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09-22 投稿


lepidote 发音

英:[['lepɪdəʊt]]  美:[['lepɪdoʊt]]

英:  美:

lepidote 中文意思翻译



lepidote 相似词语短语

1、lepidolites ─── n.[矿物]锂云母

2、epidosite ─── n.绿帘石岩

3、lepidoptera ─── n.鳞翅目;鳞翅类

4、lepidolite ─── n.[矿物]锂云母

5、lepidopteral ─── 鳞翅目

6、lepidopteron ─── [昆]鳞翅昆虫

7、lepido- ─── 鳞翅目

8、lepidopteran ─── n.鳞翅目昆虫;adj.鳞翅目的

9、epidote ─── n.[矿物]绿帘石

lepidote 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ovary globose, 5-locular, lepidote. ─── 子房球状,5室,具鳞片。

2、Fruit dehiscent, obovoid to pyriform, 3-locular, with 1 seed per locule, pubescent and sparsely stellately lepidote; ─── 果开裂,倒卵球形到梨形,3室,每室具1种子,具短柔毛,疏生星状鳞片;

3、Fruit dehiscent, obovoid-globose, lepidote, base with persistent calyx, apex concave; ─── 果开裂,倒卵球形球状,具鳞片,基部有宿存的花萼,先端凹;

4、young branches densely stellately lepidote, older growth drying gray-brown, glabrescent, lenticellate; ─── 幼枝密被星状鳞片,老枝干燥灰棕色,后脱落,具皮孔;

5、Petals 3, ovate, 5-6 mm, outside densely stellately lepidote, inside concave and glabrous. ─── 花瓣3,卵形,5-6毫米,外面密被星状鳞片,里面凹、无毛。

6、Adaxial leaf surface green, densely lepidote, scales amber. ─── 叶正面绿色,密被鳞片,规模琥珀。

7、Trees or shrubs, dioecious, young parts usually lepidote or stellately pubescent. ─── 乔木或灌木,雌雄异株,幼嫩部分通常具鳞片或星状短柔毛。

8、leaf blade simple, pubescent [or glabrous], lepidote, palmately 3-5-veined, margin entire or dentate. ─── 单叶,被短柔毛[或者无毛],具鳞片,掌状3-5脉,边缘全缘或具齿。

9、buds ovoid, minute, densely stellately lepidote. ─── 芽卵球形,记录,浓密星状鳞片。

10、Shrubs or small trees 3-10 m.Branchlets and leaf blade abaxially rusty lepidote. ─── 灌木或小乔木3-10米小枝和叶片背面锈色的具鳞片。

11、Thyrses axillary, ca. 15 cm, densely lepidote. ─── 聚伞圆锥花序腋生,长约15厘米,密被鳞片。

12、Trees to 10 m.Branchlets and leaf blade abaxially densely silvery-gray lepidote. ─── 乔木到背面密被银色灰色具鳞片10米小枝和叶片。

13、petiolules 1-1.5 cm, thick, adaxially sulcate and stellately lepidote; ─── 小叶柄1-1.5厘米,厚,正面具槽和星状鳞片;

14、leaf blade simple, pubescent [or glabrous], lepidote, palmately 3-5-veined, margin entire or dentate. ─── 单叶,被短柔毛[或者无毛],具鳞片,掌状3-5脉,边缘全缘或具齿。

15、primary one lepidote. ─── 主根具鳞片。

16、Calyx lobes not scaly outside, margins fimbriate-lepidote; corolla hypocrateriform. ─── 在外面的萼裂片无鳞片,具鳞片边缘流苏状;花冠托盘状。

17、Fruit indehiscent, ovoid to subglobose, 1-1. 2 cm, scattered stellate lepidote but glabrescent. ─── 果不裂,卵球形到近球形,1-1.2厘米,具星散星状鳞片,但后脱落。

18、lobes broadly triangular, outside stellately lepidote. ─── 裂片宽三角形,外面具星状鳞片。

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