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09-22 投稿


longshore 发音

英:[ˌlɔːŋʃɔːr]  美:[ˈlɒŋˌʃɔː]

英:  美:

longshore 中文意思翻译



longshore 短语词组

1、longshore bar ─── 沿岸沙坝,缓沙坝

2、Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compe ─── 海岸和港口工人的比赛

3、longshore work ─── [经] 码头工作

4、longshore current ─── 岸边流,沿 ─── 岸流

5、longshore man ─── [经] 码头工人

6、longshore transport ─── 沿岸运输

7、longshore fishing ─── 陆上捕鱼

8、longshore trough ─── 沿岸凹槽

9、longshore limited ─── 码头有限公司

10、longshore drift ─── 沿岸物质流

longshore 相似词语短语

1、longsome ─── adj.令人厌倦的;冗长的

2、longshoring ─── 码头装卸工作;港口作业

3、alongshore ─── adv.沿着岸,近岸;adj.沿岸的

4、dogshore ─── n.支船柱,支船木

5、longshoremen ─── n.码头工人,港口装卸工(longshoreman的复数)

6、onshore ─── adj.向岸上的,向陆地的;陆上的;(风)吹向陆地的;adv.在陆地上;向着海岸

7、longhorn ─── n.音乐探测器;长角牛

8、long house ─── 长屋(北美易洛魁人和其他印第安部落的长形议事厅)

9、longshoreman ─── n.(美)港口工人;码头装卸工人

longshore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a federal labor official began meeting with representatives of the Pacific Maritime Association and the Longshore and Warehouse Union. ─── 一名联邦劳工官员开始会见太平洋海事协会和国际码头及仓库工会的代表。

2、longshore trough ─── 沿岸海沟

3、Experimental study of longshore currents ─── 沿岸流的实验研究

4、Longshore sediment transport rate of Shijiu Bay is calculated with the formula of Seaport Hydrology Criterion and the CERC formula of Shore Protection Manual. ─── 采用我国《海港水文规范》公式和美国《海岸防护手册》的CERC公式对石臼湾的沿岸输沙率进行计算;

5、The shore zone in Qinghai Lake is divided into six sedimentary microfacies:longshore bar,mudflat,sand beach,shingle beach,lagoon and subagueous aeolian. ─── 本文将青海湖滨岸带沉积划分为沿岸砾沙坝、泥坪、沙滩、砾石滩、泻湖和水下风沙堆积六个微相。

6、According to the wave energy flux method,longshore sediment transport rate of the Changxing Island sea area of Dalian is quantitatively calculated with SMB formula,Xu Xiao formula and Chatou formula. ─── 根据波能流法,采用SMB公式、徐啸公式和夏都公式对大连长兴岛海域的沿岸输沙率进行了定量计算,并从泥沙来源、海岸地形与地貌方面,对海域的沿岸输沙问题进行了定性分析。

7、Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act ─── 沿海与港口工人补偿法案

8、In coastal zone, the mechanism of pollutant motion is different from that of pure currentcase due to wave breaking and wave-driven longshore currents. ─── 在海岸区域,由于波浪随水深变浅导致波浪破碎及其产生的沿岸流使得近海排放的污染物的运动规律将不同于不考虑波浪的纯水流情况。

9、longshore fishing ─── 沿海渔业

10、longshore bar ─── 沿岸沙坝缓沙坝

11、1 T he ca lcu lation b lockd iagram of the surface w ind ofa longshore typhoon. ─── 标题: 图1近岸台风海面风场计算框图,其中虚线代表其为循环迭代过程 F ig.

12、The dispersion caused by the vertical variation of longshore currents leads to the longshore mixing coefficients much greater than the cross-shore mixing coefficients. ─── 沿岸流沿水深变化产生的离散作用导致顺流方向(纵向)混合系数远大于横流方向(横向)混合系数。

13、Longshore Workers and Material Handlers ─── 码头工人或相关工作人员

14、Longshore shallow lacustrine intrafacies ─── 滨浅湖亚相

15、longshore man ─── [经] 码头工人

16、Study on the Longshore Sediment Transport and Coastal Erosion Situation in the Modern Yellow River Delta Area ─── 现代黄河三角洲沿岸泥沙运移与岸滩侵蚀态势研究

17、Keywords hyperbolic mild-slope equation;breaking-wave;longshore currents;pollutants; ─── 双曲型缓坡方程;破碎波;沿岸流;污染物;

18、longshore transport ─── 沿岸运输

19、Your feet are taking part in a micro version of a grand coastal process known as longshore transport. ─── 你的脚正经历着一次宏伟的海运过程——沿岸运输,不过是微型版的。

20、It depends on such variables as the available supply of sand and shell material and the intensity of waves and longshore currents ─── 这完全取决于诸如砂和壳质的补给数量以及波浪和沿岸水流的强度这样的一些因素。

21、Methods: Registers of clinic and itinerant diagnosis were investigated in a longshore defense troop during maneuver. ─── 方法:汇总演习期间门诊、巡诊记录,并对发病情况进行分类统计,与同期该部非参演官兵发病情况比较。

22、longshore transport rate ─── 沿岸输沙率

23、Calculation and Analysis of Longshore Sediment Transport Rate of Shijiu Bay ─── 石臼湾沿岸输沙率的估算及分析

24、Keywords longshore current;parabolic mild-slope equation;pollutant transport;numerical modelling; ─── 沿岸流;抛物缓坡方程;污染物输移扩散;数值模拟;

25、Keywords pollutant transport;surf zone;longshore currents;breaking waves; ─── 污染物运动;破碎带;沿岸流;破碎波;

26、28. a federal labor official began meeting with representatives of the Pacific Maritime Association and the Longshore and Warehouse Union . ─── 一名联邦劳工官员开始会见太平洋海事协会和国际码头及仓库工会的代表。

27、longshore fishery ─── 沿岸渔业

28、Numerical simulation of longshore current by using a fully-nonlinear breaking wave model ─── 完全非线性波浪破碎模型沿岸流数值模拟

29、longshore work ─── 码头装卸工作

30、Therefore, these two may be the major topics on the instability of longshore currents before long. ─── 所以这两个方面可能是以后对该问题研究的重要方向。

31、scale of red tide disaster is closely correlated with the longshore breed aquatics and agriculture, terrestrial recrement. ─── 赤潮灾害的规模与近岸养殖和农业,陆地废物密切相关。

32、The jetties, however, interrupted natural coastal processes such as longshore transport. ─── 然而,码头的修建,中断了像沿岸运输此类天然的海岸运动。

33、Abstract: Wave-tide induced longshore current in Rongxi area will be discussed in the potential paper.A hydrodynamic model COHERENS is coupled with the third generation wave model SWAN. ─── 中文摘要: 一方面将波浪对底部剪切应力、表面拖曳力系数、辐射应力以及表面混合长度的影响引入至COHERENS。

34、longshore wind ─── 海岸风

35、In this article the variation of the shore and the change of intensity of longshore sediment current are investiga... ─── 通过各岸段海水动力与岸滩剖面塑造的关系,探讨岸潍演变和沿岸泥沙流强度的变化。

36、longshore drift ─── 沿岸物质流

37、Off-shore bars are called "longshore bars" and "barrier islands" by some. ─── 滨外沙洲被一些人称之为“沿滨沙洲”和“堰洲岛。”

38、There is a longshore trough over there. ─── 那边有一条沿岸槽。

39、Sittin' on the dock of the bay in Longshore. ─── 从船坞望向沿岸的景象。

40、There is a longshore through over there. ─── 那边有一条沿岸槽。

41、Further, we study the longshore current on a cousin-squared beach under the normal wave incidence. ─── 并进一步研究了余弦平方岸滩地形上,波浪正向入射破碎产生的沿岸流情况。

42、SC_1 cycle is dominated by longshore bar deposit, while SC_2, SC_3 by tidal flat system. ─── SC_1旋回以滨岸砂坝沉积为主,而SC_2、SC_3旋回发育潮坪沉积体系。

43、longshore current ─── 岸边流沿岸流

44、Keywords longshore defense troop;maneuver;morbidity;investigate; ─── 岸防兵;演习;发病情况;调查;

45、Longshore current forcing by irregular waves ─── 无规律波浪沿岸波流强迫力

46、A calculation model of longshore sediment transport rate in sea bay by use of wind elements ─── 利用风要素计算港湾沿岸输沙率的一个数学模式

47、The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act ─── 码头和港湾工人赔偿美

48、The rate of longshore sediment transport is calculated based upon a CERC formula and use of 1977-1979 wave data. ─── 利用1977-1979年波浪观测资料和CERC公式计算沿岸输沙率;

49、The synthetical analysis of the quantitative and qualitative results indicates that longshore sediment transport rate in the sea area is weak and will not creat s... ─── 综合定量计算与定性分析的结果,长兴岛海域沿岸输沙属于微弱型,对港口建设无大碍。

50、It depends on such variables as the available supply of sand and shell material and the intensity of waves and longshore currents. ─── 这完全取决于诸如砂和壳质的补给数量以及波浪和沿岸水流的强度这样的一些因素。

51、The transport and diffusion of a point ink in longshore currents were recorded by CCD cameras over the beach. ─── 通过在沿岸流流场中投放墨水点源和采用CCD摄像机摄像,测量了点源扩散过程。

52、longshore currents ─── 沿岸流

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