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09-21 投稿


manageability 发音


英:  美:

manageability 中文意思翻译



manageability 网络释义

n. 易处理;易办;顺从

manageability 词性/词形变化,manageability变形

动词现在分词: managing |动词过去分词: managed |动词过去式: managed |动词第三人称单数: manages |

manageability 同义词

work | dispose of | actualize | govern | achieve | care | administer | deal with | get by | drive | guide | make out | wield | lead | control | steer | master | regulate | direct | use | operate | do | deal | manipulate | supervise | grapple | boss | cope | bring off | ride | carry off | get on | oversee |handle | negociate | finagle | head | conduct | accomplish | make do | discipline | dominate | wangle | rule | cope with | engineer | run | pull off | contend | fare | superintend | succeed

manageability 反义词


manageability 相似词语短语

1、hangability ─── 悬挂性

2、changeability ─── n.可变性;易变性

3、salvageability ─── 可回收性

4、damageability ─── 损伤性

5、nameability ─── 名称

6、manageably ─── 可管理的

7、danceability ─── 舞蹈性

8、malleability ─── n.顺从;可锻性;展延性

9、marriageability ─── n.结婚适龄;适合结婚

manageability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It defines a basic set of manageability capabilities which can be composed to express the capability of the management instrumentation. ─── 它定义了一套基本的可管理性功能,可以表达管理设备的性能。

2、Where does manageability fit into this picture? ─── 管理性适合于这个系统的哪些方面呢?

3、Earlier, the Manageability section defined providing manageability as a freestanding set of quality attributes. ─── 前面在可管理性部分中将提供可管理性定义为质量属性的独立集合。

4、Yet companies will not widely adopt Internet-style computing until they are certain intranets can provide the security, scalability and manageability they have come to expect from proprietary networks. ─── 但只有当各公司确信Intranet能提供他们已从专有网企盼到的安全性、可伸缩性和可管理性时,才会广泛采用Intranet方式的计算。

5、Investigation of Impacts of Dynamic Concurrence on Development Project Manageability ─── 动态并行技术应用对开发项目可管性的影响

6、The Use and Manageability On the Waste Solid in Tannery Industry ─── 制革工业固体废物的利用与处置

7、Assessing switch manageability is a two-part affair, with objective and subjective components. ─── 评估供应商管理是一个分为两部分的内政,与客观和主观成分。

8、Manageability is defined as the ability of a resource (in this case, a pervasive device) to be remotely managed. ─── 将可管理性定义为对资源(在此处为普及性设备)的远程管理能力。

9、Integration and manageability become critical issues of the new environments. ─── 所以集成和可管理性成为新环境中的关键问题。

10、Main Responsibility:1.Perform monthly and quarterly variance analysis;2.Assist in preparation of quarterly manag...... ... ─── 公司名称:尚德太阳能电力有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-10

11、Storage system has evolved from NAS to SAN,how to blend the technology of NAS & SAN,and how to improve manageability and performance is hot point problem of storage field. ─── 摘要 存储系统已由NAS向SAN发展,如何融合NAS和SAN技术,提高存储系统的可管理性和性能,是目前存储领域研究的热点。

12、Head of Bancassurance Manager Client Integration, Payment and Cash Manag ─── 经代业务主管

13、VPN technology applied to campus network has raised it's manageability, flexibility and safety. ─── VPN技术在校园网中的应用,提高了校园网的可管理性、灵活性和安全性。

14、Our scheme uses a structure of two level secret shares to provide security and manageability. ─── 我们的方案采用了两层式的秘密分享结构以增加安全性和可管理性。

15、Because allow manageability, it also suits to use the domestic food that makes edible. ─── 由于轻易处理,它也适合用作食用的家庭菜。

16、This product can disperse in water, increase the adhesion between mortar and its substrates, and improve the mechanic property and manageability of mortar. ─── 该产品可在水中分散,提高砂浆与普通支撑物间的粘着力,改善砂浆机械性能。

17、The interfaces of grid services address discovery, dynamic service instance creation, lifetime management, notification, and manageability; the conventions of grid services address naming and upgrading issues. ─── 这些接口解决发现、动态服务创建、生命周期管理、通知和可管理性等方面的问题。约定解决命名和升级问题。

18、Job SpecificationAs a member of the E&D Systems team, you'll drive the supportability and manageability of our a...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京软通动力信息技术有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-5-13

19、After discussion of three kinds of mechanism,we analyse various manag ement methods.This is useful for selecting suitable method,to gain the premier g oal of MSW management,the environmental benefit. ─── 针对一定的管理目标、管理对象,使用不同的手段达到的效果是不同的。

20、The POWER-based servers offer a proven environment with industry leading performance, scalability, reliability and autonomic computing manageability features. ─── 基于POWER的服务器提供了经过实践检验的杰出环境,它具有业界领先的性能、可扩充性、可靠性以及自治计算管理能力。

21、However, both of these approaches have severe manageability issues in a dynamic distributed environment. ─── 然而这两种方法在动态分布式环境中都有严重的管理问题。

22、Chernew ME, Smith DG, Kirking DM. Decomposing pharmaceutical cost growth in different types of health plans. Am J Manag Care 2001;7:667-73. ─── 程馨,谢启端.全民健保药品政策与药品费用的经济分析.经社法制论丛2005;35:1-42.

23、and, finally, manageability. ─── 以及最后,可管理性。

24、Manageability and Reconfigurability: An appropriate interface is needed to monitor the crawl, including the speed of the crawler, statistics about hosts and pages, and the sizes of the main data sets. ─── 乍一看,爬行系统的实现似乎很简单。然而,在高性能(即每秒需要下载几百甚至上千个网页)的情况下却不然。事实上,爬行系统由若干组件构成,他们可以被复制来实现高性能。

25、This article mostly introduces the function of the USG,and the manag ement of users making use of the USG in the hotel . ─── 本文主要介绍了USG(通用用户网关)的功能,及其在宾馆中对用户的管理。

26、These physical design structures include indexes, clustered indexes, indexed views, and partitions, whose purpose is to enhance performance and manageability of databases. ─── 这些物理设计结构包括索引、聚集索引、索引视图和分区,其目的在于提高数据库的性能和可管理性。

27、There's no standard definition, and size alone is no longer the only criterion-manageability is also a factor. ─── 没有标准的定义,单纯的大小不再是唯一的评判标准,而只是一个因素。

28、This MBA programme has been developed and set up in close cooperation with the Baltic Business School of Kalmar (Sweden). The MBA at the Graduate School of Manag... ─── 这个MBA课程,并制定了一套与波罗的海商学院的卡尔马(瑞典)密切合作了。位于布列塔尼的研究生院管理学院MBA敞开大门的机会一生。

29、So, how to monitor and manage these huge and complex distributed systems to make them have high performance, good availability and good manageability, has become an important task. ─── 因此,如何监测和管理这类庞大复杂的分布式计算系统,提高系统的性能、可用性以及可管理性,成为当前的一个重要课题。

30、Position Description:As a member of the E&D Systems team, you'll drive the supportability and manageability of o...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海微创软件有限公司深圳分公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-3-30

31、for as I had manag'd my self before, I was in a perfect Enclosure, whereas now I thought I lay expos'd, and open for any Thing to come in upon me; ─── 因为以前,我总是把自己围起来,密不透风。而现在,我感到空荡荡的,什么野兽都可来偷袭我。

32、Because the infrastructure is now a bit more complex, we can take a closer look at the manageability of the infrastructure. ─── 因为基础设施现在已经很大很复杂了,我们可以近距离的观察这个基础设施的管理能力。

33、Keywords tannery main waste solid use and manageability; ─── 制革;固体废物;利用与处置;

34、The boxes on top of the JMX core in Figure 2 represent services, and the vertical "fork" of dotted lines represents code that handles manageability concerns. ─── 在图2中,JMX核心上面的框表示服务,垂直的点线"分支"表示处理可管理性问题的代码。

35、Policy assertions may cover security, manageability, etc. ─── 策略主张可能包括安全性、可管理性等等。

36、How does manageability affect the community concept? ─── 管理性如何对社区的概念产生影响呢?

37、A manageability capability can be thought of as an abstract interface, similar to "marker" interfaces in Java or other programming languages. ─── 可管理性可以认为是一种抽象的接口,类似于Java中或者其它编程语言中的“标记”接口。

38、The new features provide a consistent and familiar search experience, increased relevance of search results, and new functionalities along with improved scalability, manageability, and extensibility. ─── 新特征提供了:一致而又熟悉的搜索体验、增强的搜索结果相关性、新功能以及改进的可伸缩性、可管理性和可扩展性。

39、This product can disperse in water,increase the adhesion between mortar and its substrates,and improve the mechanic property and manageability of mortar. ─── 该产品可在水中分散,提高砂浆与普通支撑物间的粘着力,改善砂浆机械性能,增强砂浆的可施工性。

40、fire prevention manag ─── 消防管理

41、The design of DTGMS supports diverse resource types and network topologies, and has strong scalability, extensibility and manageability, which are suitable for Grid monitoring. ─── DTGMS的设计支持多种资源类型和网络拓扑结构,有较强可扩展能力和良好可管理性,适合网格的特征和需求。

42、Problems in hospital culture building were discussed.Based on the demands of modern medical model and keep pacewith the times, six sigma manag ement theory in hospital culture building was analy zed. ─── 简述目前医院文化建设中存在的问题及探讨在当今的医学模式下,按照与时俱进的时代要求,六西格玛管理理论对医院文化建设的作用。

43、Following MOF guidelines will help you achieve mission-critical production system reliability, availability, supportability, and manageability for Microsoft products. ─── 遵循MOF指南将帮助您实现Microsoft产品的关键生产系统可靠性、可用性、可支持性和可管理性。

44、However, this manageability is an illusion because this model does not allow for change. ─── 然而,这种管理是一种幻想,因为这种模式不允许变化。

45、The results show that consistency views can be established with the model and inconsistency manageability was therefore achieved in a rapid application development platform for information systems. ─── 在信息系统快速开发平台中,使用上述约束模型可建立信息系统的一致性视图,使开发平台具有一致性管理的功能。

46、There were three parts of reasons of patient arrear as well as low income, malicious arrear and hospitalill manag ement. ─── 通过调查发现欠费的主要原因是患者经济困难;其次是患者恶意欠费和医院管理不善所致。

47、controllability and manageability ─── 可控可管性

48、Keywords honesty;brand;hospital manag ement; ─── 诚信;品牌;医院管理;

49、It not only supports the principle of "least privilegs" well, but has good property of manageability and scalability. ─── 模型不仅可以有效地支持最小特权原则,而且还具有良好的管理性和可扩展性。

50、These criterions and solutions satisfy the clients to meet their requirements of efficiency, cost, manageability and easy operation, etc. ─── 这样的标准和解决方案最大限度的满足了用户对效率、成本、可管理性和操作的简易性等的需求。

51、Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Manageability ─── 办公设备对可管理性的适用性标准分类

52、Beyond that, an ideal network backbone would provide comprehensive manageability and robust fault tolerance. ─── 此外,理想的主干网能提供综合的管理能力和有力的容错功能。

53、Soft emulsion powder ,disp in water ,increase the adhesion between mortar and its substrates,and improve the mechanic property and manageability of mortar. ─── 该产品属柔软型乳胶粉,可在水中分散,提高砂浆与普遍支撑物间的粘着力,改善砂浆机械性能,增强砂浆的可施工性。

54、To provide scicentific technology support for destination of summation control about atmosphere pollution, unloading licence system and environmental planning and manag... ─── 为城市大气污染物排放总量控制目标、排污许可证制度的落实、环境保护规划和管理提供了科学的技术支持。

55、The deep manageability of these options multiplies the ability of the nanoHUB's technical team to isolate errors and enhance security. ─── 这些选项的高度可管理性增加了nanoHUB技术团队隔离错误并提高安全性的能力。

56、"We tried virtually all of the commercial load balancers, LVS beats them all for reliability, cost, manageability, you-name-it. ─── 在这里,再引用两位LVS用户的评论,来进一步说明LVS的性能和可靠性。

57、Manageability is the ability to manipulate the communication system. ─── 处置性是操息通讯编制的本领。

58、C/S mode has good manageability and stability,but cannot automatically adapt to variation of customer number. ─── C/S模式具有较好的可管理性和稳定性,但不能自适应客户数量的变化。

59、Results Sixteen cases of ocular injury were demonstrated in 96 patients with midfacial fractures, and the most of symptoms and signs were resolved after manag... ─── 结论对面中份骨折的患者,应注意眼损伤的检查,行开放复位固定术时应同时将眶周移位的软组织复位,修复骨组织缺损。

60、Digital-controlled multi-loop of high-precision DC power supply with network manageability ─── 可网络化管理的高精度多路数控直流电源

61、The Developing Direction of 21st Century Enterprise of Property Management--The Management Mode of Property Management of the Manageability ─── 21世纪物业管理企业的发展方向--经营型物业管理模式

62、Keywords Sichuan and Chongqing area Natural gas pipeline Security manag ement Gas transmission and distribution Problem Countermeasures; ─── 川渝;天然气管道;安全管理;输供气;问题;对策;

63、manageability, availability and performance ─── 可管理性, 可用性和整体性能

64、It is argued that psychology teaching should make clear its teaching purpose, develop two-way skill fostering system in teaching content, enhance the manageability in teaching methods. ─── 认为在教学目的上应明确高等师范院校心理学的教学任务;在教学内容上建构“双向技能培养”的逻辑体系;在教学方法上应增强心理学教学的可操作性。

65、Keywords brand;image communication;hospital manag ement; ─── 品牌;形象传播;医院管理;

66、Yet standard formats are no help for the manageability issues -- the only way of truly addressing those issues is to stop copying artifacts. ─── 目前尚没有标准模式能对可管理性问题起到帮助,要真正解决这些问题,惟一的方法是停止复制工件。

67、Significant enhancements in the areas of performance, manageability, and functionality deliver exceptional search capabilities for applications of any size. ─── 由于在性能、可管理性和功能方面的显著增强,全文搜索可为任意大小的应用程序提供强大的搜索功能。

68、A manageability capability is a composable set of properties, operations, events, metadata, and other semantics that supports a particular management task. ─── 可管理性功能是一套可组合的属性、操作、事件、元数据以及其它支持特殊管理任务的语义。

69、This paper has briefly introduced the definition and characteristics of VLAN.The correct use of VLAN in the library network will improve the manageability,flexibility and security of the network. ─── 简要介绍了VLAN的定义、特点,在图书馆网络中正确地使用VLAN技术,将会有效地提高网络的可管理性、灵活性、安全性。

70、This article describes some important details and principles in selection such as availability,advancement,manageability,scalability and serviceability,and also some detailed problems. ─── 本文论述了选择服务器设备时应遵循的原则(如可靠性、先进性、可管理性、可扩展性、可维护性)及其他几个需着重考虑的几个细节问题。

71、The integration of management and authoring in a single tool coupled with the ability to manage all types of servers provides enhanced productivity, flexibility, and manageability for database administrators. ─── 将管理和创作集成于单一工具,再加上管理所有类型服务器的功能,提高了数据库管理员的工作效率,增强了灵活性和可管理性。

72、Voting should be made with the following in mind: functionality, manageability, ease-of-use, scalability of the product, as well as the customer service and technical support provided. ─── 投票的标准为;性能,易处理,易操作,产品的伸缩性,客户服务和技术支援。

73、Manageability enhancements include new package storage and management tools, new monitoring and troubleshooting tools, new deployment options, enhanced security features, and legacy support. ─── 可管理性方面的增强功能包括新的包存储和管理工具、新的监视和故障排除工具、新的部署选项、增强的安全功能和对早期版本的支持。

74、Its enhanced security infrastructure provides increased manageability and control for IT professionals and an improved experience for Windows XP users. ─── Windows XP SP2增强了安全性基础结构;对于IT专业人员而言,提供了更高的可管理性和控制能力;对于Windows XP用户而言,它在体验上做了改进。

75、Developing for Diesel Eng ine Manag ement System and Study on Design Methodology ─── 柴油机管理系统开发与设计方法的研究

76、Internet Explorer 7 has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. ─── Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 7 的设计宗旨是让日常工作更轻松,提供动态的安全防护功能以及增强开发平台和可管理性。

77、The Grid MP platform is a comprehensive architecture that was built from the ground up to tackle the unique challenges of security, scalability, and manageability in distributed computing. ─── 网格MP平台是一个综合性的架构,是分布式计算建立在从基础应用直到解决特别的安全、可测量性和可管理性的挑战上的。

78、Meigs JB. Epidemiology of the metabolic syndrome. Am J Manag Care,2002, 8 (11 Suppl): S283-S292; quizS293-S296. ─── 脑卒中、冠心病发病危险因素进一步研究协作组,吴桂贤.11省市队列人群代谢综合征的流行病学研究.中华预防医学杂志,2002,36:298-300.

79、Soft emulsion powder, dispersed in water to increase the adhesion between mortar and its substrates and improve the mechanic property and manageability of mortar. ─── 该产品属柔软型乳胶粉,可在水中分散,提高砂浆与普通支撑物间的粘着力,改善砂浆机械性能,增强砂浆的可施工性。

80、Microsoft's Windows 2000 will arrive with a feature sheet rich in added manageability, scalability and the means for Windows networks to be emancipated from reliance on NetBIOS. ─── 微软的windows 2000将带着在增加可管理性、可扩展性和把windows网络从依赖NetBIOS(网络基本输入输出系统)中解脱出来等方面的丰富特性来到这个世界。

81、Windows Server 2003 SP2 to help IT professionals ensure that their server infrastructure security and the entire Windows Server 2003 users with enhanced manageability and control. ─── Windows Server 2003 SP2协助 IT 专业人员确保其服务器基础结构的安全并为Windows Server 2003用户提供增强的可管理性和控制。

82、Microsoft Windows Vista offers substantial new capabilities in security, performance, reliability, and manageability. ─── Microsoft Windows Vista提供了大量在安全,性能,可靠性和管理性方面的新功能。

83、Data Mining Technology and Its Application in Manag ement of BBS ─── 数据挖掘技术及其在BBS管理中的应用

84、Because SOCKS5 protocol has excellent expansibility, security, generality, flexibility and manageability, we build the practical model of application security architecture based on SOCKS5. ─── 由于SOCKS5协议的扩展性强、安全性能好、灵活通用、便于网络规划和管理等优点,我们以SOCKS5为基础来建立应用层安全体系结构的实用模型。

85、Because allow manageability, it also suits the domestic dish of edible. ─── 由于轻易处理,它也适合作食用的家庭菜。

86、The key technologies of NGI are addressed, referring to network scalability, network availability, network manageability, network security, QoS control, and IPv6 technologies. ─── 文章重点探讨了下一代互联网的关键技术:网络可扩展技术、网络可用性技术、网络管理控制技术、网络安全技术、服务质量(QoS)业务控制技术和IPv6技术。

87、Manageability allows the backbone to be configured to behave optimally for each different installation; fault tolerance ensures that critical servers remain available even after a failure in part of the network. ─── 管理能力允许主干网对不同的安装都能配置成优化运行,而容错功能确保即便部分网络坏了,关键的服务器仍保持可用。

88、Job DescriptionJob Title OCM Administration ClerkDepartment Shanghai HCI Laboratory Report To OCM Project Manag...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海东方天祥检验服务有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13

89、Replication offers improvements in manageability, availability, programmability, mobility, scalability, and performance. ─── 复制在可管理性、可用性、可编程性、移动性、可伸缩性和性能方面提供了改进。

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