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09-21 投稿


lacklustre 发音


英:  美:

lacklustre 中文意思翻译



lacklustre 网络释义

adj. 无光泽的;无生气的n. 无光泽;无生气

lacklustre 词性/词形变化,lacklustre变形

动词过去式: lackeyed |动词第三人称单数: lackeys |动词过去分词: lackeyed |名词复数: lackeys |动词现在分词: lackeying |

lacklustre 相似词语短语

1、delustre ─── v.消去织物的光泽

2、blacklisted ─── n.黑名单;vt.将…列入黑名单

3、blacklists ─── n.黑名单;vt.将…列入黑名单

4、blacklisters ─── n.黑名单(blacklist的变形)

5、blacklist ─── n.黑名单;vt.将…列入黑名单

6、aplustres ─── 掌声

7、aplustre ─── 无光泽的

8、blacklister ─── n.黑名单(blacklist的变形)

9、lackluster ─── adj.无光泽的;无趣味的;单调的;枯燥乏味的;n.无光泽;黯淡

lacklustre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Brian McClair's side ultimately paid the penalty for a lacklustre first half, which ensured that their efforts after the interval ultimately proved fruitless. ─── 由于在上半场的糟糕表现,麦克克莱尔所带领的曼联预备队吞下了失利的恶果,尽管在下半场小伙子们的表现很活跃,但却没有办法改变失败的命运。

2、And the countryside is finally playing a part: after six years of lacklustre growth, rural incomes rose by 12.5% in the first half. ─── 六年的停滞后,农民收入在今年上半年增长了12.5%。

3、The FTIR spctra of biogenic vaterite minerals from the freshwater-cultured lacklustre pearls(FCLP) and eggshells of apple snail(EAS) were measured and analysed. ─── 淡水无光珍珠及苹果蜗牛卵壳中六方碳钙石的FTIR光谱各特征吸收带的波数位置基本相同,但它们的FTIR谱图样式特别是一些吸收带的相对强度有明显的变化。

4、Some bars and restaurants say business is lacklustre too. ─── 一些酒吧和餐厅也表示生意一般。

5、Or, as the story is often told, the brilliant Admiral Barbarossa and his largely Ottoman fleet effectively carried their lacklustre French allies along as they fought their victorious campaign. ─── 或者就像故事说得那样,杰出的海军司令巴巴罗萨和他庞大的奥斯曼舰队成功地带领着他们死气沉沉的法国盟军打了一场大获全胜的战役。

6、They have been pulled up by strong demand in Asia, but weighed down by lacklustre consumption in the US and Europe. ─── 它们受到亚洲强劲需求的支持,但也受到美国和欧洲疲软消费的拖累。

7、Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon has blasted his Italy teammates after last night's lacklustre 3-1 friendly defeat in Hungary. ─── 尤文图斯门将布冯在以一场不光彩的1:3负于匈牙利的友谊赛后,抨击了他的队友。

8、With Villa looking so lacklustre in front of goal at the moment I fancy a 2-0 win with man of the moment El Nino to bag a brace! ─── 现在看来,维拉在门前并无耀眼的光芒,而我猜想利物浦在托雷斯的带领下可以2-0取胜。

9、But analysts say the lacklustre performance of the parliamentary opposition had lulled the government into a sense of complacency and they had underestimated popular discontent. ─── 但是分析人士说,议会反对派的平淡表现使政府产生了自满情绪,低估了民众的不满。

10、Burdisso has been linked with Fiorentina, PSG and Villareal this summer after a lacklustre campaign last season and Mourinho is keen to stamp his authority on the Nerazzurri. ─── 布尔迪索上赛季表现平平,被传有可能转会佛罗伦萨、巴黎圣日尔曼或者比利亚雷亚尔,而穆里尼奥则希望得到更多的旧部,巩固自己对球队的统治权。

11、Lampard is not panicking about Chelsea's lacklustre recent run and believes they can still reel in United. ─── 兰帕德对近几轮的不足并不感到害怕,而且相信他们仍旧能在联赛中名列前茅。

12、As dangerously picky eaters and notoriously lacklustre lovers China's giant pandas are used to living life under the threat of extinction. ─── 前略)中国大猫熊习惯于生存在濒临绝种的危机当中.

13、If the government's proposed spending reforms were lacklustre, its tax reforms were more promising. ─── 如果说政府提议的开支改革缺乏生气,它的税务改革将更有前途。

14、Now that such spending is needed to help to prop up the lacklustre domestic economy, a push to remove the bottlenecks that constrain ODA disbursement should become increasingly evident. ─── 现在,越南需要这种支出来辅助刺激萎靡的国内经济,于是推动移除抑制政府发展援助支付瓶颈将愈显必要。

15、Some argue that the unprecedented actions by the Fed are filling in for a lacklustre performance by the Congress and the administration, especially in light of the uproar over the AIG bonuses. ─── 一些人提出,美联储的空前之举是在弥补国会和政府的平淡表现,特别是在美国国际集团奖金事件引起喧嚣的情况下。

16、For Saks, which has reported lacklustre performance at its Saks Fifth Avenuechain, Chinarepresents a growth opportunity and fresh revenue stream. ─── 萨克斯曾宣布,其萨克斯第五大道连锁店业绩平平。对该公司而言,中国代表着增长机遇和新的收入流。

17、It was a lacklustre display by Sharapova, who has reached at least the fourth round on all five of her previous visits to the All England Club. ─── 这是莎拉波娃的最差表现,在前五次她的温布尔登之旅中都至少进入了第四轮。

18、Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez has recently been tipped to take over at Juve with current boss Ciro Ferrera severely under pressure after a number of lacklustre displays. ─── 利物浦主教练最近已经缠上接手尤文图斯的传言,而目前主教练费拉拉在一系列败绩备受压力。

19、A few corners are far from door window or furniture, radial dark and gloomy, this kind of corner drab, drab, fine long hair is lacklustre, often be called blind angle. ─── 一些角落远离门窗或家具,光线晦暗,这种角落单调、乏味、毫无生气,常被称为死角。

20、Mr Hsieh owes his victory partly to the frustration of DPP members with Mr Chen's lacklustre performance. ─── 谢长廷将他的胜利部分归功于党员们对于陈总统平庸表现的失望。

21、Despite playing, Bent was starved of service in a lacklustre first half. ─── 虽然参赛了,本特在沉闷的上半场还是没得到太多支援。

22、Japanese exports to China increased by a more lacklustre 6.4% compared with the previous year's 27.2%.But public disdain for Japanese products appears to have played little part in this. ─── 日本对华出口则增加了6.4%多点,和去年27.2%相比显得暗无光泽。

23、At least one of them may be a pressing desire to make a tabloid-friendly splash, to dispel the lacklustre impression created by the calamities of the past few weeks. ─── 至少,他的某个动机可能是急迫想要让该计划成为小报的头条新闻,以消散过去几周里的不幸事件所造成的恶性影响。

24、I hadn't seen children with distended bellies and lacklustre eyes. ─── 我没有见到肚子鼓起,两眼无神的孩子。

25、Disease: Color of skin not all, lacklustre, macula of facial occurrence red. ─── 病症:肤色不均,无光泽,面部出现红色斑疹。

26、Virtually every measure of wage growth has been accelerating, although increases in productivity have been lacklustre. ─── 事实上在所有标准下,工资增葬都在提速,尽管生产力的增加却缺乏动力。

27、Underlining the lacklustre performance of the PS3, Sony said the operating loss of its games unit had more than doubled to Y96.7bn ($857m) in the third quarter compared with the same period last year. ─── 索尼指出,与上年同期相比,其游戏部门在第三季度的运营损失已经增加一倍以上,达到967亿日元(合8.57亿美元),凸显出PS3游戏机不尽人意的业绩。

28、He has already been blamed for his party's lacklustre performance during the election campaign. ─── 他已经因为自己的党在选举中的不活跃表现而受到了谴责。

29、There are many other explanations for the lacklustre response to the glaring price signal. ─── 石油供给方对于闪烁的价格信号反应迟钝,有着很多别的原因。

30、Anxious people who have mortgages, overdrafts and a hard-earned lifestyle to maintain are likely to be in for months of disturbed nights' sleep and drowsy, lacklustre days. ─── 那些焦虑的人们,进行了抵押贷款、拥有过度透支或者要维持辛辛苦苦获得的生活方式,有可能受到长达几个月折磨,夜晚睡眠不稳,白天无精打采。

31、Some bars and restaurants say business is lacklustre too. ─── 一些酒吧和餐馆说他们的生意很一般。

32、lacklustre hair ─── 无光泽的头发

33、England have been lambasted for their lacklustre performances so far, but Valente said that was no reason for Luiz Felipe Scolari's men to relax. ─── 虽然英格兰一直因发挥平平备受批责,但瓦伦特说这对斯科拉里麾下的球员来说不是放松警惕的理由。

34、Having led the Championship after his victory in last month's Monaco Grand Prix, Hamilton's recent lacklustre form has seen him slip to fourth in the standings. ─── 在上个月赢得摩纳哥大奖赛后,汉密尔顿曾经领跑车手排行榜。但是最近的不良状态使得他的排位下滑到了第四位。

35、American households remain saddled with debt, and businesses seem reluctant to invest at home in the face of a lacklustre consumer. ─── 美国的千家万户正债务缠身,而且商业部门似乎不太愿意投资国内,死气沉沉的国内消费需求已使他们心凉不已。

36、The HSBC reading was the lowest in a year, reflecting relatively lacklustre demand in domestic and foreign markets. ─── 汇丰中国制造业PMI为一年内最低,反映出国内外市场需求相对疲弱。

37、Chances continued to come against a lacklustre Norway and Campbell had two further opportunities but fired wide and then shot over the bar. ─── 机会一个接一个,坎贝尔还有2个机会。可惜一个打偏,一个击中门框。

38、Nevertheless, the quality of Hong Kong music is still uninspiring, with manufactured pop, formulaic ballads and lacklustre covers ruling the roost. ─── 不过,香港音乐的素质还是令人无法领教,粗制滥造的流行歌、老掉牙的情歌以及死板的口水歌仍旧当道。

39、In two successive state elections this year, lacklustre conservative candidates who many Germans considered political lightweights won victories over respected rivals on the left. ─── 在今年连续两场州级选举中,几名不显眼、被许多德国人视为政坛小角色的保守派候选人,却击败备受敬重的左派对手,赢得胜利。

40、Disease: Fingernail hair is yellow, pale, lacklustre, flimsy, crack easily. ─── 病症:指甲发黄,变暗,无光泽,脆弱,易裂。

41、Although you think what sweep in former years ambitiously lacklustre, but the movement that forces oneself to begin high strength instantly is not a good method. ─── 这一个月佳节不断,让人非常兴奋。你要预备给家人买礼物,给客户送礼物,制订新年出游计划,时间安排得满满的。

42、The computer-maker faces lacklustre profits, a volatile share price, a costly product recall, defecting executives and an investigation of its accounts by American regulators. ─── 这个电脑生产商所面临的是极低的利润,波动的股价,损失惨重的召回,失误的主管以及由美国管理者对其账户展开的调查。

43、Hamasaki said the weaker outlooks from the shipping firms was not a big surprise considering lacklustre market conditions in April-June. ─── Hamasaki称,鉴于4-6月迟滞的市场环境,船运企业财测不佳也并非出人意料。

44、The one thing that prevented the nine-member policy board from recommending a rate increase was the lacklustre spending by consumers, reflected in the waning confidence of the big retailers. ─── 但是消费支出却仍然毫无起色,其反映就是大型零售商们的信心一降再降,而这是唯一可能让9名成员组成的董事会放弃升息的影响因素。

45、Before people habit affixes big white or other monochromatic ceramic tile with kitchen and other places between Wei Yu, appeared lacklustre. ─── 以往人们习惯在卫浴间和厨房等地贴上大片白色或其他单色瓷砖,显得了无生气。

46、In a country known for its outstanding computer-services entrepreneurs and hidebound, lacklustre government, this was an exciting recruitment. ─── 对拥有杰出的计算机企业家、但政府却是顽固守旧、毫无生气的印度来说,这项人事任命让国民振奋。

47、For Saks, which has reported lacklustre performance at its Saks Fifth Avenue chain, China represents a growth opportunity and fresh revenue stream. ─── 萨克斯曾宣布,其萨克斯第五大道连锁店业绩平平。对该公司而言,中国代表着增长机遇和新的收入流。

48、"It wasn't a lacklustre performance, it wasn't a team that rolled over and accepted the defeat. ─── “我们表现不差,我们不是一支轻易接受失败的球队。

49、He aims to receive 3,000 a day, which would be a useful boost to Taiwan's lacklustre economy. ─── 他的目标是每天接纳3000名游客,这将有助推动疲软的台湾经济复苏。

50、The skin is coarse lacklustre, the hair is dark yellow, limply. How should I do? ─── 皮肤粗糙无光泽,头发暗黄,四肢无力。我该怎么办?

51、a lacklustre performance/campaign ─── 枯燥乏味的表演;死气沉沉的运动

52、Strong growth in the US economy contrasting with a lacklustre performance in Europe point to an increasing imbalance between the major industrial economies. ─── 美国经济继续强劲增长,但欧洲经济表现则相对逊色,主要工业经济体系失衡状况严重。

53、He's words seemed to be taking effect yesterday as Chinese shooting squad spent a lacklustre day. ─── 这句话在昨天的射击比赛中得到了同样的验证。

54、The accomodation of the lacklustre Ballack, then the absence of midfield linchpin Michael Essien,who spent two months at centre back covering for the injured John Terry were factors. ─── 了无气愤的巴拉克需要适应,然后为了填补受伤的约翰.的中卫位置而缺阵中场达两个月之久的关键人物迈克尔.埃辛都是原因。

55、World champion Kimi Raikkonen is confident the Jerez test has been useful for Ferrari, given his and the Italian team's lacklustre showing last weekend. ─── 对于世界杯赛Kimi Raikkonen确信Jerez的测试对于法拉利是有用的,上周末给予他以及意大利车队展示。

56、Lacklustre growth is the main problem. ─── 不景气是主要问题。

57、Pays the price for lacklustre pre-season ─── 无光泽前季节的薪资价格

58、Arsenal fans were outraged by Adebayor's lacklustre performance at Old Trafford in the Champions League semi final first leg. His second leg performance wasn't much better. ─── 阿森纳球迷对在老特拉福德进行的欧冠半决赛首回合中阿德巴约毫无生气的表现非常气愤,当然,他在次回合中的表现也好不到哪里去。

59、Data becomes every finally to be propped up decision-makingly, this brings about company writing brush lacklustre, cannot make any bold designs decide. ─── 数据最终成为每项决策的支撑,这导致公司毫无生气、不能作出任何大胆的设计决定。

60、BMW Sauber, meanwhile, will also be aiming to make up ground, after their lacklustre showing in France. ─── 宝马-索伯,同时,希望在经历了落寞的法国大奖赛后获得提高。

61、His lacklustre attorney-general Alberto Gonzales, who was forced to resign in disgrace, was only the most visible of an army of over-promoted, ideologically vetted homunculi. ─── 降低资本收益所得税将潜在支撑一个逐渐壮大的“投资家阶级”,而他们更倾向于投票给共和党。

62、Sven-Goran Eriksson's men have booked their ticket for Germany but have come under fire for a string of lacklustre performances on the way. ─── 埃里克森的球员们已经订好了前往德国的机票,但由于一系列并不出彩的表演让他们一直收到攻击。

63、63. They hoped to remedy their lacklustre performance by a few changes in personnel. ─── 他们希望做若干人事调动来改进毫无起色的工作表现。

64、with a dull look in one's eyes; with lacklustre eyes ─── 两眼滞呆

65、The lacklustre showing of his two opponents has helped him. ─── 他的两个对手表现平庸可谓也助了他一臂之力。

66、Lacklustre sales in the developed world need a lift, he says. ─── 他说,(可口可乐)在发达国家的销售业绩乏善可陈,需要加强。

67、He believes investor concern about the scandals is the main reason for the group's lacklustre stock price over the past couple of years. ─── 他认为,在过去几年,公司股价表现低迷的主要原因在于投资者对花旗丑闻的担心。

68、Although services exports have been lacklustre, the OBR reckons that this weakness will not persist. ─── 虽然服务业出口状况死气沉沉,预算责任部认为这种弱势不会持久。

69、The 26-year-old Newcastle United forward has been substituted in both of England's games in Germany to date and attracted some criticism for his lacklustre displays. ─── 26岁的纽卡斯尔前锋在两场比赛中均被换下场,并且他的低迷状态遭到了大家的批评。

70、Japan is lacklustre as confidence remains somewhat fragile.However, there is little risk of Japan falling back into recession. ─── 日本表现暗淡主要是因为信心还是疲弱,但日本再次进入经济衰退的机会不大。

71、This wondeful intensive care antioxidant high serum provides the perfect antidote for tired, lacklustre skin. Boost your skins radiance with this Manuka Honey Serum. ─── 这种加强型的抗氧化乳清对与疲劳并且缺乏光泽的皮肤提供着一种近乎完美矫正修饰作用。他能够提高你皮肤的质量使之容光焕发。

72、While working at the pushcart, I realize that my past failures as a lacklustre festive greeting cards peddler or an under performing telemarketer actually helped in improving my sales instinct! ─── 在用手推车叫卖的时候,我意识到我过去作为一个平庸节日问候卡商贩和表现欠佳的电话销售员的失败经历确实帮主我提高了我的销售本能!

73、His lacklustre record as vice-president and before that as governor of Bayelsa state suggests, alas, that this would be his instinct. ─── 副总统时期的他政绩平淡无奇,甚至追溯到作为巴耶尔萨州州长期间也是如此,这些经历证明,乔纳森也许是天性使然。

74、Barclays Capital said the lacklustre buying was the result of the reserve price being set at market prices. ─── 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)表示,低迷的买盘是储备铜价格设定在市场价格的结果。

75、A lack of business innovation has long been recognised as one of the structural weaknesses behind the lacklustre economic performance of one of the world's most expensive countries. ─── 日本的消费水平在世界上名列前茅,但长久以来,日本缺少创业精神被视为一大结构性缺陷。这是日本经济业绩乏善可陈一大原因。

76、Despite his lacklustre performance against Liverpool, the 27-year-old is a genuine contender to be voted PFA player of the season. ─── 意甲的米兰和国米都对维迪奇有兴趣,但维迪奇的经纪人表示意大利俱乐部并没有足够的财力收购维迪奇。

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