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09-20 投稿


sandalwood 发音

英:['sænd(ə)lwʊd]  美:['sændlwʊd]

英:  美:

sandalwood 中文意思翻译



sandalwood 词性/词形变化,sandalwood变形

形容词: sandaled |

sandalwood 短语词组

1、sandalwood family un. ─── 檀香科

2、red sandalwood ─── [医] 紫檀

3、South Australian sandalwood oil ─── [医] 南澳洲檀香油

4、Fiji sandalwood oil ─── [医] 斐济檀香油

5、sandalwood warbler ─── 檀香莺

6、black sandalwood ─── 黑檀香木

7、Australian sandalwood oil ─── [医] 澳洲檀香油

8、sandalwood tree ─── 檀香

9、true sandalwood ─── [网络] 真檀香

10、white sandalwood ─── [化] 白檀香木 ─── [医] 白檀, 檀香

11、sandalwood oil ─── [化] 檀香油

12、sandalwood soap ─── 檀香香皂

13、synthetic sandalwood oil ─── [化] 合成檀香油

14、African sandalwood ─── [网络] 非洲小叶紫檀;非洲檀香;非洲檀香木

sandalwood 相似词语短语

1、sandalled ─── 穿凉鞋的

2、sanderswood ─── 桑德斯伍德

3、sandalfoot ─── 凉鞋

4、sandaled ─── n.凉鞋;檀香;檀香木;便鞋;

5、red sandalwood ─── 紫檀

6、Sandalwood ─── n.檀香,白檀;檀香木

7、sandalwood oil ─── 檀香油,檀木油

8、candlewood ─── n.蜡烛木;用来做火炬或蜡烛替代品的多脂木材

9、agalwood ─── n.沉香木(等于agalloch)

sandalwood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wooden carving and sandalwood handicrafts: Wing celtis lily magnolia, wooden colored bangle, sandal-wood carving, musical instrument and so on; ─── 木制雕刻品及檀香木手工艺品:檀木笔、木制彩色手镯、檀香木雕、乐器等;

2、I do mahogany business company for many years, selling various kinds of imported mahogany: African wood, timber in South America, Southeast Asia Item Huali, Madagascar large-leaved red sandalwood. ─── 我公司做红木生意多年,出售各种进口红木:非洲木材、南美木材、东南亚酸枝花梨、马达加斯加大叶紫檀。

3、A dynamic, crisp casual fragrance for men Sparkling, fresh, subtle Features bergamot, lime, exotic spices Blended with patchouli, musk, sandalwood Suitable for special occasions ─── 刽子手淡香水喷雾活力、休閒的男士香水,突出、清新的感觉。带有佛手柑、青柠、异国香料,混有广藿香、麝香、檀香。适合特别场合。

4、Bright type furniture chooses rare wood more, wait like red sandalwood, Hua Li, annatto, also can use wood of nanmu, Walnut, Yu. ─── 明式家具多选用名贵的木材,如紫檀、花梨、红木等,楠木、胡桃木、榆木等也会采用。

5、Ingredient: Honey and sandalwood etc. ─── 主要成份:蜂蜜、檀香、香茅、月桂、罗勒。

6、Hard durable wood of red sandalwood trees (Pterocarpus santalinus). ─── 名紫榆,豆科,常绿大乔木,高五尺丈。

7、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、pearl powder、liquorice、sandalwood、caulis spatholobi、amino acid ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、珍珠、甘草、当归、川芎、氨基酸等。

8、Due to a combination of the environmental requirements and the necessity of living off a host plant, sandalwood is not easy to propagate. ─── 由于对环保要求的结合和生活过的主机电站的必要性,檀香是不容易传播。

9、The golden unicorns also served as sandalwood burners. ─── 它也是个香炉,用来焚香。

10、China Red Sandalwood Museum is a building of traditional style. ─── 中国紫檀博物馆是一座传统风格建筑的博物馆。

11、Girls show diabolos made of red sandalwood during the forum themed "Diabolo Culture and Beijing Olympic Games" in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 19, 2008. ─── 2月19日,在北京宣武区举行的“空竹文化与北京奥运”主题论坛上,礼仪小姐展示奥运主题的紫檀空竹作品。

12、A hole of door of red sandalwood wood that contains a lot ofcontemporary feeling isolates sitting room and dining-room area, set adornment standard aside, simple and rich appeal. ─── 一个富含现代感的紫檀木门洞把客厅与餐厅区隔开,一旁设有装饰格,简单而富有情趣。

13、He was a giant of a man with a long square face, a wide mouth and a complexion suffused with the colour of red sandalwood. ─── 他的身材魁梧,生一副大长方脸,嘴巴阔大,肌肤呈着紫檀色。

14、Base Notes: Musk, Vanilla, Peach, Sandalwood, Orris and Vetiver. ─── 后调:麝香,香草,桃,檀香,鸢尾草和香根草。

15、Ping Shan Wei's first summit presided over ceremonies ceremony, the festival table fill beautifully preserved wine Dining, the sandalwood incense in Chaman, a Xiangwu wind around. ─── 先由坪山圩的首脑主持祭典仪式,祭桌上摆满精美的果脯酒馔,大香炉里插满檀香,一片香雾缭绕。

16、2.Whitening Chinese medicine: material: Baizhi, licorice, nucleolus, Angelica, mung bean powder, sandalwood and other sub Yanmo. ─── 2.中医美白:材料:白芷、甘草、核仁、当归、绿豆粉、檀香等分研末。

17、China's sandalwood fans gives off a sweet fragrance. ─── 中国的檀香扇香气高雅。

18、Ingredient: Verbena and sandalwood etc. ─── 主要成份:马鞭草、檀香木、琥珀。

19、Sandalwood、Carrot Seed、Geranium、Jojoba、Sweet Almond and soon。 ─── 主要成份:檀香、胡萝卜籽、天竺葵、荷荷芭、甜杏仁油等。

20、As sandalwood is ignited creating a lovely smelling smoke, it also allows for illumination of one's field as to the patterns that one is transcending in ascension. ─── 当檀香木被点燃时,它就产生了一种很好闻的烟雾,它也允许对一个人能量场里在提升中所要超越模式的照明。

21、Made specifically for her wedding day, the soft, feminine scent with notes of pink freesia, jasmine, and sandalwood. ─── 专门为她的婚礼当天,柔软,女性化的粉红色小苍兰,茉莉注意到的香味,和檀香。

22、5.Main ingredients: helichrysum, beeswax, rose and sandalwood. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、蜂蜡、玫瑰、檀香。

23、This is like the fragrance that issues from the sandalwood. ─── 这就像从檀香里发出的香味一样。

24、Sandalwood, wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. ─── 檀香木材,经纵锯或纵削、平切或旋切,不论是否经刨平、砂磨或端接,其厚度超过6公厘者。

25、Crisp and refined, its top notes of mandarin and green botanicals trail into softer hints of sandalwood, sage and jasmine for a strong, masculine expression. ─── 前味是清新优雅的橘子和绿色植物香气,之后逐渐转折为融合著檀香、鼠尾草和茉莉香的柔和香气。

26、Sandalwood or rose-bay or lotus or jasmine--- among these perfumes, the perfume of virtue is unsurpassed. ─── 栴檀多香,青莲芳华,虽曰是真,不如戒香

27、Blow a small batten with the knife from red sandalwood wood, dip is in alcohol, if appear to together gules silk, may be red sandalwood. ─── 从紫檀木上用刀刮下一片小木条,浸在酒精里,若出现一道道红色的丝条,则可能是紫檀。

28、Both laurel temples and sandalwood palaces, ─── 桂殿兰宫

29、With the notes of citrus, quince, black currant, pineapple, honeydew Lotus blossom, water lily, rose, jasmine, sandalwood, peach, mulberry and amber ─── 冰水淡香水喷雾蕴含柑橘,温桲,蜜瓜,莲花,荷花,茉莉花,檀香木,桃子,桑椹及琥珀。

30、Geisha Perfume Nobara-Cha rose tea, is a fusion of rose, sandalwood and amber. it is very sophisticated and relaxing scent. One of the most popular scent. ─── 另外两款,味道我有点弄混了,其中一款很好闻,温暖,非常适合秋冬。另外一款脂粉香,今天闻得太多了,有点晕头。

31、I think it's more beautiful than the sandalwood fan and also cheaper. ─── 我觉得这绢扇比檀香扇更美,也更便宜。

32、In Wanfu Hall there is a 26mhigh statue of Maitreya, sculpted from a single piece of sandalwood with a diameter of 3m. ─── 万福阁中身高26米的弥勒站像是由一棵直径3米的白檀木雕成的。

33、The courtesy and customs, women on the forehead with sandalwood red dot points. ─── 度的礼节和习俗,妇女额头上点着檀香红点。

34、Floral and fruity but spicy fragrance With notes of cinnamon, peach, apricot, sandalwood, heliotrope, and vanilla ─── 快乐之源香水喷雾补充装花香及果味但不多香料的香水。蕴含肉桂、桃子、杏、檀香、天芥菜及香子兰。

35、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko extract, honeysuckle, chamomile, ylang-ylang essence, sandalwood extract etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、银杏提取精华、金银花、洋甘菊、伊兰精华、檀香纯露等。

36、As a symbol of imperial power, the sandalwood throne, standing on a two-meter high platform, is located in the center of the hall and encircled by six gold-lacquered pillars painted with dragons. ─── 作为皇权的象征,檀香宝座放在两米高的平台上,它是这个大殿的最中心。宝座两边排有6根画着云龙图案的金色柱子。

37、He established a government monopoly in the sandalwood trade, and he collected duties (charges) from visiting ships. ─── 他让政府垄断檀香木贸易并对造访船只征税。

38、We welcome another fresh morning at Sandalwood Private Resort, standing majestic at the end of the flourishing Shanghai Xijiao State Guest Hotel forest. ─── 伫立于庄严的上海西郊国宾馆茂密的森林边缘,我们迎来了檀宫新的一天。

39、Trial Production of Imitation Sandalwood Veneer ─── 仿檀香木单板的试制

40、We know your company handles Chinese sandalwood furniture. ─── 我们了解到贵公司经营中国檀木家具。 。

41、His face was smeared with sandalwood, and he wore a loose-fitting silk shirt through which a dark triangle of chest hair stuck out. ─── 拜先生的脸上有些檀香的污迹,他穿着一件宽松的丝绸衬衫,一撮黑色的胸毛透过衬衫的间隙横空而出。

42、Another precious sandalwood Product distribution of herbal medicine into the medicinal products of this company in terms of appearance, aroma, sound effects all be fine tradition. ─── 另檀香产品配入珍贵之本草药材使本公司系列产品无论在外观、香气、功效等均得到精美完善的传统。

43、Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk. ─── 其次为西南天然林区,该区主要树种有云杉、冷杉、云南松,还有珍贵的柚木、紫檀、樟、楠、红木等;

44、I will replenish with scented oil the lamp that burns by your bedside,and decorate your footstool with sandalwood and safforn paste in wondrous designs. ─── 我会给您床头燃着的灯盏里注满芳香的灯油,用檀香和藏红花膏涂成奇妙的图案,装饰您的脚凳。

45、Dolce Vita Eau De Toilette Spray Floral and fruity but spicy fragrance With notes of cinnamon, peach, apricot, sandalwood, heliotrope, and vanilla ─── 快乐之源淡香水喷雾61021快乐之源淡香水喷雾。带花香及水果而稍微香料味的香薰。含肉桂,桃子,杏桃,檀香木,向日葵及香子兰。

46、Take Sweden as an example, this country asserts Rhizoma Curcumae Longae, hot pepper, Stigma Croci and sandalwood are not the pigment, but fragrant hard material. ─── 以瑞典为例,该国认定姜黄、辣椒、藏红花及檀香木不是色素,而是香辛料。

47、Sandalwood With The Sandalwood Flavor ─── 夕照檀味

48、She looks very elegant in a mandarin gown and with a sandalwood fan in her hand. ─── 她身穿旗袍,手持檀香扇的样子特别文雅。

49、The shuttle had entered a large hall about several acres wide.The floor was covered with Chrysoprase.Red pillars loomed above and an arrangement of golden sandalwood columns mirrored their splendor. ─── 原来梭身已进入一个广约数亩的大殿,翠玉铺地,红柱擎天,金碧旃檀,罗列辉映。

50、He made a delicate small box using sandalwood. ─── 他用黄檀制作了一个精美的小盒子。

51、Main ingredients: shea, beeswax, sandalwood and bergamot. ─── 主要成份:乳木果、蜂蜡、檀香、佛手柑。

52、Base notes are sandalwood, cedar and oakmoss. ─── 基调:含橡木,檀香木。

53、Back odour: sandalwood and opopanax. ─── 后味:檀香、愈伤草。

54、Barbados pride, Coral-wood, Coralwood, Peacock flower fence, Red beadtree, Red sandalwood tree, Red sandalwood, Sandalwood tree. ─── 从前很多, 不过市政局都砍掉了,理由是难清理。事实是这树太硬了,很难死,没钱赚。

55、Study on Extraction Technique for Mixture Volatile Oil of Olibanam and Sandalwood ─── 乳香、檀香混合挥发油的提取工艺研究

56、and traded the rest of my sandalwood, silk, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves with the merchants in the kingdom, ─── 并把其余的檀香木、丝绸、姜、豆蔻及丁香等货品与王国里的商人交易,

57、The wall is white, doorcase is red sandalwood, the door is white, floor (rise Da Senlin real wood of amorous feelings copy) be log color. ─── 墙是白色的、门框是紫檀的、门是白色的、地板(升达—森林风情仿实木)是原木色的。

58、Later the idea of taking the dust from the sandalwood carvings and creating incense from it by rolling it together with other essential oils occurred. ─── 后来,从檀香木雕刻品所留下的木屑中制造香料的点子就产生了,人们将这些木屑和其他精油混合而卷制起来成为香料。

59、with a sandalwood tree. ─── 和一棵檀树长在一块儿了。

60、She looks very elegant in a mandarin gown and with a sandalwood fan in her hand. ─── 她身穿旗袍,手持檀香扇的样子特别文雅。

61、Among them,there are black sandalwood’treasure boat with nine dragons design’,deerhorn antlers chair,chair with lotus design. ─── 工艺师们针对木材的特性,运用了浮雕、透雕、圆雕等各种雕刻技法,创作出了黑檀九龙舟、鹿角椅、荷花椅等巧夺天工的佳作。

62、Top notes: honeysuckle, rose and freesia Middle notes: melon, pear and iris Base notes: amber, sandalwood and violet Senses: Citrus, Floral ─── 依芭素香水喷雾1284-33初调:金银花,玫瑰及小苍兰,中调:瓜类,梨子及鸢尾花,基调:琥珀,檀香及紫罗兰。带柑橘及花香气息。

63、It is the Sandalwood Tree Kingdom that greets you today. ─── 今天是檀香木王国向你们问候。

64、Ingredient: Rose and sandalwood etc. ─── 主要成份:玫瑰、檀香、柠檬草、橙、罗勒。

65、I can make a chair in sandalwood for you if you prefer that. ─── 如果妳相中的话,我可以给妳做一个檀木椅。(椅体外现著自身的檀木质物性)

66、While worshipping, he noticed that the fumes of the sandalwood incense drifted towards the nose of the Amitabha Buddha statue and thought, This isnt right! ─── 他拜的时候,看到檀香的烟飘到阿弥陀佛像的鼻子那里,他想:这不行!


68、A ship's captain wanted to risk the dying sandalwood trade. ─── 一个船长想在这个其实已经日薄西山的檀香木买卖上试试运气。

69、Fans. Are these all sandalwood? ─── 扇子,这些都是檀香木扇子吗?

70、South Australian sandalwood oil ─── [医] 南澳洲檀香油

71、A new method was used to distinguish the aroma of France Rhodia sandalwood series. ─── 摘要应用一种新方法来区别法国罗地亚檀香系列的香气。

72、Lightly striking their sandalwood castanets and softly plucking their silver lyres ─── "轻敲檀板,款按银筝"

73、I lit sandalwood incense in my room. ─── 我在房间里点了一支檀香的棒儿香。

74、Limited is the scent of rose-bay or sandalwood; but the perfume of the virtuous rises up to the gods as the highest. ─── 华香气微,不可谓真,持戒之香,到天殊胜

75、Keywords Olibanum;Sandalwood;Volatile oil;Extraction technique;Orthogonal test; ─── 乳香;檀香;挥发油;提取工艺;正交试验;

76、For the man with a sense of style - Preferred Stock. A sophisticated blend of sandalwood and vetiver with a citrus twist. It's what preferred men prefer. ─── "优先股"-高品味男士的选择,混合了檀香木,岩兰草,加上一些柑橘香,精致的气味,深受优质男性的喜爱

77、A subtle oriental, refined fragrance Fresh, smooth, sensual, alluring Notes of sage, lavender, patchouli Blended with sandalwood, myrrh, vanilla, musk Perfect for all occasions ─── 古龙拍敷装东方精炼香水,清新、感性、诱人,带有鼠尾草、薰衣草、广藿香香味,混有檀香、没药、香草、麝香。适合所有场合。

78、In this sacred place, filled with the fragrance of sandalwood and incense, the faces of all who enter are lit by the glow from the burning alters of Isis. ─── 在这个神圣的地方,充满芬芳檀香和香烛,脸上的所有输入是谁点燃的辉光从燃烧改变的伊西斯。

79、Carving Wood, Incense Wood, Sandalwood, Agarwood, Mahuhu Wood, Ebony Wood and other wood product from Eastern Africa ─── 产品:锯材级原木,单板级原木,旋切级原木,锯材级原木,单板级原木,旋切级原木

80、Most of the Ming Dynasty furniture was made of rare fine timbers, such as red sandalwood, pear wood and blackwood. Sometimes, nanmu, elm and walnut were used. ─── 明式家具多选用名贵的木材,如紫檀、花梨、红木、杞梓木、铁梨等硬木,有时也用楠木、胡桃木、榆木等。

81、The main wood pen holder made a Huanghua pear, red sandalwood, Wings of wood, gall wood, beech, and so on. ─── 木笔筒的主要材质有黄花梨、紫檀、鸡翅木、瘿木、榉木等。

82、The detailed elements, colonnades, sandalwood, foundation supports and cornices extracted from Chinese traditional architectures have become the modern architectures languages. ─── 从中国传统建筑中提炼出细部元素,柱廊、枋、基座、檐口在方案设计中成为了现代的建筑语言。

83、Materials: 4 votive candles, 1 taper candle, a chalice with salt-water, a bowl of sand, a cone of sandalwood incense, matches. ─── 工具:四只许愿蜡烛、一只细蜡烛、适量的盐水装在酒杯当中、一碗沙、一搓檀香料、火柴。

84、Nates on the discovery of sandalwood statue of Buddha in the Palace Museum ─── 故宫发现旃檀瑞像杂记

85、Ingredient: Lavender and sandalwood etc. ─── 主要成份:薰衣草、檀香、蜜柑、香茅。

86、Fan of Sandalwood in hand, the ring has not its lustre. A drop of cream moisten the women's second face. Celebutante classic hand-cream love the gentle hands. ─── 手拿檀香扇,钻戒也没了光泽。一滴精华滋润了女人的第二张脸。名媛经典护手霜呵护双手的温柔。

87、The alluring essences of rose, lavender, and sandalwood transport your senses, taking you to a world of perfect peace and total abandonment. ─── 在诱人的玫瑰精华,薰衣草和檀香运输您的感官,同时您将看到一个完美的世界的和平与彻底放弃。

88、When furs and sandalwood were not available, kegs of Spanish or Mexican silver dollars were carried on the ships and traded to the Chinese dealers. ─── 在毛皮与檀香木生意还没开始前,西班牙橡木桶或墨西哥银币被运载上船与中国商人交易。

89、Keywords Rice paper;sandalwood skin;handsheet;machine made paper; ─── 宣纸;檀皮;青草;燎草;捞纸(或手抄纸);机制浆;

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