mikado 发音
英:[mɪˈkɑːdoʊ] 美:[mɪˈkɑːdəʊ]
英: 美:
mikado 中文意思翻译
mikado 网络释义
n. 日本天皇n. (Mikado)人名;(西)米卡多
mikado 词性/词形变化,mikado变形
mikado 相似词语短语
1、mockados ─── 莫卡多斯
2、frizado ─── 冷藏
3、mirador ─── n.凸窗(可眺望优美景色);塔楼
4、mikados ─── n.日本天皇(mikado的变形)
5、Waikato ─── n.怀卡托(位于新西兰北岛中部,奥克兰以南)
6、miked ─── n.扩音器,麦克风;话筒;休息,游手好闲;vi.使用扩音器;偷懒,游手好闲;vt.用扩音器传送;用窃听器窃听
7、camisado ─── n.夜间奇袭
8、mockado ─── 嘲笑
9、pyinkado ─── n.[木]彬加都木
mikado 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Contemporary Militarism under the Regime of Mikado ─── 近代天皇制军国主义
2、Mikado Yuren and Bacteriological Warfare ─── 日本天皇裕仁与细菌战
3、and in Japan militarism and fascism with Mikado System of political ethics eliminate modern times' subjectivite produced in Mingzhi Reform. ─── 在日本则体现为以天皇制政治伦理为核心的军国主义、法西斯主义对明治维新时代萌生的近代主体性的消除。
4、Syrmaticus mikado ─── n. 黑长尾雉
5、The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic. ─── 日本天皇的权利是象征性的。
6、They went to see "The Mikado" one evening, an opera which was hilariously popular at that time. ─── 一天傍晚,他们一起去看“日本天皇”,这是一出当时很流行的歌剧。
7、Passed, by acclamation;then they sang the "Mikado" again, and ended it with - ─── 提议在欢呼声中通过,于是大家又唱起了那首"天王调",尾句改成
8、Analysis on the Emergence and Development History of Japan Mikado and Japan Mikado Institution ─── 日本天皇和天皇制产生和发展历史探讨
9、The four birds selected as candidates for Taiwan's National Bird, Mikado Pheasant, Swinhoe's Pheasant,* Yellow [Taiwan] Tit and Formosan Magpie, are endemic species. ─── 四只被选为台湾国鸟的候选鸟,帝雉、蓝腹鹇、黄山雀和台湾蓝鹊,是台湾特有种。
10、the contemporary Mikado system ─── 近代天皇制
11、On the Theory of "Repentance of All Hundred Million People" and "Abdication of Mikado" After the World War ─── 评“一亿总忏悔”与“天皇退位论”
12、Although the Mikado have scruple, but did not oppose it. ─── 天皇对此虽有顾虑,但并没有表示反对。
13、Mikado culture ─── 天皇文化
14、They went to see "The Mikado"one evening, an opera which was hilariously popular at that time. before going, they made off for the Windsor dining-room, which was in Dearborn Street, a considerable distance from Carrie's room. ─── 一天傍晚,他们一起去看“日本天皇”,这是一出当时很流行的歌剧。去看戏之前,他们先去温莎餐厅。那家餐馆在第邦街,离嘉莉的住处有一大段路。
15、Have you an all-embracing affection for Messers Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Ataturk and the mikado? ─── 你对墨索里尼、希特勒、佛朗哥、土耳其国父基马尔和日本天皇都是一概怀有喜爱之情吗?
16、In this case, the Mikado Kanmu changed to a mild attitude during the process of innovation in order to protect land nationalization. ─── 在这种情况下,桓武天皇为了维护律令制的基础——公地公民制,不得不改变严厉改革的态度,以温和的态度继续坚持改革。
17、They went to see "The Mikado" one evening, an opera which was hilariously popular at that time. ─── 一天傍晚,他们一起去看“日本天皇”,这是一出当时很流行的歌剧。
18、This drama is a brand new creation from Mikado, which contains not only previous Black Theatre also many unique design and topics. ─── 本剧为米卡多全新创作作品,内容除有黑光剧外仍有许多特效设计让观众目不暇给。
19、Mikado idea, the family-country view and Bushido are three big characteristics of the Japanese nationalism . ─── 天皇主义、家族国家观和武士道精神是日本国家主义的三大特征。
20、Chaetopsylla mikado ─── n. 圆钩鬃蚤
21、The artist deployed both fine and freehand brushwork to portray a male Mikado pheasant on a slope in the national park. ─── 作者兼用工笔及写意技法,表现国家公园一处微倾的坡地一只雄帝雉昂首挺胸,彷佛正在向雌雉炫耀牠的帝王之姿,形象生动传神。
22、"You can't quit your job, " Mikado said, nodding. ─── “你不能辞掉你的工作,”米卡多点点头,说到。
23、Mikado and Tensei can get better educations in Chiba. ─── 和田场在千叶能够获得更好的教育。
24、Among them is something she does not want to show in front of all the people, but Goro gives Pinkerton a whispered explanation: it is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri. ─── 其中有一件她不愿在众人面前摆出来。五郎悄悄告诉平克顿,那是一把天皇赐给她的父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。
25、The Formation of the Royal Shinto and the Sacralization of Mikado ─── 皇室神道的形成与天皇的神化
26、The Mikado and Japanese Aggression and Expansion of Militarism ─── 日本天皇与军国主义侵略扩张
27、” Bird watchers and photographers all want to see them, however after visitors in Tataka started feeding them, Mikado Pheasants started to regularly appear. ─── 不过,在塔塔加出现人为喂食后,帝雉稳定出现,站上新中横公路旁、海拔300公尺处的青苔巨石舞台,吸引了全台鸟友前往。
28、He luckily lands a new massive product campaign for Mikado Beer, Japan's largest conglomerate corporation. ─── 他幸运地一个新的大规模生产运动,天皇啤酒,日本最大的集团企业。
29、On the Modern Japanese Army Men's Mikado Cult ─── 论近代日本军队的天皇崇拜
30、Characteristics and influences of Japan's Mikado system retained after World War ─── 战后日本天皇制的保留及其特点和影响
31、The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic. ─── 日本天皇的权利是象征性的。
32、The turf type ryegrass (?Lolium perence?) varieties, Napoleon, Thetramax, Mikado, Juventus, Pimpernel, Simberia, Burton, Tonga, Taya, Figaro, Sakini, Tivolia, Pickwick, are appropliate planting in the irrigation area of Ningxia. ─── 供试 13个多年生黑麦草 (Loliumperenne)品种Napoleon、Thetramax、Mikado、Juventus、Pimpernel、Simberia、Burton、Tonga、Taya、Figaro、Sakini、Tivolia、Pick wick均适宜在宁夏引黄灌区种植。
33、The government spokesman confirmed that the Mikado would visit China next fall. ─── 政府发言人证实,天皇将于明年秋天访华。
34、Then he slipped out, and left the audience making a vast noise, which was composed of a mixture of cheers, the "Mikado" song, dog- disapproval, and the chant, "You are f-a-r from being a b-a-a-d man- -a-a-a a-men!" ─── 于是他溜了出去,撇下了正在大声喧闹的听众,喧闹声中夹杂着乱七八糟的欢呼声、"天王调"的歌声、不驯服的犬吠和"你--呀--决--呃--不是一个坏--唉--唉--蛋--阿--阿--阿门!
35、The bronze statue outside the Mikado Palace. ─── 青铜雕像外天皇宫殿。
36、e.g. The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic. ─── 日本天皇的权利是象征性的.
37、Somebody wailed in, and began to sing this rhyme (leaving out "it's") to the lovely "Mikado" tune of "When a man's afraid of a beautiful maid;" ─── 有人用哭腔唱起歌来,用的是那首好听的"天王调"里"男人心里伯伯的,漂亮姑娘--"那几句的曲子(省略了"今天是"那几个字);
38、The Mikado System in Modern Times-- A Chief Criminal That Japan Had Taken External War of Aggression ─── 近代天皇制:日本发动对外战争的罪魁
39、The house burst out with its "Mikado" travesty, and sang it three times with ever-increasing enthusiasm, rising to its feet when it reached for the third time the closing line---- ─── 全场又爆发出用"天王调"改编的油滑小曲,一连唱了三遍,一遍比一遍更带劲。 到第三遍结束的时候,全体起立唱道--
40、the party upholding the mikado ─── 政府内部亲皇派
41、It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri. ─── 那是一把天皇赐给他父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。
42、Mikado and Tensei can get better educations in Chiba. ─── 米卡多和田场在千叶能够获得更好的教育。
43、Mikado Pheasants inhabit coniferous and mixed-coniferous-broadleaf forests in middle and high elevations.They live amid dense shrubs and bamboo thickets in the forest understory. ─── 分布于台湾中、高海拔山区之针叶林、针阔叶混合林带;
44、Surviving ideas of System of Mikado and militarism are deep-rooted in some Japanese" mentality. ─── 天皇制和军国主义遗留思想的影响使皇国史观和对外扩张的思想在一部分日本人头脑中根深蒂固。
45、Forficula mikado ─── n. 齿球螋
46、But in its final stages, the project is suddenly dropped by a single man - Katsutoshi Katsuragi (Ryo Ishibashi) the son of the original founder and Vice President of Mikado Beer. ─── 但在最后阶段,该项目是突然下降了一个人-胜葛城(石桥亮)的儿子,原来的创始人和副总裁天皇啤酒。
47、Mikado pheasant ─── 黑长尾雉
48、On Historical Viewpoint of Mikado in Modern Japanese History ─── 论日本现代史学中的天皇史观
49、These works also content the myth that from the beginning of the world to the establishment of Japan, and the origin of Japanese emperor (Mikado) system, the reign of each emperor. ─── 而两书都记载了开天辟地至日本建国的神话、天皇系统的由来、各天皇统治政绩与当代史实等内容。
50、On the war responsibilities of Mikado of Japan in the Second World War ─── 论日本天皇在二战中的战争责任
51、That is why Swinhoe's Pheasant, Mikado Pheasant and Yellow Tit are candidates for National Bird. ─── 这就是为什麽帝雉、蓝腹鹇和黄山雀被遴选为台湾国鸟的候选鸟。
52、The connection of Confucianism and Mikado absolutism resulted in the sad event of Japan in the Second World War. ─── 它与天皇绝对主义政权结合的结果,导致了日本在二战中的悲剧。
53、In four days they were in San Francisco, and two days later on board a fast steamship bound for the land of the Mikado. ─── 四天之后,他们已在旧金山,又两天之后,他们就在一只开往天皇之国的快船上了。
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