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09-22 投稿


mermaid 发音

英:['mɜːmeɪd]  美:['mɝmed]

英:  美:

mermaid 中文意思翻译



mermaid 网络释义

n. 美人鱼(传说中的);女子游泳健将

mermaid 词性/词形变化,mermaid变形

名词: meritoriousness |副词: meritoriously |

mermaid 短语词组

1、made for mermaid ─── 美人鱼专用

2、mermaid skirt ─── 美人鱼裙

3、Mermaid Saga ─── 美人鱼萨加

4、mermaid songs ─── 美人鱼之歌(歌曲名)

5、mermaid song ─── 美人鱼之歌(歌曲名)

6、blue mermaid ─── 蓝色美人鱼

7、beautiful mermaid ─── 美丽的 ─── 美人鱼

8、a little mermaid ─── 小美人鱼

9、free mermaid games ─── 免费美人鱼小游戏

10、mermaid girl ─── 美人鱼女孩

11、mermaid's hair ─── 美人鱼的头发

12、another little mermaid ─── 又一条小美人鱼

13、miss mermaid ─── 美人鱼小姐

14、my mr mermaid ─── 我的美人鱼先生

15、mermaid simulator ─── 美人鱼模拟器

16、hello mermaid ─── 你好,美人鱼

17、my mermaid ─── 我的美人鱼

18、Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch ─── 美人鱼梅洛迪·皮奇·皮奇

19、how to draw a mermaid ─── 如何画美人鱼

mermaid 相似词语短语

1、Germaine ─── n.杰曼(女子名)

2、seamaid ─── 小热带鱼

3、merman ─── n.男性人鱼;擅长游泳的男子;n.(Merman)人名;(俄)梅尔曼;(英)默尔曼

4、barmaid ─── n.酒吧女侍

5、mermaids ─── n.美人鱼(电影名称)

6、meter maid ─── 处理违章停车的女警察

7、hermai ─── n.上有赫尔密斯头像的方形石柱(herma的变形)

8、Germain ─── n.(Germain)人名;(法、葡)热尔曼;(英)杰曼;(西)赫尔马因

9、chambermaid ─── n.女服务员;家庭女仆

mermaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The little mermaid loved the prince, but her feet hurt very much. ─── 小美人鱼很爱王子,不过她的脚却很疼痛。

2、After that, the little mermaid met her sisters every night. ─── 之后,小美人鱼每晚都跟她们见面。

3、In the deep, sea palace, there lived a mermaid princess. ─── 在深深的海底宫殿里住了一位美人鱼公主。

4、When you see a small mermaid prince to love, gave up a three hundred years of life, into the sea foam, I could not help tears. ─── 当看到小人鱼为了所爱的王子,毅然放弃了三百年的生命,化为海中的泡沫时,我忍不住潸然泪下。

5、Milagros was born with a rare congenital condition called sirenomelia, which is also known as "mermaid syndrome". ─── 塞隆出生时就患有一种罕见的先天性疾病“并腿畸形”,这种病又被称为“美人鱼综合征”。

6、"I was there," she said, "when my twin sister Tilly turn into a mermaid. ─── 但是领我纳闷的是我这个女人不可能和坦蒂一样大,她比我的妈妈还要年轻许多。

7、Tianqi, can you imagine how much I love you? I love you no matter what. Even I'm asked to vanish like the mermaid, I would say yes. ─── 天骐,你知道我有多喜欢你吗?就算要我像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。

8、She said the little mermaid could go up and look around. First, she had to wait for her fifteenth birthday. ─── 她说小美人鱼可以上去看看,但她必须先等到十五岁才行。

9、Atlantic City hosted beauty contests for years before the Miss America pageant, like the contest for the 1926 Golden Mermaid trophy. ─── 亚特兰大市招待这些美丽的参赛者,就像这些参加1926年金美人鱼奖的参赛者一样。

10、The little mermaid danced for the new couple. ─── 小美人鱼为这对新人跳了一支舞,

11、TianQi, do you know how much I like you? Even if I become foam like Princess Mermaid, I'll still like you. ─── 你知道我有多喜欢你吗?即使像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。

12、The little mermaid wanted to know. ─── 小美人鱼很想知道。

13、Therefore, I Mermaid is to create word: freedom. ─── 因此,我创建美人鱼就是为了两个字:自由。

14、The little mermaid wasn't happy because she didn't want to wait. ─── 小美人鱼听了不太高兴,因为她等不及了。

15、He encountered in the river mermaid, the mermaid of the lecherous, he said: "I saw the whole incident, all I can to restore the status quo, if you are 15 in a row with my lover. ─── 在河里他遇到美人鱼,这好色的美人鱼对他说:“我看到整个事件的发生,我可以将一切恢复原状,如果你连续与我相好十五次。”

16、She said, "Amber, if you swim in the sea on Easter, you go turn into a mermaid and you go never come back. ─── 她说:“安珀,如果你在复活节那天在海里游泳时,你将会变成美人鱼,就永远不能回来了。”

17、In the original story, the mermaid lusts after the prince, but the prince does not choose her. ─── 在原始故事里,小美人鱼妄图勾引王子,但是王子却并没有选择她。

18、No one would buy her knowing that it was the real Little Mermaid. ─── 知道这是真正的小美人鱼后,没有人会买她的。

19、This all happened so quickly. The young man was actually a prince. he never got a chance to say thank you to the mermaid. ─── 这整件事情发生的很快,那个年轻人其实是一个王子,他并没有机会跟人鱼公主说声谢谢。

20、"The little Mermaid" went on to become the symbol of the city of Copenhagan. ─── “小美人鱼”甚至成了哥本哈根的城市象征。

21、Child, with a total illusion that he is like a beautiful mermaid, you can freely surf the sea, look at the legendary undersea forest, happy to find their own paradise! ─── 小时候,总喜欢幻想自己是一条美丽的美人鱼,可以在大海里自由地遨游,去看传说中的海底森林,快乐地去寻找属于自己的天堂!

22、Then the little mermaid drank the magic draught, and it seemed as if a two-edged sword went through her delicate body: she fell into a swoon, and lay like one dead. ─── 小人鱼喝下那服强烈的药剂。她马上觉到好像有一柄两面都快的刀子劈开了她纤细的身体。她马上昏了。倒下来好像死去一样。

23、But theirs is a lackluster encore.The scenes, characters and songs attempt to duplicate the success of "Mermaid" all too obviously. ─── 另外,在场景设置,人物塑造方面,“美女与野兽”模仿“小美人鱼”的痕迹也十分明显。

24、There is one piece of artwork in the bathroom itself, however, a rather flirtatious picture of a mermaid on one wall (see). ─── 但浴室内部的墙上有一件艺术品,是轻佻的美人鱼的画像(看)。

25、There are nearly 100 pieces of the vivid culptures and cave works such as the Stature of Liberty, the Peeing Boy, Danish Little Mermaid, David, Venus, Chopin, Mozart and some other figures. ─── 园内的雕塑、雕刻有近百件,自 由女神、尿童、丹麦美人鱼、大卫、维纳斯、肖邦、莫扎特等人 物,精雕细琢,栩栩如生。

26、and the little mermaid was very curious about it. ─── 小美人鱼很好奇,

27、The "professional mermaid" Hannah Fraser can hold her breath for up to 2 minutes under water, and even qualified as a scuba diver while wearing her trademark tail. ─── 作为"职业美人鱼",弗雷泽能屏气在水下畅游2分钟,即使穿上标志性的鱼尾,仍活动自如。弗雷泽表示,希望通过美人鱼表演唤醒人们的想象力。

28、About fifteen years ago, I spent a memorable night in a inn called The Mermaid in Rye, England. ─── 大约十五年前,我在英格兰赖伊一个叫"美人鱼"的旅馆度过了值得纪念的一夜。

29、a biform crystal; the biform body of a mermaid. ─── 两形晶体;美人鱼的身体是半人半鱼的。

30、She remained silent for a moment and said: I am sorry, I also like you and your Mermaid, but between us is impossible. ─── 她沉默了一下,说:对不起,我也很喜欢你和你的美人鱼,但我们之间是不可能的。

31、Mermaid Song Chivas ? ─── 主打歌:Mermaid Song-?

32、The little mermaid wanted more than ever to be human. ─── 小美人鱼巴不得变成人类,

33、Then the little mermaid sighed, and looked sorrowfully at her fish's tail. ─── 小人鱼叹了一口气,悲哀地把自己的鱼尾巴望了一眼。

34、The little mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the sun, and felt them, for the first time, filling with tears. ─── 小人鱼向上帝的太阳举起了她光亮的手臂,她第一次感到要流出眼泪。

35、Mommy, do you know little mermaid has tear, you can't see it because it's in the water. ─── 妈咪,你知道小人鱼也有眼泪,你看不到是因为它在水里。

36、Quickly, the little mermaid dived under the water. ─── 小美人鱼很快地潜入水里。

37、The little mermaid had to give the sea witch her lovely voice! ─── 小美人鱼必须把悦耳的声音献给海巫婆!

38、Soon, the little mermaid would die. ─── 小美人鱼就快死掉了。

39、The 26th Annual Mermaid Parade was held in the Coney Island in New York on June 21, attracting tens of thousands of people. ─── 21日,第26届"美人鱼"游行在纽约康尼岛海滨举行。游行以海底世界为主题,参加者使出浑身解数把自己装扮成传说中的"美人鱼"以及各种海底生物,吸引了数十万人参观。

40、He didn't know the truth: the little mermaid WAS that girl. ─── 他并不了解实情:小美人鱼其实就是那个女孩!

41、Soon, QiQi and her parents are gathered around a dining table -- her colorings of Ariel the Little Mermaid displayed underneath a plate of glass -- and gripping yellow Disney English playing cards. ─── 不一会,琪琪和父母围到餐桌旁,拿着黄色的迪士尼游戏卡。桌上的玻璃板下压着她的彩色小美人鱼图片。

42、But Mathew was bewitched with love for the mermaid, and ran the faster with her toward the sea. ─── 但是马修已经臣服于对人鱼的爱情之下,他抱着爱人更快地跑向大海。

43、The second sister made hers look like a mermaid. ─── 二姊把她的花园弄得像美人鱼的形状,

44、He has been involved in many projects including The Little Mermaid , The Haunted Mansion , and The Great Mouse Detective . ─── 他已经参与了许多影片,包括《小美人鱼》,《幽灵鬼屋》,《妙妙探》.

45、She could take the little mermaid there. ─── 她可以带小美人鱼过去。

46、In 2006, Emma returned to the big screen in Aquamarine as a girl who found a mermaid in a swimming pool. ─── 2006年,艾玛以一个小姑娘的身份重回到绿色的大荧屏幕,她在游泳池里面发现一条美人鱼的故事。

47、The mermaids swimming ashore and marching down the street are part of the annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade . ─── 其实这是一年一度的 科尼岛美人鱼游行 ,美人鱼们纷纷游上岸在大街上游行仅是游行的一小部分而已。

48、"There it is for you," said the witch. Then she cut off the mermaid's tongue, so that she became dumb, and would never again speak or sing. ─── “拿去吧!”巫婆说。于是她就把小人鱼的舌头割掉了。小人鱼现在成了一个哑巴,既不能唱歌,也不能说话。

49、Do you know what you're supposed to do to meet a mermaid? ─── 你知道该怎样见到美人鱼吗?


51、But even if Copenhagen's participants end up toasting their efforts over the head of the little mermaid, what really matters is how any international agreement is implemented at a national level. ─── 但是,即使哥本哈根的参与者最终在小美人鱼头部之上喝酒庆祝功,真正重要的是国际协议如何在国家一级执行。

52、The legs will stay together in a "mermaid" or "body-dolphin" kick in a fluid wavelike motion. ─── 双腿并拢,呈“美人鱼”或“海豚”状,波浪打腿。

53、Ppl said girls r just lyk thos fishes in the ocean, if u didnt caught 1 its ok, there r still?heaps of fishes in the ocean.....it is rite tat tere r heaps of fishes in the ocean but theres?also only 1 mermaid n tat mermaid is U! ─── 大家说女生就像是大海里的鱼,没掉到或是跑了,没关系,海里还有好几只鱼,海里的确是有很多鱼但是海里也只有一个美人鱼而那美人鱼就是??!

54、a biform crystal; the biform body of a mermaid ─── 两形晶体;美人鱼的身体是半人半鱼的

55、The little mermaid was scared. ─── 小美人鱼害怕极了,

56、The mermaid is playing harp on the carved wall. ─── 人鱼在石刻墙壁弹奏著竖琴。

57、You are talking about tea, and I had to stay in the city to work together on water Wei Mermaid? ─── 你是说红袖要留在卫水市和我一起做美人鱼吗?

58、The little mermaid wanted so much to be with the prince to live together, she knew the witch there must be a way, then she found a witch. ─── 小人鱼是多么的想和王子在一起生活,她知道女巫一定有办法,于是她找到了女巫。

59、Bernie the Bird: A wise and adventurous bird who is a good friend to the mermaid sisters. ─── 伯尼鸟:一只聪明爱冒险的小鸟,小美人鱼姐姐的好朋友。

60、But it was enough for Mathew to hear, and he looked to the back of the church and saw the mermaid. ─── 但是,马修听到了,他向教堂的后部望去,看到了美人鱼。

61、During the Shanghai World Expo, the Little Mermaid will be situated in the Mermaid Pool in the centre of the Danish pavilion. ─── 上海世界博览会期间,小美人鱼雕像将被安放在丹麦展馆中心的美人鱼水池里。

62、A tribute to Danish fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid has been sitting on the edge of Copenhagen's harbor since 1913, and draws at least 1m visitors a year. ─── 为纪念丹麦童话作家安徒生,该雕塑自1913年完工后一直端坐在哥本哈根海港旁边,每年吸引了至少100万游客前来参观。

63、It was really rather irritating to children who had never seen a mermaid. ─── 对于从未见过美人鱼的孩子们来说,这实在是令人非常恼火。

64、The little mermaid didn't go to sleep. ─── 小美人鱼并没有去睡,

65、The little mermaid rose out of the sea. ─── 小美人鱼从海面上升起。

66、His fame has been partly aided by film giant Disney, which turned "The Little Mermaid" into a 1989 animated hit film. ─── 安徒生的成名一部分要归功于电影巨头迪斯尼。1989年,迪斯尼公司将安徒生的童话《小美人鱼》拍成了动画片,一时引起了轰动。

67、Mermaid exchange for the future? ─── 去换取美人鱼的未来?

68、They gave the mermaid princess a knife and said, If you stab the prince with this knife, you can be a mermaid again. ─── 他们给了美人鱼公主一把刀,而且说,如果你用这一把刀刺伤王子,你就可能再是美人鱼。

69、Just in the audience, let me talk about why Mr. Lu Qing Mermaid founder of the network's spiritual home. ─── 刚才在台下的时候,陆青先生让我讲一下为什么要创办美人鱼这个网络上的精神家园。

70、The Little Mermaid falls in love with a handsome man but will he ever be able to love her? ─── 一个小美人鱼爱上一个英俊的男士,但那男士却喜欢上另一个女生...

71、The little mermaid sang a song. ─── 小美人鱼唱了一首歌,

72、A reveler dressed as a mermaid poses for a photo at the 25th annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade in the Brooklyn, New York. ─── 在纽约布鲁克林举行的第25届康尼岛美人鱼大游行上,一名狂欢的女子打扮成美人鱼的样子。

73、Jingxian natural texture of marble, "Mermaid" the outcome of the myth! ─── 天然大理石纹理惊现“海的女儿”神话结局!

74、The North Sea is not known is not a pearl Mermaid, but globefish fish. ─── 北海出名的不是珍珠也不是美人鱼,而是河豚鱼。

75、Later productions are ‘The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, The Angel, Papersilhouette, The Skipjacks, a.o. ─── 之后,“丑小鸭”,“小美人鱼”,“安琪儿”等著名作品相继完成。

76、Where do the female prefects bathe? And does the mermaid on the wall watch people as they take baths? ─── 女级长在哪里洗澡?墙上的人鱼偷看人洗澡吗?

77、Later, the strange creature found its way into a love story, where it turned into a beautiful woman like a mermaid. ─── 后来,这种神奇的动物不知不觉间进入了爱情故事,摇身一变成为美人鱼一样的美丽女子的化身。

78、but the little mermaid still wasn't fifteen. ─── 但小美人鱼还不到这个年纪。

79、Waking the horizon uping that carries, silent mermaid. ─── 唤醒地平线那一端,沉默的美人鱼。

80、A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae (Chlorophyta), such as the stonewort Chara and the mermaid's cup (Acetabularia). ─── 2某些绿色藻类(绿藻门)中颈卵器顶部的一组细胞,例如轮藻属和伞藻属的冠细胞。

81、In cozy Copenhagen, splurge on pastries, visit the Little Mermaid and dance till dawn at Tivoli Gardens. ─── 在安逸的哥本哈根,可以尽情享用美味的馅饼,看望一下小美人鱼,在蒂沃利公园跳舞到天明。

82、She said the little mermaid could go up and look around. ─── 她说小美人鱼可以上去看看,

83、Oh," cried Wendy, "to see a mermaid!" ─── 噢,”温迪叫道,“去看美人鱼!”

84、Her final employment was to gather seaweed of various kinds, and make herself a scarf or mantle, and a head-dress, and thus assume the aspect of a little mermaid. ─── 她最后一件事是采集各种海草,给自己做了一条围巾或披肩,还有一圈头饰,把自己打扮成一个小人鱼的模样。

85、It would give the mermaid legs and make her human. ─── 会让小美人鱼长出腿来,把她变成人类。

86、The little mermaid made hers into the shape of a sun. ─── 小美人鱼则是弄成太阳的形状。

87、They can ride around The Little Mermaid on a city bike like a true Copenhagener or have an organic picnic in the roof garden. ─── 他们可以像个真正的哥本哈根人一样,踏上城市自行车在雕像周围骑行,或者在屋顶花园品尝有机食品野餐。

88、The little mermaid felt very sad. ─── 小美人鱼很难过。

89、In the harbor sits Denmark's best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. ─── 在港口处有丹麦最有名的路标:小美人鱼。

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