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09-20 投稿


mediant 发音

英:[ˈmidɪənt]  美:[ˈmiːdɪənt]

英:  美:

mediant 中文意思翻译



mediant 网络释义

n. 中音;[数] 中间数

mediant 词性/词形变化,mediant变形

副词: medianly |

mediant 相似词语短语

1、median ─── adj.中值的,中间的;中位数的;在中央的,通过中点的;n.中值,中位数;(三角形的)中线;梯形中位线;n.(Median)(美、罗马尼亚、西)梅迪安(人名)

2、medians ─── n.[数]中位数(median的复数)

3、media ─── n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉

4、mediants ─── n.中音;[数]中间数

5、medianly ─── 中等

6、defiant ─── adj.挑衅的;目中无人的,蔑视的;挑战的

7、medicant ─── 药物

8、medicants ─── 药物;

9、deviant ─── adj.反常的,变态的;(贬)同性恋的;离经叛道的;n.不正常的人(或物);性变态者

mediant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mediant trumpet ─── 中音喇叭

2、Asymptotic Behaviour of Mediant for Fourth Order Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem ─── 四阶拉格朗日中值定理中间点的渐近性质

3、Considerations to the Nationalized Development of Mediant and Burdon in National Vocality in China ─── 我国声乐领域里中、低声种的民族化发展探析

4、The right rectangle formula was generalized, the asymptotic behaviour of mediant for the right rectangle formula and the generalized right rectangle formula were given. ─── 摘要本文得到推广的右矩形公式,并给出了右矩形公式和推广的右矩形公式中间点的渐近性质;

5、mediant loudspeaker and amplifier for pickup. ─── 皮卡车中音扬声器,功率放大器。

6、All say 2. Listen to music better speakers 0, high sound good. 2. 1 the speakers, high bass, mediant carelessly. ─── 都说2。0的音箱听音乐好,高中音好。2。1的音箱低音好,高音马马虎虎,中音差。

7、The mediant is the third degree of the scale and is midway between the tonic and the dominant. Tonic, mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad. ─── 中音是第三级音,在主音和属音之间。主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。

8、Asymptotic Behaviour of Mediant for Third Order Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem ─── 三阶拉格朗日中值定理中间点的渐近性质

9、Application of New Form Landini Sixth Chords in the System of Common Mediant Theory Yuan Hong ─── 蓝狄尼六和弦新型式在同中音理论体系中的运用

10、Focused on the asymptotic behaviour of mediant for fourth order Lagrange's mean value theorem and obtained the main results as followed (The equation is abbreviated). ─── 摘要对四阶拉格朗日中值定理中间点的渐近性质进行了研究,得到的主要结果是(方程式略)。

11、3、 Main products: Mediant loudspeaker for van; ─── 3、 主要产品:面包车中音扬声器;

12、Similarly the subdominant, as part of the dominant seventh chord, has a tendency to move to the mediant. ─── 下属音也是如此,下属音作为属音七和弦的一部分,倾向于移向中音。

13、A Class of Integral Intermediate Value Theorem and its Asymptotic Property of Mediant ─── 一类积分中值定理及其中间点的渐近性

14、A Class of Integral Intermediate Value Theorem and its Asymptotic Property of Mediant ─── 一类积分中值定理及其中间点的渐近性

15、mediant loudspeaker for small truck; ─── 平头柴卡车中音扬声器;

16、Asymptotic Property of Mediant for the First Integral Meanvalue Theorem ─── 第一积分中值定理中间点的渐近性质

17、Asymptotic Behaviour of Mediant for Second Order Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem ─── 二阶柯西中值定理中间点的渐近性质

18、The main results of the asymptotic behaviour of mediant derived from two new mean value theorems in differential are (The equation is abbreviated) and (The equation is abbreviated). ─── 摘要得到了2个新微分中值定理中间点的渐近性质,主要结果为(方程式略)和(方程式略)。

19、Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in descending order are: tonic, leading tone or leading note, submediant, dominant, subdominant, mediant, supertonic, tonic. ─── 始自主音,调式下行顺序为:主音,导音,下中音,属音,下属音,中音,上主音,主音。

20、Focused on the asymptotic behaviour, of mediant for second order Cauchy's mean value theore. The main result is (The equation is abbreviated). ─── 摘要对二阶柯西中值定理中间点的渐近性质进行了研究,得到的主要结果是(方程式略)。

21、Asymptotic Behaviour of Mediant for Integral Form Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem ─── 积分型柯西中值定理中间点的渐近性质

22、Application of New Form Landini Sixth Chords in the System of Common Mediant Theory Yuan Hong ─── 蓝狄尼六和弦新型式在同中音理论体系中的运用

23、A Class of Differential Intermediate Value Theorem and Its Asymptotic Behavior of Mediant ─── 一类微分中值定理及其中间点的渐近性质

24、Give a class of integral intermediate value theorem, and obtain main result of the asymptotic property of mediant for the theorem as follows: (The equation is abbreviated). ─── 摘要给出了一类积分中值定理,并且得到了该定理中间点的渐近性的主要结果(方程式略)。

25、The syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization. ─── 阶名唱法中大音阶中的第三个音节。

26、In the second chapter, I propose semi-parametric estimate to get median regression models with the measured error margin and use it to estimate the mediant of survival data. ─── 在第二章,本人用半参数方法提出了协变量测量有误差时的中值回归模型,用它来估计寿命变量的中值。

27、Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in ascending order are: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone or leading note, tonic. ─── 始自主音,调式上行顺序为:主音,上主音,中音,下属音,属音,下中音,导音,主音。

28、A Class of Differential Intermediate Value Theorem and Its Asymptotic Behavior of Mediant ─── 一类微分中值定理及其中间点的渐近性质

29、It's Treble is pleasant and gentle,the Bass is sense of warmth,and the Mediant is softness and satiation. ─── 声音表现自然而富有质感、高音甜润不飘、低音温暖浑厚、中音柔和饱满;

30、Asymptotic Behaviour of Mediant for Fourth Order Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem ─── 四阶拉格朗日中值定理中间点的渐近性质

31、As you can see, the dissonant 7th is approached by leap but then resolves by step onto the mediant note in bar 2. ─── 正如你所看到的,是不和谐的第7次接触,但后来的飞跃解决一步到中间注意在酒吧2。

32、Tonic, mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad. ─── 主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。

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