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09-21 投稿


Merovingian 发音


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Merovingian 中文意思翻译




Merovingian 网络释义

n. 梅罗文加王朝的王adj. 梅罗文加王朝的

Merovingian 词性/词形变化,Merovingian变形


Merovingian 短语词组

1、merovingian fibulae ─── 梅罗文吉安腓骨

2、merovingian king ─── 梅罗文吉安国王

3、Merovingian dynasty ─── [网络] 墨洛温王朝;梅罗文加王朝;墨洛温皇朝

Merovingian 相似词语短语

1、Carolingian ─── adj.(与)法国卡洛林王朝(有关)的;卡洛林小草书体的;n.卡洛林王朝的人

2、Carlovingians ─── 雕刻师。

3、Merovingians ─── 莫洛温人

4、Carolingians ─── 卡洛林王朝

5、meropidan ─── 梅罗普丹

6、Merovingian ─── n.梅罗文加王朝的王;adj.梅罗文加王朝的

7、Carlovingian ─── adj.加洛林王朝(法兰克王国的第二个王朝)的;n.法国卡洛林王朝的人

8、Beringia ─── n.白令陆桥

9、meridian ─── n.子午线,经线;中医经脉;顶点;adj.子午线的,经线的;最高点的

Merovingian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、this, each player has to choose a side—they can opt for Zion (pro-human forces), the Machines (the forces against humans) or the Merovingian (a side working solely for itself). ─── 为了达成这个,每个玩家都要选择一个角色,可以是支持人类或者反对人类的机器或者只为他自己的梅罗文加王朝族。

2、He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly. ─── 他叫梅若夫君,而他不会轻易放走解琐匠。

3、And there is at Peteghem, in Flanders, at the very spot where the Merovingian kings had their summer palace, a convent of Urbanists, the Abbey of Sainte Claire en Beaulieu, which I saved in 1793. ─── 在佛兰德的比特罕地方,正在墨洛温王朝夏宫的旧址上,有一座乌尔班派的寺院,就是波里尔的圣克雷修道院,那是我在一七九三年救出来的。

4、in Flanders, at the very spot where the Merovingian kings had their summer palace, a convent of Urbanists, the Abbey of Sainte Claire en Beaulieu, which I saved in 1793. ─── 在佛兰德的比特罕地方,正在墨洛温王朝夏宫的旧址上,有一座乌尔班派的寺院,就是波里尔的圣克雷修道院,那是我在一七九三年救出来的。

5、And, indeed, I found plenty of charm in these bright projections, which seemed to have come straight out of a Merovingian past, and to shed around me the reflections of such ancient history. ─── 我们的世界似乎就是由惯性和推动力所构成,这两者的竞争使得一切是那么的丰富多彩。

6、In some versions of history, Magdalene is viewed as the mother of the Merovingian Dynasty. Mary Magdalene was the redeemed sinner who was the first to see Christ after his Resurrection. ─── 在一些版本的历史里面,抹大拉被认为是法国梅罗文加王朝之母,玛丽亚抹大拉在耶稣复活后第一眼看见了耶稣,赎回了她的罪。

7、Merovingian n.;adj. n. ─── (法国的)梅罗文加王朝之王;

8、In some versions of history, Magdalene is viewed as the mother of the Merovingian Dynasty.Mary Magdalene was the redeemed sinner who was the first to see Christ after his Resurrection. ─── 在一些版本的历史里面,抹大拉被认为是法国梅罗文加王朝之母,玛丽亚抹大拉在耶稣复活后第一眼看见了耶稣,赎回了她的罪。

9、He was the illegitimate son of Pepin of Herstal, a mayor of the palace who governed parts of the Frankish realm at a time when the Merovingian kings ruled in name only. ─── 他是宫相丕平(Pepin of Herstal)的私生子,当时控制了法兰克王国的部分领土,梅罗文加王朝的国王已有名无实。

10、“So what does this preliminary study show of the differences between the Merovingian iron industry and those of the Iron Age, Roman, and medieval periods? It is not in quality." ─── 你是说你爷爷做猪都不配吗?哈哈哈哈!因为猪是你什么人早就说了呀,哈哈哈哈!

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