lavishing 发音
英:[ˈlævɪʃɪŋ] 美:[ˈlævɪʃɪŋ]
英: 美:
lavishing 中文意思翻译
lavishing 词性/词形变化,lavishing变形
动词过去分词: lavished |动词第三人称单数: lavishes |动词过去式: lavished |动词现在分词: lavishing |副词: lavishly |名词: lavisher |
lavishing 短语词组
1、lavishing people ─── 挥霍无度的人
2、lavishing affection ─── 奢华的感情
3、lavishing on v. ─── 大肆花费
4、lavishing sake ─── 奢侈的清酒
lavishing 相似词语短语
1、ravishing ─── adj.引人入胜的;令人陶醉的;v.使陶醉;强奸(ravish的ing形式)
2、banishing ─── v.驱逐;消除;摒弃(banish的ing形式)
3、planishing ─── n.锤光;精轧;[机]打平;v.[机]打平(planish的ing形式)
4、vanishing ─── v.消失;突然不见(vanish的现在分词)
5、blandishing ─── v.奉承;哄骗
6、linishing ─── n.擦光,抛光,磨光;v.(用转动摩擦带)打磨(linish的现在分词)
7、lashing ─── v.鞭打;冲击;怒斥;捆绑;(动物)抽动(尾巴);(肢体)抽动;系紧(lash的现在分词);n.(作为惩罚的)鞭打;捆绑用的绳索;猛烈抨击
8、vishing ─── 维辛
9、famishing ─── v.使挨饿
lavishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But as his career began to wane, Jackson was having trouble funding that lavish lifestyle. ─── 但当他的事业开始下滑时,杰克逊的奢华生活因资金问题而面临瓦解。
2、Surprisingly, they also passed up the opportunity to lavish more subsidies on ethanol. ─── 但令人非常惊奇的,他们同样拒绝给予酒精工业更多补贴的机会。
3、Carry out this edict: Qing is to be given a lavish state burial. ─── 内侍监。厉帝:传旨,厚葬青女。
4、He was accused of lavishing their mothers with gifts, enticing the boys to his bedroom, sexually molesting them then buying their silence. ─── 他被指控用大量的礼物讨好男孩的母亲们,诱骗小男孩到他的卧室,性侵犯他们然后用钱让他们保持沉默。
5、The public lavish their praises o that young singer. ─── 公众大捧特捧那个年轻的歌手。
6、Nor ought I to cease for an instant to lavish upon her all that which she would disdain. ─── 尽管她趾高气扬,我也不应当停止向她倾诉衷肠。
7、Not every rich man is lavish in spending money. ─── 不是每一位富人都滥用金钱。
8、A rich man can be lavish of his money. ─── 富有的人用钱大手大脚。
9、He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. ─── 小钱不知节省,大钱将滥花。
10、They had their own purpose to lavish praise on that book. ─── 他们对那本书大加赞扬有他们自己的用意。
11、The girl's parents are more concerned with making ends meet than lavishing attention upon their daughers. ─── 两个女孩的父母终日为生计奔忙,无暇顾及自己的女儿。
12、The nation could not afford frivolous and lavish promises. ─── 国家不能轻易和过分地许诺。
13、The entertainment was always pleasant, private, and discreet, but never lavish. ─── 招待会总是在私下里谨慎地进行的,很愉快,但从不铺张。
14、Marriage may be the perfect recipe for happiness -- but not for lavish Christmas gifts. ─── 婚姻也许是获得幸福的最佳途径,但是结婚以后可能就再也没有丰富的圣诞礼物了。
15、He constantly gave me attention, lavishing me with compliments, calls and sometimes gifts. ─── 他不停地关注我,赞美我,打电话,有时还送礼物。
16、The lavish window display immediately got my eye. ─── 华丽的橱窗展示吸引了我的注意
17、A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child. ─── 一个溺爱孩子的母亲给予太多的爱在孩子身上,而疏远了丈夫。
18、The skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. ─── 摩天大楼还极大地消耗和浪费电力。
19、It is a mistake to lavish kindness to ungrateful people. ─── 对不知好歹的人释以善意是愚蠢的。
20、Bathing pools, of course, predate swimming pools, and we have all heard of the lavish and sophisticated ancient baths. ─── 当然,泳池是由洗澡池演变过来的,我们经常听到“奢华考究的古浴场”的说法。
21、However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity. ─── 中间也曾一掷百金; 稍有豪气。
22、Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment. ─── 与朋友交际,不要在奢侈娱乐方面花费过多。
23、If you offer a path of entrepreneurship you were lavishing these talents and I guarantee you you'll go on doing amazing things. ─── 如果你选择了创业生涯,你就会发挥这些才能,我敢保证你们会继续,做出令人惊叹的业绩。
24、It is a mistake to lavish kindness ungrateful people. ─── 对于不领情的人来说浪费感情是一种错误。
25、She'd been a bit too lavish with the salt, so the soup didn't taste nice. ─── 她放盐太多, 因而汤的味道不太好。
26、Praise yourself. If all else fails and no one is lavishing you with praise, do what my dad taught me to do: Pat yourself on the back. ─── 夸夸自己。如果一切都搞砸了,没人给你鼓励和赞美,不妨听听我父亲的忠告:拍拍自己的背,鼓鼓自己的劲。
27、She had to be very firm with Andrew on the question of his lavish expenditure. ─── 在大手大脚花钱的问题上,她对安德鲁管得十分严格。
28、With the private sector sitting on its hands, Western governments are lavishing subsidies on CCS. ─── 既然民间部门都对碳撷储袖手旁观,西方各国政府只好往碳撷储砸大钱做补助。
29、Children always love the attention parents lavish on them. ─── 孩子都喜欢父母在他们身上投注许多关心照料。
30、You are lavishing money on the people who got you into this mess. ─── 因为钱已经挥霍到把你带入纷乱的人的身上了。
31、She was lavish in her gifts [in spending money]. ─── 她送礼 [花钱] 大方。
32、Some people are pocketing a sizable amount of taxes to finance their lavish lifestyles. ─── 有些人把大笔的税收,浪费在自己的生活上。
33、But what if you're not good at lavishing someone with praise? ─── 但是,如果你不善于夸奖别人怎么办?
34、The Empress can also represent lavish abundance of all kinds. ─── 女皇也代表各种各样的丰富奢侈。
35、Children always gain lavish gift at Christmas Eve. ─── 圣诞节孩子们常会得到丰富的礼物。
36、I am certain He is gracious enough to do just that, abundantly lavishing you with His loving shalom. ─── 我很确定祂有足够的恩慈会如此做,祂会以丰盛而深情的平安来浇灌在你身上。
37、When I presented a gift, they opened it right away and gave it lavish compliments. ─── 我送上礼物时,美国人会马上打开,然后赞不绝口。
38、She was not used to the lavish mode of living. ─── 她还不习惯那种挥霍的生活方式。
39、In the 1980s,the CEO was a rapacious plunderer,vilified for laying off honest folk just to acquire a more lavish jet. ─── 二十世纪八十年代的CEO是一个贪婪的掠夺者的形象,他们鄙视和排斥他人,只是为了满足他们的贪欲。
40、Sometimes that cruel boss would probably lavish a few wordsof praise on the workers. ─── 有时候那个凶恶的老板也会对工人们说几句好话。
41、In turn, she'd become a champion giver, lavishing those close to her with bounty. ─── 反过来,她已经成了赠送冠军,把奖金送给和她关系很好的人。
42、Her parents shot the works when she had her lavish wedding. ─── 她举行了奢华的婚礼,而她父母都费尽了心血。
43、He is lavish in donating money to charity. ─── 他给慈善事业捐款非常慷慨。
44、You can enjoy social events and meet new potential mates; however, avoid being lavish. ─── 参加一些社会活动,结识一些新朋友,只是要避免出手太阔绰。
45、He thought he would win her over by lavishing her with expensive gifts. ─── 他本以为给她大量的贵重礼物就可以赢得她的芳心。
46、He is lavish of his presents. ─── 他送礼很慷慨。
47、Lavish gifts were bestowed on the visitors. ─── 向来宾赠送了厚礼。
48、He was lavish with his praise for/lavish in praising the project. ─── 他对那计画赞不绝口.
49、Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. ─── 摩天大楼还是电能的过度消费者与浪费者。
50、Yet, they like to grumble and are lavish with money. ─── 惜爱发牢骚和乱花金钱。
51、The most lavish suite of rooms in the hotel had been set aside for Michael and his party. ─── 旅社里最豪华的房间早已准备停当,等待着迈克尔和他的随行人员。
52、She was not used to their lavish mode of living. ─── 她不习惯他们奢侈的生活方式。
53、You are lavishing money on the people who got you into this mess. ─── 钱已经挥霍到把你带入混乱的人的身上了。
54、We were lavishing a little respect on China, which always works well with China. ─── 我们给予中国一点尊重,而这样做对中国来说,通常都很受用。
55、It featured lavish spectacles complete with circus animals, diving horses, opulent sets, and 500-member choruses. ─── 剧院里头有许多华丽的装饰,并且还有许多马戏团的动物、潜水的马匹、美食、还有500人的合唱团。
56、It is a mistake to lavish kindness on ungrateful people. ─── 对忘恩负义的人太好是错误的。
57、Evron only receives a subsistence wage, yet he always lives beyond it by lavishing money on luxuries. ─── 埃荣的工资仅够基本生活开支,却常将钱挥霍在奢侈品上,弄得经常入不敷支。
58、He will accept nothing, neither reparation nor lavish gifts. ─── 即使你多送礼品,他也不肯罢休。
59、Once he's on easy street, he'll be able to lavish attention on the wife and kiddies. ─── 只要他能成功,他就能和老婆小孩共享天伦之乐了!
60、You need't lavish money and time on pets. ─── 你不必在宠物身上滥花金钱和时间。
61、My living arrangements were lavish but also a bit erratic. ─── 我的住处布置得很考究,但也有不少毛
62、Mrs.. Hart is lavish in spending money. ─── 哈特太太在用钱方面过于挥霍。
63、Do you lavish praises on your friends? ─── 你总是大肆吹捧你的朋友吗?
64、My advertising message is: Signing up both X and Z will get you lavish rewards! ─── 我的广告语是:如果您同时注册X和Z,你将获得丰厚的奖励。
65、He that regards not a penny will lavish a pound. ─── 小钱不知节省,大钱将滥花。诺言好似馅饼皮,做来便是为咬碎。
66、Try not to be too lavish with your lover. ─── 对你的情人不要太大方。
67、Events soon proved that he had given no hostage to Wall Street by accepting its lavish contributions. ─── 事实很快证明,他并没有对华尔街许愿来换取其慷慨捐助。
68、lavishing many hours of morbid ingenuity, to create an analogy between the object of her affection and the emblem of her guilt and torture. ─── 她不借花费许多时间,用病态的才智创造出这个既象她的慈爱的对象又象她的罪孽和折磨的标志的作品。
69、New armoured Mercedes limousines will whisk them to hotel suites and a lavish petro-dollar fuelled reception. ─── 崭新的豪华梅赛德斯-驰防弹车将接送各位石油部长穿梭于酒店和用石油美元打造的盛大欢迎仪式。
70、My neighbor is given to lavish spending. ─── 我的邻居喜欢乱花钱
71、The skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and, wasters, of electric power. ─── 摩天大楼也是电力的奢侈消费者和浪费者。
72、She slipped out while her husband was lavishing salutes and offering M.Leblanc a chair. ─── 她丈夫在白先生跟前极尽恭敬殷勤,扶着一把椅子请他坐下。
73、More info: Here's a video demo, made back when HP was not only willing to talk about this product but was lavishing it with hype. ─── 附加信息:这是一段演示视频,当时惠普不仅乐于谈论这一产品,而且不惜血本大肆宣传。
74、He despised people who were lavish with their praises . ─── 他看不起那些阿谀奉承的人。
75、Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery. ─── 整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。
76、He received lavish praise from the boss for his state-of-the art invention. ─── 对于他那个艺术级的发明创造,他已经受到太多他老板的赞扬.
77、The practice of holding lavish feast at weddings in the south of China can well be dispensed with. ─── 南方结婚大办酒席的风气实在可以免。
78、Later at the Second Plenary Session we expressed the hope that he would speak on his mistakes, but instead he digressed, lavishing praises upon us. ─── 后头,在二中全会上,我们希望他讲一讲他自己的错误,但是他讲别的东西,只讲我们这些人怎么好怎么好。
79、He is lavish and ostentatious. ─── 他花钱大手大脚且喜欢摆阔。
80、Skyscrapers Become lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. ─── 摩天大楼成为电力的消费大户,甚至成为电力的浪费者。
81、Some masses criticized: it is not their own money that they are lavishing. ─── 对此,群众也颇有意见:不是花自己口袋里的钱不心疼!
82、He was lavish in his praise for her paintings. ─── 他大力赞扬她的绘画。
83、She was lavish in her gifts. ─── 她送礼大方。
84、They lived a very lavish lifestyle. ─── 他们过着挥霍无度的生活。
85、Alvin, then, the first brother, is a lavish spender. ─── 哥哥阿尔文是个挥霍者,他不仅有挥霍的性情,而且有挥霍的信念。
86、Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? ─── 为什麽有些很很平凡的女人住在上西城区过著奢华的生活?
87、Lavish on the love and hugs and strokes when she isn't into mischief. ─── 在篮子里或袋子里装满东西,这样她就不能制造麻烦了。
88、Lavish somebody with something -Hug your children and lavish them with love. ─── 拥抱你的孩子,给予他们更多的爱。
89、He was lavish with his praise for the project. ─── 他对那计划赞不绝口。
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