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09-22 投稿


larded 发音

英:[ˈlɑːdɪd]  美:[ˈlɑːrdɪd]

英:  美:

larded 中文意思翻译




larded 词性/词形变化,larded变形

动词现在分词: larding |动词过去式: larded |形容词: lardy |动词第三人称单数: lards |动词过去分词: larded |

larded 相似词语短语

1、larder ─── n.食品室;食物橱;肉贮藏处

2、parded ─── 危险的

3、larked ─── v.嬉耍,玩乐(lark的过去式及过去分词);n.(Lark)六(人名)

4、carded ─── v.(用钢丝刷)梳理;要求出示身份证(尤在购买酒类时);向……出示红(黄)牌(card的过去式和过去分词);adj.已经梳理过的;经过梳毛机梳过的

5、barded ─── n.吟游诗人;n.(Bard)人名;(瑞典、英)巴德;(法)巴尔;(阿拉伯、德、俄)巴尔德

6、lorded ─── n.主;上帝;int.主,天啊;vt.使成贵族;vi.作威作福,称王称霸;n.(Lord)人名;(瑞典)洛德;(法)洛尔

7、warded ─── adj.有钥匙榫槽的;有锁孔的;v.避开;挡住(ward的过去分词)

8、larned ─── vt.学习;记住;教;vi.记住;学(等于learn);n.(Larn)(美、澳)拉恩(人名)

9、yarded ─── n.院子;码(英制中丈量长度单位,1码=3英尺);庭院;帆桁;vt.把…关进或围在畜栏里;n.(Yard)人名;(英)亚德

larded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords tanshen;antioxidant;fish oil;lard; ─── 丹参;抗氧化剂;鱼油;猪油;

2、The researc h and development of liquefied lard,the refining of la rd and powdered lard in food industry were reviewed. ─── 对食品工业中液化猪油、猪油精制、粉末猪油脂等方面的研究进展作了详细论述。

3、METHODS: Model establishment: Wistar rats were administrated AS feeds (including 10% yolk powder, 5% lard, 0.5% bile salt and 85% basic feed) for 3 months. ─── 川芎嗪(由预新国际龙源药业有限公司提供,批号20041204)。 方法:造模:Wistar大鼠饲喂动脉粥样硬化饲料(蛋黄粉10%、猪油5%、胆盐0.5%、基础饲料85%),喂服3个月。

4、Among other fats used for cooking purposes, lard, crisco, and cottolene are the most popular. ─── 可用来烹饪的其它脂肪中,猪油、黄油和棉油是最受欢迎的。

5、His article is larded with exaggerating expressions. ─── 他的文章夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。

6、With the advent of high-quality vegetable oils, principally from corn and soybeans, around the time of World War II, the demand market for pork fat, or lard, declined very rapidly. ─── 大约在二战时期,随着高质量的植物油(主要是玉米油和大豆油)的出现,猪油的市场需求迅速下降。

7、I must render down this fat; we are short of lard. ─── 我得把这块肥肉熬成油,我们正缺猪油。

8、Later on, when the government troops dislodged them from the place where they had made love, they did shoes among the cans of lard nike dunks sacks of corn in the back of the store. ─── 尽管经常地提到窝棚,也总以可以耐得住窝棚的朴陋摆明自己的品节,但心里自以为是见不到它了,在这个乡村已小楼遍布的繁华时代。我竟见到了。

9、He larded his lecture with many jokes. ─── 他在讲座中加进了许多笑话。

10、His prose is larded with pompous expressions. ─── 他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修辞。

11、Discussing Factors Effecting Dry Fractionation of Lard ─── 影响猪油干法分提因素探讨

12、and the seminary martial arts education which is larded in the "PE" course will do harm to the popularization of the Chinese martial arts. ─── 夹杂在“体育”课程中的学校武术教育不利于中国武术的普及。

13、His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs. ─── 他的谈话夹杂了很多俄国谚语。

14、melt (fat,lard,etc.) in order to separate out impurities ─── 为了分离出杂质而溶化(脂肪,猪油等)

15、We are surching for tallow, lard, palm fatty acid, coconut fatty acid, starin, caustic soda and rax mateiral in gene. ─── 我们正在寻找牛脂、猪油、棕榈酸、椰子脂肪酸、苛性钠以及其它用于制造香皂的原料。

16、Powder TP (PTP), oil-soluble TP(OSTP) and Butylated Hlydroxy Anisole+Butylated Hlydroxy Toluene (BHA+BHT) are evaluated as antioxidant in lard oil and soybean oil using AOM. ─── 以猪油和大豆油为实验油,用活性氧法(AOM)对粉剂茶多酚、油溶型茶多酚、叔丁基4羟基茴香醚(BHA)+2,6-二叔基对甲酚(BHT)的抗氧化性能进行了比较。

17、Traditional mooncakes are made with melted lard, but today vegetable oil is more often used in the interests of health. ─── 传统的月饼制作使用的是猪油,但是现在为了身体健康,已经改为使用植物油了。

18、Tianshui box with a crisp soft lard, the taste of flavor and beautiful color, but not greasy oil, crisp but not broken, and other characteristics. ─── 天水猪油盒具有酥脆松软、滋味浓香、色泽艳丽、油而不腻、酥而不碎等特点。

19、Preparation of shortenings based on stearin fractions of lard ─── 以猪油分提固脂为原料的起酥油的研制

20、The extracts of flavonoids exhibit strong antioxidant activity on lard. ─── 从无梗五加中提取的粗黄酮对猪油有明显的抗氧化作用。

21、to try the lard in a big kettle ─── 在大锅里炼猪油

22、fat lining the abdomen and kidneys in hogs which is used to make lard. ─── 公猪腰和肾脏内壁的脂肪,用于炼猪油。

23、The book is well larded with anecdotes. ─── 书中穿插了不少轶闻趣事。

24、a hard medicated paste made of lard or oil mixed with wax or resin. ─── 一种用猪油、蜡、树脂混合而成的药膏。

25、When the additive quantity of reaches 8%, RLE 3 and RLE 4 display a very strong function which promotes the lard oxidation corruption. ─── 当RLE3 、RLE4的添加量达到8%时 ,反而表现出强烈的促进猪油氧化哈败的作用 .

26、a talk larded with jokes ─── 穿插笑话的讲话

27、She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon. ─── 她喜欢在鸡肉里加点腌猪肉。

28、Keywords fatting agent;garbage grease;lard;Turkey red oil; ─── 加脂剂;下脚油脂;猪油;土耳其红油;

29、Ginger,clove,pepper,cinnamon and fennel showed antioxidant activity in lard from high to low in turn,and ginger,cinnamon,clove,peper,fennel in peanut oil in turn. ─── 对于猪油,其抗氧化能力大小依次为:生姜、丁香、胡椒、桂皮、茴香、辣椒;而对于花生油,则依次为:生姜、桂皮、丁香、胡椒、茴香、辣椒。

30、Another tempting approach is to substitute animal fats like butter or lard, but these contain mostly saturated fats, which are almost as bad for us as trans fats. ─── 另一个诱人的进展是使用动物脂肪替代品如奶油或猪油,但这些都包含了很多饱和脂肪,这些脂肪的危害与反式脂肪是一样的。

31、He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. ─── 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。

32、The school was far across town and the walking distance alone consumed my breakfast of mush and lard gravy. ─── 去学校要穿过市区,光是步行的距离就把我早饭吃的猪油玉米粥消耗光了。

33、Introduction: crisp burning are well-known snack in Changzhi city, one of its use of white flour, eggs for raw materials, to cooked oil or lard ass and face, formed by the burning system. ─── 介绍:酥火烧是长治市区有名的小吃之一,它用上白面粉、鸡蛋作原料,以熟驴油或熟猪油和面,经火烤制而成。

34、Flavonids in Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl were extracted by 75% ethanol as solvent.The antioxidative activity of the extraction to lard oil was researched. ─── 以75%乙醇为溶剂提取迎春花叶中的黄酮类化合物,研究了黄酮提取物对猪油的抗氧化性能。

35、"The history of Sicily was larded with treachery" (Mario Puzo) ─── “西西里的历史中充满了欺骗”(马里奥·普佐)

36、a lecture larded with obscure quotations ─── 夹杂着晦涩引文的讲演.

37、We are surching for tallow, lard, palm fatty acid, coconut fatty acid, starin, caustic soda and rax mateiral in general used to make soap. ─── 我们正在寻找牛脂、油、榈酸、子脂肪酸、性钠以及其它用于制造香皂的原料。

38、Parameters effecting on dry fractionation of lard are crystallization temperature, cooling rate, crystal growing time, agitation rate, separating manner. ─── 影响猪油干法分提参数有:结晶温度、冷却速率、养晶时间、搅拌速率及分离方式。

39、Putting alcohol extracts of different quantity into vegetable oil and lard respectively,their antioxidation activity were compared. ─── 把不同量的乙醇提取物分别添加到植物油和猪油中,比较其抗氧化活性。

40、All told, the tax code is larded with more than $700 billion-worth of inefficient subsidies. ─── 合计起来税制里有超过7000亿美元的低效补贴。

41、Addition of shortening and refined lard improved steamed bread quality, including specific volume, surface brightness, crumb texture, and shelf life. ─── 发现,固态油脂(起酥油和精制猪油)的适量添加能够改善馒头的表面色泽和内部质构,增大了馒头的体积和延缓了馒头的老化。

42、Do not eat food fried in rancid lard for it is harmful to your health. ─── 哈喇油炸出来的食物对人体有害, 不要吃。

43、She is just an uneducated foul-mouth ill-mannered filthy smelly ugly tub of lard potbelly pig. ─── 主题: Well, komin, you have just had the experience of a perpetual lying bitch who knows nothing.

44、You'll never convince Donald;he's a lard - head. ─── 你永远无法于唐纳德信服,他是一个笨蛋。

45、His prose is larded with pompous expressions. ─── 他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。

46、His prose is larded with pompous expressions. ─── 他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。

47、The woman's breasts were big and heavy enough to have been included in Baudelaire's poems on the local customs of Belgium.The child must have been sucking melted lard with sugar. ─── 她满腔都是肥腻腻的营养,小孩子吸的想是加糖的溶化猪油。

48、An unlucky man would be dried even if you put him in a pot full of lard. ─── 人倒了霉,喝凉水都塞牙齿。

49、Lastly,some suggestions and developing trends of the lard were put forwards. ─── 展望了猪油工业的发展趋势,并提出了一些建议。

50、Don't get the lard too hot, for it will spatter all over you ─── 别把猪油熬的太烫了,否则会溅得你混身油迹。

51、Not being able to restrain their joy, they chatted fierily for a whole afternoon and Mary’s conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.However, Irene could find the change in Mary’s characters. ─── 她们热火朝天的聊了大半天,她发现玛丽的谈话里夹杂了去多俄国谚语,同时她也感受到了她性格里的变化。

52、Yuanxiao made in Chengdu Sichuan Province and Ningbo Zhejiang Province are well-known in China. It is filled with black sesame and sugar mixed with lard. ─── 四川成都的“赖汤圆”,浙江的“宁波汤圆”等,采用黑芝麻、白糖、猪油做馅,吃起来糯软绵甜、唇齿生香,是中国驰名的元宵品种。

53、It is easy to imagine product contagion occurring between lard and baking pans, muffin papers, and so forth. ─── 因此产品传染很容易在猪油和锅具等产品之间发生。

54、The compromise bill is larded with spending determined more by Democrat lawmakers’ pet projects than by the efficiency with which the economy will be boosted. ─── 两院妥协案里种种花俏的开支更像是民主党议员们的自娱自乐,而不是出于提振经济的实效考量。

55、Perhaps, you shouldn't even have bothered about this ungrateful lump of lard. ─── 或许当初你们还真的不需要那么麻烦。

56、All told, the tax code is larded with more than $700 billion-worth of inefficient subsidies. ─── 合计起来税制里有超过7000亿美元的低效补贴。

57、Physicochemical properties, chemical composition and main characteristics of lard as chemical feedstock were introduced. ─── 介绍了猪油的理化特性、学组成及猪油作为工业原料的主要特点。

58、It was filled with cases of French cognac and tins of meat and lard. ─── 到处都是法国风味的干邑白兰地、肉、油罐头。

59、Born in Tianshui, serofluid Tianshui, Tianshui box lard, steamed Rot Ma Qin, Qin Dusi snacks such as soup, there are even more popular chowder Tianshui. ─── 在天水呱呱、天水浆水、天水猪油盒、秦安麻腐馍、秦安肚丝汤等小吃之外,还有更受欢迎的天水杂烩。

60、It’s certainly not as larded with designer clothes and jewelry as “Lipstick Jungle.” It’s less mawkish than “Grey’s Anatomy” but not as farcical as “Desperate Housewives. ─── 一个多礼拜前,看到一篇介绍BBC英剧Mistresses的文章,里面有这样一段话 Mistresses is not nearly as flippant, though it has some glints of humor.

61、I think me and should reduce weight, the last time dedicate the time of blood, incredibly run off 100 milliliter lard. ─── 我想我应该去减肥了,上次献血的时候,居然流出了一百毫升的猪油。

62、When we got home, Mum would have "French Toast" ready for us.This was bread deep-fried in lard. ─── 当我们回家后,母亲会准备好“法式土司”给我们吃,就是用猪油炸过的面包。

63、The Des Moines Register reports, "Stimulus Package Larded with Pork." ─── 德梅因纪事报报道:“刺激方案涂满猪肉”。

64、Tea polyphenols,BHT and TBHQ were evaluated as antioxidants in lard using AOM. ─── 以猪油为实验油采用活性氧法(AOM,97.8℃)对茶多酚、2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚(BHT)、叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)的抗氧化性能进行了比较研究.

65、His prose is larded with pompous expressions . ─── 他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修辞。

66、The Des Moines Register reports, "Stimulus Package Larded (adornado) with Pork." ─── 德梅因纪事报报道:“刺激方案涂满猪油”。

67、make(eg fat,lard)liquid by heating it;melt sth down ─── 将(脂肪、猪油等)熬成油;熔化某物.

68、Word spread among the troops, which comprised both Hindus and Muslims, that the paper cartridges were greased with lard, regarded as unclean by Muslims, or beef fat, regarded as sacred by Hindus. ─── 军队中传言,那些纸制子弹壳不是涂了回教徒视为不洁的猪油,就是涂了印度教徒视为神圣的牛油,而当时军中既有印度教徒,也有回教徒。

69、He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty ─── 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。

70、He made a speech larded with compliments in our school yesterday. ─── 他昨天在我们学校作了一次充满赞词的演讲。

71、A high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of fatty acid positional distribution on triacylglycerols from lard has been established. ─── 建立了一种采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)分析猪油甘油三酯中的脂肪酸组成及其位置分布的方法。

72、And if you are forced to eat a 4th, the donut begins to tasted like a ring of lard. ─── 如果还硬要塞给你第四个,原本觉得超好吃的甜甜圈也会变得像是一环猪油一般。

73、By-products, such as lard, bristles, gelatin, and cortisone, further enhance profitability. ─── 公开地忌食猪肉可能会导致宗教裁判所的审问。

74、Then their antioxidant activities were essayed by DPPH method and antioxidant activity to lard method. ─── 分别采用DPPH法和抑制猪油氧化能力法测定了4个组分的抗氧化能力;

75、"I'm sorry I... I bothered you, Doctor, but... but you said come early, now didn't you?" The voice was thick and slow as dripping lard. ─── “很抱歉打扰你,医生。但是你说让我早一点儿来的,是吧。”说话的声音又厚重又缓慢,象是滴落的猎油。

76、He likes to eat chips fried in lard. ─── 他喜欢吃猪油煎土豆片。

77、The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with high quercetin content showed good antioxidant results in lard system. ─── 在猪油体系中,含槲皮素较多的苦荞黄酮抗氧化作用强;

78、He larded his lecture with many jokes. ─── 他在讲座中加进了许多笑话。

79、Shaonei scoop of lard and heat to 7.30 when the time is ripe, in Jisi, Kuaichao a spade, Rouse turned white. ─── 勺内舀入猪油,热至七成熟时,投入鸡丝,快炒一铲,则肉色变白。

80、The source of lard is abundant in our country,but crude lard is very apt to be oxidized under normal atmospheric temperature because of many drawbacks on preparing lard method and the characteristic of lard. ─── 我国猪油来源丰富,但因制油方法上存在很多弊端及猪油的特性,使毛猪油在常温下非常容易氧化酸败。

81、melt (fat, lard, etc.) in order to separate out impurities. ─── 为了分离出杂质而溶化(脂肪,猪油等)。

82、Larded the report with quotations. ─── 在报道中加入引文

83、The paper also analysed the relations between the use of the extracts in lard and antioxidative activity. ─── 并进一步探讨了提取物浓度与抗氧化性能的关系。

84、Casting sidelong glances at Pierre, the soldiers lighted the fire, set a pot on it, broke up their biscuits into it, and put in some lard. ─── 士兵们斜眼看了看皮埃尔,点燃了火堆,然后放上一口小锅,把面包干掰碎放进锅里,又加了一点腌猪油。

85、One proponent of Bacon as author of Shakespeare's plays actually looked for words like "fat and lard" and calculated how their places in the texts of the plays proved that Bacon authored them. ─── 一位非常赞同培根是莎士比亚戏剧作者的人其实寻找的是些类似“肥肉和猪油”的字眼,并加以分析,说明它们在剧本中的位置如何如何表明是培根所著。

86、The control group was added 2% lard and the treated groups were added 3% linseed oil,3 % fish oil and 1.5% linseed oil+1.5% fish oil respectively. ─── 对照组添加2%猪油,3个试验组分别添加3%亚麻油、3%鱼油和1.5%亚麻油+1.5%鱼油,研究日粮中不同来源脂肪酸对育肥猪生长性能和猪肉脂肪酸组成的影响。

87、"I got some lard," he would add, as an afterthought. ─── “我买了一些猪油,"他会补充说,像是又想起来了。

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