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09-21 投稿


kobold 发音

英:['kɒbəʊld]  美:['kɒboʊld]

英:  美:

kobold 中文意思翻译



kobold 词性/词形变化,kobold变形

第三人称单数:kobolds 名词复数形式:kobolds

kobold 相似词语短语

1、lobola ─── n.(非洲南部民族)男方为娶亲送给新娘的彩礼

2、Leopold ─── n.利奥波德(男子名)

3、kobolds ─── n.小鬼;地精;小妖魔;n.(Kobold)人名;(德)科博尔德

4、bobolled ─── 博博尔德

5、lobolo ─── 社区

6、sobole ─── 根出条

7、woold ─── 卷缠

8、bobols ─── v.诈骗公款

9、Newbold ─── n.(Newbold)人名;(英)纽博尔德

kobold 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This miniature uses the First Arrow special power, a cool game mechanic that reflects Kobold psychology. ─── 这个棋子有第一箭的特殊能力,这是个很酷的游戏机制,反映了狗头人的心理。

2、Before it even bothered to get up, the kobold foolishly sneered in contempt at the mercenary leader. ─── 在它还没来得及站起来前,狗头人愚蠢地对佣兵头子发出轻蔑的嘲笑。

3、The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly. ─── 地精急切而愚蠢地点着头。

4、KOBOLD Instruments Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. ─── 科宝仪器仪表贸易(上海)有限公司

5、Kobold?If you do we need your help. ─── 如果你知道,我们需要你的帮助。

6、A kobold's knocking in the mountain petered out. ─── 一只小兽的撞击在山中渐渐远逝。

7、Foot of the lame kobold ─── 瘸腿狗头人之足

8、This miniature uses the First Arrow special power, a cool game mechanic that reflects Kobold psychology. ─── 这个棋子有第一箭的特殊能力,这是个很酷的游戏机制,反映了狗头人的心理。

9、KOBOLD: You mean than the guard forced a patient to escape, or did the patient force the guard? Or are they both of one mind, ─── 看到或者听到任何动静?你们的守卫一样,Kobold先生。你知道他们的关系么?为什么他要帮他逃走?

10、They swarmed over the kobold and quickly had it enmeshed in a thick, web like net. ─── 它们蜂拥着爬到狗头人身上,飞快的将它裹入一张厚厚的蛛网中。

11、In no more time than the telling might take, the kobold was reduced to a pile of rags, bones, and leathery hide. ─── 在不到一句话的时间里,狗头人就缩成了一对破布、骨头和糟皮。

12、To Deekin,my good little kobold friend. ─── 敬赠我善良的小狗头人朋友德金。

13、The engorged insect burst with a sickening pop, spraying its killer with ichor and liquid kobold. ─── 膨胀的虫子突然发出一声令人作呕的爆裂,向它的凶手喷出一滩浓水以及小狗头人的汁液。

14、KOBOLD's room. ─── Kobold的房间。

15、Still, I was glad to see that Clinton appears to be walking around with a Kobold on his wrist. ─── 三种衡量单位在数值上是等效的,但需要从不同的角度去理解。

16、Kobold: But I shall succeed where the Burning Legion has failed! ─── 狗头人:但我将在燃烧军团失败的地方取得成功!矮人

17、In lower point games, the Kobold Archer shines even brighter. ─── 在较低分的游戏中,狗头人弓箭手会变得比较活跃。

18、The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly. ─── 愚蠢的地精急切地点点头。

19、The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly.Jarlaxle indicated the opaque door, and the creature darted for it. ─── 贾拉索指向那扇半透明的门,那个小东西立刻飞奔过去。

20、kobold:But I shall succeed where the Burning Legion has failed! ─── 狗头人:但我将在燃烧军团失败的地方取得成功!

21、At least it is in the case of this week's featured creature, the Kobold Archer. ─── 至少对本周的主角狗头人弓箭手来说正是如此。

22、Don't expect them to do much damage against the big guys, but a critical hit by a Kobold causes much cheering and usually provokes an immediate response against the Kobold. ─── 别指望他们对那些大傢伙造成多大的伤害,但如果狗头人发出致命一击通常会得到更多的喝采并且通常立刻会被反击。

23、When he looked down at the kobold, he saw five daggers sticking from its lifeless body, a perfect star formation on the scaly creature' ─── “欧布罗扎家族的一个狗头人,”贾拉索漫不经心地解释。

24、Flamescorched Kobold (34/60): When halving numbers, round down. Thus, your opponent scores only 7 victory points for eliminating this creature with a C or A effect. ─── 焦焰哥不林(34/60):当非整数时无条件舍去,是指当你的对手使用近距或范围攻击终结该生物时,你的对手只会获得七点胜利点数。

25、Even if you can't target exactly who you want, thanks again to his First Arrow power, the Kobold Archer begins every battle with a +9 attack that deals 15 damage. ─── 即使你无法准确的瞄准你想要的,感谢牠的第一箭能力,狗头人在战役一开始会有攻击加值+9并可造成15点伤害。

26、KOBOLD does answer. He is motionless, staring out of the window. DOGGETT enters the room carrying a report. ─── (Kobold没有回答。他静止不动,盯着窗外。Doggett拿了一份报告进到屋里。)

27、8. The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly. ─── 狗头人愚蠢地急切点头。

28、21、The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly. ─── 愚蠢的地精急切地点点头。

29、I mean, I trained and struggled my whole adult life for this battle, and that sad sack of bones went down faster than a kobold with a lung infection. ─── 回想起来,就为了这一战,我的整个成年生涯都在训练和战斗,但是这堆不中用的骨头扑得比一个得了肺炎的狗头人还快。

30、Before it even bothered to get up, the kobold foolishly sneered in contempt at the mercenary leader. ─── 在它还没来得及站起来前,狗头人愚蠢地对佣兵头子发出轻蔑的嘲笑。

31、The engorged insect burst with a sickening pop, spraying its killer with ichor and liquid kobold. ─── 膨胀的虫子突然发出一声令人作呕的爆裂,向它的凶手喷出一滩浓水以及小狗头人的汁液。

32、1.Legal choices include (but are not limited to) "Dragon", "Goblinoid", "Human", "Humanoid", "Kobold", "Magical Beast", "Monstrous Humanoid", "Outsider", "Reptilian", and "Spawn". ─── 已定义的选择包括(但不限于)“龙”、“地精”、“人类”、“类人生物”、"狗头人"、“魔法兽”、“变种类人生物”、“外界生物”、"爬行类"和"衍生生物"。

33、When he looked down at the kobold, he saw five daggers sticking from its lifeless body, a perfect star formation on the scaly creature's little chest. ─── 当他低头看狗头人时,发现五把匕首刺入它那无生命的躯体中。一颗完美的五星呈现在那生物长满鳞角的胸膛上。

34、A kobold who was about to enjoy a good soak until YOU interrupted, thank you very much. ─── 一个被/你们/打扰前正要舒舒服服泡个澡的狗头人,谢谢。

35、Head of the lame kobold ─── 瘸腿狗头人之头

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