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09-21 投稿


lilied 发音


英:  美:

lilied 中文意思翻译



lilied 相似词语短语

1、lilies ─── n.百合花;百合花类(lily的复数形式)

2、willied ─── 威利的

3、-plied ─── vt.使用,不住地使用;折,弯;从事;vi.辛勤工作;定期地来往(船、车等);n.厚度;板层;褶

4、Allied ─── n.(Allied)(印)艾力爱德(人名);v.(allied)与……结盟(ally的过去式及过去分词);adj.(allied)联盟的;相连接的

5、-flied ─── v.为fly的过去式及过去分词;打出高飞球

6、-ified ─── 化

7、lilted ─── n.轻快的动作;轻快活泼的调子;vt.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱;vi.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱

8、alibied ─── n.不在场证明或辩解;托辞;v.辩解;找托辞开脱

9、-lied ─── n.利德(钢琴伴奏的德国独唱歌曲),德国抒情歌曲,浪漫曲;v.撒谎(lie的过去式和过去分词);n.(Lied)(德、挪)利德(人名)

lilied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Author Liu Hancheng Wang Lili (Department of Chemical Eagineering);Gu Rong Zheng Haibo (Department of Light Industry Engineering); ─── 作者刘汉成;王丽丽;顾镕;郑海波;

2、Ningbo Lili Electronics Inc---the largest wafer manufacturer in China ─── 中国最大的半导体生产企业之一立立电子有限公司

3、Lili: Oh, I see. Beijing's roads are very congested in the mornings. ─── 丽丽:原来如此。北京通常早上道路很拥堵。

4、Shanghai Lili Yuan Trading Co., Ltd. ─── 上海立利源贸易有限公司。

5、Author Wang Lili(Tianjin Anding Hospital Tianjin 300074); ─── 作者王丽莉;

6、A girl named Lili you to the divisions. ─── 一个叫丽丽的小姑娘把你给告了。

7、Lili: This is the menu. Choose what you like. ─── 丽丽:这是菜单,你再好好挑选一下。

8、Lili: Okay. If everything goes well, you can sign the lease quickly. ─── 丽丽:好的。顺利的话,你们很快就可以签约了。

9、He paused, and examined Lili attentively while she affected to rearranged the tea-cups. ─── 他停了一下,仔细观察正在假装摆弄茶杯的丽莉。

10、In 1969, she married Blake Edwards, the director of Darling Lili. ─── 1969年又与影片"亲爱的丽丽"的导演Blakeedwards结婚。

11、Lili: Do you like drinking tea? ─── 丽丽:你喜欢喝茶吗?

12、Author Wang Lili;Liu Hancheng;Wang Kuiuyang;Chen Suqin (Department of Chemical Engineering. Zhejiang Institute of Technology;Hangzhou;3l0014); ─── 作者王丽丽;刘汉成;王葵阳;陈素琴;

13、Lili: So do I. We can chat while enjoying Chinese tea culture here. ─── 丽丽:我也是。在这里可以边聊天边欣赏茶文化。

14、Lili: The dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. ─── 丽丽:饺子是中国人的传统食物。

15、Author Zhou Fuyuan;Sui Lili;Pan Wensheng et al ( Departmens of Infectious Diseases;Nanfang Hospital;Cuang zhou 510515); ─── 作者周福元;隋礼丽;骆抗先;潘文胜;王海涛;

16、Lili: Much better. Thanks for your concern. ─── 丽丽:好多了,谢谢你的关心。

17、Lili: My mother likes comedies. She thinks they are fun. ─── 丽丽:我妈妈喜欢看喜剧。她觉得喜剧很有意思。

18、Authors: CHEN Dexin, WANG Fenglong, LI Duochuan, QIAN Yumei, SHEN Lili, ─── 作者:陈德鑫,王凤龙,李多川,钱玉梅,申莉莉

19、Author Xiaohong Luo;Lili Cao;Zhansheng Wang(Dept.of Environ. Eng.;Tsinghua University;100084); ─── 作者罗晓鸿;曹莉莉;王占生;

20、Lili: I‘m very interested in Peking Opera. ─── 丽丽:我对京剧非常感兴趣。

21、Lili is one of the best students in our school. ─── 上海是我国最漂亮的城市之一。李丽是我校最好的学生之一。

22、Lili: George, how can we? Vacations cost money. ─── 乔治,我们怎么去得了?度假要花钱。

24、Lei Lili; Chen Xuwei; Li Yuling; Xing Yanjun and Luo Ting(College of textiles; Donghua University); ─── 东华大学纺织学院;东华大学纺织学院上海;

25、Lili: You will also enjoy many Chinese folk arts. ─── 丽丽:你还可以欣赏到中国的许多民间艺术。

26、Lili: Okay. Let's have dinner together. ─── 丽丽:可以,那我们一起吃晚饭吧。

27、"Is ah might as well forget promised Shangguan, Shangguan cool-looking, there are forces, later in school, they did not see the color you drop a bit." Lili went on. ─── “就是啊,不如答应上官云算了,上官云长得帅,又有势力,以后在学校,他们还不要看你几分颜色滴。”丽丽继续说着。

28、Lili: Where are you studying now? ─── 丽丽:你在哪儿学习?

29、After Lili also warned people not to any explanation, otherwise it to the family pretty Lili. ─── 事后还警告丽丽不要对任何人说起,不然就给丽丽全家好看。

30、Author LI Changcheng REN Yuhui ZHANG Lifen SUN Lili WANG Lihui (Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corp.); ─── 作者李长城;任玉辉;张立芬;孙丽丽;王丽慧;

31、Author Wang Lili Liu Hancheng (Zhejiang Institute of Technology);Shu Lijian (Second Pharmaceutical Factory Jinhua); ─── 作者王丽丽;刘汉成;舒里建;

32、He is asking Wu Lili, his Chinese friend, about the scenic spots to visit.) ─── 他在问他的中国朋友吴莉莉有关旅游景点。)

33、Lili: What snack do you like best? ─── 丽丽:你最喜欢什么零食?

34、Lili: That is an old custom. Ours will be a convoy of cars. ─── 丽丽:那是旧时的习俗。如今迎亲的车队也很长。

35、If one walks into a ravine in the mountain from Lili Village, one will find, after a few hundred yards, a huge rock about three metres high and four meters across lying squat under a cliff known as Hu'Zhao'Ya or Tiger Claw. ─── 从栗里村进山半里许,有一块巨石,高约3米,宽约4米,横卧在虎爪崖下。

36、He's a good person; talented and pretty good looking. Overall, in every aspect he's pretty good. Lili really has good taste. ─── 人不错,有才华,而且也挺帅的。总之,各方面条件都不错。丽丽真有眼光啊。

37、Lili: There are many kinds of dumplings; boiled, steamed or fried. ─── 丽丽:饺子的种类很多,有水饺、蒸饺、煎饺等等。

38、Lili was head over heels in love with their company's boss and was thinking of marrying him , but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor. ─── 丽丽深深地爱上了公司的老板并打算嫁给他。但是,当她听说他玩弄过几个女孩子之后,她的心凉了半截。

39、Lili: Come to my home during the weekend then, because I will make some Shanghai-flavor pastries. ─── 丽丽周末你到我家来吧,我准备做些上海风味点心。

40、Liu lili graduated in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 2002, she was an assistant of judge in civil court of people’s court of Jianshi County, Hubei province. ─── 2002年毕业于中南财经政法大学,曾在湖北建始县人民法院民庭担任法官助理;

41、Lili, you are tired today. Go to bed now. By the way, I have already arranged boys to pressing bed. ─── 丽丽,今天你也累了。现在去睡吧。顺便说下,我已经安排了压床的男孩儿。

42、Author Liu Hancheng Wang Lili Gao Jihong (Department of Chemical Engineering); ─── 作者刘汉成;王丽丽;高继红;

43、Author Hao Xinhua;He Lili;Wang Di;Xu Yi (Anticorrosion Center;Research Institute of Dushanzi Petrochemical Subcompany;Dushanzi;833600); ─── 作者郝新焕;何丽丽;王帝;徐奕;

44、Lili: There will be a Peking Opera show at Changan Theater next week. ─── 丽丽:下星期长安大戏院有京剧。

45、Author Yuan Yong Zhag Meian He Dake Liu Mingze Li Xiaohui Yang Lili (Changji Medical School Xijiang Changji 831100); ─── 作者袁勇;张美安;何大可;刘明泽;李晓惠;杨丽丽;

46、Lili: Okay, I'll call him right now. ─── 丽丽:好的,我这就给他打电话。

47、Lili: No problem. Let's go shopping along Xiushui Street this weekend. ─── 丽丽:没问题。这个周末我们一起去逛秀水街吧。

48、Author Hu Lili;Wang Lixin;Wang Chengyong (CNPC Liaoyang Petro-Chemical Fibre Company Machinery Factory;Liaoyang 111003;China); ─── 作者胡丽莉;王立新;王成勇;

49、Lili: On your way to Xidan, you'll pass by Fuyoujie. ─── 丽丽:您去西单的时候,路过府右街。

50、Lili:> Of course. Nick and I are just getting to know each other! ─── 丽丽:当然愿意。尼克和我刚刚认识!

51、Lili: Today's food is very delicious. ─── 丽丽:今天的饭味道很不错。

52、Author Wang Lixia;Zhang shusheng;Chen Lili;Jiang Shufu(Department of Applied Chemistry); ─── 作者王利峡;张书圣;陈丽丽;江淑芙;

53、Lili: If you have time, please come to my house, Mike. ─── 丽丽:麦克,请你有空到我家来玩儿。

54、Chevening alumni include many senior figures in Chinese society including Yan Xiaopei, the Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen and Wang Lili, Vice Governor Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. ─── 但志奋领并不仅仅提供去英国学习的机会。来自100多个国家的校友会组成一个全球的校友网络,而中国是拥有校友最多的单个国家。

55、Lili's mother discovered something was amiss, he went to check on her daughter's body, found that the wounds of the body, Lili. ─── 丽丽的母亲发现不对劲,去查看女儿的身体,才发现了丽丽满身的伤痕。

56、Author Zheng Lili;Wang Lei;Jiang Kezheng (Shandong Analysis and Tesl Center;Jinan 250014); ─── 作者郑立立;王磊;江克铮;

57、Lili: She is a housewife. ─── 丽丽:她是个家庭主妇。

58、Lili Jigexiuqian this is not something you can get paid, I warned you not to be too reckless of. ─── 丽丽这件事情不是你赔几个臭钱就能搞定的,我警告你不要太猖狂了。

59、But she never turned up. I mean lili mariene ─── 但是你心中的那位莉莉.玛莲始终没有出现

60、Authors: Suihua Chen, Zhenping Huang, Lili Wang, Tao Jiang, Bo Wu, Henghui Ma, ─── 作者:陈穗桦,黄振平,王理理,姜涛,吴波,马恒辉

61、Lili: People usually dip their dumplings in vinegar. They're even more delicious eaten this way. ─── 丽丽:人们吃饺子时通常蘸些醋,这样饺子的味道会更好。

62、Lili: Thanks! I'll bring gifts for you. ─── 丽丽:谢谢!我会给你带礼物回来。

63、LiLi, Can you give me a piece of Chinese sausage again? ─── 妳可不可以再给我一片中国香肠。

64、Lili: The soundtrack is beautiful, too. I'm going to buy a tape. ─── 丽丽:这部影片的插曲也很好听。我准备买一盘录音带。

65、Lili: It doesn't matter. You overslept this morning, didn't you? ─── 丽丽:没关系。你今天早上睡过头了吧?

66、Author Sun Guoxiang;Yang Lili(Qiqihar Light Industry Institute)Wang Lijia (Qiqihar Architectural Committee); ─── 作者孙国祥;杨力立;王力嘉;

67、Lili: Yes. Do you like action movies? ─── 丽丽:是的。你喜欢功夫片吗?

68、Lili: So do I. Snacks like cookies, nuts, and chocolate. ─── 丽丽:我也是,比如饼干、坚果、巧克力等等。

69、Lili, you are tired today. Go to bed now. By the way, I have alr.. ─── 丽丽,今天你也累了。现在去睡吧。顺便说下,我已经安排了压床的男孩儿...

70、Lili: Let's go watch a movie. ─── 丽丽:我们一起去看电影吧。

71、Lili returned from Beijing after it became ill and had refused to room to hide out. ─── 丽丽从北京回来后,就病倒了,躲在屋子里一直不肯出来。

72、Lili Nash these two books with primitive forms of fiction. ─── 上述黎里与纳什二书也是原始形态的小说。

73、Lili: Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting? ─── 丽丽:你正在学习人物画还是风景画?

74、Lili is acting strangely, has she got a mental disease? ─── 丽丽的言行举止异于常人,是不是得了精神疾病?

75、Lili has many points where compensation is stronger than anything, proved the never together. ─── 丽丽那里多得点补偿比什么都强,千万不要一齐用事了。

76、Author Jiang Shufu;Zhang Shusheng;Chen Lili(Department of Applied Chemistry;Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology;Qingdao;266042); ─── 作者江淑芙;张书圣;陈丽丽;

77、Author Wang Lili Liu Hancheng Zhou jianming;(Zhejiang Institute of Technology) (Hangzhou Institute of Chemical Engineering); ─── 作者王丽丽;刘汉成;周建民;

78、Lili: Do you like snacks? ─── 丽丽:你喜欢吃零食吗?

79、Lili: Chinese tea may be classified into five categories. ─── 丽丽:中国的茶通常分为五种。

80、Lili: Yes, it's rather cold in winter. ─── 丽丽:北京的冬天比较冷。

81、Author Xiong Yuanzhi;Yang Guiying;Ma Yingcai;Yang Yonggeng;Ma Lili;Shen YouxiuQinghai Provincial People s Hospital;Xining; ─── 作者熊元治;杨桂英;马颖才;杨永耿;马丽莉;沈有秀;

82、 双语使用场景

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