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09-22 投稿


libertinism 发音

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英:  美:

libertinism 中文意思翻译



libertinism 相似词语短语

1、liberties ─── n.自由(liberty的复数)

2、liberationist ─── n.解放论者;妇女解放论者;adj.主张(妇女)解放论的

3、liberticide ─── n.破坏自由;破坏自由者;adj.破坏自由的

4、libertines ─── n.自由思想者;放纵派(libertine复数)

5、Hibernianism ─── n.爱尔兰习语或表达

6、libertinage ─── n.自由;自由观点

7、liberalism ─── n.自由主义;开明的思想或见解

8、libertarianism ─── n.自由主义;自由意志论;公民拥有充分自由权论

9、liberationism ─── 自由主义

libertinism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To Yue Xiuqing, the first is to sleep in the life, it is to eat next, just tell other libertinism next. ─── 对于岳秀清来说,生活中第一位的是睡,其次是吃,然后才讲到其他玩乐。

2、The main purpose that plays game is as collective as the friend libertinism, killtime; ─── 玩游戏的主要目的是与朋友共同玩乐、消磨时间;

3、This kind of You Le system that the name is NEOS by the United States " libertinism heaven and earth " development of company of You Le system, it takes electronic sport successfully outdoors. ─── 这种名为NEOS的游乐系统由美国“玩乐天地”游乐系统公司开发,它成功将电子游戏带到户外。

4、To Yue Xiuqing, the first is to sleep in the life, it is to eat next, just tell other libertinism next. ─── 对于岳秀清来说,生活中第一位的是睡,其次是吃,然后才讲到其他玩乐。

5、and that others, under pretence of religion, may not seek impunity for their libertinism and licentiousness; ─── 另一些人,在信仰的借口下,不可以为他们的放荡和毫无约束寻求赦免;

6、This covers mahjong desk and chair, have Wang Zhe imposing manner, its are comical the libertinism mind that makes strange design let game of the daily life of a family is self-evident. ─── 这套麻将桌椅,具有王者气势,其滑稽搞怪的设计让家常游戏的玩乐精神不言而喻。

7、Nothing brings more pain than toomuch pleasure;nothing more bondage than too much libeny(or libertinism). ─── 太快乐使人痛苦,太自由使人受奴。

8、Its are located in the party room of fashionable youth surely, shop, one station does recreational, libertinism calm. ─── 其定位于时尚年轻人的聚会场所,购物、休闲、玩乐一站搞定。

9、pain than too much pleasure; nothing more bondage than too much liberty or libertinism. ─── 欢乐过度反最为痛苦,自由过度反最受束缚。

10、No matter be to read, the job or all night libertinism, the eye regular meeting when staying up late because lamplight is other perhaps element and feel particularly easily acerb with exhaustion. ─── 无论是读书、工作还是彻夜玩乐,熬夜时的眼睛常会因为灯光或者其他因素而特别容易感到酸涩和疲劳。

11、My son loves libertinism tall building blocks, his fancy is very rich, I and his pa build the thing that take not to come out, particularly good. ─── 我儿子爱玩乐高积木,他想像力非常丰富,搭的东西我和他爸都搭不出来,特别好。

12、Freud was thus the principal intellectual influence behind our current libertinism. ─── 可以说弗洛伊德是当下享乐主义最有影响力的一位提倡者。

13、Xiaole's is our common people, dozen small with respect to libertinism triumphant -- at that time calls Dai Daigong, cry too row. ─── 那会儿穷,买一大盘胶卷回家在被窝里裁成一卷卷,乐着呢。

14、headlines don't necessarily reflect a new sexual libertinism. ─── 标题并不一定就反映一种新的性自由思潮。

15、advocating "Libertinism" vogue ─── “尚荡”之风

16、A size is building tent, put the baby that just was born in tent, next largish child child and parents dine together together libertinism. ─── 一家大小搭着帐篷,把刚出生的婴儿放在帐篷里,然后稍大的孩童和父母一起聚餐玩乐。

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