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09-22 投稿


lunching 发音

英:[ˈlʌntʃɪŋ]  美:[ˈlʌntʃɪŋ]

英:  美:

lunching 中文意思翻译



lunching 短语词组

1、after lunching ─── 午饭后

2、lunching game ─── 午餐游戏

3、lunching time ─── 午饭时间

4、film sets and lunching ─── 电影布景和午餐

lunching 词性/词形变化,lunching变形


lunching 常用词组

have lunch ─── 吃午饭,吃午餐

after lunch ─── 午饭后

lunch time ─── 午饭时间

lunching 相似词语短语

1、punching ─── n.[计]穿孔;拳打;vt.刺(punch的现在分词)

2、bunching ─── n.[电子]聚束;成群;v.成群;成团(bunch的ing形式)

3、lynching ─── n.处以私刑;处私刑杀害;v.以私刑处死(lynch的ing形式)

4、lurching ─── n.车辆横向振动;突倾;东倒西歪地行驶(lurch的现在分词)

5、launching ─── n.发射;下水;创设;v.发射;发动;开始从事(launch的ing形式)

6、dunching ─── 灌篮

7、glunching ─── 胶合

8、hunching ─── n.预感;大块;肉峰;vt.耸肩;预感到;弯腰驼背;vi.隆起;向前移动

9、munching ─── vt.用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;vi.用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;n.用力的咀嚼;n.(Munch)人名;(挪、丹、瑞典)蒙克;(西)蒙奇;(法)曼什;(英)芒奇

lunching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After lunch he reposed on the couch. ─── 午饭后他躺在长沙发上休息。

2、We have done for eighty miles since lunch . ─── 吃过午饭后,我们已走了80里了。

3、You must join us for lunch. ─── 你一定要和我们一起吃午饭。

4、They got off immediately after lunch. ─── 他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。

5、At a sidewalk cafe Kathy and Evan stop for lunch. ─── 凯西和艾凡停在人行道旁的一家小馆吃午餐。

6、No. It started during a lunch with Joe Roth. ─── 不是。这一计划始于乔?鲁思的一次午餐。

7、He took us all to his local for lunch. ─── 他把我们带到最近的酒吧吃午饭。

8、Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! ─── 你已经吃过午饭了吗?现在才12点。

9、Botham came on to bowl after lunch. ─── 午饭后博瑟姆开始投球。

10、Mr. Fenty said it was the president who suggested lunching at Ben's Chili Bowl, a well-known black-owned restaurant. ─── 冯迪先生说是总统建议到贝恩的“辣味碗”吃午饭,那是一家著名的黑人餐馆。

11、He ate so much at lunch that he was sleepy afterwards. ─── 他午饭吃得太多了,结果饭后他困了。

12、Invariably I take a nap after lunch. ─── 午饭后,我总是睡个午觉。

13、Rather than lunching on a salad, you'll be more likely to opt for pizza. ─── 你更有可能选择披萨饼,而不是沙拉做为午餐。

14、After lunch the visitor is show round the mill. ─── 午饭后带领来访者参观工厂。

15、He came back drunk after lunch so the boss gave him the order of the boot. ─── 他吃完午饭醉醺醺地回来,因此老板解雇了他。

16、We're lunching with John today. ─── 我们今天和约翰一起共进午餐。

17、At lunch he kept pressing Mark to eat more . ─── 午餐中,他不停地催促马克多吃。

18、He arrived back drunk after lunch and the boss showed him the red card. ─── 午饭后,他喝得醉醺醺回来,结果老板解雇了他。

19、He finished his lunch with undue haste. ─── 他过急地吃完午饭。

20、At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. ─── 中午我和我的一个朋友一起吃的饭。

21、He talked to his sister after lunch. ─── 午餐后,他跟他的妹妹谈话。

22、Two couples parceled out a picnic lunch. ─── 两对夫妇分享一顿野餐。

23、Some students have lunch at school. ─── 一些学生在学校吃午饭。

24、Do he leave home before lunch? ─── 他是在午饭前离开家的吗?

25、For lunch there will be a Smorgasbord. ─── 午餐将提供瑞典式自助餐。

26、The lunch is $3.50 per person. ─── 午餐费是每人三元五。

27、He had a plate of beef for lunch. ─── 他午餐吃了一盘牛肉。

28、Right after lunch mother went shopping. ─── 吃过午餐後,母亲立刻去买东西。

29、Have you had your lunch? ─── 吃过午饭了吗?

30、We've done for eighty miles since lunch. ─── 吃过午饭后,我们已走了80里了。

31、He made fifty before lunch, and as you know, Carter is not easily off. ─── 他在午饭前得了50分,正像你所知道的,卡特的球是不容易击中的。

32、The entrepreneur, a pioneer of Israel's booming technology industry, was arrested on September 27th while lunching with his wife at home. ─── 9月27日,当这个企业家,以色列发展迅速的技术工业的先驱者,正在和妻子在家中吃午饭时被逮捕了。

33、There's nothing like a little doze after lunch. ─── 午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了。

34、After lunch, the conference resumed. ─── 午饭以后,会议继续进行。

35、Can you do with some cakes for lunch? ─── 中饭吃些饼,你能将就吗?

36、When's lunch? I'm famished! ─── 什么时候吃午饭? 我都快饿死了!

37、The family had their lunch in the glade. ─── 全家在林中的空地上吃了午饭。

38、After lunching on leftovers, try to avoid the temptation to take a nap. If you do, you might find that you're lazy for the rest of the year! ─── 吃完隔夜菜午餐后,尽量避免小睡,否则这一整年都会懒懒散散的喔!

39、I can lunch off the bread left over from yesterday. ─── 午餐我可以吃昨天剩下的面包。

40、We shall be delighted if you'll lunch with us. ─── 你要能来和我们一道吃午饭,我们就高兴了。

41、Why don't you go for a walk? It'll give you an appetite for your lunch. ─── 你怎麽不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了。

42、He insisted on my staying for lunch. ─── 他坚持要我留下来吃中午饭。

43、Do you think you can squeeze in your lunch break between the two meetings? ─── 你看你能在两个会议之间挤出吃午饭的时间来吗?

44、Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go. ─── 关于我们的午餐约会,我不能去

45、There were ladies and gentlemen, who did not notice her, lunching at the small tables like her own. ─── 许多淑女与绅士在跟她一样的小餐桌上享用午餐,对她毫不在意。

46、My friend said to me that he was lunching with one of his customers that day. ─── 我朋友对我说,他今天要与他的一位客户一块儿吃午饭。

47、At twelve-fifty, he ate lunch in a restaurant. ─── 他十二点五十分在餐厅吃午餐。

48、Take a frugal lunch box at noon. ─── 中午吃最廉价的便当。

49、We took a walk through the town after lunch. ─── 吃完午饭我们在城里走了走。

50、Your wife has rung you twice since lunch time. ─── 午饭後你太太已来过两次电话了。

51、He found a shady place where he could eat his lunch. ─── 他找了一处阴凉的地方吃了午饭。

52、Scrub that mud off your fingers before you sit down to lunch. ─── 你要先把手指上的污泥洗掉才能上桌吃午饭。

53、He ate sandwiches in the office for lunch. ─── 他在办公室吃三明治当午餐。

54、We will discuss that matter after lunch. ─── 午饭后我们要讨论那件事。

55、After lunch Father rested in the hammock. ─── 午饭后,父亲躺在吊床上休息。

56、Oh, why do he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break! ─── 哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可!

57、He's smart enough to know that if he gets involved with that crowd, he's out to lunch. ─── 他够聪明的,知道自己要是和那帮人搅和在一起,就会落伍的。

58、Help your mother to dry up after lunch. ─── 午饭后帮助你母亲擦擦碗。

59、A lunch, especially a formal one. ─── 午餐一顿午饭,尤其是正式的午餐

60、We' re lunching with Prof. White today. ─── 今天我们要与怀特教授一起吃午饭。

61、After lunch Father reposed in the hammock . ─── 吃过午饭后,父亲在吊床上休息。

62、He make a habit of taking a nap after lunch. ─── 他午饭后睡午觉已经成为一种习惯了。

63、He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch. ─── 他中饭吃一根香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。

64、Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet? ─── 嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗?

65、Have you finished your lunch yet? ─── 你已经吃过午餐了吗?

66、Do you have lunch at about one o'clock? ─── 你是1点左右吃午饭吗?

67、As I am having some unexpected guests for lunch, I have to clap up a meal before they arrive. ─── 因为临时有几个客人要来吃中饭,我得赶在他们到来以前匆匆把饭菜准备好。

68、I dashed off two more drawings before lunch today. ─── 今天午饭前,我匆匆忙忙画了两张画。

69、They have lunch at the school cafeteria every day. ─── 他们每天都在学校食堂吃午餐。

70、At lunch he kept pressing Mark to eat more. ─── 午餐中,他不停地催促马克多吃。

71、The paper analyzes the significance and present situation lunching comprehensive survey of agricultural geo-chemistry. ─── 文章分析了开展农业地球化学综合调查的意义和农业地球化学综合调查工作的现状。

72、Lunch is from eleven to one. ─── 午饭从十一点供应到一点。

73、We are lunching in today. ─── 我们今天在家吃午饭。

74、Did he eat lunch yesterday? ─── 他昨天吃午饭吗?

75、A buffet lunch will be served at one o'clock. ─── 一点钟备有自助餐。

76、After lunch he retired to his study. ─── 他午饭后就到书房去了。

77、Lunch is from eleven to two [at twelve]. ─── 中饭11点到2点开[是12点]。

78、He usually takes a nap after lunch on a hot day. ─── 他热天通常饭后都要午睡。

79、He dispatched his lunch and took a nap. ─── 他匆匆吃完午饭并打个盹。

80、The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour. ─── 在午饭时间,值班教师负责维持校内秩序。

81、Are you ready for a spot of lunch? ─── 你想吃点儿午饭吗?

82、Can't you get away during your lunch break? ─── 你能在午餐休息时间走开吗?

83、Do you always eat lunch at school? ─── 你总是在学校吃午饭吗?

84、The meeting ran over, and I was late for lunch. ─── 会议开得超出时间了,因此我吃中饭晚了。

85、Can you do with a sandwich for lunch? ─── 你午餐吃块三明治行吗?

86、They had their lunch in a cafeteria. ─── 他们在一家自助餐厅吃了午饭。

87、If you feel up to it, we can walk into town after lunch. ─── 你要是走得动,咱们午饭后可以走到城里。

88、He wolfed his lunch and went out. ─── 他狼吞虎咽地吃完午餐就出去了。

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