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09-22 投稿


linga 发音

英:[ˈlɪnɡə]  美:[ˈlɪŋɡə]

英:  美:

linga 中文意思翻译



linga 短语词组

1、Ringa Linga ─── 太阳

2、ribga linga ─── 鱼鳞

3、GA LINGA ─── 林加

linga 相似词语短语

1、ling ─── n.鳕鱼;欧石南,石南之一种;一种似雪鱼的食用鱼;帚石楠(低矮灌木);矶鳕;鳕鱼;羽鼬鳚;n.(Ling)(美、马、新)林格(人名)

2、ainga ─── n.(萨摩亚的)大家族

3、ling. ─── n.鳕鱼;欧石南,石南之一种;一种似雪鱼的食用鱼;帚石楠(低矮灌木);矶鳕;鳕鱼;羽鼬鳚;n.(Ling)(美、马、新)林格(人名)

4、lingas ─── n.男性生殖器像(等于lingam)

5、lingam ─── n.男性生殖器像(印度教);n.(Lingam)人名;(印)林加姆

6、lingua ─── n.舌;似舌的器官

7、lingy ─── 石南很多的

8、lingo ─── n.行话;术语;隐语;n.(Lingo)人名;(刚(金)、英)林戈

9、lings ─── n.鳕鱼;欧石南,石南之一种;一种似雪鱼的食用鱼;帚石楠(低矮灌木);矶鳕;鳕鱼;羽鼬鳚;n.(Ling)(美、马、新)林格(人名)

linga 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Phoma lingam ─── n. 黑胫茎点霉

2、Nirvana is the art of exploring pundai and linga (penis) in tantric imageries. ─── 在密宗意象中,涅槃是探索pundai和linga(印度教男根)的艺术。

3、Miltochrista linga ─── n. 线美苔蛾

4、This lawyer Lingam was certainly flaunting it! ─── 涉案的林甘律师肯定是在炫耀!

5、This is Linga people's ancient funeral songs. Linga people is a part of Tujia ethnic group which inhabit in the hinterland of Wuling mountain. ─── 这就是武陵山腹地属于土家族一支的廪嘎人还在演唱的《丧堂歌》。

6、A few fragmentary images thought to be those of Vasudeva and Siva, the latter in anthropomorphic form and in the form of a lingam, or phallic emblem, are found on coins of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. ─── 几个由碎片组成的肖像被认为是瓦苏兑帕和湿婆,后者是以人同形同性论和男根,或者是林伽的形相出现,发现在公元前二世纪和一世纪的硬币上。

7、linga plicata ─── 沟纹舌

8、ZHANG Wen-zhaoa; HONG Tian-shengb; WU Wei-bina; LIU Zhi-zhuangb; GUO Zhuob; LENG Linga (a.Engineering College; b.Information College; South China Agriculture University; Guangzhou 510642; China); ─── 华南农业大学工程学院;华南农业大学信息学院;华南农业大学工程学院广州;

9、Every sha la la la every wo wo still shines.Every singa linga ling that they are starting to sing so fine. ─── 正因为它很好的契合了少女的这种对爱的向往,因而得到了广大青年的喜爱,成为英文歌曲的一首经典。

10、After a few minutes rest, Ginger and Helen cheered up to see the admirable lingam. ─── 两个人休息得差不多时才起身走进这个厅,“呀,这就是印度人崇拜的男性生殖器?

11、[Swami materialises a Golden Lingam, shows it to the audience and then continues]: THIS is the pure and unsullied Truth and this Truth is only with this Sathya! ─── 这个是纯洁无瑕的真理,而此真理只有和这个沙迪亚在一起。

12、The Radio Linga Network offers free online podcasts that you can use to enhance listening comprehension and language learning skills for 20 different languages. ─── 提供免费的语言播客,可提高听力和会话水平,共有二十种不同的语言。

13、Every singa linga ling that they are starting to sing so fine. ─── 昔日重来,带着撕心裂肺的痛,带着哭出泪花的笑。

14、4.Its traditional founder, Basava, taught doctrines and practices of surprising unorthodoxy: he opposed all forms of image worship and accepted only the lingam of Siva as a sacred symbol. ─── 它的传统创立者,巴沙波,令人惊讶地教导和实践非正统的学说:他反对所有形式的肖像崇拜,只接受湿婆的林伽形相作为神圣的标记。

15、Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shiva's linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. ─── 佛教、印度教、耆那教和苯教四大教派均将冈仁波齐尊为神山,世界中心。

16、Her limbs, entwined in yours like tendrils of fragrant jasmine creeper, draw taut and slowly relax in the gentle rhythm of linga and yoni: this is Lataveshta ( the Clinging Creeper ). ─── 后来她的四肢,缠绕在你喜欢的芳香卷须茉莉花蔂,提请弦慢慢放松了温柔的节奏,林加和号Yoni :这是 Lataveshta ( 的执着爬行 ) 。

17、41. One should not meditate on the Linga (i.e., Atman) in the day (i.e., while Surya or Pingala is working) or at night (when Ida is working), but should always contemplate after restraining both. ─── 不应在右脉工作的白天和左脉工作的夜晚冥想阿特曼,而应在二者之外冥想。

18、A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia. ─── 神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。

19、Speaking of which, we have proof that the Judiciary system has been tainted by political influences by the VK LINGAM TAPE. ─── 我希望她可以用自己的方法,给自己讨回一个清白。第一和第二被告表面罪名成立。进入辩护阶段。

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