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marseilles 网络释义

n. 马赛(法国港口城市)

marseilles 短语词组

1、Marseilles fever ─── [医] 马赛热, 南欧斑疹热

2、Salmonella marseilles ─── [医] 马赛沙门氏菌

marseilles 相似词语短语

1、manilles ─── n.吕宋纸;吕宋麻

2、arseholes ─── 蠢猪(arsehole的复数)

3、corbeilles ─── 垃圾箱

4、marseille ─── n.法国马赛市

5、amarelles ─── n.酸樱桃

6、Marseilles ─── n.马赛(法国港口城市)

7、Versailles ─── n.凡尔赛(法国城市)

8、mamselles ─── 哺乳动物

9、bastilles ─── n.城堡;牢狱

marseilles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sense of sunbathe is really good, pardonable Marseilles person is fond of this. ─── 日光浴的感觉真是好,难怪马赛人热衷于此。

2、"Well," said the marquise, "it seems probable that, by the aid of the Holy Alliance, we shall be rid of Napoleon; and we must trust to the vigilance of M. de Villefort to purify Marseilles of his partisans. ─── “嗯,”侯爵夫人说,“有神圣同盟的帮助,我们有可能除掉拿破仑,至于他在马赛的那些信徒,我们必须让维尔福先生来予以肃清。

3、We think an appropriate price should be around 270 francs per ton, FOB Marseilles. ─── 我们认为每吨马赛船上交货应为二百七十法郎左右比较合理。

4、Kidnapped by heroin kingpin Alain Charnier (Fernando Rey) in Marseilles, Doyle is mercilessly forced to become a junkie himself. ─── 岂料,道尔竟失手落入敌人手中,更被强行注射海洛英,成为瘾君子一族,饱受毒瘾的煎熬。

5、Salmonella marseilles ─── [医] 马赛沙门氏菌

6、"Tell me truly, Maximilian, whether in former days, when our fathers dwelt at Marseilles, there was ever any misunderstanding between them?" ─── “告诉我,马西米兰,从前,在马赛的时候,你父亲和我父亲之间有没有发生过什么误会?”

7、Marseilles became independent in the 13th century and passed to France in 1481. ─── 公元5世纪和6世纪由野蛮部落统治。

8、"No, I have for the end of the month these bills which have been assigned to us by the house of Pascal, and the house of Wild & Turner of Marseilles, amounting to nearly 55,000 francs; ─── “不,本月底还有这些期票,是巴斯卡商行和马赛威都商行转让给我们银行的,一共大约是五万五千法郎,这样,总数是二十八万七千五百法郎。”

9、Mourinho broke Chelsea's transfer record to sign Drogba from Marseilles three years ago, but the French champions have targeted the forward on several occasions since. ─── 穆里尼奥打破了切尔西的转会费记录把德罗巴从马赛带来,但是法国冠军也对这位前锋表示了兴趣。

10、Chapter 1 Marseilles--The Arrival ─── 第一章 船到马赛

11、However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. ─── 但由于德军攻入巴黎,他们只好改变打算,决定乘火车到马赛再结婚。

12、Before modernity, such places were concentrated in the Mediterranean basin, at Delos in Greco- Roman times, and in Venice, Genoa and Marseilles during the Middle Ages. ─── 在古代,交易场所聚集于地中海盆地。在希腊罗马时代在得洛斯,中世纪是在威尼斯、热那亚和马赛。

13、If I believed that, I would place my arm under yours and go with you to Marseilles, leaving the house to return to it no more." ─── 假如果真如此,我就要挽起你的胳膊,我们一同到马赛去,离开这个家,永远不回来了。”

14、The group hopes to set sail sometime next year from Marseilles, France, with various stops off along the way. ─── 小组希望某时明年设置风帆从马赛,法国,有各种各样的中止的。

15、she was coming out of marseilles harbor , and was standing out to sea rapidly , her sharp prow cleaving through the waves. ─── 它从马赛港出发向海外疾驶,它那尖尖的船头正破浪而来。

16、The passengers can travel from Paris to Marseilles in only four hours. ─── 乘客从巴黎到马赛只需四个小时。

17、As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 270 Francs per metric ton F.O.B., Marseilles. ─── 我们都是在互利的基础上做交易.我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为270法郎左右.

18、L: As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 270 French Francs per metric ton FOB Marseilles. ─── 当我们以相互的利益为基础做生意的时候,我某处每公吨表袋马赛270法国法郎左右。

19、In the Ouguansai field, Liverpool maintains as before such strong trend, the first run away game 2:1 is taking Marseilles, because the inferior wheel main floor 3:1 wins Egypt Huo to be warm. ─── 在欧冠赛场,利物浦依旧保持着这样的强势,首轮客场2比1拿下马赛,次轮主场3比1赢下埃因霍温。

20、the American consulate in Marseilles ─── 美国驻马赛领事馆

21、However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. ─── 但由于德军攻入巴黎,他们只好改变打算,决定乘火车到马赛再结婚。

22、Visiting Marseilles Unite Habitation Again ─── 再访马赛公寓

23、Alain Colmerauer and Philippe Roussel of the University of Marseilles in France invented Prolog in the late 1970s. ─── Prolog是法国马赛大学的科莫劳厄(AlainColmerauer)和鲁赛尔(PhilippeRousell)在1970年代末期所发明的。

24、I sent a message back. "Safe at Marseilles. All right up to this. " ─── 我连忙发了一个电报回英国:“安全抵达马赛,至今一切顺利。”

25、A Bowl of Marseilles Fish Soup,Please! ─── 来碗马赛鱼汤!

26、The 40,000 daily copies of the Guardian international edition will be printed on presses in Paris, Marseilles, Frankfurt and Madrid. ─── 保护国际的版本的 40,000 每日副本将会在巴黎,马赛,法兰克福和马德里的杂志报纸上被印刷。

27、"Sire, they are the results of an examination which I have made of a man of Marseilles, whom I have watched for some time, and arrested on the day of my departure. ─── “陛下,我是在审问一个马赛人时知道的,我对他已经注意到了好长时间,他是在我离开的那一天被抓起来的。

28、Festival Images Contre Nature, Marseilles, 2004; ─── 2004年马塞市的影像反自然节;

29、By this time, the CIA was already subsidizing Corsican and Italian gangsters to oust Communist unions from the Port of Marseilles. ─── 在此期间,CIA资助科西嘉和意大利的歹徒把共产主义联盟驱除出马赛港。

30、sometimes I dream of the shell-fish of Marseilles, and wake up crying! ─── 有时候我梦见马赛的海贝,会哭着醒来!

31、I say our country, because you were born not far from marseilles." ─── 我说‘我们的’故乡,瓦朗蒂娜,因为你出生的地点离马赛也并不远。”

32、We caught the boat at Marseilles . ─── 我们在马赛搭上了船。

33、Pell in 1971 was born in the French Marseilles, once did research in Paris Rope Nation University the literature. ─── 佩尔1971年出生于法国马赛,曾在巴黎索邦大学研修文学。

34、View of the Bay of Marseilles ─── 画名:一览马赛湾

35、Yet perhaps the classic blunder of all was made by Brazil in the semi-finals of the 1938 World Cup in Marseilles, and that was hubris par excellence. ─── 但最经典的主教练失误应该是巴西队在1938年马赛举行的世界杯半决赛中创造的,那是最超群的失误。

36、Out of these deep surrounding shades rose high, and glared white, the piled-up mattresses and pillows of the bed, spread with a snowy Marseilles counterpane. ─── 大橱、梳妆台和椅子都是乌黑发亮的红木做的。

37、a major French river; flows into the Mediterranean near Marseilles. ─── 法国的一条主要河流;在马赛附近流入地中海。

38、My land amounts not to so much in all.- That she shall have, besides an argosy That now is lying in Marseilles road. ─── 我的田地都加起来也不值那么多,可是我除了把我所有的田地给她之外,还可以给她一艘大商船,现在它就在马赛的码头边停泊着。

39、The Parisian societies had ramifications in the principal cities, Lyons, Nantes, Lille, Marseilles, and each had its Society of the Rights of Man, the Charbonniere, and The Free Men. ─── 巴黎的这些会社在一些主要城市里都建立了分社。里昂、南特、里尔和马赛都有它们的人权社、烧炭党、自由人社。

40、al, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of old, they had run their boats ashore ─── 移民中的一位首领懂普罗旺斯语,就恳求马赛市政当局把这块荒芜贫瘠的海岬赐给他们,以便他们可以象古代的航海者那样把他们的小船拖到岸上安居下来。

41、Lazio are preparing for the second leg of the Intertoto Cup match against Olympique Marseilles. ─── 拉齐奥正在准备国际托托杯与马赛队的第二场比赛。

42、Why, he left Marseilles, and was taken, on the recommendation of M. Morrel, who did not know his crime, as cashier into a Spanish bank. ─── 他离开马塞的时候,得了莫雷尔先生的一封推荐信,到一家西班牙银行去当出纳员,莫雷尔先生并不知道他的罪过。

43、" Danglars started off with Caderousse towards Marseilles. ─── 丹哥拉和卡弟洛向马赛出发。

44、During his 7th year in Naples Diego asked the president Ferlaino to be transferred to Marseilles Football Club. ─── 在为那不勒斯队效力的7年中,他曾请求Ferlaino转会到马塞足球俱乐部。

45、What do you say if I suggest somewhere around 250 france per metric ton fob marseilles. ─── 我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为250法郎左右,您觉得怎么样?

46、"In the first instance to Marseilles, madame." ─── “首先到马赛,夫人。”

47、after five and twenty years of labor, after having acquired a most honorable name in the trade of Marseilles, M. Morrel is utterly ruined; ─── 苦干了二十一年,他在观赛商界获得了一个体面的地位,现在他却彻底完了。

48、A Marseilles, please. ─── 来一杯马赛酒吧。

49、The Gangbiyahe entire journey can pass through the boat, goes by boat from Banjul to be possible to go directly to the upstream Marseilles Saint Soviet and coiners. ─── “生活就像一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景和看风景的心情。”

50、All right, Mrs. Wang. As a token of friendship, we accept your counteroffer for ammonium caliphate for 50,000 tons, at 270 French Francs per metric ton F.O.B. Marseilles. ─── 好吧,王小姐,作为友谊的表示,我们接受你方对五万吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价270法郎。

51、Come with us to Marseilles--come along." ─── 跟我们一起到马赛去吧,走吧。”

52、The team will play Marseilles of France in the Intertoto competition semifinal scheduled to take place on Wednesday. ─── 俱乐部按照计划将于周三晚上参加与法国马赛俱乐部的国际托托杯足球比赛。

53、With every sail set the little ship was flying on, away from Marseilles, to Leghorn. ─── 每一片帆都鼓胀得满满的,使这艘小船飞也似的驶离马赛,航向勒格翁。

54、By this time, the CIA was already subsidizing Corsican and Italian gangsters to oust Communist unions from the Port of Marseilles. ─── 在此期间,CIA资助科西嘉和意大利的歹徒把共产主义联盟驱除出马赛港。

55、Liverpool has a certain similarity to Marseilles. ─── 利物浦和马赛有某种相像。

56、Danglars took advantage of Caderousse's temper at the moment, to take him off towards Marseilles by the Porte Saint-Victor, staggering as he went. ─── 腾格拉尔这时是很愿意顺着卡德鲁斯的脾气行事的,他扶着他踉踉跄跄地沿着胜利港向马赛走去。

57、This was an easy feat to him, for he usually attracted a crowd of spectators in the bay before the lighthouse at Marseilles when he swam there, and was unanimously declared to be the best swimmer in the port. ─── 他从前就很喜欢潜泳,他过去在马赛灯塔前的海湾游泳的时候,常常能吸引许多观众,他们一致称赞他是港内最好的游泳能手。

58、Not only scores point as the Gutierrez substitute person's Dutch many, but also has that imaginative Marseilles to revolve forces a door open, Bonawu is enchanted by for this tulip. ─── 作为古蒂替身的荷兰人不仅进球多,还有那个充满想象力的马赛回旋破门,伯纳乌为这朵郁金香迷醉。

59、"Good-day, M. Morrel," said he, as if he had just quitted Marseilles the previous evening, and had just returned from Aix or Toulon. ─── “您好,莫雷尔先生,”他说道,好象他是昨天晚上离开马赛,刚从埃克斯或土伦回来似的。

60、Well, we accept your counter offer for the 10000 ton of ammonium sulfate, at 260 french francs per metric ton fob marseilles. ─── 我们接受你方对10000吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价260法郎。

61、She was coming out of Marseilles harbor, and was standing out to sea rapidly, her sharp prow cleaving through the waves. ─── 它从马赛港出发向海外疾驶,它那尖尖的船头正破浪而来。“啊

62、3 million and is also monitoring Sami Hyypia, of Liverpool, and Habib Beye, of Marseilles. ─── 而尼曰利亚人本周声称自己愿意留下。

63、He thundered in Marseilles recently." ─── 他最近在马赛怒喝道。

64、It made the Marseilles that I knew, tame and commonplace. ─── 我所了解的马赛,简直变得平淡无奇,索然寡味了。

65、The deputy-procureur was, therefore, the first magistrate of Marseilles, when one morning his door opened, and M. Morrel was announced.Any one else would have hastened to receive him; ─── 代理检察官暂时当上了马赛的首席法官,一天早晨,仆人门进来,说莫雷尔先生来访, 换了别人很可能就会赶忙去接见船主了。

66、Levison was also going to Marseilles, like myself and the Major, but not by my train. He had too much to do in Paris first. ─── 但是他在巴黎还有很多事情要办,所以不会和我们一起上火车。

67、I like the hustle and bustle of Marseilles. ─── 我喜欢马赛熙熙攘攘的景象。

68、Tell Me. truly, Maximilian, whether in forMe. days, when our fathers dwelt at Marseilles, there was ever any misunderstanding between them? ─── 告诉我,马西米兰,从前,在马赛的时候,你父亲和我父亲之间有没有发生过什么误会?

69、Industry (11% of the work force), with a concentration around Marseilles, Toulon and Nice, is predominantly represented by two thriving sectors: agrofood and chemical industry. ─── 工业企业集中在马赛土伦、尼斯等城市周围,主要代表性行业为农业食品和化工。

70、My digestion has been poor since we left Marseilles. ─── 自从我们离开马赛以来,我一直消化不良。

71、for three days ago I posted from Marseilles to Paris with all possible speed, half-desperate at the enforced delay." ─── 三天以前,我以最快的速度,几乎拼命似的从马赛赶到巴黎来,因为我恨不得把我脑子里的所苦恼着的一个念头一下子就送到六百里以外去。”

72、But in the evening, instead of going to the Elysee, he's on the TGV fast train to Marseilles. ─── 但是在晚上,他却搭乘了通往马赛而并非爱丽舍宫的高速列车。

73、In Marseilles, even appeared has recycled the Civil society organization which specially the cooking oil used in driving. ─── 在马赛,甚至出现了专门回收食用油用于开车的民间组织。

74、He was the same man, or rather the development of the same man, whom we have heretofore seen as assistant attorney at Marseilles ─── 他从前在马赛当代理检察官时我们曾见过他,还是那个人,说得更确切些,是原来的那个人现在达到了最完美的阶段。

75、Upon being asked about the team’s environment during their competition in Marseilles against Olympique, Ignacio Camacho flat out stated that “we don’t have to swim with fear; ─── 当被问到球队要在马赛对阵奥林匹克的处境时,卡马乔迅速指出:“我们不会恐惧。

76、one in the south, where Lyons and Marseilles had risen and the royalists of Toulon had admitted an English and Spanish garrison. ─── 另一次叛乱发生在南方,里昂、马赛的人民奋起反抗,土伦的保王党人已接受英国人和西班牙人组成的守卫部队。

77、the British consulate in Marseilles ─── 英国驻马赛领事馆.

78、"I will take the first conveyance I find, and hurry to Marseilles, whence I will bring you word how all is going on." ─── 莫雷尔先生喊道,“我马上找一辆马车赶到马赛去,等打听着消息回来告诉你们。”

79、In 1911 he sailed for Marseilles as a galley boy aboard a passenger liner. ─── 1911年,他以艺术欣赏者的身分搭船前往法国的马赛市。

80、It is so hot at Marseilles, that really I believe that the respectable inhabitants will in time go without any clothing whatever. ─── 而且,马赛的天气又那么热,我实在受不了啦,依我看,凡是可敬的居民都应该学我的榜样离开那个地方。

81、al,begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory,where,like the sailors of old,they had run their boats ashore. ─── 移民中的一位首领懂普罗旺斯语,就恳求马赛市政当局把这块荒芜贫瘠的海岬赐给他们,以便他们可以象古代的航海者那样把他们的小船拖到岸上安居下来。

82、I have some letters for you to give to Lefebre and Desjeans, and you will go on to Marseilles by the night train.You catch the boat on Friday. ─── 明天你先在巴黎上岸,我有些信件请你转交给里弗柏尔和狄金斯,然后你再继续搭夜班的火车到马赛去,这样你就能赶上星期五的那班船。

83、“If Edmond Dantes succeeded in making his fortune here in Marseilles some two hundred years ago, why not me today? ─── “如果两百年前爱德蒙.邓蒂斯能在马赛发家致富并腰缠万贯, 那我一个堂堂的中国留学生又为何不能在此发迹?

84、"Don't speak of Marseilles, I beg of you, Maximilian; that one word brings back my mother to my recollection--my angel mother, who died too soon for myself and all who knew her; ─── “别再提马赛这个名字好吧,我求求你了,马西米兰,这个地名使我又想起了我的母亲,我那天使般的母亲啊,对我,对所有那些认识她的人来说,她真是死得太早啦。

85、Well,we accept your counter-offer for the 10000 ton of ammonium sulfate,at 260 french francs per metric ton fob marseilles. ─── 好,我们接受你方对10000吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价260法郎。

86、One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. ─── 三十年前的一天,马赛躺在烈日之下。

87、the British Consul in Marseilles ─── 英国驻马赛领事.

88、he thundered in Marseilles recently. ─── 他最近在马赛怒喝道。

89、Deshong in its professional profession once successively teams and so on potency Nantes, Marseilles, Chelsea, after stepping onto the training post, has been Monaco team head coach. ─── 德尚在其职业生涯中曾先后效力过南特、马赛、切尔西等球队,走上教练岗位后,担任过摩纳哥队主教练。离开尤文图斯队后,他一直出于赋闲状态。

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