopardized his fortune by making bad investments. ─── 他由于投资不当而危及自己的财产。

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