sneakingly 中文意思翻译
sneakingly 词性/词形变化,sneakingly变形
副词: sneakingly |
sneakingly 相似词语短语
1、snaringly ─── 咆哮地
2、squeakingly ─── 吱吱地
3、searingly ─── 猛烈批评地;火辣辣地;灼人地
4、sneaking ─── v.偷偷地走;偷偷地做;偷偷地看;偷拿(不重要的或小的东西);偷偷地走进;(非正式)打小报告;告密(sneak的现在分词);adj.暗中的,私下的;暗暗扰人不止的;(非正式)偷偷摸摸的;隐隐的(尤指不妙的)
5、sneeringly ─── adv.嘲笑地;轻蔑地
6、sneakishly ─── 鬼鬼祟祟地
7、sneakily ─── 偷偷摸摸地;鬼祟的(sneak的副词形式)
8、speakingly ─── 滔滔不绝地
9、creakingly ─── 吱吱作响
sneakingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、How did you sneak the escaped prisoners out of the country? ─── 你们是怎么使这些在逃的囚犯偷偷地离开这个国家的?
2、The class had an agreement not to sneak on each other to the teacher. ─── 全班学生达成协议,不向教师互相告发。
3、"Tried to sneak up on me," he said."Tried to sneak up on me." His eyes grew more baleful. ─── “想偷袭我嗯?”他说。“想偷袭我
4、In a little while he would drink himself into sodden sleep and she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach. ─── 不一会儿,他就不省人事,昏昏沉沉地睡去。 她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。
5、"We have to sneak around," he cried. ─── “我们只好偷偷摸摸,”他嚷起来。
6、You mean sneak past them somehow? ─── 你是说想办法潜行过去?
7、In the game, the marines had been beleaguered on Wake after a sneak Japanese attack on Manila. ─── 在那次演习中,在日本人偷袭马尼拉之后,威克岛上的海军陆战队就受到了围攻。
8、Bastard! You always sneak out when I fall asleep. ─── 你个该死的!每次吼我们睡着觉就偷走。
9、Did you sneak on me to the teacher? ─── 你有没有向老师告我的状?
10、They attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection. ─── 他们参观了一次对内的冬季时装预展。
11、You don't need a TAB before a line break, only after, but somehow, these sneak into the code. ─── 在代码换行之前不需要TAB,但是,它经常会隐藏在代码里。
12、I had to sneak around and hide my smoking from my parents. ─── 为了抽烟我必须鬼鬼祟祟地躲开我的父母。
13、He did not want to take the chance that one of them might sneak out in the middle of the night. ─── 他可不想冒险让她们其中任何一位有机会在半夜偷溜出去。
14、At Veida, almost every family raise sneak, the sneak product also brought the commercial opportunity to this town. ─── 在维达,几乎户户养蛇,蛇制品给这座小城带来了无限的商机。
15、You sneak into mommy's bathroom and gulp some of her mouthwash? ─── |你溜到妈妈的盥洗室里 灌了杯她的漱口水?
16、You threw me a surprise party? You're such a sneak. ─── 你给我一个惊奇的聚会?你真是个神神秘秘的人。
17、I feel that the director was trying to sneakingly undermine the heroic image the exile hoped to establish while claiming? His preference for "neutrality". ─── 我觉得导演在不经意间给这位领导者希望在“中立”背景上建立英雄形象的想法开了一个玩笑。
18、Herewith, a sneak peek at some salaries, job outlooks, and insider details of seven of the most coveted careers. ─── 在此,我们向您揭秘密七个最梦寐以求的工作的薪水,前景以及一些工作中的细节问题。
19、Since most chair by generator people do aspect is very deformed, sneakingly, pardonable also many people become it transparent. ─── 既然大多数椅子被生产者们弄得面貌丑陋、很不争气,也难怪不少人当它透明。
20、Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing. ─── 你可以游过河偷袭士兵,也可以远距离狙击他们,或者偷一辆塔式吉普车,然后开火。
21、"You'd better sneak," she called. ─── “你最好还是赶快溜吧,"她叫道。
22、So Nedo would sneak out to practice with it elsewhere. ─── 他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,得到了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。
23、"To somehow sneak out with the win is a cool feeling," Woods said. ─── “不管怎样,带着胜利离开是一种很酷的感觉,”伍兹说道。
24、Don't sneak up on me like that! You gave me quite a shock. ─── 别像那样偷偷靠近我,你吓了我一大跳。
25、He's standing behind the door, from where he was sneakingly looking at the guest talking with his father. ─── 他站在门后,从那儿他偷偷地看着和他父亲谈话的客人。
26、Can you give a sneak peek at the new recipes and items in the expansion? ─── 可以让我们偷偷看看资料片中新的物品和图样么?
27、They put on their shoes and got ready to sneak out of the castle. ─── 于是她们穿上鞋子,准备溜出城堡。
28、Don't sneak up on me like that, you gave me a shock! ─── 不要那样轻轻地过来,你吓我一跳!
29、Simply sneak a rubber band onto your thumb and forefinger.Now put the hanky in the hand. ─── 只不过是将一个橡皮圈偷偷的套在食指和拇指上。
30、But a while ago i found a way how to sneak it - i stuff it to the decollete. ─── 但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。
31、Anytime an ironclad mauler is hit by a critical hit or a sneak attack,it has a 25% chance to resist the extra damage. ─── 其他的生物,包括其他的装甲暴(泰提)熊都不能穿戴这个装甲暴(泰提)熊的装甲。
32、Affected by the bad weather, our army has lost the best chance to have a sneak attack on the enemy. ─── 受恶劣的天气的影响,我军痛失了偷袭敌人的最佳战机。
33、Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city. ─── 几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。
34、Better said would be creep bots, crawl bots, scrub bots, sneak bots, lube bots, and so on. ─── 可能还会出现爬行机器人、有爪机器人、擦洗机器人、潜行机器人、润滑机器人等等。
35、Sneak on planes and travel everywhere! ─── 各处的飞机和旅行上偷偷地逃走!
36、It started with four men trying to sneak into companies such as YahooGoogle to sample their free gourmet lunches. ─── 不过,这一创意已开始被人利用,并加以发展。数家公司已开始邀请来访人员享用免费午餐。
37、You sneak! You didn't ask me what I wanted. ─── 你这个偷偷摸摸的小人!你没有问我我要什么。
38、Don't sneak up on me like that! You gave me quite a shock! ─── 别那样鬼鬼祟祟地靠近我!你真把我吓了一跳!
39、But it is when I sneak into the space? ─── 但它是什么时候潜入我的空间?
40、And don't try to sneak out of your duties like you did last time. ─── 不要像上次那样逃避你的责任。
41、Jim tried to sneak out of study hall but the teacher saw him and settled his hash. ─── 吉姆想悄悄溜出大教室,但被教师看见了,并惩罚了他。
42、He steal the money and sneak out of the house. ─── 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了出去。
43、He will try to sneak his name in the guest list. ─── 他要试着把他的名字偷偷加进宾客名单当中。
44、You can never sneak out of your duties. ─── 你决不能逃脱你的职责。
45、You sneak! How did you get into the movies without money? ─── 你真够神秘的!你不花钱买票是怎么进的电影院啊?
46、We are doing anything above board and have never act sneakingly. ─── 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。
47、Look, I'll find some way to distract her, and then you sneak out. ─── 听着,我会找个法子分散她的注意力,你就偷偷溜出去。
48、They had an agreement no to sneak on each other to the teacher. ─── 他们一致同意不向老师告对方的状。
49、Pop a few in your mouth, sneak them into casseroles or replace raisins with them in a salad. ─── 剥开一些放进你的口中,偷偷地将它们放进炒菜锅中或者在色拉中将葡萄干用无花果替换掉。
50、Because game is hit late, it is every time sneak away when at dead of night into bedchamber, affected her Morpheus. ─── 因为游戏打得晚,每次都是深更半夜时溜进卧房,影响了她的睡眠。
51、Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed. ─── 也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。
52、How else could I know what my own daughter is up to--the little sneak! ─── 否则我又怎么会知道我自己的女儿正在搞点什么名堂呢--这个小鬼头!
53、They were going to sneak out in the middle of the night and steal Inky back. ─── 他们准备半夜溜出去,把恩奇偷回来。
54、He opened the door and told me to sneak in. ─── 他打开门,让我偷偷溜进去。
55、You also need to make sure that you do not sneak a noncompliant object through your interface using polymorphism. ─── 同时,也需要保证,在你的多态接口上,没有隐藏非兼容的对象。
56、It started with four men trying to sneak into companies such as Yahoo and Google to sample their free gourmet lunches. ─── 不过,这一创意已开始被人利用,并加以发展。数家公司已开始邀请所有来访人员享用免费午餐。
57、You can sneak attack with a Melf's acid arrow spell, but not with a magic missile spell. ─── 你可以利用法术“马友夫强酸箭”进行偷袭,但“魔法飞弹”就不行。
58、Just put him down as a sneak. ─── 他被归入鬼鬼祟祟的那一类人
59、Perhaps they had received advance warning of the "sneak" attack and had let it happen to prod the U.S. into war. ─── 也许他们事先得到了“偷袭”的情报,故意让偷袭发生,以刺激美国参战。
60、Fixed the entrance to Beacon's Perch from Lornar's Pass so you can't sneak around the edge of the zone portal. ─── 修正从洛拿斯通道进入毕肯高地的入口,这样你就不能偷偷的从地图边缘跑过去了(雪山计程车无效?
61、Just began, 3 suspects rob the vanity of effeminate woman technically, procurable hind sneak away. ─── 刚开始,三名疑犯专门抢劫柔弱女子的手袋,得手后就溜之大吉。
62、Sneak up on him before he knows what's happing. ─── 在他知道你来之前悄悄地走近他。”
63、Examples: Sneak Attack, Smite, Commander Effects that add to damage. ─── 例子:偷袭、重斩、指挥官效应会增加伤害。
64、Lena: Because i lost them all the time. But a while ago i found a way how to sneak it - i stuff it to the decollete. ─── 因为我老是弄不见。但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。
65、Tickets to Thursday's gala dinner, at$1,000 a head, also grant their holders a sneak peek at the exhibits. ─── 参加周四庆祝餐会的门票售价1000美元,持此门票者还可以预先目睹展览。
66、He tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighboring country, only to be caught each time. ─── 他多次试图偷越国境到邻国去,结果每次都被抓回来。
67、Also, try and sneak some Seekers past and harass his Harvesters. ─── 同时,试着用一些搜索者偷袭过去骚扰他的矿车。
68、How did he find a way to sneak out of the house? ─── 他是怎么设法从房子里溜出来的?
69、So easy, all blame myself sneakingly, or should I now comfortably lying here like to eat snacks while watching TV! ─── 这么容易,都怪自己不争气,要不现在我该舒服地躺着边吃零食边看喜欢的电视节目呢!
70、Below you'll find a sneak peek snapshot of what the application may look like. ─── 下面举一个简单的例子,让我们看一下。
71、This might be the Lakers' time to sneak in a victory tonight against the injury-riddled Pistons. ─── 今晚就可能成为湖人的时间,让他们来窃取受到伤病困扰的活塞。
72、How did he sneak off in the middle of the meeting without being noticed? ─── 他是如何在会议中途偷偷溜走而未被人发现呢?
73、Boy: Come on, man. How about this? You accidentally press the gate, and when you have your back turned, we sneak out. ─── 好吧,你看这样行不行?你不经意碰一下按钮,转过头,我们就溜出去了。
74、When you called him a sneak, you certainly called your shots. ─── 你说他鬼鬼祟祟,这肯定是你的心里话。
75、The class had an agreement not to sneak on each other to the teacher . ─── 全班学生达成协议,不向教师互相告发。
76、An abishai (for not all were malingerers) tried to sneak up from behind and aloft and was skewered for its effort. ─── 一只亚比西魔(并非所有的亚比西魔都是逃兵)试着潜行到对手的后方上空,却反被一剑串了起来。
77、They tries to sneak up on your wives and your daughters. ─── 他们想打你们妻子女儿的主意。
78、My sister used to sneak into my bedroom at night and read my personal diary. ─── 以前我姐姐(妹妹)晚上偷偷地溜进我的卧室,看我的私人日记。
79、He raised his spear and sneak forward. ─── 他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
80、Jim tried to sneak out of the room but his father saw him and settled his hash. ─── 吉姆想从房间里溜出去,但他父亲看到了,将他狠狠地揍了一顿。
81、Instead,you sneak up behind the murderer and put a quick end to his malicious life. ─── 以牙还牙,你也偷偷地靠近,潜到了这个刺客的背后,迅速地了解了他那恶毒的生命。
82、Steerforth said there was nothing of the sneak in Traddles. ─── 史朵夫说,特莱德一点也没有鬼鬼祟祟的小人那样品质。
83、Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck. ─── 利用铁撬进入驾驶休息区,再溜进车辆区,然后偷偷躲紧卡车后面。
84、Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me. ─── 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。
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