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09-21 投稿


lander 发音

英:[ˈlændər]  美:[ˈlændə(r)]

英:  美:

lander 中文意思翻译




lander 网络释义

n. 着陆器;出铁槽;把钩工人n. (Lander)人名;(丹)兰诺;(德、俄、西、捷、瑞典)兰德尔;(英)兰德

lander 反义词


lander 同义词

powerful | propertied | rich | wealthy | landowning | moneyed |bourgeois

lander 词性/词形变化,lander变形


lander 短语词组

1、Viking Lander Capsule ─── 海盗登陆器胶囊

2、bad lander ─── 坏着陆器

3、Viking Lander System ─── 海盗登陆系统

4、block lander ─── 块式着陆器

5、hi lander n.(Hilander) ─── 人名;(芬)希兰德

6、electric lander ─── 电动着陆器

7、automatic lander ─── 自动着陆器

8、Soft Lander Probe ─── 软着陆探测器

9、eric lander ─── 埃里克·兰德

10、lander module ─── 着陆器模块

11、front lander ─── 前着陆器

12、Viking Lander Imaging System ─── 海盗登陆器成像系统

13、green lander n. ─── 格陵兰人

14、soft-lander n. ─── 软着陆装置

15、air lander ─── 空中着陆器

16、auto lander ─── 自动着陆器

17、hernan lander ─── 国家

18、bug lander ─── 臭虫着陆器

19、new lander ─── 新着陆器

lander 常用词组

lunar lander ─── 登月飞行器

lander 相似词语短语

1、dander ─── n.头皮屑,羽毛屑;(非正式)发火;闲逛;v.漫步,闲逛;n.(Dander)(意、美、德、奥、波、英)丹德尔(人名)

2、gander ─── n.雄鹅;呆子;一瞥;vi.闲逛;n.(Gander)人名;(英、葡、匈、瑞典)甘德

3、landler ─── n.兰德勒舞曲;兰德勒舞(奥地利农村的民间舞)

4、Sander ─── n.打磨机;n.(Sander)(荷、瑞、挪、比)桑德尔(人名)

5、blander ─── adj.温和的;清淡的;没精打采的

6、Lander ─── n.着陆器;出铁槽;把钩工人;n.(Lander)人名;(丹)兰诺;(德、俄、西、捷、瑞典)兰德尔;(英)兰德

7、bander ─── n.打包机;打捆工,[包装]打捆机;n.(Bander)人名;(英、罗)班德尔;(法)邦代

8、landers ─── n.兰德斯(男子名)

9、slander ─── n.诽谤,中伤;v.诽谤,诋毁,造谣中伤

lander 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If true, this would indicate the largest volume of water ice outside of the Martian poles, much larger than the frozen puddles recently discovered by the Phoenix lander. ─── 如果假设成立,那就表明火星两极的巨大冰川比最近凤凰号着陆器发现的冰块大多了。

2、Design of impact isolating landing legs for microminiature lunar lander ─── 微小型月球着陆器冲击隔离着陆腿研究

3、Basically, China is looking for a good "parking space" for a moon lander, in a less-known area of the moon known as the Bay of Rainbows. ─── 基本上,中国是在一片较不为人知,名为“彩虹湾”的区域里寻找一处适合登月飞行器着陆的地点。

4、Team members had said Friday that photos showing the ground beneath the lander suggested the vehicle was resting on splotches of ice. ─── 小组人员周五称显示出着陆器下方地表的图片可能表明着陆器就正停在几块冰上。

5、But the bright spot highlighted in the inset is the Phoenix lander parachuting toward the surface. ─── 但突出在插图中的亮点就是正朝火星表面降落的凤凰号着陆器。

6、That failure prompted NASA to cancel a 2001 lander mission. ─── 失败促使航空航天局取消了2001年的着陆任务。

7、Viking Lander Capsule ─── 海盗登陆舱密封坐舱

8、A Novel Lunar Lander with Magnetic Damping of Eddy Current ─── 新型涡流磁阻尼月球着陆器

9、This 170-degree panorama, which includes the zigzag lip of the lander at bottom, was created using blue, green, and red filters. ─── 此170度全景图是通过蓝色、绿色和红色过滤器拍摄的。照片下边是此着陆车的锯齿形边缘。

10、Viking Lander Imaging System ─── 海盗登陆舱成像系统

11、Oh, they have @Lander's@ here with conditioner in it, is that OK? ─── 哦,这儿有蓝德士带护发素的,这个可以吗?

12、Mars lander "Beagle 2" ─── “猎兔犬2号”火星着陆器

13、soft lander ─── n. 软着陆装置

14、He left the cold black shadow of the lander and stepped into the blinding white light of the sun. ─── 他走出了登月舱寒冷、暗的阴影,迈入了眩目的白色阳光中。

15、Reread the case study about the Mars Polar Lander, and you'll see why this is the wrong approach. ─── 再读一遍火星极地登陆者的学习案例,您会发现为什么这样的想法是错误的。

16、NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander moments before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere. ─── 年,在火星极地登陆者号宇宙飞船进入火星大气前的瞬间,美国航空航天局失去了与其的无线电联系。

17、It took the astronauts more than three hours to complete the preparations for leaving the lander. ─── 宇航员用了三个多小时的时间才做好了离机前的准备。

18、The general business conditions of Lander are accepted by this signature. ─── 如您接受莱德公司的以下服务条款,请签字盖章予以确认。

19、WASHINGTON: Martian dirt was apparently good enough for asparagus to grow in, NASA scientists said yesterday as they announced the results of a soil analysis collected by the US Phoenix Mars lander. ─── 法新社华盛顿电:昨天美国宇航局在宣布“凤凰”号火星探测器采集的土壤分析结果时称,很显然,火星土壤非常适合种植芦笋。

20、top lander ─── 提升机工

21、D.The lander cannot communicate directly with Earth and relies on the two Nasa orbiters to send and receive data.2.When the craft arrived on Mars?A.The craft arrived early on Monday. ─── “火星勘测轨道飞行器”出现故障后,自动关闭超高频无线电通信,美国航空航天局27日一度失去对“凤凰”号的控制。

22、Phoenix Mars Lander: The low-cost NASA spacecraft will blast off toward the martian arctic in August to look for signs of life (present or past) in the ice that lies just beneath the Red Planet's surface. ─── 凤凰号火星探测器:这个低成本的美国宇航局飞船将于8月份抵达火星的北极,寻找该行星冰层下的生命迹象。

23、Each Viking lander's arsenal of scientific instruments included an experimenal package designed to look for signs of life. ─── 每艘海盗号着陆舱的科学仪器室里都有一套为寻找生命迹象而设计的实验装置。

24、Some areas immediately surrounding the lander would be designated a no-digging "natural preserve," Lemmon said. ─── 勒蒙说,靠近着陆器周围的一些地区被指定不挖而“自然保留”。

25、The new ace vehicle design uses shuttle rocket parts, an Apollo-style ca ule and a lander capable of carrying four people to the moon. ─── 新一代航天工具的设计采用了运载火箭部件、和“阿波罗”号类似的太空舱和一个能够搭载四名探月宇航员的登陆舱。

26、trolley lander ─── 滑轮降落装置

27、Another lander and orbiter are scheduled to be launched next year, but at least part of the mission is now in doubt. ─── 航天航空局计划明年再发射一架火星登陆车和一颗人造卫星,只是此计划中某环节仍悬而未决。

28、The Phoenix lander has now become the sixth NASA probe to land successfully on the planet. ─── 凤凰号现在成为NASA第六颗成功登陆火星的探测器,也是唯一装备火箭动力且软着陆的探测器。

29、Upper limit amplitude of lunar lander based on ADAMS software ─── 基于ADAMS平台的月球着陆器上限振幅研究

30、Finally, spacecraft commander Armstrong and NASA flight controllers agreed it was time to separate the lander module Eagle from the command module Columbia. ─── 最后,飞船指令长阿姆斯特朗和美国国家宇航局的航天操控者们同意此时将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号的指令舱分离。

31、Pictured above, a circular array of the Phoenix Lander's solar panels are visible on the left, while a scoop partly filled with Martian soil is visible on the right. ─── 在上面影像的左侧,可见到凤凰号登陆船的伞形太阳能板,而右侧则是装著半满火星土壤的铲子。

32、For a game of extraterrestrial Where's Waldo?, try spotting the lander in the full Apollo 11 image returned by the LRO. ─── 在一场有关外太空的游戏:“寻找沃尔多”中,你可以试着在11张由月球侦察卫星发回的所有关于阿波罗11号的图片上寻找着落器。

33、Orion will be paired with the lunar lander Altair. ─── 猎户座”会和“牛郎星”月球着陆装置协同工作。

34、The one snag on the lander happened when the protective sheath around the robotic arm didn't unwrap all the way after touchdown. ─── 唯一一个小问题就是登陆车的机械手臂的防护罩在找地的时候一直没有打开。

35、The outage occurred Tuesday in one of two NASA satellites circling Mars when a radio shut off before it could relay commands to the lander to get the 8-foot arm moving, Goldstein said. ─── 戈尔茨坦说,周二,绕火星飞行的美国航天局的两个卫星中的一个发生停电,当时,无线电在可以将命令传递给着陆器使 8 英尺的手臂动作之前关闭。

36、Then they began to prepare to launch the lander for the return flight to the orbiting command module. ─── 然后,他们开始准备发动登月舱起飞,返回正在绕月轨道上飞行的指令舱。

37、NASA hopes to find evidence for such theories by analyzing the ice contained in the soil of the red wasteland that the Mars Phoenix Lander touched down on. ─── 美国国家航空航天希望通过分析“凤凰”号火星探测器着陆的红色荒原土壤中所含的冰,找到支持这一理论的证据。

38、Each mission had a satellite designed to photograph the surface of Mars from orbit, and to act as a communication relay for the Viking lander that each mission carried. ─── 每次任务都发射一枚具备从火星轨道拍摄火星表面能力的人造卫星,同时充当与海盗登陆者进行联络的中间站。

39、Companies that have competed in the lunar lander challenge so far include Armadillo Aerospace, TrueZer0, Masten Space Systems, Unreasonable Rocket and BonNova. ─── 到目前为止参加登月飞行器挑战赛的公司包括ArmadilloAerospace,TrueZer0,MastenSpaceSystems,UnreasonableRocketandBonNova。

40、The Phoenix Mars lander confirmed a long-held belief that ice is under the surface in the planet's northern region. ─── “凤凰”号火星探测器证实了一个长期看法,火星北部地区地表下有冰。

41、Elementary Exploring for Technology of Microminiature Space Lander ─── 微小型航天着陆器技术初探

42、the Mars lander ─── 火星着陆器

43、Three months later, Nasa lost contract with its Polar Lander as it approached touchdown on the frozen South Pole of the planet. ─── 3个月后,航空航天局与其在火星冰冻的南极接近着陆的“极地登陆者”号探测器失去了联系。

44、The lander will study whether the landing site could have supported primitive life. ─── 探测器将会研究登陆的地方是否支持原始的生命出现。

45、Lunar Lander Precise Location and Safely Landing Technology ─── 月球着陆器精确定点及安全着陆技术研究

46、NASA on Saturday showed sharp images of what appeared to be ice exposed under the lander. ─── 周六,美国航天局展示了一些似乎是暴露在着陆器下方的冰的清晰图片。

47、A Nasa lander near the planet's north pole was scanning the sky with a laser when it noticed the telltale signs of snowfall. ─── 于火星北极作业的NASA登陆车在使用激光探测天空之时发现了下雪的迹象。

48、The lander's robotic arm started digging trenches in Martian soil after touching down near the planet's north pole on May 25, revealing a white substance that scientists had said was ice. ─── 5月25日探测器在火星北极附近降落后其机器手臂便开始在火星土壤上挖沟,科学家们认为暴露出的白色物质便是冰。

49、Indeed, understanding how Mars became so different from Earth will help geologists grapple with Earth's own history. The new lander missions will soon provide some of these clues. ─── 了解火星如何变得和地球如此不同,的确将能帮助地质学家了解地球的历史,新的登陆任务很快就会提供这些线索。

50、Steve also took time to observe the flight hardware while the Phoenix Lander was being constructed. ─── 史蒂夫还需要时间去观察飞行硬件而凤凰兰德正在建造。

51、Shanghai Shenjun new Lander : the plate, the obvious advantage of the industry leading potential good and deserves focused attention. ─── 上海新兰德申军:该板块中行业优势明显的龙头股潜力不俗,值得重点关注。

52、The pair form the state of Bremen, the tiniest of Germany's 16 lander. ─── 这对城市组成了不莱梅州,是联邦德国16个州里最小的一个。

53、Mars Probe Lander ─── 火星探测着陆舱

54、Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander. ─── 两年后,nasa折损了火星气象卫星和火星极地登陆者号。

55、Phoenix was built from a lander that was scrapped after the Polar Lander disaster. ─── “凤凰”号的建造基于极地登陆灾难发生后用拆卸部件组装的登陆器。

56、He left the cold black shadow of the lander and stepped into the blinding white light of the sun. ─── 他走出了登月舱寒冷、黑暗的阴影,迈入了眩目的白色阳光中。

57、Cameras strapped on either side of Viking 1's lander helped scientists calculate distances on the surprisingly Earthlike surface of the red planet. ─── 捆在海盗1号另一边的相机帮助科学家来计算此红色行星上的地表距离。

58、The only other time NASA searched for chemical signs of life was during the Viking missions.Neither lander found conclusive evidence of life. ─── 太空总署唯一另外一次去寻找是否有化学生命迹象,是在出维京任务时,但当时登陆器并未发现有生命的确证。

59、automatic lander ─── 入位装置自动吊挂机

60、Nothing seems to be wrong with the dirt delivery by the lander's robot arm, said William Boynton of the University of Arizona in Tucson, who is overseeing the oven experiments. ─── 位于图森的亚利桑那大学的威兼*波恩顿先生一直监视着炉子试验,他说登陆器的自动臂运送土壤似乎没有任何问题。

61、After a historic, near perfect landing NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is getting ready to begin testing the polar surface for signs of water and life. ─── 在一场历史性,接近完美的降落后,NASA的凤凰火星号探测器已经开始准备对火星表面测试水和生命的迹象。

62、Viking Lander System ─── 海盗着陆舱系统

63、On Saturday, the lander tested its robotic arm and, pressing the scoop against the soil, produced a footlike impression that the scientists named Yeti. ─── 上周六,探测器测试了它的机械臂,把掘铲压近土壤,划出了科学家们称之为“Yeti”(雪人)的压迹。

64、Photographs taken four days apart show dice-size particles of material disappear from a shallow trench dug by the Phoenix Mars Lander. ─── 照片是由四天的时间拍摄拼合起来的,照片中显示方形小颗粒在凤凰号火星探测船挖的浅沟中会消失。

65、Experimental researches on buffer characteristics of lunar lander with three legs ─── 三支撑月球着陆器缓冲性能试验研究

66、Another orbiter, Mars Odyssey, periodically flew over the lander's location and tuned in to any potential radio communications. ─── “奥德赛”号火星探测器多次飞越“凤凰”号所处区域上空,收集任何可能的无线电通信。

67、The Phoenix Mars Lander blasted off before dawn Saturday, hurtling through the clear moonlit sky aboard an unmanned Delta rocket. ─── 凤凰号火星着陆升空拂晓周六,电冰箱明确月色天空一架无人驾驶三角洲火箭。

68、A notable example in a case involving DNA was United States v. Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander. ─── 涉及到DNA证据的一个很著名的案件是United States v. Yee,eric Lander是该案的专家证人.

69、Experimental Researches on Impact Characteristics of Damping Materials used in Lunar Lander ─── 月球着陆器用阻尼材料冲击性能试验

70、And the lander or chorer check to understand ─── 智者和愚人在寻找真理

71、Lander is a small, lightweight, maneuverable machine designed for tight above and below ground flying, controlled through a set of thrusters on the corners and a single main engine on its belly. ─── “登陆者”是一种轻小灵便的机器,可以在角部的一组推进器和腹部的一个主引擎的控制之下进行紧贴地面的飞行。

72、, shouted Steve as the lander quickly faded from view beneath the rapidly ascending perchlorate powered egg. ─── ” ,高喊史蒂夫的着陆迅速消失从视图下方的高氯酸盐迅速上升动力蛋。

73、On the far side of the Moon, out of communication with mission controllers, the Eagle moon lander separated from the Apollo command module. ─── 在月球的另外一端,与任务指挥者无法联系到得地方,老鹰月球探测器是阿波罗所需要的组件中的一部分。

74、NASA says fresh images from the Phoenix Mars Lander show most of its science instruments are in good shape. ─── NASA发表了来自火星登陆车凤凰号新的图像,这些图像表明登陆车的大部分科学设备状况良好。

75、Experimental investigation on mechanical property of metal rubber used in Lunar Lander in high or low temperature ─── 月球着陆器用金属橡胶高低温力学性能试验研究

76、Galitski T, Saldanha AJ, Styles CA, Lander ES, Fink GR. Ploidy regulation of gene expression. Science, 1999, 285(5425), 251?254. ─── 杨继,顾红雅.查尔酮合酶超家族基因重复和分化的样式.科学通报,2006,51(7):745?749.

77、An unmanned Delta rocket blasted off from Florida before dawn, carrying the Phoenix Mars Lander. ─── 一艘未命名的三角洲(德尔塔)火箭捆绑了菲尼克斯(凤凰要比音译好很多吧?)

78、The second mission, for which the ISRO and Russian Federal Space Agency have already signed a pact, would feature a lander and a rover for a soft land on moon. ─── ISRO已经和俄罗斯联邦空间局签署了有关第二次探月任务的合同书,合同书中包括了为在月球进行软着陆准备的着陆器和漫游车。

79、Right now, NASA's Phoenix Lander is using a scoop to dig on Mars. ─── 此时此刻,美国国家航空航天管理局的“凤凰”号着陆器正在利用一把铲子在火星上挖掘。

80、Before deploying the Surface Stereo Imager to take these images, the lander waited about 15 minutes for the dust to settle. ─── 在“表面立体相机”展开拍摄这些图片前,着陆器等待了大约15分钟等尘埃安定下来。

81、"It then deployed instruments, including Sojourner, a small, six-wheeled robotic rover, which explored as far as 1,600 ft (500 m) from the lander and sent pictures Back for over a month." ─── 接着部署仪器,漫游者是小型的六轮车,探索离登陆船500公尺远的地方,送回照片时间长达一个月以上。

82、Earlier this month Masten Space Systems (of Mojave, California) replicated Armadillo's efforts with a lander called Xombie, qualifying for the second prize ($150,000). ─── 本月初,马斯腾空间系统公司(位于加州的莫哈韦)设计的“Xombie号”着陆器在同一赛事上获得二等奖(150,000美元)。

83、A few months later, another Nasa spacecraft, the Mars Polar Lander (MPL), was lost near the planet's South Pole. ─── 几个月以后,另一个美国宇航局的宇宙飞船,火星“太阳号”登陆者在火星的南极失事。

84、The analysis is based on a cubic centimetre of soil scooped up by the lander's robotic arm and introduced into one of its eight ovens, where it was gradually heated to 1000C. ─── 探测器机器手臂在火星上挖掘了一立方厘米土壤并将其放入烤炉,在那里逐渐被加热到摄氏千度。在此基础上对土壤做出分析。

85、unar lander ─── 月球着陆器

86、Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander, a mathematician-turned-geneticist, as an expert witness to supplement the seventeen expert witnesses called by the prosecution and defense. ─── Yee,eric Lander是该案的专家证人,他原来是数学家,后来成为一名遗传学家,它负责补充其他由控方和辩方召集的17个专家证人的证言。

87、The Phoenix Mars Lander blasted off before dawn, precisely on time, hurtling through the clear moonlit sky aboard an unmanned Delta rocket. ─── 凤凰号火星着陆升空破晓前,正是时候,奔跑通过明确月色天空一架无人驾驶三角洲火箭。

88、An objective of the Phoenix Mars Lander mission is to search for ice (frozen water) in the shallow subsurface of Mars. ─── 凤凰号的一个任务就是在火星上找到冰(固态的水),而这些冰应该存在在火星的地表浅层。

89、An Experimental Method for Simulating Lunar Lander Low Gravitation Landing ─── 一种模拟月球着陆器低重力着陆试验方法

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