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09-22 投稿


junta 发音

英:['dʒʌntə; 'hʊ-]  美:['hʊntə]

英:  美:

junta 中文意思翻译



junta 词性/词形变化,junta变形

形容词比较级: junkier |形容词最高级: junkiest |

junta 短语词组

1、anexo i permisos y licencias junta andaluc ─── 附件一安达卢西亚许可证和执照委员会

2、military junta ─── 军事执政团

3、a military junta ─── 军政府

junta 相似词语短语

1、Santa ─── n.圣诞老人(等于SantaClaus)

2、Aunty ─── n.舅妈,伯母;阿姨

3、Pinta ─── n.[皮肤]品他病(一种皮肤病);n.(Pinta)人名;(英、西、葡、芬、捷)平塔

4、quanta ─── n.(quantum的复数)量子;定额,定量;(生理)单元量

5、Hunts ─── n.狩猎,追捕(hunt的复数形式);v.狩猎,搜索(hunt的三单形式)

6、junto ─── n.政治集团;秘密结社;团体;n.(Junto)人名;(日)准人(名)

7、juntas ─── n.(Juntas)人名;(西)洪塔斯

8、quinta ─── n.(有葡萄园等的)乡间邸宅;(西班牙和拉丁美洲的)别墅;n.(Quinta)人名;(西、葡)金塔

9、juntos ─── n.政治集团;秘密结社;团体(junto的变形)

junta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some analysts credit China, Myanmar's second-largest trading partner, with nudging the junta into what looks like a concession. ─── 一些分析家认为是中国,缅甸的第二大贸易伙伴,推动军政府作出了看似让步的行为。

2、military junta ─── 军事执政团

3、China has also given the junta diplomatic support, helping for years to keep its behaviour off the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. ─── 中国还为军政府提供外交支持,为它的所作所为能远离联合国安理会的议程提供了多年的帮助。

4、a military junta ─── 政变后上台的军政府

5、In a phrase echoed recently by Burma's military junta, they announced the beginning of reconstruction before the relief effort had really begun. ─── 在一个最近由缅甸军政府回应的声明中,他们宣布已经开始重建,然而救助工作实际上还尚未开始。

6、The junta also appointed an interim government of old soldiers and bureaucrats; and created a temporary parliament and another unelected body to write a new constitution. ─── 军政府还任命了由老兵和政客组成的临时政府;建立了临时国会和另一个未经选举的机构撰写新宪法。

7、Reformist Junta ─── 改良主义执政委员会

8、The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta. ─── 中产阶级对这次新的军事政变后上台的军政府表示支持。

9、But his reputation, like that of the junta, was left tattered by the fiascos over currency controls and foreign business-ownership. ─── 但他的声名和他所属派别一样,因其对汇率的控制和改变外企所有权的惨败变得破烂不堪。

10、Guinea's military rulers have agreed a huge mining and oil deal with China, officials have told the BBC, amid continuing criticism of the junta. ─── 几内亚官方向BBC透露,尽管政府批评不断,其军事统治者同意与中国签署巨额采矿、石油协议。

11、government junta ─── 政务委员会;执政委员会

12、The lawsuit accused Unocal of assisting the Burmese military junta in the torture, murder and rape of villagers during construction of the pipeline. ─── 人道机构发出警告表示,目前灾区的卫生条件非常差,水中腐烂的尸体和还没消退的洪水,可能引发疟疾、登革热、痢疾和霍乱等疫情。

13、“They [the junta] put them on a pedestal and now they're the ones having a problem,” grins one local imam. ─── “他们(指军人政府)将他们捧在手上,但现在他们也成了有问题的人了,”一位当地阿訇咧嘴笑着说。

14、The military junta's liking for secrecy, coupled with its suspicion of the outside world, has led many people to speculate that the move is due to some generals' fear of being attacked by the United States. ─── 军事统治者们喜欢做事隐秘同时对外界疑心重重,这使得很多人推测迁都是由于一些将军们担心美国的进攻。

15、We are heartened that the normally super-cautious Association of Southeast Asian Nations expressed revulsion with the junta's crackdown. ─── 我们鼓励一向过度小心的东南亚国家国协,表达对军事执政团镇压的反感。

16、Coordinator of the Government Junta of National Reconstruction ─── 尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会协调员

17、'' said an onlooker who didn't want to be identified for fear of reprisal from the junta. ─── 一位目击者说,他不愿说明身份,因为害怕遭到报复。

18、A veto would rob the action of strict legality, but paradoxically, by exposing the cynicism of the junta's apologists, help to gain it legitimacy. ─── 否决票将取消行动的合法性,同时这可以暴露为军事政府辩护者的虚伪,从而有助于空投的合法化。

19、A military junta that stands accused of countless human rights violations, including forced labor and forced relocations without compensation, rules over Myanmar. ─── 但缅甸目前由军政府所统治,还常被控违反各种人权,包括压榨劳工和无赔偿的强迫迁移。

20、Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to ”save a people in distress”. ─── 头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。

21、The NLD won an overwhelming victory in the last elections in 1990, but the junta refused to accept the result. ─── 在1990年的上届大选中,NLD已赢得了压倒性的胜利,但是军政集团拒绝接受这个结果。

22、The action of the ruling junta had been criticized in the press. ─── 掌权的政协委员务会的行为已在报上受到批评。

23、the military junta ─── 军政府

24、The junta would not tolerate her attempts to travel around the country to meet members of her party and other supporters. ─── 缅甸政府不会允许她周游本国与她的党派成员及支持者面见面。

25、But the junta is not their only enemy. ─── 但是军政府不是他们的唯一敌人。

26、Agreement between the Government of Guinea- Bissau and the self-proclaimed military junta ─── 几内亚比绍政府与自行任命的军政府之间的协定

27、President Bush is to announce a wave of restrictions on Burma's ruling military junta, the White House says. ─── 布希总统将在缅甸的统治军事政务会上宣布限制的浪潮,白宫说。

28、However, observers said the blast was either part of an internal conflict within the junta or an attack by a dissenting armed group. ─── 然而,观察人士说,此次爆炸事件或者是军政府内部冲突的一部分,或者是政见不同的武装组织发起的袭击。

29、the ruling junta; ruling circles of the government. ─── 执政的军人集团;政府的执政人员

30、Government Junta of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua ─── 尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会

31、''Why don't the Americans come to help us? Why doesn't America save us?'' said an onlooker who didn't want to be identified for fear of reprisal from the junta. ─── “为什么美国人不来帮助我们?为什么美国不来救我们?”一位目击者说,他不愿说明身份,因为害怕遭到报复。

32、"When I learned about her story, then I learned about Burma and how repressed they are by this military junta that leads Burma - that is the government. ─── 当我听说了她的故事,我了解到缅甸以及他们所受到的军队压迫,这导致了缅甸现在的局面,而这就是他们的政府。

33、The military junta must allow our disaster assessment teams into the country," Mr Bush told reporters, adding he was prepared to make US naval assets available for search and rescue. ─── “当地军事集团必须要允许我们的灾情评估小组进入到他们国土里面去,”Bush总统告诉记者们,而且表示他已经准备让美国的海军队伍有可能的参加搜寻和救援。

34、The junta has ostracised them, by refusing full Myanmar citizenship, calling them only "residents of Rakhine state". ─── 军人政府通过拒绝给予完全的缅甸公民身份来排斥他们,仅称他们是“若开邦的居民”。

35、It helped the junta consolidate its grip. ─── 这帮助军人集团巩固了他们对局势的掌控。

36、Yet it would also remove the only credible interlocutors available to China and the Burmese junta. ─── 他们的离世也会使中国政府和缅甸军政府失去各自最可靠的对话者。

37、Condemnation of the junta has been strong around the world. On Friday, people protested outside Myanmar embassies in Australia, Britain, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. ─── 世界范围内,对军政府的谴责声浪渐高。星期五,澳大利亚、英国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、泰国、日本民众集聚在缅甸驻这些国家大使馆外举行抗议活动。

38、The junta has at least succeeded in cobbling together ceasefire agreements with most of the two dozen armed insurgencies lining its borders. ─── 军政府至少在迫使绝大多数的叛军达成停火协议方面是成功的,边界地区有数十个这样的武装。

39、The newspapers that opposed the junta were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws. ─── 严厉的审查法律有效地使反对军人干政的报纸封口。

40、Indeed, two more of the junta's cronies were added to a Treasury blacklist days before Mr Bush left office. ─── 事实上在布什离任的前几天,美国财务部的黑名单上又新添了军政府的两个亲信的名字。

41、The junta tried its utmost to thwart the relatively benign outcome that now seems possible. ─── 军方竭尽全力阻止良性结果的出现,但现在看来已无力回春。

42、They have also threatened, in effect, to excommunicate the junta by refusing to accept alms from them. ─── 实际上,他们威胁要通过拒绝接受军政府的施舍来将他们逐出教门。

43、Junta of the Cartagena Agreement; ─── 卡塔赫纳条约委员会;

44、Officials say foreign workers have begun entering the country's hard-hit delta area after being blocked for weeks by the military junta. ─── 官员表示在被军阀堵塞了数周以后,外国工作人员已经开始进入国家的严重受灾的三角洲地区。

45、military junta took control of the country. ─── 军政府接管了这个国家。

46、Despite growing international pressure for democratic reform, the military junta that has ruled Burma for decades shows no inclination of loosening its repressive grip. ─── 尽管国际社会要求缅甸实行民主改革的压力越来越大,但是统治缅甸长达几十年的军政权至今仍然没有显示出任何要减少压迫的迹象。

47、Im australischen Melbourne gingen mehrere hundert Menschen gegen die Junta auf die Straße."Kein weiteres Blutvergießen" war auf einem Transparent zu lesen. ─── 在澳大利亚墨尔本,数百人走上街头抗议军政府在一幅标语上写着“不要再流血了”。

48、The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority. ─── 军政府感到自身权力受威胁而进行了激烈反击。

49、One sign of this distrust, they suggested, was the fact that the Burmese junta leaders never travel to China for medical treatment. ─── 他们说,这种不信任的一个表现就是,缅甸军政府领导人从来没有到中国治过病。

50、He has been under house arrest since the military junta seized power in a coup fifteen years ago. ─── 军事执政团十五年前发动政变取得政权,从此之后,他就一直遭到软禁。

51、In October a memo came to light detailing the junta's plans, through spreading black propaganda and fomenting anti-Thaksin protests, to subvert the election to thwart a PPP victory. ─── 10月,1份备忘录揭露出了军人集团的详细计划,通过散布“妖魔化”的宣传和煽动“反他信”的抗议,来破坏选举,阻止“人民力量党”获胜。

52、According to the Rangoon economist, "Suu Kyi pressed on, creating further disquiet in the NLD by calling for NGOs in Burma to quit [because they were] prolonging the life of a junta. ─── 据那位仰光的经济学家说:“昂山素姬不顾这些困难,她当时呼吁缅甸的非政府组织撤离,(因为它们)延长了军政府的寿命。这让民盟陷入很多的麻烦中。”

53、So voters, angry at the destruction of the party many support, may reject the proposed charter in the referendum the junta is promising to hold. ─── 因此正为支持的政党解散而愤怒的选民,有可能拒绝对军政府将提出的新宪法进行公投。

54、Another reason for its actions can be found in Mr Mandela's experience in 1995, when he found little support in Africa for action against Nigeria's former military junta. ─── 另一个能解释南非这一现象的原因可以从1995年曼德拉的遭遇中找到,因为当时他在非洲难觅盟友来对抗尼日利亚军阀。

55、The country's most popular party has been destroyed by a court set up by the military junta that seized power last year, claiming to be rescuing democracy. ─── 但结果是,该国最受欢迎的政党被军政府设立的法庭迫令解散,后者还口口声声说在拯救民主。

56、It absolved the military junta of plotting to subvert the election by undermining the PPP, despite the discovery of army documents detailing the plot. ─── 它免除了军人政府通过损害PPP来阴谋破坏选举的责任,尽管发现的军方文件详细描述了该计划的细节。

57、Initially the callousness and incompetence of Myanmar's ruling junta hampered the aid effort. ─── 刚开始,麻木不作为的缅甸军政府阻碍救灾工作的进行。

58、On May 10th the junta went ahead, in areas unaffected by the disaster, with a sham referendum on a new constitution designed to entrench its rule. ─── 5月10号,在没受灾害影响的地区,军政府按计划继续举行了装样子的新宪法公投,用以维护它的统治。

59、A veto would rob the action of strict legality, but paradoxically, by exposing the cynicism of the junta's apologists, help to gain it legitimacy.Then the drops should start. ─── 反对票会削弱援助行动的合法性,但外界可以通过对军政府辩护者的玩世不恭进行揭露来为援助行动正名。

60、This, and the uncertainty over how the junta would get out of the mess it had created, consigned the country to more than a year of slower growth. ─── 再加上军团如何从他们一手制造的烂摊子中脱身仍是个未知数,使得这个国家经历了一年多的缓慢经济增长。

61、Beijing, one of the Myanmar junta's closest allies, has instead urged 'bilateral consultations' between other donors and Myanmar. ─── 作为缅甸政府最亲密的友邦之一,中国呼吁缅甸和其他援助方展开“双边协商”。

62、By the end of August, thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns had begun to join the protests, even as the junta cracked down and arrested untold numbers of protesters and activists. ─── 在八月底之前,即使军阀镇压并逮捕了不计其数的抗议人士以及激进分子,数千名佛教僧侣和尼姑依然加入了示威游行的行列。

63、A military junta took control of the country. ─── 政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。

64、Thailand, one of Burma's top trading partners, has been brokering efforts to get the Burmese junta to cooperate. ─── 作为缅甸的一个主要贸易夥伴的泰国,就一直在中间调停,希望缅甸军政府能够采取合作的态度。

65、International relief agencies on Friday complained the junta continues to hinder access by foreign relief workers to victims in the hardest-hit regions. ─── 国际救援机构星期五抱怨说,缅甸军政府继续阻止外国救援人员进入遭受风灾最严重的地区帮助灾民。

66、In contrast, Myanmar's ruling junta was roundly condemned for its response to a cyclone that left large swathes of the Irrawaddy delta submerged, causing at least 145,000 deaths. ─── 与此相反,缅甸军政府却因对热带风暴处理不当受到严厉谴责,风暴中仰光河伊洛瓦底江被淹没造成重大损失,至少14万5千人丧生。

67、Prosperous, modern and open, Thailand has so far inhabited a different era from the dark ages in which its dismal neighbour, Myanmar, languishes under a thuggish, isolationist junta. ─── 在告别了悲惨邻邦缅甸在暗杀、孤立的派别统治中呻吟的那个黑暗年代后,如今的泰国进入了一个新时代:繁荣,现代,开放。

68、Coordinator of the Government Junta of National Reconstruction; ─── 尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会协调员;

69、The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force? ─── 问题是,这个军政府会通过武力来巩固它的政权吗?

70、India was happy to give the junta the chance, in the general's visit, to remind China that it is not the only game in town. ─── 在丹瑞将军的访问中,印度很高兴给予军政府一个机会,以提醒中国,印度与缅甸也存在礼尚往来。

71、The Burmese junta's refusal to allow access to relief teams is causing frustration even among its friends. ─── 但是,缅甸军政府拒绝国际援助人员入境的举动甚至使缅甸传统上的盟友都感到不满。

72、"They [the junta] don't give us pressure any more, " he said. The Burmese government wants the KIO to cooperate voluntarily, he said. ─── “他们[军政府]不再给我们施加压力,”他说‘缅甸政府希望克钦独立组织自愿合作。’

73、Mr Obama also met leaders from the Association of South-East Asian Nations, including Thein Sein, Myanmar's prime minister, the highest-level American contact with the Burmese junta since the 1960s. ─── 奥巴马也会见了东南亚联盟首脑,其中包括缅甸总理登盛,这也是自60年代以来美国和缅甸军政府之间最高级别的会面。

74、The junta incurs the powerful clergy's wrath ─── 军政府激起强大的僧侣们的愤怒

75、Government Junta of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua; ─── 尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会;

76、The junta and those among the fickle Bangkok elite who excused the coup should have learned their lesson that extra-constitutional excursions do not solve problems. ─── 军人集团和那些为政变申辩的曼谷的精英们应该已经得到教训了,超越宪法的行为不能解决任何问题。

77、When the World Cup was held there in 1978, the country's then military junta is alleged to have arranged to bribe an opposing team to ensure Argentina's progress and eventual victory. ─── 1978年阿根廷主办世界杯足球赛,当时军政府被控曾安排贿赂对手球队以保证阿根廷顺利晋级并获得最后胜利。

78、When people in Kwangju, the central city of Cholla, rose up, the junta sent in tanks and paratroopers. ─── 当全罗道的中心城市光州的人民起来反抗时,军政府出动了坦克和空降部队。

79、Protesters march in central Athens during a rally for the anniversary of the 1973 student uprising against the then-military ruling junta. ─── 1973年希腊学生为反对军事独裁者进行了起义,在纪念这次起义的集会上,游行者们正穿过雅典市中心。

80、When Park Chung-hee seized power in 1961, the junta marched many of the racketeers through Seoul wearing dunce caps and placards with slogans such as “I am a corrupt swine”. ─── 当朴正熙1961年掌权时,该统治集团抓了许多诈骗犯在首尔游街,这些人戴着纸帽子、身上贴着诸如“我是一头腐败的猪”这类的标语。

81、In May a constitutional tribunal created by the junta found the TRT guilty of electoral fraud and dissolved it. ─── 五月份一场由一小撮人组织的宪法审判判定泰爱泰党犯有选举舞弊罪并将之解散。

82、Or should it encourage the junta in the hope that, through the blandishments of modernity and economic advancement, it will eventually be coaxed to reform? ─── 或者,西方应该怀着这样的希望鼓励这个军事统治集团,觉得通过现代化和经济发展进步的引诱,最终会促使他们进行改革?

83、The clergy demanded an apology.The junta refused.So the monks took to the streets of Yangon and other cities in their thousands, marching and chanting prayers. ─── 僧侣们要求军政府道歉但遭到拒绝,因此数千一边前进一边祈祷的僧侣们开始走上仰光和其它城市的街道上(进行抗议)。

84、Junta of the Cartagena Agreement ─── 卡塔赫纳条约委员会

85、This week's, like other, smaller protests over the years since then, failed to budge the junta. ─── 就像从那时起其它多年来的的情况一样,本周小规模的抗议活动,未能撼动军政府。

86、"There is no need to tell them to smile or be friendly because military are part of the people," said a spokesman for the junta. ─── 一位军方发言人说:“其实不需要告诉士兵们要保持微笑和友好,因为军人是民众的一部分。

87、Arbour said the military government's obstruction of international assistance was made possible by long standing international tolerance for the junta's human rights violations. ─── 她说军事政府对国际援助的阻挠可能是由国际上对团体违背人权的长期忍让造成的。

88、Agreement between the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the self-proclaimed military junta; ─── 几内亚比绍政府与自行任命的军政府之间的协定;

89、The Nixon Administration was not so insensitive to the Chilean junta's clumsy and occasionally brutal practices as our critics alleged ─── 尼克松政府并不象批评我们的人所说的那样,对智利军政权的那些很不策略的,有时又是很残酷的作法无动于衷。

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