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09-22 投稿


molested 发音

英:[məˈlestɪd]  美:[məˈlestɪd]

英:  美:

molested 中文意思翻译



molested 词性/词形变化,molested变形

名词: molestation |动词第三人称单数: molests |动词过去分词: molested |动词现在分词: molesting |动词过去式: molested |

molested 短语词组

1、molested define ─── 猥亵的定义

2、molested meaning ─── 调戏的意思

3、molested and i love it ─── 我喜欢它

4、molested as a baby ─── 小时候被骚扰

5、molested se ─── 性骚扰

6、molested 2 ─── 骚扰2

7、molested on train green dress ─── 猥亵火车绿裙

molested 相似词语短语

1、congested ─── adj.堵塞的,拥挤的;v.挤满;超负荷(congest的过去分词)

2、molester ─── n.猥亵者;性骚扰者

3、molest ─── vt.骚扰;调戏;干扰

4、contested ─── n.比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执;v.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳

5、unmolested ─── adj.不受烦扰的;无麻烦的

6、molesters ─── n.猥亵者;性骚扰者

7、molted ─── vi.脱毛;换毛;n.换毛;脱皮;换毛期;vt.脱毛;换毛;n.(Molt)人名;(德、捷)莫尔特

8、molests ─── vt.骚扰;调戏;干扰

9、forested ─── adj.草木丛生的;v.植树于(forest的过去式和过去分词)

molested 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow. ─── 没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。

2、If I were gone, all these would molest you ─── 如果没有我,这一切都会来骚扰你。

3、Prosecutors had been investigating him for years, and soon after, he faced new charges that he molested a 13-year old cancer survivor. ─── 检察官一直调查了他好几年,不久后,他又面临新的指控-猥亵一名13岁的癌症幸存者。

4、Cares do still their thoughts molest, and still the unhappy poet's breast. ─── 烦忧仍然困扰诗人的思绪,诗人郁闷的胸膛。

5、Jackson head up saintdowns had ups and downs in his career, and face on proven elegations faced unproven allegations that he amerlest had molested children. ─── 杰克逊的事业有高低起落,并且面临猥亵儿童的未经证实的指控。

6、On her 80th birthday Mao Zedongs entertained her to publicly proclaim that she was not to be molested. ─── 在她八十寿辰时,毛泽东夫妇设宴款待她,公开声明她不会受到冲击。

7、31 to observe their dietary laws and other laws, just as before, and none of the Jews shall be molested in any way for faults committed through ignorance. ─── 并允许犹太人象昔日一样享用自己规定的食物,遵守自己的法律;如果有人无意做了什么错事,谁也不可干涉。

8、Behar: You were [molested] at age 11 by a 16-year-old female baby sitter? ─── 妳11岁时曾经被一名16岁女孩保姆侵犯?

9、It is illegal to molest a Key deer. ─── 它是非法骚扰的一个关键鹿。

10、The photos emerged along with details of testimony from inmates at Abu Ghraib who said they were sexually molested by female soldiers, beaten, sodomized and forced to eat food from toilets. ─── 此前,美国媒体公布了一些有关美军士兵虐待伊拉克战俘的新照片,据称美国政府方面本来试图掩饰这些照片。

11、The old woman refuses to sell her room to developer Ko who, as the Triad leader starts to molest May Ling. ─── 其时,建筑商柯先生向旧楼各业主收购业权,独外婆决死不迁出出让,柯先生遂派手下经常往其住所骚扰,光因仗义相助,而致一腿残废。

12、minigames to play, chickens to molest, and side quests to complete, so even if you do not feel like diving right into the next dungeon, you always have plenty of diversions to keep you occupied. ─── 游戏中的隐藏地区和宝物能激起你足够的欲望去彻底探索两个世界,因为你永远不知道能在树木分枝或灌木下面找到什么隐藏道路。

13、I have traveled through this world and listened as woman after woman tells of being date raped or acid burned, genitally mutilated, beaten by her boyfriend or molested by her stepfather. ─── 我走遍世界,倾听一个又一个女性向我诉说她们的故事,约会时被强暴,被硫酸烧伤,阴部被割,被男友毒打,被继父骚扰。

14、Like their owners, they were crushed, molested or trampled on without mercy, the degree of their misfortune varying only from the top layer to the bottom. ─── 然而这些书们也应该知道,它们的主人们的命运也没有好多少,他们也在那里垫路,也在那里忍受着践踏。其幸与不幸,不过是垫在上层或下层不同而已。

15、molest official ─── 干扰裁判员

16、Children are sexually molested and mutilated with thought-form so they can become anorexic or bulimic or drug addicts. ─── 孩子们被性骚扰、被残害思想而变得厌食、暴食或者染上毒瘾。

17、We did not molest the big dog, because we were afraid of him. ─── 我们没有去惊扰那只大狗,因为我们怕它。

18、He molested all three of you. ─── 他对你们三个进行了性骚扰。

19、Jackson had ? ups and down downs in his ? career, and faced on proven unproven allegations that he had molested children.They There were indirect references to those problems. ─── 杰克逊的演艺生涯跌宕起伏,面对未经证实,就提起他猥亵儿童的控诉,对于这些陈年往事,他们并未直接提及。

20、They called me geek, gay and the freak that molested children. ─── 他们叫我畸形人,同性恋者,性骚扰小孩的怪胎!

21、No one understood me, and exasperated by that stupidity, I insistently began to make a nuisance of myself, and to molest my parents in my impatience and fever. ─── 没人明白我怎么了,还用他们的愚蠢惹恼我,我开始执意使自己变成一个讨厌鬼,开始以我的烦躁和狂热折磨我的父母。

22、molest a female ─── [法] 调戏女性

23、that you will do us no harm, just as we did not molest you but always treated you well and sent you away in peace. ─── 29使你不害我们,正如我们未曾害你,一味地厚待你,并且打发你平平安安地走。

24、Perhaps one's ancestry beat or molested children;now one creates the consequences of one's ancestor's actions by experiencing the same first hand. ─── 也许一个人的祖先鞭打或骚扰孩子,现在你通过第一时间体验同样经历而体验了祖先行径的后果。

25、He was within his walls, secure from all molest ─── 他在自己屋里,不受任何干扰。

26、large orange and black lizard of southwestern United States; not dangerous unless molested ─── 产于美国西南部的橙色和黑色大型蜥蜴;不骚扰它就没有危险性

27、"Unfortunately," said Villefort, "there are the treaties of 1814, and we cannot molest Napoleon without breaking those compacts." ─── “不幸的是,”维尔福说,“我们被一八一四年的条约束缚着,除非破坏那些条约,否则我们是无法动一动拿破仑的。”

28、And one of these two brothers has become notorious because later on in life, Virginia Woolf wrote a memoir in which she suggested that George Duckworth had sexually molested her as child. ─── 其中一人之后恶名昭著,因为伍尔芙在她的回忆录中暗示,小时候乔治曾对她进行过性侵害。

29、He blew up a bus and molested children. ─── 他炸毁了一辆校车还猥亵儿童。

30、If another person is being molested, do not arise to go to his defence, but pry for the oppressor. ─── 如果别人被欺负,请不要为他打抱不平,只为被压迫的人祈祷。”

31、There was the grandfather who took naked showers with her and may have molested her. ─── 她的祖父曾和她裸浴,并可能对她进行过性骚扰。

32、He is accused of molest children in the park. ─── 他被控告在公园对儿童进行性骚扰。

33、Bumblebee and Jazz erupt in obnoxious laughter as, instead of fighting, the helicopter's projection proceeds to molest his comrade's while Barricade himself looks increasingly horrified. ─── 大黄蜂和爵士爆出幸灾乐祸的狂笑,看着那直升机的全息投影形象不是认真地对打而是,公然对他对手的全息形象滥施禄山之爪,至于路障的反应看着则是程度飙升的惊骇莫名。

34、The king exclaimed, 'Will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house? ─── 王说:“他竟敢在宫内,在我面前,凌辱王后吗?

35、Neither did Sennacherib molest the city. ─── 亚述王西拿基立并未攻陷这城;

36、/ You know, I'm gay..I'm gay, and I don't molest any children. ─── 主持人:你知道,我是,但我并不性侵害任何儿童。

37、I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way , possibly because my large build does not make me an ideal prospect for a hoodlum . ─── 可能是因为自己的大块头并不适合犯罪分子下手,我倒从没遇上过抢劫或是被揍。

38、Warrior, hand of mine shall never molest your scalp ─── 战士,我的手决不碰你的头皮。

39、The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao. ─── 他们不敢得罪左先生,而得吓吓就吓吓曹先生。

40、He molested children and was sent to jail. ─── 他猥亵儿童, 进了监狱。

41、35 And no man shall have power to do any thing against them, or to molest any of them, in any cause. ─── 为一切事件,谁也无权干涉及骚扰他们中任何一人。

42、After she told her parents, her mother shared that she, too, had been molested by the same man (her father). ─── 她告诉她父母时,她母亲也说,她本人也有这样的遭遇(被她父亲)。

43、However, a great deal of unfair related trading and the nonstandard exposure of trading information have molested the normal trading order and seriously infringed on the benefits of small and medium investors. ─── 但大量非公允关联交易的存在和交易信息披露的不规范,干扰了正常的市场交易秩序,严重侵害了中小投资者的利益。

44、Hint: If you kiss him and it feels like your lips have been molested by a giant lemon, he ain's the one. ─── 提示:如果你吻他的时候,感觉像被柠檬酸麻了嘴唇,他就肯定不是你的真命天子。

45、Some countries now have laws to prosecute nationals who molest children abroad and to curb paedophiles' foreign travel. ─── 一些国家在指控本国那些对外国儿童进行猥亵的居民已经有法可依,并且可以控制恋童癖者国外旅行。

46、Prosecutors had been investigating him for years, and soon after, he faced new charges that he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor. ─── 检察官们已经调查了他好些年;没多久,又有一名13岁的癌症康复男孩对他提起了诉讼。

47、But it can molest Maria ─── 可是这会使玛丽亚心里难受。

48、Don't molest crops,women or prisoners of war. ─── 不损坏庄稼,不调戏妇女,不虐待战俘。

49、Jackson had ups and downs in his career, and faced unbproved unproven allegations that he had menaced molested children. ─── 杰克逊的职业生涯起起伏伏,而且还受到了娈童的不实指控。

50、Okuri-OKAMI - Japanese: literally a "see-you-home-wolf". A man who feigns thoughtfulness by offering to see a girl home only to try to molest her once he gets in the door. ─── 日语:本义为“看家狼”。一个男人假装体贴,为一个女孩子看家门,其实是为了找到机会进去侵犯她。

51、There are no signs that she had been molested. ─── 没有迹象表明她被调戏过。

52、3.If the man continues to molest her, I promise to keep no measures with the delinquent. ─── 如果那人继续对她进行骚扰,我将对他这个违法者毫不宽容。

53、10.They say the victim, 16-year-old Emily Keyes, was shot in the back of the head trying to flee a gunman who allegedly sexually molested some of his student hostages. ─── 他们称,持枪歹徒据称对一些学生人质进行性骚扰,16岁的艾米莉试图逃离,被歹徒开枪击中后脑勺而遇害。

54、When Jenny was molested in the bar, he gave them a strong swat and lifted Jenny in bareness from the ground. ─── 当珍妮在酒吧台上唱歌却遭人调戏,阿甘二话没说,冲上去将那几人推倒在地,并且抱起穿着裸露不堪的珍妮;

55、During the trial, Culkin reported that Michael Jackson "never" sexually molested him or touched him in an improper way when he was still a child star. ─── 在审判期间,科尔金声明,迈克尔杰克逊”从未“在作为一个童星期间对其有性骚扰或是不合时宜的举动。

56、14 Were sometimes molested with the fear of monsters, sometimes fainted away, their soul failing them: for a sudden and unlooked for fear was come upon them. ─── 有的因魑魅的怪状而惊惶,有的因心志绝望而沮丧,因为,突然而意外的惊惧,忽临到他们身上。

57、large orange and black lizard of southwestern United States; not dangerous unless molested. ─── 产于美国西南部的橙色和黑色大型蜥蜴;不骚扰它就没有危险性。

58、"Hey, the sooner you come here, the sooner we can go home so you can molest me. ─── 嘿,你来得越早,我们可以回家得越早,然后你就可以猥亵我。

59、"None of us knew what to do about it back then," says Debra Geller Lieberman, 39, a mother of two, in New York City, who alleges that Copperman molested her in the 1970s. ─── “我们当中没有人知道该怎么办,”居住在纽约市的德布拉·盖勒·利伯曼说。39岁的利伯曼如今已是两个孩子的母亲,她称科佩尔曼在1970年代骚扰过她。”

60、A longtime Los Angeles County judge fatally shot himself at a Valencia park Thursday after detectives contacted him about an allegation that he had molested a child, authorities said. ─── 一位长期洛杉矶县法官星期四在巴伦西亚公园致命地射击了自己在探员与他联系关于他对的性侵犯一个孩子的指控之后,当局说。

61、Prosecutors had been investigating him for years, and soon after, he faced new charges that he molested a 13-year old cancer survivor. ─── 检察官们已经调查了他好些年;没多久,他又面临新的诉讼,说他涉嫌猥亵一名13岁的癌症康复男孩。

62、When it gets near it will jump and molest you ! ─── 什麽时候它得到接近的它将跳和干扰你!

63、KATHERINE JACKSON: "If you think about that yourself, and Michael molest your suggested son... would you ask for money? Would you?" ─── 凯瑟琳杰克逊:如果你设想一下,你自己的儿子被侵犯了....你会要钱?会吗?

64、Jackson allegedly molested Arvizo, an 11-year-old recovering cancer victim, on several occasions. ─── 据指控,杰克逊在不同场合猥亵了这个十一岁的癌症康复病人阿维左。

65、To molest the chastity of girl ─── 侮狎女子

66、I was well received by my fellow-pupils; treated as an equal by those of my own age, and not molested by any. ─── 同学们都待我很好,和我年龄相仿的同学们把我当作和他们平等的人来对待,没有人来欺侮我。

67、Zeus was known to corner red women and molest them until from their own desire they would enjoy themselves. ─── 宙斯以将红族妇女逼到角落调戏直到其自愿享受为止而闻名。

68、I was well received by my fellow-pupils; treated as an equal by those of my own age, and not molested by any ─── 同学们都待我很好,和我年龄相仿的同学们把我当作和他们平等的人来对待,没有人来欺侮我。

69、Thou shalt not molest a stranger, for you know the hearts of strangers: for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt. ─── 不可压迫外侨,因为你们在埃及国也作过外侨,明瞭在外作客的心情。

70、Tanzman is just one of dozens of women who say they were molested by the town's most trusted pediatrician when they were teenagers or young adults. ─── 坦茨曼仅仅是几十位宣称在青少年和青年时期遭到该镇最受信赖的儿科医生性骚扰的妇女当中的一位。

71、they deplorable damsels molested by lascivious men? Or were they unfortunate young men dallied with by wanton women? ─── 她们是可悲的少女被好色的男人调戏吗?或者他们是被放荡的女人玩弄的不幸的年轻人?

72、It would look like so. Do you give the same doubt when the priest molest the altar boy? ─── "男骗女:男教师利用自己受人信任的身分,和牧师神父搞细路无分别,都是十分无耻,我十分同情女童的遭遇"

73、A man who feigns thoughtfulness by offering to see a girl home only to try to molest her once he gets in the door. ─── 一个男人假装体贴,为一个女孩子看家门,其实是为了找到机会进去侵犯她。

74、Did you say you were|sexually molested? ─── |你说过你被性骚扰了?

75、The only difference is there's a far greater chance you'll be robbed, molested or killed in a netcafe. ─── 不同点在于,在中国的网吧,很有可能被抢劫,调戏甚至被杀害。

76、He molested children and was sent to jail for 30 years. ─── 他猥亵儿童,被判刑30年。

77、There was a small pretty girl was molested by three strong badmash in the street front of me.Essentially I don't want to emerge my identity and ready to go back.While the girl begged me to help. ─── 我逃亡了差不多10年了,在此之中,我一直坚持练习那些技能,直到没有任何进展.一种强烈的与外界联系的渴望侵袭着我。

78、We gaily set about killing the carniveres that molest our domestic animals, ─── 我们得意地着手捕杀危害家畜的食肉动物、

79、I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way; ─── 我从来没被抢劫过,也没有在身体上受到过伤害。

80、What if the guy was the bad guy, she could have been molested if she didn't keep alert on occasions like this. ─── 如果这个男人是坏人,而在这样的场合她又不保持清醒的话,那她就很可能会被非礼了。

81、What about that story of the black eight year-old girl, also from a poor family, who was molested and raped by her mother’s boyfriend, which psychologically traumatized the girl and became mute? ─── 为什么坏事总是发生在好人身上?因为它帮助他们看清如何让这个世界变得更美好。

82、We did not dare to molest the big dog. ─── 我们不敢惊扰那只大狗。

83、I was well received by my fellow-pupils; treated as an equal by those of my own age, and not molested by any. ─── 同学们都待我很好,和我年龄相仿的同学们把我当作和他们平等的人来对待,没有人来欺侮我。

84、She had been molested as a child, both within her family and outside it. ─── 原来她从小就一直受到来自家庭和外界的性侵害。

85、Cares do still their thoughts molest,and still the unhappy poet's breast, ─── 烦忧仍然困扰诗人的思绪,诗人郁闷的胸膛,

86、When you are molested for your piety;when your religion brings the trial of cruel mockings upon you, then remember it is not your cross, it isChrist's cross; ─── 但是,请记得,我们是为耶稣在背十字架,就像这位西门,是在分担耶稣的重担苦楚。

87、Six patients had recently come forward to complain that Copperman had molested them. ─── 最近已有6名患者指控科佩尔曼对她们进行过性骚扰。

88、" But those who molest the Messenger will have a grievous penalty. ─── 伤害先知的人们,将受痛苦的刑罚。

89、Mr Samleang says some countries are trying harder than others to stop their nationals going abroad to molest children. ─── Samleang先生说一些国家正在非常努力地阻止本国居民去国外对儿童进行性骚扰。

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