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09-22 投稿


liege 发音

英:[liːdʒ]  美:[lidʒ]

英:  美:

liege 中文意思翻译



liege 词性/词形变化,liege变形


liege 短语词组

1、liege subject ─── [网络] 臣下

2、liege lord ─── 君主, 王侯

liege 相似词语短语

1、liegemen ─── n.臣下,忠实的部下

2、liegedom ─── 歌曲

3、griege ─── 米灰色

4、liegeman ─── n.臣下,忠实的部下

5、lienee ─── 留置权人

6、lieges ─── n.君主;臣民;adj.君主的;君臣关系的

7、lierne ─── n.(穹顶的)[建]枝肋

8、siege ─── n.围攻;包围;围城;不断袭击;长期努力;vt.围攻;包围

9、lieder ─── n.歌曲,抒情曲;民谣;n.(Lieder)人名;(英、德、捷、瑞典)利德

liege 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、liege lord ─── 君主王侯

2、60. If an advisor says to me ``My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?`` I will reply ``This.`` and kill the advisor. ─── 当我的顾问对我说:"王上,他只不过是一个人,能成得了甚麽大事."我会回答:"这个."然后宰了这个顾问.

3、"You do not know the men of Liege," said the Chaplain, "of whom it may be said, that, not even excepting those of Ghent, they are at once the fiercest and the most untameable in Europe. ─── “你不了解列日的市民,”那牧师说道,“甚至把根特的市民算在一起,他们也数得上是欧洲最凶狠、最不服管的一种人。

4、The Standard Liege midfielder is tempted by the prospect of both Liverpool and Villa, but Paul Stefani insists a deal is not yet in place. ─── 标准列日中场已经吸引利物浦和维拉球探过来看球,但是保罗-史戴芬尼强调目前没有接到任何报价。

5、On the Characteristics of Chinese Legal Culture by Studying the Ancient Liege Relationship ─── 从古代君臣关系立法看中国法律文化的特点

6、Your liege William the Conqueror, the duke of Normandy, is ready to invade England. ─── 您的诸侯,征服者威廉的诺曼底公爵,准备入侵英国。

7、Ronny Rosenthal sealed a permanent move from Standard Liege to Liverpool on this day in 1990 after making a stunning impact while on loan at the club. ─── 1990年6月29日,罗尼.罗森纳尔在以租借身份表现惊人之后,正式离开标准列治,签约利物浦。

8、Our cousin the Duke is chafed at the tidings of the death of a near and loving friend, the venerable Bishop of Liege, whose slaughter we lament as he does. ─── 在这可怕的时刻他仍然保持着头脑的镇静,并预见到,一旦开始械斗,打红了眼,人们就会比在心情平静时干得更为残暴。

9、Reepicheep: We've anxiously awaited your return my liege. ─── 雷佩契普:我的君主,我们一直在不安中等待你的回归。

10、princes and marquises; the nobility; a liege; a liege/sovereign lord ─── 王侯

11、Standard Liege's highly-rated 19-year-old winger Axel Witsel is keen on a move to United, The Sun claims: “I found out recently about United's interest but I don't know much. ─── 标准列日的边锋,19岁的威特斯尔与曼联接洽。太阳报采访他,他说:我知道最近曼联很关注我,但我对此并不太知情。

12、Liverpool have been paired with Belgian side Standard Liege in the third qualifying round for this season's Champions League. ─── (利物浦队在欧冠第三轮资格赛面对的对手将是比利时标准列日队。)

13、Maximilian, Emperor of Austria, caused him to be arrested at Utrecht, w here he was beheaded in the year 1485, three years after the Bishop of Liege's death. ─── 昆丁的胜利颇堪虞虑,看来还不是近在眼前。而这时他身后有个妇女忽然叫着他的名字呼喊道:“看在圣母分上,救命!

14、Physically, training is really hard but it was like that during four fantastic years I had at Standard Liege. ─── 这里的训练强度真的很大,但就像我在标准列日所度过的四年一样,我已经适应了。

15、The Congolese, from Belgian club Standard Liege, has already had a trial with Tottenham, who are keen to sign him when he turns 16. ─── 这名现在效力于比利时标准烈日队的刚果球员,已经去热刺试训过,热刺很希望在他16岁的时候签下他。

16、Maertens was educated at the University of Liege in Belgium where he received his PhD in Polymer Chemistry. ─── 梅尔滕斯是受过教育的大学在比利时列日,他获得了博士学位,高分子化学。

17、with which he contrives to maintain himself among the woods, in such a condition as makes him formidable both to the Duke of Burgundy and the Bishop of Liege. ─── 依靠这支军队他已设法在森林里站住脚,有能力使勃艮第公爵和列日主教都感到畏惧。

18、My back is my bread, O my gracious liege! ─── 我就是靠我的背吃饭呀,我仁慈的皇上!

19、Confucius used the subject of making friends in cultural teaching and compared liege relationship with friends which has realism and idealism. ─── 孔子将交友主题寓于文化教学中,并将君臣关系与朋友关系相比照,既有现实性又带有强烈的理想化色彩。

20、Tis matter of small weight, my liege, yet will I touch upon it, an' it please your Grace. ─── 这是件小事,皇上,但陛下如果愿意听,我就说一说吧。

21、"Thou shalt have it, fair kinswoman, were it against a host -- always excepting my liege lord, of Burgundy.But there is little time to talk of it. ─── 尽管他对她的前途不抱什么希望,他还是尽量使她不要丧失信心,便回答说,这伙人最强烈的欲望就是贪财;

22、As he came near, Quentin discerned that this person was the Bohemian, who, avoiding him, as was not difficult, held a d ifferent path towards Liege, and was presently out of his ken. ─── 当他走近时,昆丁才发现这正是那个波希米亚人。他很容易地避开了他,从另一条小道向列日走去,很快就看不见了。

23、The Uruguay international has been with Juve since 2002, but has failed to establish himself as a first team regular and is eyeing a move to Belgian where Standard Liege are keen to snap him up. ─── 这名乌拉圭国脚在2002年转会尤文,但是一直没有使自己成为主力阵容中的一员,所以他现在正希望能转会,而比利时标准烈日正热衷于追求这名球员。

24、“He is eager to return to the pitch, he did very well in Liege and he found new confidence. ─── “他早就渴望回来了,他在乙级做得很好而且他有了新的信心。

25、"But the Bishop of Liege," said Quentin, "he hath still power enough to subdue this disquieted and turbulent spirit -- hath he not, good father?Your answer to this question concerns me much. ─── “人们都说这位亲王是很可能实践他的誓言的,”昆丁说道,“列日市民也许会注意别给他一个把柄。”

26、Shojo: No. It allows me to occasionally engage in behavior they might not tolerate in their liege. ─── 不。这让我偶尔能从事一些可能不容许在主君身上发生的行为。

27、Suck-upscream: "And what a magnificent fort it is, my liege!" ─── 黄色,马屁星:多宏伟的堡垒,陛下!

28、But Gilles Vandewalle of the University of Liege, Belgium, and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day, when we are naturally exposed to light. ─── 比利时列日大学的吉利斯·万德威尔和同事们希望研究在本来就有日照的白天,人类大脑对光线是否有类似反应。

29、If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?" ─── 当我的顾问对我说:王上,他只不过是一个人,能成得了甚麽大事."

30、In the League Cup this season in the first round knockout, two-round total score Everton 4 to 3 Standard Liege lost, becoming the only team out of an advance team. ─── 而在本赛季联盟杯首轮淘汰赛中,埃弗顿两回合总比分4比3不敌标准列日,成为球队中唯一一支提前出局的球队。

31、Three Dwellings on Liege Square ─── 列日广场的三套住宅

32、"We will take care he hath no opportunity to be otherwise," said Louis;"for he shall be privy to nothing, save that he is sent to escort the Ladies of Croye to the residence of the Bishop of Liege. ─── “奥利弗,你真是个傻瓜,”国王说道,“尽管你自认聪明,你却不明白深谋远略经常得戴上单纯质朴的面具,正像勇敢偶尔也得披上胆怯的外衣。

33、Standard Liege will be without Serbian star Milan Jovanovic for their clash with Arsenal in the UEFA Champions League. ─── 今晚标准列日在欧冠联赛对阵阿森纳将没有他们的塞尔维亚球星约万诺维奇。

34、My liege! ─── 君王陛下!

35、one's liege lord; a liege subject. ─── 自己所效忠的君主;忠诚的臣子。

36、Meanwhile, midfielder Marouane Fellaini has ruled out a move to Old Trafford by signing a new contract with Standard Liege. ─── 同时,比利时中场费来宁新签了一份合同,这意味着他也不会来到老特拉福德了。

37、If Liege of the Hollows is put into any graveyard from play, each player may pay any amount of mana to put that number of Squirrel tokens into play under his or her control. ─── 若空心林王侯被从场上放至任何坟墓场,则每位玩家可以支付任何数量的魔法力,并放置等数量由他所操控之松鼠衍生物进场。

38、The Dane has been absent from the starting XI since the first leg of our Champions League qualifier in Liege. ─── 丹麦人已经缺席了自欧冠资格赛对阵标准列日第一回合后的全部比赛。

39、Milan are scouting other candidates for the role of Alexandre Pato's deputy and have shortlisted Standard Liege's Milan Jovanovic and CSKA Moscow's Milos Krasic. ─── 米兰还在关注其他能顶替帕托位置的球员,其中就有标准列日的约万诺维奇和莫斯科中央陆军的卡拉西奇。

40、Because, if by me the thing that does not know gives me pay, so, although pay me liege total worth, also be insufficient. ─── 因为,假如凭我不懂的东西给我报酬,那么,即使把君主的全部财产都支付给我,也是不够的。”

41、University of Liege, Belgium,31st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. ─── 清华大学生医工程与环境科学系主办,第十三届分析技术交流研讨会。

42、it not I that speed his death penalty hence, my liege? ─── 我加速了他的死刑不是吗,陛下?

43、Despite David Trezeguet's brace, Juventus lost their friendly3-2 at Standard Liege last night, but Didier Deschamps was not disappointed. ─── 尽管特雷泽盖表现神勇,尤文图斯还是在昨晚2:3输掉了对标准列日的这场客场友谊赛,但德尚并没有失望.

44、As a result, the Old Lady of Italian football will face Standard Liege in a friendly match on Saturday evening instead. ─── 因此,意大利足球的老妇人改为在星期六晚上和标准列日队进行一场友谊赛.

45、Liege, State University of ─── 国立列日大学

46、Clear compatriots is right them this liege appearance, say him " the loneliness like the god " . ─── 清国人对他们这位君主的形容,说他“像神一样的孤独”。

47、My liege, it is an ill time for dreaming. ─── 皇上,现在是不宜於幻想的。

48、The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, activity of the person's spirit, consciousness is come by the heart of dictate, alleged " heart person liege official, deities gives Yan " . ─── 中医认为,人的精神、神志活动是由心来主宰的,所谓“心者君主之官,神明出焉”。

49、Grown in the college of Clemson University and finalist of the Confederations Cup, Onyewu has behind him 117 games (6 goals) in the league with Standard Liege. ─── 奥涅乌初登欧洲的第一站是法国梅斯队,随后加盟标准列日,并在那里效力5年,出场117次攻入6球。

50、It was a welcome reverse for Wenger, who was short of attacking options for the trip to Liege on Wednesday. ─── 对于温格,这是一次受欢迎的知错就改,他正因为在周三列日的客场缺少前锋而发愁。

51、He called loudly for Trudchen, who presently appeared, for fear and anxiety would permit few within the walls of Liege to sleep during that eventful night. ─── 顷刻之间各人都抓住旁边一个列日人的衣领,右手则挥动着一把被月光映照得明晃晃的匕首。

52、Several clubs have asked for Tudor, including West Brom, Middlesbrough and Standard Liege, but all have been put off by Juve's asking price. ─── 已经有好几家俱乐部表示对图多尔有意,包括西布罗姆、米德尔斯堡和标准烈日队,但是他们都难以接受尤文的出价。

53、Again Louis demanded of him, minutely and particularly, the route which the party had taken to Liege; ─── 弄臣的打趣稍稍平息了公爵的愤怒心情。

54、He is eager to return to the pitch, he did very well in Liege and he found new confidence. ─── 他早就渴望回来了,他在乙级做得很好而且他有了新的信心。

55、Arsenal went to Belgium for the second leg of their Cup Winners Cup second round tie on November 3, 1993 with a 3-0 advantage over Standard Liege from the home game. ─── 1993年11月3日,带着3:0的主场战绩,阿森纳做客比利时进行优胜者杯决赛第二回合的比赛。

56、It would be a mistake to write to Liege for corks, and to Pau for gloves. ─── 写信到列日去买软木塞,到波城去买皮手套,那才荒唐呢。

57、Standard Liege are aiming to qualify for the group stages of the competition for the first time in their history having ended a 25-year wait for their domestic league crown last season. ─── (上赛季比利时标准列日终于迎来了阔别25年的联赛冠军,本赛季他们的目标还将是突破欧冠资格赛,在欧冠赛场上展示自己的风采。)

58、Become oneself after changing, next contest on the imperial court talk about the art in the room, liege bestow favor on with displaying philtre to invite in succession. ─── 自成化后,朝廷上下竞谈房中术,臣下纷纷以献春药邀宠。

59、Pieron, M., Cheffers, J., Barrette G (1990), An Introduction to the Terminology of Sport Pedagogy, Liege: Introduction Committee of Sport Pedagogy.. ─── 刘锡麒、黄明玉、陈添球、张木山(1993),师范学院体育科教学模式之研究,国立花莲师范学院P.103.

60、If an advisor says to me ``My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do? ─── 当我的顾问对我说:王上,他只不过是一个人,能成得了甚麽大事.

61、Hong Kong Daily News inquiry Nanping World Cup 2008 local time yesterday Liege in Belgium come to a close, China's Wang Hao in the final to Germany's 4-1 victory over Boer, the success of defending. ─── 新报讯2008男乒世界杯当地时间昨天在比利时列日落幕,中国选手王皓在决赛中以4:1击败德国名将波尔,卫冕成功。

62、Sui Xiaohong Ao Liege Yang Jing(Angang Technology Center); ─── 鞍钢集团技术中心;

63、Milan have made just one signing this summer, paying Standard Liege an undisclosed amount for United States international defender Oguchi Onyewu. ─── 迄今为止米兰今夏只完成了一桩转会,从标准列日队引进了美国后卫奥涅乌,转会金额没有对外界披露。

64、- Yes, my Liege! ─── 遵命,陛下!

65、Sky Sports News understands Liverpool are close to agreeing a pre-contract deal with Standard Liege striker Milan Jovanovic. ─── 据天空体育新闻了解利物浦几乎接近与标准列日前锋约瓦诺维奇签下预约合同。

66、Shojo: No. It allows me to occasionally engage in behavior they might not tolerate in their liege. ─── 不。这让我偶尔能从事一些可能不容许在主君身上发生的行为。

67、On the same day, in the season 2008/2009 UEFA Cup first round first leg match, at home to Premiership Everton 2 2 draw with Belgium team Standard Liege. ─── 当日,在2008/2009赛季欧洲联盟杯首轮首回合比赛中,英超埃弗顿队主场以2比2战平比利时标准列日队。

68、Didier Deschamps was pleased with how his players performed during the Bianconeri's visit to Liege, the only chance this season for the Old Lady to play against a European side. ─── 德尚很满意球队在与标准列日友谊赛中的表现,这是尤文本赛季第一次与本土外欧洲球队交手。

69、"Not noble, nor sir, neither," said the Syndic, "a plain burgher of Liege, that pays bills of exchange in ready guilders. ─── “我也不知道为什么,”彼得说道,“传说两位克罗伊埃仕女趁攻城的机会逃跑了。

70、Dirk Kuyt has shrugged aside the disappointment of Wednesday night's goalless draw with Standard Liege and insisted: "We'll be ready for Saturday." ─── 德科库伊特对星期三晚上与标准列治的无进球平局表示遗憾,但他坚信:“我们为周六的比赛准备好了。”

71、My liege ! ─── (称呼)陛下!

72、Lazio could move for Standard Liege winger Milan Rapaic when the transfer window reopens in January, according to reports in Italy. ─── 拉齐奥准备在明年一月冬季转会期引进比利时标准列日队的边翼米兰.雷普卡。

73、Thus she cared much about the liege opinions and sayings. ─── 因此,她特别在意臣下的思想言论。

74、Jot down according to the historical records, clear too 祖 dollar love a pair of scrolls with cool 漳 , oneself not only writes to write, but also usually encourages liege man to write. ─── 有一年除夕,他传旨:“公卿士家,门上须加春联一副。”初一日太祖微服出巡,看见交相辉映的春联感到十分高兴。

75、Alas, my liege, my wife is dead to-night; grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath: what further woe conspires against mine age? ─── 唉!殿下,我的妻子因为悲伤小儿的远逐,已经在昨天晚上去世了;还有什么祸事要来跟我这老头子作对呢?

76、but, ever since I resolved on coming hit her, my messengers have been in Liege to repress, for the present, every movement to insurrection; ─── 甚至还超过了你的猜想,”国王说道,“不过,我一决定到这儿来,就马上派人去列日,暂时压一压叛乱活动。

77、a liege lord ─── 受臣服的领主

78、The Standard Liege star is out-of-contract in the summer and has made it clear he intends to take up the option of a Bosman transfer. ─── 约万诺维奇在夏天结束与标准列日的合约,很显然他打算选择一个博斯曼转会。

79、Ex-Standard Liege forward Jovanovicis grateful that Hodgson decided to conclude the deal and he wants to impress his new manager. ─── 前标准烈日前锋约万表示,很感谢霍奇森最终达成了转会,希望能够给他留下深刻印象。

80、liege subjects ─── 臣民

81、Standard Liege's Mehdi Carcela (bottom) and Axel Witsel train on September 15, 2009 in Liege. ─── 欧冠盃三十二强小组赛揭开战幔,阿仙奴将作客标准列治。

82、After that take the second exit Ciney - Dinant - Liege and direction Ciney. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

83、Liege!Sanglier!Sanglier!(the Wild Boar: a name given to William de la Marck)" shouted by the assailants, while the feebler cry of "Our Lady for the Prince Bishop!" ─── 他跟他走过花园,打算一方面遵照他的指引,一方面准备一旦发现他有捣鬼的迹象,便戳穿他的胸膛,或砍掉他的脑袋。

84、"Nay, my gracious Liege," said the seneschal, "I know no evil of the Tower at all, only that the sentinels say lights are seen, and strange noises heard in it at night; ─── 路易不再问下去,因为他比任何人都更有义务保守监狱的秘密。他的住房年代虽没有高塔那么久远,但仍然显得古老而阴暗。门口站着一小队苏格兰卫士。

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