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09-21 投稿


bra 发音

英:[brɑː]  美:[brɑ]

英:  美:

bra 中文意思翻译



bra 网络释义

n. 胸罩n. (Bra)人名;(科特)布拉

bra 词性/词形变化,bra变形


bra 短语词组

1、car bra = bra (2)

2、beach bra ─── 沙滩文胸

3、brabra ─── 文胸 ─── 文胸

4、e bra abbr.(EBRA) ─── 欧洲大脑研究区(EuropeanBrainResearchArea);一种骨科中使用的测量方法(Einzel-Bild-Roentgen-Analysis)n.(美、伊朗、沙特、土、瑞典、澳、加、英、印)埃卜拉(人名)

5、go bra go ─── 文胸

6、bra k n.(Brak) ─── 人名;(捷)布拉克

7、nude bra ─── 隐形文胸

8、fancy bra ─── 花式文胸

9、brabrabra ─── 文胸 ─── 文胸 ─── 文胸

10、co bra n.(Cobra) ─── 人名;(西)科夫拉;(法、意、葡)科布拉n.眼镜蛇;(澳)头颅

11、ck bra ck ─── 文胸

12、g bra g ─── 文胸

13、air bra air ─── 文胸

14、base bra ─── [化] 基左矢

15、auto bra = bra (2)

16、bra plus ─── 文胸升级版

17、brabrabra ─── 好的文胸文胸。

18、body bra ─── 紧身胸罩

19、chicken cutlets bra ─── 鸡排文胸

bra 相似词语短语

1、brad ─── n.[建]曲头钉;角钉;vt.用无头钉固定;n.(Brad)人名;(英、罗)布拉德

2、bora ─── n.[气象]布拉风(吹袭亚德里亚海沿岸的季节性东北冷风);澳洲土人男孩成人仪式;n.(Bora)人名;(德、意、罗、塞、印、土、柬、冈、匈)博拉;(马达)布拉

3、brak ─── n.(Brak)人名;(捷)布拉克

4、bras ─── n.胸罩;汽车保险罩(bra的复数);n.(Bras)(葡)布拉斯(人名)

5、brap ─── 吹牛

6、-bra ─── n.胸罩;n.(Bra)人名;(科特)布拉

7、brae ─── n.斜坡;山坡

8、bran ─── n.麸,糠;n.(Bran)人名;(西、俄、意、罗、瑞典)布兰;(法)布朗

9、brag ─── v.吹牛,吹嘘;夸耀;n.布莱格牌戏(一种简化扑克);吹牛,自夸;adj.卓越的;一流的(非正式);n.(Brag)(乌、美、瑞、丹、德)布拉格(人名)

bra 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shelf Bra Essentially a rigid band, usually underwires, along the inframammary line that pushes up while covering none, or only a narrow strip, of the breast. ─── 一般只有一条带状穿过下胸部起承托作用。有钢圈设计,没有杯面或者杯面的面积很好。可以做情趣内衣用或者穿在小背心下面做打底用。

2、Once I pulled out a bra at a restaurant trying to find my wallet. ─── 有一次我在饭店为了找我的钱包把文胸拿了出来。

3、She was wearing a white, see-through blouse, a red bra showing beneath. ─── 她穿着一件白色透明的衬衫,里面的红色胸罩透了出来。

4、Monica: Wow, really? One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open. ─── 哇,真的?有一次他只看了我的胸罩一眼,它就自己嘣开了。

5、She wears a `D cup, ie size of bra. ─── 她戴罩杯尺寸为D的胸罩.

6、Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the “bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled. ─── 去年,在与中国政府就非成衣纺织品达成一项带有贸易保护主义色彩的协议后,他也意识到自己在那场“胸罩战争”中吃了败仗。

7、However, we can comment this charming female singer this way: she drove the whole American females, all of them, to liberate the six-inch skin between the bra and the waistband. ─── 不过,我们可以这样评论这位迷人的女歌星:她推动了全美国女性解放她们文胸以下、腰带上面那六英寸的肌肤,老少胖瘦无一例外。

8、The bra of the epitaph with the function of leases is also rare. ─── 其铭兼地契这种墓志形式也十分罕见。

9、An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic red bra strap. Hand washable. W:3/8", L:18". ─── 可调节钻石心型扣和经典的红色胸罩肩带。可手洗。宽:3/8寸,长:18寸。

10、Hotel guests will be, at the northeast corner of the room, Chi Shu Chi bed, Kouji woman lying in bed, a bra, briefs, stockings, a condom only. ─── 会宾客酒店,于房间之东北角,置数尺大床,口技女卧大床中,一胸罩、一三角裤、一丝袜、一安全套而已。

11、You got Paris in a new sports bra. ─── 你穿着一对新的运动胸罩就拥有了巴黎。

12、At one point, Marlee had to take off my bra, or take off her bra, or whatever. ─── 在那时,Marlee必须脱掉我的胸围,或者她的胸围,或者随便吧。

13、Do not use patching solution on other object except Beauty Bra. ─── 修补液只能用在修补隐形胸罩,不能使用在其他物体上。

14、These ligaments are stretched as breasts bounce during exercise, and will lose elasticity unless they are adequately protected by a bra. ─── 当 乳 房 在 运 动 中 弹 跳 的 时 候 , 这 些 韧 带 就 会 被 拉 紧,如 果 得 不 到 胸 衣 的 充 分 保 护 , 它 们 就 会 丧 失 弹 性 。

15、A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor. ─── 一件胸罩和一条短内裤放在地板上。

16、Do I Really need that 1 million boob Bra? ─── 一个罩杯100万?女人怎样才快乐?

17、She unhooked her bra. ─── 她解开了胸罩。

18、While the rest of the lingerie market seemed to get slinkier by the day, the sports bra was left on the shelf by designers. ─── 今 天 女 性 内 衣 市 场 上 的 其 他 商 品 已 变 得 苗 条 了 , 而 运 动 内 衣 却 被 设 计 师 们 束 之 高 阁 。

19、Hot selling bra set, with removeable bra strap. ─── 可爱甜心内衣套!罩杯偏软肩带可拆卸哦!

20、An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic black bra strap. Hand washable. W:3/8", L:18". ─── 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的黑色胸罩肩带上。可手洗。宽:3/8寸,长:18寸。

21、Grandma: Look how my little baby girl has grown up. Why, have you started wearing a bra? ─── 外婆:哦!瞧我的小丫头已经长的这么大了。怎吗?你已经开始带胸罩了。

22、Ami continues to lose body parts and replac[e] them with more weapons [apparently including a drill bra (doriru bura)]. ─── 如果爱网站作为爱情专家,与蛇共舞,与美女同居,然而不写美女蛇的故事,实在有失妥当。

23、The world market will prove that the BMR offset negative role of bra, have a great sales match bra! ─── 世界市场将会证明这个抵消乳罩负面作用的产品,将拥有与乳罩相匹配的销量!

24、No shoulder straps to cut in, no bra seams. Cleverly designed to wear strapless and compl... ─── 供应寿命长,功率大---擦皮鞋机电机(图

25、Och Mattias Klockar tar bra bilder som vanligt. ─── Session med Secondhands inf鰎 錼ets kommande film.

26、The verdict: Ineffective and possibly dangerous; invest in a good bra instead! ─── 判断:无效的,也许是危险的,投资一个很好的胸罩吧!

27、She helps a Brazilian woman try on a sky-blue sequinned bra and a matching skirt with a split up one side. ─── 一名巴西女顾客正在试穿一套肚皮舞套装:一款天蓝色吊穗纹胸和一件类似中国旗袍的开衩舞裙。萨法则在旁边帮忙。

28、Congratulations - you can now try to unhook a bra on a real woman. ─── 你现在能够试着在一个真正的女人身上解开胸罩了!

29、Put off the bra before going to bed, in order to ensure unhindered blood circulation and breath. ─── 定位明确设计合理方适宜因年龄和身份的差异,少女内衣在材料选取与款式上与成人应有很大差别。

30、Founded in 2004, Hender Bra Cup Moulding Machine.Is a major manufacture of mechanical equipment and underwear,underwear mould development enterprises. ─── “恒达内衣机械”成立于2004年.是一家专业制造内衣机械设备及内衣模具开发的企业。

31、Japanese women who don't indulge in the national passion of buying designer bags and who care about the environment may soon have an alternative -- their bra. ─── 不爱买时装包及环保意识较强的日本女性很快就会有一种新的选择--可变身为购物袋的文胸。

32、Experience in pattern-making.Experience in sleepwear &BRA is a plus. ─── 制版方面富有经验,有睡衣和文胸经验的优先。

33、How much do you spend on shopping for a set of ladies underwear (bra + bottom)? ─── 请问你每次大概花费几多钱去购买一套女性内衣裤?。

34、Our company manufactures and deals in sexy lingerie,bra,panty ,garter belts,underware and panties of... ─── 发布者:白娟所在地:北京丰台区行业:服装职位:业务助理工作年限:

35、If you have a large bust, invest in a good support bra. ─── 如果你的胸很大,就应当选用支撑能力好的胸罩。

36、An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic pink bra strap. Hand washable. W:3/8", L:18". ─── 可调节钻石心型扣和经典的粉红色胸罩肩带。可手洗。宽:3/8寸,长:18寸。

37、Her bra. ─── 她的胸衣。

38、Right boob bigger than the left boob, which some choose to look at as bra half empty, I choose to look at as bra half full. ─── 她的右胸和左胸不一样大,有的人就看到左边的比右边的小,我看到的就是右边的比左边的大。

39、Supportive brassiere-like structures on the inside of another garment, such as a swimsuit or tank top, which provide support for the bust without the need for a separate bra. ─── 内藏式文胸一般有两大类,一种外形上更像是小背心的款式,但是在胸部位置有加入罩杯衬垫,因此在这种内藏式文胸下面一般不用再穿另外一件文胸。

40、Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels. ─── 前两天刚刚说过“人字拖”,碰巧又在新闻中看到了“厚底鞋”。看来,今天还得与大家再谈鞋的表达。请看一段有关豪门艳女帕丽斯。希尔顿的相关新闻报道:

41、If the invention of bra send breasts to a hell, then the invention of BMR send breasts to a paradise. ─── 如果说发明乳罩的人把乳房装进了地狱,那麽这个发明则是把乳房送进了天堂。

42、Here, leading doctors, bra experts and beauty and fashion gurus share everything you need to know to keep your breasts healthy and looking exactly the way you want. ─── 在这里,领先的医生,胸罩专家和时装大师们分享一切你需要知道的,关于保持乳房健康,看上去像你想要的样子。

43、Do you have a padded bra with the same colour? ─── 你们有同样颜色带衬垫的乳罩吗?

44、Excellent quality assurance, brand pure components are " Hender Bra Cup Moulding Machine " for every customer commitment from beginning to end. ─── 优良的品质保证、纯正的品牌部件是“恒达”对每一位客户自始至终的承诺。

45、Includes bra top, panty with ruffles, hat, gloves and duster. ─── 包括:文胸,底裤,帽子,手套及掸子

46、Do you ever wear a pushup bra? ─── 总是穿著集中型胸罩(怎麽会有这种题目囧?)

47、Wintersun's breast develops well so her mother makes a bra for her by herself. ─── 冬阳胸部发育了,妈妈亲自给她做了胸罩。

48、These ligaments are stretched as breasts bounce during exercise,and will lose elasticity unless they are adequately protected by a bra. ─── 当乳房在运动中弹跳的时候,这些韧带就会被拉紧。如果得不到胸衣的充分保护,它们就会丧失弹性。

49、Info:Materials: 80% nylon and 20% elastane knitted Women's crochet bra Foil-printed fabr ...... ─── 主要材质:尼龙/锦纶次要材质:尼龙/锦纶尺码:全码适用人群:女人

50、Our man products are: T-Shirts,Fleece and Polo Fleece Sweater Shirts, Jogging Sets;Ladies Bra Tops, Dress, Legging;Woven Shirts , Pants , etc . ─── 主要产品有:T-恤衫,卫绒、摇粒绒衫,运动套装,衬衣,休闲裤,女式背心,裙子等。

51、She stood naked except for her bra, which hung by one strap down the side of her body; she had not the impetus to shrug it of. ─── 除了乳罩,她一丝不挂地站着。乳罩挂在她身体的一侧;她没想抖落乳罩。

52、But he decided to give it a go and slipped on his mother Georgie's bra and a tight pink slinky dress, a wig, and towering heels. ─── 不过他还是决定,穿上母亲的胸罩,带上假发,穿上粉色紧身连衣裙和高跟鞋,去尝试一下。

53、She unhooked her bra. ─── 她解开了胸罩。

54、And from Betah, and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, king David took exceeding much bra . ─── 8大卫王又从属哈大底谢的比他和比罗他城中夺取了许多的铜。

55、STUNNING AND UNIQUE? A HOLIDAY MUST-HAVE? OUR LINED STRETCH LACE BUSTIER With floating padded under wired Bra featuring embroidery on top of cups, sequin and ribbon flowerettes, and hook& eye back closure. ─── 佳节必备紧身衣2件一套:胸罩有薄衬和钢圈创造出深型魔法,弹性紧身衣衬托妳的水蛇腰!

56、There is one more notable study concerning sagging and bra wearing, which found that jogging caused breasts to bounce enough to sretch the Cooper's ligaments inside the breast. ─── 为了防止或减少随着年龄增大而产生的乳房松弛,应该尽可能的让你的乳房不要戴文胸,以使胸部韧带得到更多的‘锻炼’。

57、She packed one change of underwear, eg a bra, pants, tights. ─── 她打点好一套替换的内衣物(如乳罩、 内裤、 裤袜).

58、The hi ghest occurred rate of EP was in the patients whose bleeding focus being in cere bra cortex (P

59、"It is vital that women are measured and fitted so that their sports bra holds the breast tissue close to the chest wall to minimize bouncing," she says. ─── 她说:"重要的是应该给妇女们量体裁衣,这样她们的运动胸衣才能让乳房组织紧贴胸脯,从而减小跳动幅度。

60、Girl: I wallet on the bra, but I did not feel his touch in my wallet. ─── 女郎说:我把钱包放在胸罩里,但是我当时没有感觉到他在摸我的钱包。

61、Today, my girlfriend decided to break up with me because she found a bra in my cupboard. It was hers. FML. ─── 今天,我的女朋友和我绝交了,原因是她在我的碗柜里发现了一个胸*罩。那是明明她的!

62、In 2002, another design of hers which is in drip shape, with flexile bone case of side supporting function bra was granted the National Performance Patent. ─── 02年特有的水滴造型、杯侧柔韧骨片侧拢与支撑功能的文胸,荣获国家使用型产品专利。

63、A good boyfriend is like a bra, comfortable, supportive, stopping you from falling down, and always close to your heart. ─── 不过经常看到报导都说喝碳酸饮料不好的哦,不过我喜欢吃雪糕。。

64、Is that a tank top, or a new bra? ─── 你穿的这是背心么?还是个新买的胸罩?

65、The advert below emphasise that the suspender belt and 1950s bra are in the new easy care nylon fabric, but just as pretty in a broderie anglaise style. ─── 下面强调广告的吊带胸罩带,20世纪50年代在新的尼龙织物易护理的,但一如她在布罗德里贵妇风格。

66、Christina Aguilera has famously joked about her breasts jumping to an E-cup after the birth of her son: “I look at my husband and go, ‘Guess what size this bra is? ─── 克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉开玩笑说,她儿子出生后E罩杯,'你猜这个胸罩有多大?'

67、He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, black and white saddle shoes, and a woman's wig. ─── 他身上穿着一件百褶裙,白色的胸罩,黑白线条的鞋子和女人的假发。

68、Q is a auhic fmal apparl bra ur h Vaa Fashio Co. ─── Q" 是凡安德服饰旗下的女装服饰品牌,致力于高级以与自然感。

69、While the rest of the lingerie market seemed to get slinkier by the day,the sports bra was left on the shelf by designers. ─── 今天女性内衣市场上的其他商品已变得苗条了,而运动内衣却被设计师们束之高阁。

70、PANTY &BRA SET. COTTON, LACE, LYCRA IN USA SIZES. ─── 女裤或是胸罩套.棉,花边,以美国标准码的弹性?

71、He lightly undresses her blouse and let her sit down on the edge of the tub with only bra and briefs.Her shoulders are as chubby as a baby, as white as ivory. ─── 他轻轻除去她的衬衫,让她坐在盆边,身上只剩下乳罩和三角裤,丰满的双肩白如羊脂玉。

72、Yet the sports bra is a fundamental item of apparel for active women of all cup sizes. ─── 如今运动胸衣已经成为各种胸围的爱动女性的必备衣着。

73、Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the“ bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled. ─── 去年,在与中国政府就解决纺织品贸易问题达成有保护主义色彩的协议后,他还发现自己打输了这场“胸罩战争”。

74、Our main products are:T-shirts,Fleece and Polo Fleece Sweater Shirts, Jogging Sets; Ladies Bra Tops, Dresses, Legging; Woven Shirts, Pants, etc. ─── 主要产品有:T-恤衫,卫绒,摇粒绒绒衫,运动套装,衬衣,休闲裤,女式背心,裙子等。

75、Last winter it unveiled a bra that can be heated in a microwave so as to help save on indoor heating costs. ─── 去年冬天,黛安芬公司为了响应日本政府的节能,就推出了一款可以用微波炉加热的文胸,从而减少室内供暖的成本。

76、Experience in pattern-making. Experience in sleepwear &BRA is a plus. Pattern Maker will work in our factory in Wujiang, Jiangsu province. ─── 制版方面富有经验,有睡衣和文胸经验的优先。工作地点在江苏吴江工厂。

77、In an effort to strengthen the relationship of the Home Office Marketing nd the Field, a bra ech manager system was established to replace the general agent system. ─── 为加强总部办公室和外勤的联系,公司建立分行经理体系,以取代总代理体系。

78、On hand to hold the edge of bra. And another hand to press fat into bra from back and armpit. ─── 一手托住内衣下缘固定,另一手将背后、下的脂肪拨入罩杯内。

79、Adorable little dots bra set,with removable bra strap. ─── 可爱的格纹蕾丝内衣套!罩杯偏软肩带可拆卸哦!

80、A great fitting bra can make you look taller, will define your waist, and even make you look slimmer! ─── 如果是这样,这不是你正确的胸罩(或大小)。当你坐下来或四处走动的时候确保牠令你感到舒服。

81、Medela Sleep Nursing Bra $19.99 Gilligan & O'Malley nursing tanks $16. ─── 99(昨天在TARGET买了一个,质量似乎还可以。

82、She packed one change of underwear,eg a bra,pants,tights. ─── 她打点好一套替换的内衣物(如乳罩、 内裤、裤袜).

83、But it does send the message of how lingerie could possibly save the planet, Masuda said, adding that the bra should not be washed or sunned on a rainy day to avoid damaging it. ─── 但它的确能让人们认识到内衣也可以保护我们的地球。此外,这种内衣不能洗涤或在雨天晾晒以避免损坏。

84、It's like a padded bra, but it's filled with some sort of liquid so it moves. ─── 就是像填充胸罩一样只是里面装的是可以流动的液体。

85、Its products, Hu Yao, their paint, hats, Fudai, sets of clothes and was, Ruzi, insoles, socks, their hearts card, of touch, underwear, vest, bra. ─── 其产品有,护腰,护漆,帽子,腹带,套服,被,褥子,鞋垫,袜子,护心卡,面摸,内裤,背心,胸罩。

86、Dinophyceae is a kind of euryhaline organisms,and thus ubiquitous in ponds,lakes,rivers and seas,especially in bra... ─── 同时认为沟鞭藻是广盐性生物,其最适应于半咸水环境。

87、Her bra was stuffed with just enough cash to absorb most of the impact, although she still had to be taken to hospital to have the bullet removed. ─── 不过幸运的是她的胸罩塞满了现金并吸收大部分冲击,虽然她最后还是被送往医院取出子弹。

88、An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic white bra strap. Hand washable. W:3/8", L:18". ─── 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的白色胸罩肩带上。可手洗。宽:3/8寸,长:18寸。

89、Afrikaans Gese?nde Kersfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar Argentine Felices Pasquas Y felices ano Nuevo Bohemian Vesele Vanoce Bra... ─── 圣诞语言教室 想知道各国:"恭祝圣诞,并祝新年"怎么说吗?下面有数十种语言的说法,今年再寄贺卡时就可以一显身手喽!


yellowish brown 英[ˈjeləuiʃ braun] 美[ˈjɛloɪʃ braʊn] [词典] 土黄; [例句]Of a light brown or yellowish brown color. She has hazel eyes.她有一双淡褐色的眼睛。指介于淡褐色到褐**之间的颜色。


土黄的英文翻译为 yellowish brown.

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