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marshall 发音

英:[ˈmɑːrʃl]  美:[ˈmɑ:ʃl]

英:  美:

marshall 中文意思翻译





marshall 词性/词形变化,marshall变形

动词过去分词: marshaled/marshalled |动词第三人称单数: marshals/marshals |动词过去式: marshaled/marshalled |名词: marshalcy |动词现在分词: marshaling/marshalling |

marshall 常用词组

marshall plan ─── 马歇尔计划

marshall islands ─── 马绍尔群岛(位于西太平洋)

marshall 相似词语短语

1、marshal ─── n.元帅;司仪;vt.整理;引领;编列;vi.排列;n.(Marshal)人名;(英)马歇尔

2、marshalcy ─── n.元帅的职位、阶级或权力;vt.安排;引领;统帅;vi.按次序排列成形

3、marshalled ─── 整理(marshal的过去式与过去分词形式);使排列(marshal的过去式与过去分词形式)

4、marshaler ─── n.封送处理器

5、marshaller ─── n.信号员;停机坪调度员

6、marshals ─── n.执法官;司法官(marshal的复数);v.排列;安排;统帅(marshal的单三形式)

7、marshalling ─── v.结集,列队;整理;引领;(车辆)编组;引导(飞机在机场地面移动);控制人群,维持秩序;合并(盾徽)(marshal的现在分词)

8、marshaled ─── n.元帅;司仪;vt.整理;引领;编列;vi.排列;n.(Marshal)人名;(英)马歇尔

9、Marshall ─── n.马歇尔(姓氏,男子名,等于Mar'shal)

marshall 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dean of the school act as marshal of graduation ceremony. ─── 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。

2、Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care. ─── 但是这位帝国元帅还是煞费脑筋地起草了一份给希特勒的电报。

3、Let me marshal the guests at the feast. ─── 我在宴会上安排客人。

4、Marshall said he didn't know of any, but he, like many other student affairs officials, defended Pima's actions. ─── Marshall说,他不知道这事,但是,和其他学生事务管理人员一样,他支持Pima学校的做法。

5、To make a good speech, you need to marshal your arguments very clearly. ─── 为了做一次精采的演说,你需要层次分明编列你的论点。

6、Rawle Marshall played a great game tonight. ─── 他又高又有技术(当然我也是!)

7、Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court. ─── 约翰逊任命瑟古德·马歇尔为最高法院法官。

8、We would abide by Marshal Stalin's wishes. ─── 我们将遵照斯大林元帅的愿望。

9、During sustained AF, the shortest AFCL/ERP was ligament of Marshall (LOM) in 2 dogs and the left inferior PV in 6 dogs. ─── 在所有8只犬中,最短AFCL/ERP位于Marshall韧带的有2只,位于左下肺静脉的有6只;

10、It was in 1960 at a small party in Marshall Montmartre that I first met Premier Chou Enlai. ─── 我和周总理的第一次接触是1960年在马绍尔.蒙哥马利的一次小酒宴上。

11、In 1919 he was created a Field Marshal and ennobled. ─── 1919年,他成为陆军元帅并被封为爵士。

12、Marshall, H.Douglas Goff, and Richard W. ─── 书名/作者 Ice cream /Robert T.

13、Two-Sided Network Effects: A Theory of Information Product Design By: Parker, Geoffrey G.; Van Alstyne, Marshall W. ─── 双边网络效应:信息产品设计理论。

14、German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II (1891-1944). ─── 二战中,在北非以出色的指挥才能著称的德国最高级的陆军将官。

15、We must never forget that it is a constitution we are expounding (John Marshall). ─── 我们永远不应忘记那是宪法,对此我们正在加以解释(约翰 马歇尔)。

16、They heard the marshal reply quietly enough and the two shook hands. ─── 他们听见那执行官很心平气和的回答,双方握握手。

17、A generated Java wrapper will marshal the data to be passed between the two. ─── 一个生成的Java包装程序将对要在两者间传送的数据进行编组。

18、The Marshal decided it was time to pay a visit to Headquarters. ─── 元帅决定现在是访问总部的时候了。

19、Of what marshal, Pierre could not ascertain from the soldiers. ─── 哪位大元帅,皮埃尔未能从士兵口里听说出来。

20、One day in1848 a carpenter named Marshall, noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter. ─── 1848年的一天,—位名叫马歇尔的木匠看到水中一些浅黄色的颗粒。他弯腰拾起并把颗粒拿给他的伙伴萨特。

21、We helped create nonpartisan global institutions like nato, the World Bank, the U.N. and the Marshall Plan. ─── 我们协助创建了无党派的全球性组织,如北大西洋公约组织、世界银行、联合国和马歇尔计划。

22、George Catlett Marshall was born in Pennsylvania on 31 December 1880. ─── 乔治马歇尔于1880年12月31日出生于宾夕法尼亚州。

23、Marshal: To enlist and organize: trying to marshal public support. ─── 参与,组织:试图获取公众的支持。

24、He had run the Marshall Plan in Europe. ─── 他曾在欧洲推行过马歇尔计划。

25、Behind the presumptuous General loomed the illustrious Marshal Petain. ─── 在这位跋扈的将军背后隐然可见很有名气的贝当元帅的身影。

26、In 1998 Gregory Dixon and Willson Marshall, graduate Miami University-Oxford as Master's. ─── 大概是牛津的硕士成立的投资基金罢。(真的吗?)

27、He sat nervously, marshal his thought. ─── 他紧张地坐着,整理着他的思绪。

28、Three days later General Marshall told me definitely that I would command the European theater. ─── 三天以后,马歇尔将军决然告诉我,我将负责指挥欧洲战区。

29、Issue orders to Chancellor, Treasurer and Marshal. ─── 发布命令校长,司库和元帅。

30、In the example above, the time to marshall the request depends on the number of items. ─── 在上面的实例中,打包请求的时间依赖于条目的数量。

31、FIFTY years have passed since America ended nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands. ─── 从美国最后一次在马绍尔群岛进行核试验至今,已经过去50年了。

32、Of course, Marshall had accomplished plenty of other things before then. ─── 当然,马歇尔在担任这个职务之前,还有许多优秀的成就。

33、MR. GARNER : I know you've talked to Dr. Marshall and others on RMA. ─── 加纳:我知道你已就军事革命问题采访了马歇尔博士和其他一些人。

34、AIDL will use these methods and fields in the code it generates to marshall and unmarshall your objects. ─── AIDL将使用代码中生成的这些方法和成员来伪装或解读对象。

35、She would not allow the marshal to interfere with his adventure. ─── 她不允许警官干预他的冒险行为。

36、He was an Air Marshal before retirement. ─── 他退休前是空军中将。

37、He was appointed fire marshal. ─── 他被任命为消防队长

38、Travis Marshall: A grand gesture from a man known for grand gestures. ─── 一个以大手笔著称的男人的大动作。

39、Nick Marshall was the ultimate man's man. ─── 尼克·马歇尔是典型的男人中的男人。

40、The Marshal Zhao is worshiped on the altar at their home. ─── 在他们家的神台上供着赵公元帅。

41、Concerning the details of the negotiation in London General Marshall has never talked to me. ─── 关于伦敦会谈的详情马歇尔将军没有告诉我。

42、A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag-raising ceremony. ─── 军队的一名干部担任升旗典礼的司仪。

43、Founded by the Marshall family in 1937, the Bama Companies located in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the United States. ─── 位于美国俄克拉荷马州图尔萨市的美国百麦公司成立于1937年,其创始人为歇尔夫妇。

44、Marshal arrays and strings in a structure. ─── 将数组和字符串封送在结构中。

45、As I remember it, I was far too busy than to take the time to thank General Marshall for advancement to the grade. ─── 就我的记忆所及,当时的忙碌几乎使我无暇向马歇尔将军致谢。

46、At noon he arrived on the Obersalzerg and delivered his news to the Marshal. ─── 中午时分他到了上萨尔茨堡,把这个消息告诉了马歇尔。

47、We are living in the same “global village”, as your famous Canadian thinker Marshall McLuhan put it. ─── 姥姥,经历了风风雨雨,比同龄人更多的风风雨雨,我长大了很多,尽管还是倔强。

48、Next on Marshall’s agenda was the complicated area of carbon footprinting. ─── 下一步对马歇尔的议程是复杂的领域的碳足迹。

49、For more than a year, Marshall and his generals had been planning the secret Allied invasion of France. ─── 一年多来,马歇尔跟他手下的将领秘密规划着盟军进攻法国计画。

50、The Constitution is a long document. Thurgood Marshall said he read all of it -- more than once -- and learned to remember most of it. ─── 美国宪法是一部很长的文献,瑟古德。马歇尔说他不止一次地阅读了整部宪法,而且还能记住大部分内容。

51、Marshal your arguments before debating. ─── 在辩论前,整理一下你的论点。

52、Once during the conference Marshall held a reception at the U.S. Embassy in honor of Molotov, the foreign minister of the host country. ─── 一天,马歇尔在美国使馆举行宴会,招待东道国的外长莫洛托夫。

53、The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920s. ─── 印度河文化是约翰·马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。

54、With Tarawa eliminated, the way was clear for attack on the Marshall Group. ─── 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。

55、Rise and shine, everybody. Huh? Zak? Marshall? ─── 大家都快起来吧!呃?扎克?马歇尔?

56、It is impossible to frighten Anand with the Marshall Attack; he beats everyone who plays it. ─── 对付阿南德使用马歇尔攻击是不可能的,他战胜了每一个使用它的人。

57、Only one man has an obvious right to assume the marshal's mantle. ─── 只有一个人具有明显的权力,以替取元帅之地位。

58、An ObjRef object has been generated (as the result of a marshal). ─── 已生成ObjRef对象(作为封送处理的结果)。

59、A marshal handed mike makes a welcome and introduces these leaders. ─── 一位风度的司仪手握话筒,热情欢迎和介绍了领导的名单、职务(全是副职)。

60、General Marshall knew that this air detachment had been hit and badly damaged during the initial Japanese attack. ─── 马歇尔将军深知这支空军在最初的日本攻势中,已遭到严重的打击。

61、It was developed as an in-house project at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. ─── 它被用在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的美国航空航天局(NASA)的马歇尔航天中心的一项内部计划中。

62、Rhapsody in blue, a school of yellowtail fusiliers (Caesio cuning) swims near the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. ─── 意译:鱼群蓝色狂想曲!马绍尔群岛的比基尼环礁附近,一群鲱鱼在游弋。

63、It would not be easy to quote comparable passages from Marshall's later work or from Edgeworth or Professor Pigou. ─── 从马歇尔后期著作,或从艾其伟斯或皮古教授著作中不容易找出类似文句。

64、Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century. ─── 马歇尔避免了二十世纪初抗议小说中典型的受压迫、与白人社会冲突的悲剧性女主人公。

65、Garry Marshall: The Odd Couple, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Mork and Mindy. ─── 加里·马歇尔:《单身公寓》、《快乐日子》、《拉维恩和雪莉》、《默克和明迪》。

66、That same afternoon the marshal appeared with two brawny assistants. ─── 当天下午,警长带着两名身强力壮的助手来了。

67、But nor did the West offer Russia a Marshall Plan to stave off a catastrophic collapse in living standards. ─── 但西方也没有向俄罗斯提供一个马歇尔救援计划来推迟其生活水平灾难性的崩溃。

68、Only five of them still remain on the list: Andorra, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands and Monaco. ─── 如今只有五个依然在榜:安道尔、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马绍尔群岛和摩纳哥。

69、You see I'm, just Marshall Mathers. ─── 我只是Marshall Mathers,一个普通人。

70、The marshal and his troops have been overcome in numerous battles. ─── 元帅带领着他的军队在战场上多次得胜。

71、Among the new men stands boldly out William the Marshal, Earl of Pembroke. ─── 在这些新角色中,彭布罗克伯爵,典礼官威廉最出人头地。

72、In British army a field marshal ranks above a general. ─── 在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。

73、But five of these are microstates like Nauru and the Marshall Islands. ─── 但这41个中有5个都是瑙鲁、马绍尔群岛这样的小国。

74、Donovan and Jim Garnett ;foreword by Marshall Loeb. ─── 书名/作者 Internships for dummies /by Craig P.

75、STEVE MARSHALL: Nor did he signup for it and that's where the problem lies. ─── 他没有郑重对待,然而垃圾邮件已经成为问题的所在。

76、Marshall: But there's no Jian Huey's concert in Kaohsiung now. ─── 可是江蕙现在没来高雄开演唱会。

77、Marshall Colberg was particularly helpful. ─── 其中Marshall Colberg尤有帮助。

78、He was supposed to act as the marshal's aide. ─── 他的职责是作指挥官的副官。

79、It would not be easy to quote comparable passages from Marshall's later work or from Edgeworth or Professor Pigou. ─── 从马歇尔后期著作,或从艾其伟斯或皮古教授著作中不容易找出类似文句。

80、In this famous economics book, marshall accedes not only.. ─── 在这本著名的经济学著作中,马歇尔不仅继承...

81、He does not marshal his divisions alongside other divisions. ─── ?不会派遣?的军队与人的军队对峙。

82、Go to Elba and ask for Marshal Bertrand. ─── 你到厄尔巴岛,去打听伯兰特元帅。

83、Many valiant generals served under the leadership of the marshal. ─── 元帅手下有许多骁将。

84、In Ru ia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal. ─── 在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅军衔。

85、The marshal rode at the head of the parade. ─── 典礼官在检阅队伍的前面骑马行进。

86、The general was appointed marshal of the armies. ─── 将军被任命为军队的元帅。

87、Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong thought print helped further reorient language from sound to vision, paving the way for our screen-fixated present. ─── 马歇尔·麦克卢汉和沃尔特·翁认为,印刷术帮助语言进一步从声音转向视觉,为我们痴迷于屏幕的当下铺平了道路。

88、He would turn out to be one of my best appointments, probably the finest secretary of defense since General George Marshall. ─── 后来证明,任命他是我最佳的决定之一,大概算得上是自乔治.马歇尔将军以来最出色的国防部长。

89、Fourteen months later, Marshall dropped dead of a heart attack, leaving nothing to Ms Smith in his will. ─── 十四个月过后,马歇尔死于心脏病,可在遗嘱中给史密斯女士分文未留。





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